Brand New Sky

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Brand New Sky Page 27

by Heidi Hutchinson

  “I love you,” she said, meaning it in that all-encompassing way.

  She loved that he teased her, but not too much. She loved that he was pouring orange juice for both of them, not just himself. And he'd remembered to only fill her glass halfway because that's all she ever drank.

  She loved that he wasn't afraid to love her. And in turn, it made her unafraid.

  Those gorgeous blue eyes looked up at her through thick eyelashes. “I love you more.”

  “I know.”

  His tilted his head, his smile curious.

  “But I'm not gonna let it stay that way.” She took a step towards him, in all the ways that implied. “We're gonna keep going, and I'm going to get better at loving you.” She wasn't sure where her confidence was coming from, it was just suddenly there. It was like she looked up and saw him and saw a thousand mornings just like this. She knew they were going to succeed at what they were doing. The thought had been there, the idea, hanging out in the back of her mind. She would flirt with it occasionally, pretend that is was going to happen. And now it wasn't pretend.

  And it had happened when he poured her a half-full glass of orange juice.

  “I will forever attempt to deserve you,” she said, her words firm, her voice unafraid.

  The orange juice forgotten, Sway came around the edge of the counter and caught her face in his hands.

  “So it's decided then?” he asked, his eyes desperately searching hers. “We're in this together for the long haul?”

  “Yeah,” she said, before she was finished, his mouth was on hers. His hands were hot and under her shirt, touching, taking, branding. She wrapped her hands in his hair as she opened her mouth under his. He lifted her up and set her on the counter, stepping between her legs and holding her flush to his body. His hands continued to roam under her shirt and she let out a sigh as her head tipped back and his teeth nipped at her shoulder.

  “Dios mío!”

  Ryan's eyes flew open and she jumped off the counter, Sway wrapped both of his arms around her.

  A flurry of Spanish was hurled at them as Isabella made the sign of the cross over herself.

  “Isabella,” Ryan said, checking to make sure all of her body parts were covered while she tried to ignore Sway's laughter and the fact that he was hiding his face in her hair.

  “Who is this man, Ryan?” Isabella continued in English, putting her hands to her hips. “Because from what I saw, he is not behaving in a respectful manner.”

  Oh, God, this morning could not get any more embarrassing.

  “Isabella,” Ryan faced her neighbor and tried to smile politely. “I'm so sorry you had to walk in on that. We were making breakfast—”

  “You were making babies!” Isabella corrected.

  Sway's choking laughter made Ryan throw him a glare over her shoulder.

  “Isabella, I am so sorry. I...” Ryan sighed. She had nothing to say that would change what Isabella saw. “He's my boyfriend.”

  Sway stepped forward and stuck out his hand, his full flirt on. “Pleased to meet you. I'm Sway. I'm in town with Ryan to help her with her family troubles.”

  Isabella hesitantly took his hand, her dark eyes narrowed.

  “You have done an amazing job with this home,” Sway continued, positively dripping with charm. “And the food is delicious.” Ryan swatted his abs.

  Isabella looked skeptical. “You are a charming, handsome boy.” She sized him up and down and then went back to Ryan, giving her a warm smile. “And you are more beautiful than the sunshine this morning.”

  She pulled Ryan into a hug, the kind that only good Puerto Rican mamas can give. She smelled like oranges.

  “Hi,” Ryan said softly, looking into the eyes of the woman who had not just lived next door but also kept her home safe, and had been the only caring person in her life after her mom had died.

  “Is he welcome here, chica? Or do I need to escort him out?” Isabella said when she had Ryan's full attention.

  Ryan laughed as Sway looked offended. “Yes, he's welcome. I brought him with me.”

  Isabella lifted an eyebrow and she regarded Sway openly, still holding onto both of Ryan's hands. “He has such long hair.”

  “I like it that way,” Ryan said, gifting Sway a teasing smile.

