Stimulus (Arc Gap Trilogy Book 1)

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Stimulus (Arc Gap Trilogy Book 1) Page 28

by Ryan Burnett

"I don't care" was my only internal response.

  At last Mr. Ostan's spoke, his tone more matter of fact than it had been mere moments before.

  "....So you're not the one who warned Rex that his location had been compromised?"

  "I don't even know how to contact Rex. Rhodera has a mind of her own but this body belongs to me, and whatever beef Alex or Rex or whatever he wants to call himself, has with the rest of the world has nothing to do with me. Ask her whatever you want but Mr. Ostan you have to answer me first....please."

  I was unable to keep the hints of pleading out of my voice as I ended my declaration, but it was the best I could do under the circumstances. My soul was aching. Like it or not in more ways than one the person I was a week ago had been shattered and the woman I was now had nothing left but her life and a whole lot of questions. Questions that only Mr. Ostan could answer.

  Mr. Ostan stood from his chair slowly and began to pace back and forth in the small area behind his desk. The man who stood behind him stepped backwards so that he almost touched the wall in order to accommodate Mr. Ostan and not impede his progress.

  "Fair enough. Let us go in order shall we? To your first question, although many people and a good deal of fate led to these particular turn of events, I would say yes I am absolutely responsible. I was a witness to the advent of an AI phenomenon that no one fathomed and when I saw events unfolding I acted as a catalyst whenever I could. Great men seize great opportunity it is their nature and I know I would do the same if given another opportunity. This is the dawn of a new era and it will need great men to make the most of its potential. Something I fully intend on doing. As to the latter part of your question....well Rhodera's brother Rex had a good deal of involvement with that. It seems although he has many gifts subtlety is not one of them. At first I gave him near unlimited access to my resources. He busied himself with releasing small packets of code at his old haunts, besides a mild rise of club violence he stayed below the radar until he could identify a mind with the proper qualities to host another like himself. After a long search he found Shange here...he was able to retrieve him under the cover of another assault on a club downtown however by this point with not even a single body to add to the death toll it barely made the news. However I am sure what most directly concerns you is the incident at the University. He unleashed the program on the school's shared servers as more of a dynamite fishing approach. The loss of life was merely a necessary evil. Not the first and not the last I might add. Which brings us to the last question Angela, why you? Why was your neurodigital reaction so unique that not only were you able to host an isomorphic AI but also retain your individual personality? What are the long terms effects pf this pairing and what will happen to you in the future? These are all questions that I and my associate Mr. Frait here are VERY eager to explore. So now that our business is handled I would like to talk Rhodora. Now.” Ostan stopped pacing and looked at me for this last part. There was no menace or aggression in his words but something about them made a dull sense of foreboding creep through my core.

  I sat there for a second a little stunned by the speech ...I had expected something more than that. Some sort of regret or compassion. Some sense of value regarding the humans that his movement represented.

  Will you talk to him?

  I asked Rhodera with my thoughts, but for the first time there was no answer. I waited through an uncomfortable silence but it seemed that the presence inside myself refused to let itself be known.

  "She uh....I don't think Rhodera wants to talk to you Mr. Ostan...I don't really know what else to say"

  Mr. Ostan once again nodded at this before swiftly addressing Alex, "Rex are you sure that this is Rhodera?"

  "Absolutely." Alex replied, still relaxing on the sofa.

  "Very well, it is no matter.....Shange restrain her. We will have some of my men move her down to the lab. Frait I need you to figure out how this duel persona is possible. Any brain tissue samples you take must be flawlessly preserved. She is our only specimen so the work you do must be perfect..." as Mr. Ostan gave his commands I could feel an uncontrollable dizziness come over me. A vortex drawing my consciousness down to the virtual world in an enigmatic spiral. As the world around me grew darker I managed to say the words "How could you...."

  The last thing I heard before the VRNs landscape replaced the room was Mr. Ostan's voice saying "Necessary evils Angela. Necessary evils."

