The Reverence of One: Book Three of the Shadow Series

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The Reverence of One: Book Three of the Shadow Series Page 18

by Pierce, J. M.

  Unable to control herself, Jenz fell back on the couch, laughing hysterically. The sight of her gave Test comfort. Though he hadn’t known her for even a day, she always seemed so serious and proper. He waited for her to compose herself, watching as she sat up while wiping tears from her eyes.

  “You should do that more often, you know,” he said in a sincere voice.

  She reached out and took his hands into hers. “Thank you, young one. I haven’t laughed like that in so long I can’t recall.” She patted his hand as she stood. “I’m going to go to bed. We will begin training tomorrow. You should get some rest as well.”

  As she looked down on him, Test was amazed that once again he’d found a new place and new faces making him feel so at home.

  “I will,” he replied.

  Jenz turned and walked away, but before leaving the room, Test called out to her.


  She stopped and looked over her shoulder, resting a hand on the wall.

  “Thank you—for everything.”

  She nodded her head gracefully and replied. “You are more than welcome, Test. Good night.”


  Though she caught up with Lauren quickly, Alyssa hung back, unsure if Lauren would want her company or not. She was caught by surprise when, after several minutes, Lauren turned toward her.

  “That doesn’t work with my kind, you know,” she spoke in a defeated voice. “I felt you the minute you left the house.”

  Alyssa watched as Lauren’s hand began to glow a faint blue in the moonlight. Accepting the offering, she allowed herself to become solid.

  “I’m sorry,” she replied. “I just thought maybe you could use someone to talk to.”

  Lauren raised an eyebrow, looking thoughtfully at Alyssa. “Yeah—I think maybe I could.”

  The night air was still, and the brightness of the moonlight cast a magical hue over all of the greenery along the garden trail. The two of them stared silently into the night sky, soaking in the peacefulness of the moment.

  “How do you do it?” asked Alyssa.

  Without taking her eyes off of the stars, Lauren replied. “Do what?”

  “How do you know when I’m here, even when….” she paused.

  “You’re not?” asked Lauren, finishing her sentence.

  “Yes,” replied Alyssa.

  Taking a deep and cleansing breath, Lauren allowed her eyes to leave the sky and turned to Alyssa, motioning with her head to follow her down the path.

  “I’ve always likened it to seeing a painting in my head,” she began. “I don’t know exactly what it’s like for other Shadow’s; though we all have the ability, everyone’s power is slightly different.”

  “You mean like Prim,” replied Alyssa, cringing as the name left her lips, knowing that it was the last name that she should have brought up.

  A crooked smile fell on Lauren’s lips as she glanced to her side. “Yeah, like Prim. My power to sense others is nowhere near as strong as his.” There was a brief moment of awkward silence before she continued. “Like I was saying, it’s almost like seeing a painting. You have the background energy, which does vary in intensity depending on where you are, but it is usually steady and constant. We feel the energy of other things within us, and it appears as a push or a pull on our bodies. A spirit’s energy feels like someone gently pulling at our flesh. When a spirit is nearby, not only do I feel the pull, but against the background energy, it’s almost as if someone has erased a spot in the painting that I see in my head. Does that make sense?”

  Alyssa nodded as she looked ahead, seeing a clearing lined with green stones that seemed to glow in the moonlight. “And what about a Shadow?” she asked.

  “A Shadow is just the opposite. We experience a push and their energy creates a smudge, kind of….” She paused, struggling to find the right words. “It’s a little harder to explain.”

  “It’s okay. I think I understand,” replied Alyssa. “Test tried to explain it to me earlier. Your description of it actually isn’t far off from his.”

  Lauren didn’t hear a word Alyssa said. Unable to let go of the chase for the word, she continued in an increasingly frustrated tone. “It’s kind of like someone spilled a bunch of paint on one particular spot. That spot is almost—thick? Am I making any sense?”

  As the two of them stepped into the clearing and onto the stones, Alyssa replied. “Yeah, I think so. It sounds amazing.”