  Isabella shrugged her tiny shoulders and sighed. “I had always hoped you'd come home and marry my Ricky. But I suppose this will do.”

  Sway's face went from amused to suspicious in an instant. Ryan was already shaking her head.

  “Who's Ricky?”

  “My son,” Isabella said proudly, taking over on the breakfast making.

  Ryan sat down at the breakfast bar and motioned for Sway to join her.

  “How is Ricky?” she asked, ignoring Sway's glare.

  “He was drafted to Miami, like he always wanted. But then traded to Los Angeles this year.” Isabella gave Ryan the look that said she was not pleased.

  “At least he's playing, though,” Ryan encouraged. LA was not the team Isabella wanted Ricky on. LA was the enemy.

  “What sport are we talking about here, basketball?” Sway asked, joining the conversation.

  “Si,” Isabella set their plates in front of them. “What do you think of LA?”

  Sway lifted one shoulder. “I was born and raised in Boston, so I was taught to hate LA.”

  Isabella's serious face broke into a smile. She patted Sway's hand. “You're a good boy.”

  Ryan tried to hide her smile, but failed. So she ate her eggs happily, not caring that she looked like an idiot. She was a happy idiot.


  Sway held Ryan's hand in the car ride to the hospital. And in the elevator up to the floor where her grandmother's room was.

  They didn't get a lot of answers at the nurses' station, but it was obvious they were surprised that Amanda Spore had visitors. Which seemed to make Ryan sad and unsurprised.

  She knocked softly on the door before stepping inside the room, the large bouquet of white daisies and orchids clutched in her hand.

  Sway's first thought was this woman did not look as good as his Gran. Of course, she was hooked up to machines and in a hospital bed.

  “What are you doing here?” the silver haired waif in the bed asked with more venom than Sway thought should be able to come out of a woman on her death bed.

  “Hello, Amanda,” Ryan said gently. “How are you feeling?”

  “Well, I'm damn near dead,” was the reply, tiny hands waving about. “These idiot doctors are trying to kill me.”

  Ryan smiled, that placid soft smile that was nice—but it wasn't the one she used on Sway. It was practiced. Shaped like a smile but operating as a wall. She looked around the room, spotting an empty pitcher and dispatching the flowers. After that she ran her hands down her gray dress slacks and began pulling a chair closer to the bed.

  “Would you like something nicer?” Ryan asked, sitting down. Sway stayed by the door, not wanting to interfere, but still wanting his presence to be felt by Ryan. Letting her know she wasn't alone.

  “You have a lot of nerve asking me that question,” Amanda said darkly, her eyes narrowing and her mouth pinched in a cruel pucker.

  Ryan kept right on track. “I've been in contact with your doctors—”

  “And my lawyer I hope,” Amanda huffed.

  Ryan nodded. “Yes.” Taking a deep breath, she looked down at her bag in her lap and pulled out a stack of brochures. “You should go through these when you have time and pick the one that suits you best.” She placed the stack on the table nearest Amanda.

  “What the hell are those for?”

  “I just thought you might want to be in a place that will take care of you until... Until it's over.” It was the nicest, most practical explanation Sway could think of.

  Amanda glared at Ryan silently. Her eyes cut to Sway. “Who's the hippy?”

  “He's none of your business,” Ryan said firmly.

  Amanda stared at him, her hands clenchin
g and unclenching the blanket at her sides. “He looks like someone you'd shack up with. I always told your mother that you were shit for brains. Dumb as a bucket, I said. Got that from your dad.” Her mean eyes returned to Ryan, who sat as still as a statue. “You always thought you were better than your blood. Tricked her into signing those papers so that we would be left with nothing. And now you come here, all high and mighty, offering a fraction of what I'm owed. I don't need you. I have family who cares about me.”

  Ryan slowly rotated her head and looked all around the room. “Where are the flowers, Amanda? Cards? When was the last time someone came to see you? Really?”

  Amanda turned her head to the window and pressed her thin lips together.