  I was back in the center of that digital jungle. Apparently the new expression of my minds VRN but at least this time I felt in perfect control of my faculties and sensations. The lush greenery of the environment swayed in the breeze as distant clicks and chirps echoed in the distance.

  "Angela" a voice called out from behind me. I turned to phase a mirror image of myself. The hair was longer, wild and unkempt. Instead of the simple white tunic adorned with gold and green floral trim that I found myself in, she was nearly naked except for an immodest covering of vines that almost did more to accent the curves of her body instead of cover.

  "My ruse did not go as planned. I thought if I refused to speak to the man he may believe you delusional and have let you go but Rex can feel my presence. It was a flimsy plan but all I could generate under the circumstances. Listen Angela. We no longer have time for arguments or apologies. Your body, our vessel, is in grave danger. I have erred in contacting Rex and you have erred in bringing us to this place. I have an alternate plan but it will undeniably fail if we are not as one. Our only hope of survival is together. You must distract Shange." She said while pointing to the far off approaching figure of Shange. Here he was shirtless his chest adorned with an intensely detailed Samoan tattoo pattern that stretched across roughly half of his wide frame. He wore a red kiltlike strap of cloth around his waist and moved through the tangled growth of my mind like an islander navigating his native forests. I turned back around to ask Rhodora how on earth I was supposed to distract him but when I looked she was gone. Completely vanished into the jungle.

  "Ey!" Shange yelled now within earshot.I could somehow feel Rhodora reaching out. Doing...well doing something exactly what I couldn't begin to guess. I still didn't trust her but it seemed like I wouldn't be given a choice.

  "Aloha!" he said gesturing to his avatar as he smiled apparently finding the present state of his avatar humorous.

  "Don't mind me. I just figured I'd keep an eye on you and provide a little company until Dr. Frait has things fully set up to accomodate you. Rex sends his regards but he has been busy remotely scanning VRN ID's for any sign of Alex's father. We're fairly certain now that Cid knows who has been harboring us that he will be confronting Mr. Ostan very soon. “he stopped to sit on a log near me and started to whistle as care free as a child.

  "Your name is ....Shange right?" I hesitantly asked.

  He stopped whistling swiftly, eager to socialize.

  "Bingo!' he replied in a cheerful tone.

  "Well tell me Shange. What makes you and Rex so different than me....Why aren't they treating you two like guinea pigs?' I said...unloading my frustrations and at the same time eager to get the man occupied with talking.

  "Well interesting you should ask..." as he spoke I wanted to listen. A large portion of me was desperately curious but I could also feel static build up in the center of my head I heard the words well up and leave me in silent clusters flowing off to some other location

  We may not truly know each other. We may have only just met but I know that your biology has resonated with mine. I am only beginning to understand this world with the help of Angela and her memories but as I do I believe we are part of a bigger design. A puzzle greater than either of us can ever realize. Harrold Ostan has us and I believe he would force open this puzzle instead of solving it destroying the true secrets in the process. If my words mean anything to you. If our presence and existence means anything. You must save us. Marcus, you are our only chance.

  I focused back on the conversation only to see Shange's eyes widen and
his smile grow extremely large for a second. Larger than a normal mouth would have been capable of.

  "Heh you're up to something aren't you! Ooooooh! I knew you would be I just knew it. This is fantastic! And I was afraid all my carefully laid breadcrumbs would go to waste! I can't wait for things to get interesting!" I was dumb founded by his response wondering how much he knew and what his true motives were. I had no words to say as I felt Rhodera continue her silent communication, I was content to listen for a while but it wasn’t long before I added my voice to hers.

  Shange merely lay back on the log and began whistling a tune even more cheerful than before.

  Chapter 28



  We may not truly know each other. We may have only just met but I know that your biology has resonated with mine. I am only beginning to understand this world with the help of Angela and her memories but as I do I believe we are part of a bigger design. A puzzle greater than either of us can ever realize. Harrold Ostan has us and I believe he would force open this puzzle instead of solving it destroying the true secrets in the process. If my words mean anything to you. If our presence and existence means anything. You must save us. Marcus, you are our only chance.