  Lauren huffed lightly as she took a seat on the bench that rested just off of the ring of stones. “I suppose it does,” she replied. “I think I probably do take a lot of things for granted anymore. After one-hundred and twenty some years, perspectives start to change.”

  Alyssa’s jaw dropped. “One-hundred and twenty years?” she asked, unintentionally brash.

  Lauren began to laugh out loud. As she rested her right hand over her chest, she patted the seat next to her, motioning for Alyssa to sit. “Yep! I’m an old woman,” she replied in jest.

  Kicking at the ground and visibly upset with herself, Alyssa took the seat offered. “Dang it! I’m sorry. Sometimes I can be so insensitive.”

  Still laughing, Lauren put an arm around her. “Don’t worry about it, kid,” she said with a playful wink. Seeing that Alyssa’s frown remained, she shook her lightly. “Seriously, it’s no big deal.”

  Alyssa glanced up, her lips turning up slightly at the corners, and replied. “I’m still sorry, but okay.”

  Once more the two of them leaned their heads back and stared into the sky. Their view was now partially obscured by a tree branch that hung over them from behind the bench. Though there was very little breeze, the leaves on the branch still rustled softly, intermittently blocking out a star or two with each movement.

  Suddenly, Lauren shot up from her seat, remembering the moment that she and Alyssa were stalking Prim outside of her home.

  “What’s wrong?” shouted Alyssa as stood.

  “It can’t be that easy,” said Lauren aloud. “It can’t. Someone surely would’ve thought of it before.”

  Placing a hand on Lauren’s back, Alyssa asked in a panic stricken voice. “What are you talking about? What’s wrong?”

  As she pulled her hair back from her face, Lauren stared at Alyssa with a fierce intensity. “Nothing’s wrong.” She turned from Alyssa and began walking back down the path towards the house.

  “Lauren?” shouted Alyssa.

  Glancing over her shoulder, Lauren held out her glowing hand for Alyssa to take. “Come on—we have to talk to Jenz.”


  Though she was exhausted, Jenz lay on her back, snuggled in her bed as she stared at the ceiling. It had been a long time since she’d felt the things she was feeling. Excitement, anxiety, fear—all of these had been mostly absent for many years. She and Prim had made a spot for themselves and enjoyed the quiet life together. She considered him a son in many respects, and though she felt fairly certain that he was safe, her mind strayed to the possibility that something had gone wrong.

  Suddenly, a familiar sensation came over her and, knowing that a vision was approaching, she sat up in bed to prepare.

  She found herself staring at Prim and Test from a distance as they stood opposite each other in her garden. Both of them held stern looks on their faces and had pulses of energy running the length of their arms. She watched Prim as he glanced uncertainly to Lauren who stood beside them. Test looked strange and was difficult to bring into focus. She watched as he leaned forward and, in a blink, rushed through Prim apparently without phasing to the other side. Prim’s body fell as Lauren reached for him, but that was all she would see. As suddenly as it began, the vision had ended.


  Lauren and Alyssa stormed into the house, oblivious as to how late it had actually become. Slamming the door behind them, they entered into the living room from the entry hall, stopping instantly as they saw Test jump to his feet with arms held to his side and pulses of energy blasting down his arm

  “Where’s Jenz?” asked Lauren, paying no attention to his display.

  Test let his arms fall, the light within them fading quickly, and shook his head.

  “What the hell are you doing?” he asked angrily. “Damn!”

  Ignoring his question, Lauren asked once more. “Where’s Jenz?”

  In frustration, Test replied with sarcasm. “She went to bed; the same thing most normal people do this time of night!”

  Without acknowledging him, Lauren turned and began to search for Jenz’s room.

  Alyssa shrugged her shoulders as Test gave her a confused look, and then motioned for him to join her as she followed Lauren.

  The first door that Lauren opened revealed Jenz sitting up in bed, staring blankly at the wall.

  “I have an idea,” said Lauren bluntly.