  Ryan sighed and stood up. “I've already begun the process of taking care of your medical bills. They can release you as soon as you have a place to go where you can be cared for.” She made her way to the door and smiled tightly at Sway. Turning around she said, “You should pick somewhere nice. There are a lot of choices with active communities that I think you would like.”

  Amanda didn't respond. Ryan took Sway's hand and before they stepped out the door, Amanda threw out one last barb. “I told her to abort you.”

  Ryan lifted her chin and stared straight ahead. “I know.”

  They left the hospital without another word. All Sway wanted to do was take Ryan away from the wickedness of that woman and this place and hide her away forever. Someplace safe and beautiful and free. That short interaction was painful to witness and he wondered how long she'd had to endure words being thrown at her like that before she had finally left.

  As if reading his mind, Ryan placed a kiss on his cheek when he opened the car door for her. “My mom kept me away from them most of my life. She protected me. It wasn't until after she died that I found out how very much they didn't want me.”

  “How bad of a person does it make me that I wanted to slap an old lady on her death bed?” Sway asked.

  Ryan grinned. “You wanna get something to eat?”

  “Yes, I'm starving,” he said earnestly. “But first, are you okay?”

  Ryan took the time to think about it. So when she answered, he knew it was the truth.

  “Yeah. I really am.”

  “I need to make something clear,” Sway said, making sure he had her full attention. “You're amazing and I'm so very proud of you.”

  He waited for that smile before he kissed her once more. She folded into the seat and he closed the door. On his way over to his side of the car, he grimaced and tried to adjust his pants. Ryan was laughing at him by the time he was turning the ignition.

  “What's going on over there? Should I be worried?” she asked.

  “Can you keep a secret?” he asked, starting to back out of his spot and rearrange his man parts at the same time. “I put on the wrong underwear this morning. I had no idea it would be this hot down here. And now I have one ball stuck to my leg.”

  Ryan's loud laughter, made him smile.

  He loved being able to make her do that.


  Amanda waited for the nurse to leave before she dialed the phone.

  “Hello,” her oldest son, Vic, barked into the phone.

  “What does it take to get my own kids to come and visit me?” she asked harshly.

  “Mom?” he asked.

  “Yes, dammit. Unless you have another parent shoved into a hospital at the moment.”

  “I've been busy—”

  “Shut up and listen to me for one second in your life,” Amanda cut him off. “You'll never believe who came to the hospital rubbing my money in my face.”

  “Cryin' Ryan,” Vic guessed correctly. “What the hell does she want?”

  “To cause more grief. She harassed me for an hour about dropping the suit.”

  “Spoiled bitch. Don't worry, mom. I'll make sure she doesn't bother you anymore.”

  “Thank you, son. And bring me a pack of Lites.”

  Chapter 32

  My Poor Brain

  The meeting with the lawyer went about as expected.

  Ryan wasn't allowed to know certain details about the medical records, but Kelly was taking care of it. He had started the process months ago when he'd first received notice that the family was doing what the family does—try to gain money by any means possible. There was a reason that Granddad Spore wrote everyone out of the will.

  All Amanda had to do was choose a location and she could be moved. Ryan had set it up so that she'd be very comfortable for as many years as she had left. It didn't make her feel charitable or philanthropic. It also wasn't attached to any misplaced guilt or hope that this would make the woman like her. No, Ryan's actions were completely selfish in this, and she was fine with that. She simply wanted those people to leave her alone.

  The day had been full. Emotional. Which was a little unexpected for Ryan. She wasn't feeling overwhelmed, but she was feeling it. The tension, the pressure, the disappointment. It was thick and very present, but it wasn't crushing her.

  Not this time.

  Never again.

  Sway hummed contentedly and she enjoyed the vibration as it moved from him into her ear on his chest. The sunset from the third floor balcony had never been this spectacular. He was stretched out on one of the loungers and she'd curled up next to and on top of him. The physical contact between them had become second nature. It wasn't that Ryan was suddenly okay with people being in her space. It was only Sway. No one else allowed.