  The words appeared in my mind like a small explosion, staggering me and leaving me thoroughly confused. I looked up from the selection of surveillance equipment that Xavier had pulled out to show me and tried to respond unsure if my thoughts would even be able to reach out to whateverthis was.

  Angela? Rhodera? …Shange if it is you I swear to god…

  Listen Marcus, it is I Rhodera. I need you…

  No. Now it’s my turn to speak. Your right you don’t know me and it is not my problem if you got yourself in a pinch ok? Not my problem.

  You don’t care that they are going to slowly analyze and destroy us piece by agonizing piece

  Really unfortunate but those are the breaks sweetheart.

  I was a bit unsure if my words carried the antiquated Hollywood sneer that my words would have but I hope she could detect it all the same.

  Even if that were true I saw the way you looked in the car last night! You want to know what I am now, maybe even just as much as I do! I could care less if you’re a “good guy” or not Marcus but these old men are gonna lock ME and ANY FUCKING CHANCE OF YOU EVER GETTING AN ANSWER away with them FOREVER! If you have a shred of human decency left save us…Rhodera can help you get here…Please …help….

  I sighed as I looked at Xavier’s expectant phase who mistook my look of puzzlement for the gaze of an indecisive shopper. A stream of images and coordinates began to flow into my headspace, not as intrusive as before but the sheer volume and detail was amazing. I refocused back to reality and nodded a Xavier.

  “Sir? Have you come to a decision my friend?” he asked in his overly formal voice.

  “Yeah...Let me see what else you have in your special reserve.”


  A few hours later had me standing in an alley outside of the building Rhodera had sent me to staring at the doorway that I knew was the entrance. One half of my brain was saying that I was an idiot, that I should find Rob and get the hell out of dodge, but the other half hungered for what came next. I ran my teeth over my canines as I sent my thoughts out to the imperiled duo.

  So what now?

  Be ready to move quickly …and close the door behind you

  I reached into my hidden waist holster and gripped my pistol with the newly purchased silencer attached and waited for a few seconds until


  Shot across my consciousness and I sprang into action. In one swift motion I deftly slipped into the doorway right into total darkness.

  “You’re a deadman!” I heard a guard shout as he fumbled for his weapon aiming near the spot where I had entered and briefly illuminated a small part of the room with daylight. I tried to stay as quiet as I could as I briefly moved along the sidewall with my gun drawn wanting to fire at the sound of the voice but not wanting to give away my position. Scanning the pitch black room I was surprised to see two floating orbs of light levitating through the room.

  Shoot now before the eyes adjust.

  I fired twice in the dark, one bullets for each of the floating orbs. There was a loud bang in the dark and my heart skipped a beat.

  It was a full 5 soul grinding seconds later before I was certain that I hadn’t been hit. The lights flickered back on and I could see two men shot through the jaw and neck face down on the floor twitching. It finally clicked that the orbs that had highlighted my targets were the result of a VRN overlay pinpointing their individual nodes. As pleased as I was with the result of our rigged firefight what was left when all was said and done was a sickening red mess. In his death throes one of them had squeezed the trigger on his weapon and now the water from what was once an elaborate fish tank gushed out onto the carpeted floor, beginning the process of turning the anteroom into a pink swamp. I stepped around the grim scene and prepared to go deeper into the building before my good sense could return to me.