  Jenz blinked her eyes quickly, as if dust had just been blown directly into them. She wiped her brow and then turned to Lauren, noticing Alyssa and Test standing behind her in the doorway.

  “I’m sorry, what did you say?” asked Jenz, still trying to shake the cobwebs of the vision.

  “I thought of something that I think could be useful,” replied Lauren.

  Jenz pushed herself back in her bed so that she could lean her back on the headboard. Patting the mattress, she motioned for Lauren to sit next to her. “Well, let’s hear it then.”

  Lauren walked quickly to the bed and took a seat with one foot hanging off the side. Out of breath, she began to speak at a very fast rate. “When I first felt Prim, and I was stalking….”

  Jenz placed a hand on her forearm. “Hold on,” she interrupted. “Take a deep breath.”

  Slightly annoyed by the interruption, Lauren rolled her eyes.

  “I’m waiting,” said Jenz as if she were talking to her child.

  Knowing that she would not be able to begin until she did as she was asked, Lauren took in an exaggerated breath and puckered her lips childishly as she exhaled.

  With a crooked grin, Jenz asked, “Better?”

  Surprisingly, Lauren found that she did feel a little calmer as she continued. “When I was stalking Prim, I could feel him in front of me.” She glanced to Test and Alyssa as they took a couple of steps into the room. “Alyssa was with me, but she was on the other side. At one point, the path narrowed, and I guess she forgot she was a ghost.” Lauren gave Alyssa a whimsical look. “Anyway, she passed in front of me, intercepting the line between Prim and I.”

  Jenz pushed herself up and leaned forward as she listened intently.

  “Something happened,” continued Lauren. “At the moment that she crossed that line, Prim’s push of energy faded.” She watched Jenz’s eyes widen as the moment of understanding struck. “It was almost as if her pull had erased a percentage of Prim’s push.”

  From just inside the doorway, Test’s voice boomed in the room. “I don’t get it. Why would that be so important?” he asked in a demeaning tone.

  “Because, idiot!” replied Lauren, instantly annoyed by Test’s remark. “My point is that I think it’s possible that a group of spirits could hide a Shadow from being felt by another!”

  An initial rush of anger swelled within Test, but it was quickly replaced with embarrassment as he realized the true importance of her discovery. He tried to come up with a dignified response, but his mind failed so he kept quiet.

  Throwing the blankets off from atop of her, Jenz flung her legs off the opposite side of the bed from where Lauren sat. “That is certainly an amazing theory, Lauren, one that I think would be wise to test.” She looked to Alyssa who stood at Test’s side. “Alyssa, would you mind stepping in front of Test?”

  A bit confused and weary, Alyssa responded by simply stepping in front of Test. She watched as Jenz studied them for a moment.

  “Now, can you step away please?” asked Jenz.

  Alyssa again did as she was asked and watched as Jenz’s expression remained unchanged.

  “I can certainly feel a difference, but it is very slight,” said Jenz as she looked to Lauren. “I don’t think it would keep me from sensing Test’s presence.”

  Frustrated and knowing that her theory was correct, Lauren stood from the bed with determination. “Maybe you need to change forms,” she said to Alyssa. “Maybe you need to be on the other side?”

  “Okay,” replied Alyssa in a meek voice, feeling somewhat like a lab rat.

  In an instant she was gone, though all three Shadows could still feel her presence.

  “Please, step in front of him, Alyssa,” asked Jenz, her next breath coming in a short and sudden gasp. “Incredible,” she stated in awe.

  Lauren felt a rush of excitement flow through her. “What do you feel?” she asked.

  “I can still feel Test’s push, but it is diminished greatly. If he weren’t standing so close, I could definitely see where this could be effective.”

  “But what if the Shadow was standing behind me,” asked Test bluntly. “How could Alyssa know where she needed to stand in order to cover me?”

  Pondering his question briefly, Jenz replied. “She couldn’t.”

  An arrogant smile appeared on Test’s face and Lauren was quick to respond. “I didn’t say it was the answer to all our problems!” she shouted as she folded her arms across her chest.