  One of his arms held her, the hand at her back, fingers stroking up and down her spine. His other arm was bent behind his head.

  “Do you suppose this will last a long time?” she asked quietly. “I mean, how easy this is with you and me?”

  Sway chuckled softly. “I think it only seems easy because we both want to be here so bad.”

  “Do you think we'll get tired of each other?”

  “Hmm” he said, thinking about it. “Maybe. I think you'll get tired of me, but I really don't see myself getting tired of you.”

  Ryan blinked at his words and pressed her body closer to him, needing to feel it. “Why do you think I'll get tired of you?”

  “Because I push your buttons and drive you crazy. Which, incidentally, is the reason why I won't get tired of you.”

  She couldn't stop the bubble of a laugh that escaped. “You enjoy pushing my buttons?”

  “Oh, yeah. Your buttons are my favorites. They're so firm and round.”

  “Sway!” she exclaimed, slapping his chest as he laughed deeply.

  “See? Perfect example,” he teased, his fingers meandering up into her hair.

  “You're ridiculous.”

  He sighed. “I guess. But you like me that way.”

  She did like him that way. It evened the playing field in a way. They stood on the same ground, wanting the same thing—each other.

  “What if I get really fat?” she asked.

  “It's called really pregnant and I'm looking forward to it.”

  She smiled against his chest. “You know what I mean.”

  His fingers took a firm hold of her hair and tugged gently, angling her face up to him. All teasing aside, he looked at her seriously. “Nothing in this world is going to change how much I love you.”

  She heard the words but she wasn't letting them penetrate until she got out the quiet small fear she'd kept hidden in the back of her mind. “I just keep wondering how different things would have been if we'd met before I lost a hundred pounds. If you'd have even noticed.”

  His blue eyes were inky in the light of the setting sun, the furrow in his brow deep and thoughtful as he studied her face. Finally, he sat up, bringing her with him. He arranged her to straddle his lap and he rested his hands lightly on her hips.

  “Being here, in your home, has opened my eyes to a lot of things. I can't say how things would have played out nearly six years ago. I was a different person—the same person, but much younger. And so were you. The mark of a
decent human being is the ability to grow, become a better human being as life progresses. I think I had to be better to even be noticed by you.”

  Ryan felt her brows dip, it had never occurred to her that Sway would think he had to work for acceptance or attention from anyone. Except that it did. The moment he said it, she realized how true it was. Parents who never approved had left him questioning the love and loyalty of those he was most fond of, which included her.

  He wasn't finished.

  “And I'm betting that nearly six years ago, you weren't ready to be in a relationship.”

  “I wasn't.”

  “There you go.” One side of his mouth pulled up slightly. “I'm not gonna lie and say that I wasn't attracted to you instantly because you're breathtakingly gorgeous. But I will let you know that it was the way you talked to me that kept my interest.”

  “How did I talk to you?”

  “Like I was important.”

  Echoes of a conversation they'd had when the roles were reversed came filtering through her thoughts. She'd been falling for him since day one. That would not have happened if they'd have met right after she'd left Florida and everything behind.

  “You're right,” she said. “I was a different person—the same, but younger.”

  His eyes softened further and she ran a finger over one of his eyebrows.

  “You can get as fat as you want as long as it makes you happy,” he said. “I'll get fat with you. We can turn it into a competition.”

  “I can't believe how much I freaking love you,” she said, enjoying how his eyes lit up with her words.

  His hands slid to her back and he pulled her closer. “I'm excited about this, Ryan. I'm excited about our future and who we're gonna end up being.” He smiled wistfully. “I'm looking forward to all of it.”

  “Me too,” she whispered.

  The kiss that followed was the kind of kiss that could make time stand still. If that were a thing. It was slow and deep. A dance of hearts in the light of a setting sun. The kind of kiss that was full of promise and purpose and taking the next step. The kind of kiss that would result in naked bodies and hushed appreciations.


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