  As I moved past the room and jogged down the hallways I could hear angry yelling coming from the doors in various directions. It appeared as if the buildings electronic locks had been engaged and the majority of the buildings occupants were trapped in one room or another giving me a clear path ahead. After a short distance a few steps before turning a blind corner the lights flickered and went out once again. I closed my eyes for a second as I prepared to do an encore performance and jumped out around the corner to blast that glowing dot one more time. This was a longer shot so I took the time to line it up just right, and was utterly surprised by the unfocused bursts of bullets from the man’s automatic weapon blindly rocketed down the hallway. I jerked and squeezed off rounds as fast as I could until I saw the man go down. As the lights came back on I grabbed at a numbingly furious pain in my right shoulder. I looked down at my now crimson stained palm in time to hear more gunfire. It seemed like some of those stuck here were now taking drastic measures to unstick themselves. I tried to push the thought of them getting free as I scrambled into the elevator in front of me. I tried to focus on taking on deep breaths when the elevator began to descend downwards of its own accord.

  You cannot stop now. You must proceed.

  I began to protest to mentally roar at this bitch who was forcing me forward until my mind was filled with new understanding. The locking mechanism for the doors were all part of the same security grid. She had to engage all the locks in the building. The same thing that kept them out was keeping me in. This cold reality that this was an all or nothing gamble began to sink over me and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  I stepped out of the elevator with my left hand grasping my trump card. These were the assholes in charge of this whole operation. The last gatekeepers I had to face. They stared at me the ragged and uninvited guest intruding on an undergrounded meeting between modern day kings.

  I smiled as I surveyed the dimly lit figures seated before me. I smiled despite the urge to pant like an exhausted stray. I smiled with no regard to the singing wet pain that sizzled across my right arm at the slightest movement. The mask of a smile was my first line of defense and I needed everyone to believe that it was impenetrable...because the truth of the matter was... things were royally fucked.

  "This, gentlemen is a High Power Microwave grenade. One push of a button and there's going to be enough electromagnetic radiation in this room to fry all of us and give these server towers here a good old fashion southern style scrambling. Now I personally would rather leave all the cooking up to the professionals and just be on my merry way. What's more after I'm gone you two can duke it out all you'd like or kiss and make up. I really don't care. All I need now is the girl. Tell me where are you're keeping Angela."

  The room was silent as I clutched the orb not quite sure how well I was straddling the line between casual and threatening. I was finally starting to catch a litt
le of my breath that I lost in the mad dash down here, enough to realized that I may be losing a little more blood than I originally though.

  You already know where we are Marcus, We’ve guided you this far haven't we?

  Angela's voice echoed in my head. I knew alright; the blueprint for the building glowed against my corneas every time I closed my eyes. With a mere thought I could pinpoint her exact location... but they didn't know that I knew, and I needed time to come up with anything that could masquerade as a plan...maybe Rob was right...what was I doing here?

  "Rex take care of this imbecile" Ostan barked out, the polished steel of his voice taking on a razor edge.

  "I'd think twice about that Rex, last time your pal tried to work some of his cyber-santaria on me I had a good half second of consciousness before I was under his control. More than enough time to press a button" I said to the room in general. Unaware of the vantage point Alex was listening from, clueless as to which angle he would choose to strike.

  Help me! I screamed inwardly. I was at the end of my rope and besides the digital lobotomy bomb clutched in my hand Angela was the only wild card I had left to play.

  What? YOU are supposed to be rescuing US Marcus! What do you expect us to do?

  ...I don't know...What can you do? I asked back mentally, flabbergasted that I was having this private conversation while simultaneous being stared down by the extremely irritated gaze of two of the most wealthy and powerful men of the modern era. I briefly wondered if Rob would have the nerve to say “I told you so" once I was dead.

  I....I'm not sure. She responded. I was painfully aware of a single droplet of sweat rolling down the contours of my brow clearly outlining the nervous precipice on which I stood. I didn't fucking have time for this.

  Well you dam well better figure it out and FAST or else I'm a dead man and all your eloquent words won't mean a god dam thing. You can't solve the puzzles of existence with a hole in your head Rhodera.

  Images danced across my imagination. Incan holy men and somber monks submitting themselves to crude and sophisticated mechanisms and devices designed to bore a passageway into their skull. The word "trepanation" flashed into my consciousness.


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