  “Please, both of you settle down,” interrupted Jenz in a calming voice. She gave Test a disapproving glance and then turned to Lauren. “This is a magnificent discovery, my dear. I do think that it will prove useful. The true test will be to try it on Prim upon his return. His perceptions are much stronger than ours, and if this proves effective on him, I see no reason why it would not be effective on Isaac.”

  Hearing Prim’s name spoken caused Lauren’s heart to instantly skip, distracting her from the animosity that she’d felt towards Test.

  Walking towards the doorway, Jenz began to speak as Alyssa re-materialized. “It is very late.” She put an arm around Alyssa’s shoulders. “I think it wise that those of us who need it get some rest.” Running an open hand down the back of Alyssa’s head, she spoke giving her a playful wink. “Tomorrow will be an important day. All of the others will join us, and then the work can begin.”

  Feeling bad about his lack of support for Lauren, he stepped to her side and draped his left arm over her shoulder. “Sorry, sis.” The word ‘sis’ came from his mouth without even a thought and took him by surprise.

  “Sis, huh?” replied Lauren with an innocent grin. “Okay, you’re forgiven, little brother.” She wrapped her right arm around his waist and the two of them squeezed gently.

  “Aw,” replied Alyssa with puppy dog eyes and a smile as wide as the room. “Look at you two.”

  The comment shattered any tension that had remained, and the four of them stood gleaming at one another feeling as much a part of a family as they had their entire lives.


  Sleeping on the couch, the sound of the front door opening didn’t register with Test until it closed. Remembering the over-reaction from the night before, he tried to remain calm. It occurred to him that the Reapers wouldn’t bother using the door. Had they decided to show up, he would have been dead already.

  He sat up slowly and peered through the darkened room; the only light coming from the first beginning of the sunrise outside. The figure of a short, very thin, woman walked into the doorway and his heart stopped as she turned into the room. He quickly reached behind to turn on the end table lamp.

  “Nicole?” he whispered in a gasp. Shocked by her frail appearance, he strained to keep his concern hidden. “How are you?”

  Nicole fidgeted anxiously, wrapping her hair around her index finger while unable to look at Test. “I’m fine,” she replied with a shaky voice.

  Test stood from the couch. He saw Nicole glance at him and then quickly look away.

  “You look like you’re doing good,” she said while biting her nails.

  Test looked down and realized that he was in nothin
g but his boxers. “I’m sorry,” he replied anxiously as he grabbed his clothes from the floor. Getting dressed in a matter of seconds, he stood and realized that there was a man standing behind Nicole.

  “Hello,” said Test. His insides were twisting from the tension in the room. “You must be Thad.”

  Exhausted, Thad waved a hand into the air and replied. “You must be Test.”

  “Pleased to meet you,” answered Test.

  Feeling a spirits presence in the room, he assumed that Cliff was standing next to his grandson. Without thinking Test began to release a small amount of energy to allow his old friend to come through. The instant that his hands began to glow, Nicole’s body became rigid and her eyes wide with fear. Just as Cliff’s form had begun to materialize, Test stopped the release to comfort Nicole.

  “I’m sorry,” he said sincerely as he held up his hands. “I won’t do that again without telling you first.”

  She stared at him with unblinking eyes. Test watched as Thad rested a hand on her shoulder from behind, causing her to jump spastically to the side. Instantly Thad held up his hands.

  “Whoa, whoa, kiddo; it’s okay. It’s just me.”

  Taking a very slow step forward, Test held his hands out for Nicole to see. “Nicole, I need to talk to Cliff, but I can’t do that unless I….” He stopped himself, unsure how to state the reality of what he needed to do.

  “It’s fine,” replied Nicole sniffing harshly as she wiped her nose. “You do what you gotta do. Isn’t that what you do anyways?” she asked bitterly.

  Her words broke Test’s heart. He’d never meant to hurt her, and to see her standing in front of him in such poor condition was almost more than he could stand. With a grimace, he looked away from her and, reaching out his right hand, released the weak pulses that would bring Cliff through.


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