The Map, The Dagger, and The Vampyres (Fated Chronicles Book 2)

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The Map, The Dagger, and The Vampyres (Fated Chronicles Book 2) Page 28

by Humphrey Quinn

  “We could have just stayed in the clearing,” Catrina pointed out after a short walk into the dense forest.

  “And chance Pajak seeing us? I needed to get away from there.”

  And seeing as they were alone and in the dark woods, he removed the cloaking spell.

  “Sad, about Corny?”

  “Sad. Confused. Torn. About Corny, about…” he paused, sitting on a fallen log. “Catrina, I need to know. I’m sorry. I promised not to push and that I was okay with it, but I need to ask you… do you know who left you in the cave?”

  She sighed. “I have my suspicions. Strong suspicions.”

  “Juliska Blackwell,” he confirmed.

  “Yes. But not just her, there were others, too. I don’t think she acted alone.”

  “But why? Why would they do that to you? You’re harmless!”

  “Not everyone might agree with that Colin.”

  He stood and took her hand.

  “You can trust me with anything,” he promised. “If they think you’re the Projector, I will prove them wrong.”

  Catrina’s eyes began to moisten.

  “Oh, Colin. I…”

  A branch snapped nearby. Instinctively, Colin grasped Catrina and started running.

  They stopped only once they had run so far that they began to fear they might get lost. Colin wondered if maybe getting lost wouldn’t actually be a good thing. Especially considering Corny’s warning.

  “It’s pretty dark in here,” noted Catrina.

  “We’ll be okay,” assured Colin. “I’ll find the way back.”

  A rustling in the tree above his head startled him.

  “Bird!” He let out a gasp. The mysterious bird human rested on a branch, in bird form. It nodded hello and flew down to them. “I guess I should stop being surprised when you pop in to visit.” What a relief though. It wasn’t the Stripers.

  Bird chirped his response in a manner that Colin somehow understood meant he was trying to tell him something.

  “You could just transform,” Colin suggested. To his and Catrina’s surprise, Bird did transform, but at a distance and behind a tree.

  “Sorry. I can’t let you see me,” he spoke. “But there’s something I need to show you right away.”

  “Okay. Lead the way,” Colin encouraged him.

  “You should re-cloak yourselves,” Bird first warned, with a light chuckle. “I was trying to find you but couldn’t until you released the spell. What I’m about to show you, though,” he got serious. “No matter what, do not show yourselves.”

  The flapping of wings overhead indicated that Bird had transformed back into his flying form. He flapped, and pointed his beak, motioning for them to follow.

  They trudged carefully through the woods, following. They did not follow a path, so progress was at times slow. Eventually, however, the forest began to lighten. Bird flew to a low tree branch, next to Colin’s face. He pointed his beak toward the light, chirping softly.

  Catrina smiled.

  “What?” questioned Colin.

  “His chirping is musical. I’m starting to understand what he’s saying,” she said.

  “How?” asked Colin.

  Before she could answer, voices filtered into the forest.

  “He is warning us again, to remain cloaked,” whispered Catrina, “as we are not alone.”

  They crept cautiously ahead.

  “A meadow,” Colin noted.

  “Stripers,” Catrina added. “What are they building?”

  “I can’t tell from here. Let’s get a little closer.”

  They crawled as close to the edge as they dared, being careful not to snap any branches or rustle any bushes. They might be invisible, but so could be the chameleon-like Stripers, and now that they knew the invisibility spell had limitations, they knew they should not take unnecessary chances. After all, the Stripers were more than human so it might not work on them.

  Once in better view, Colin realized instantly and sickeningly what they were building. “Pyres…”

  Bird landed on the ground next to them and nodded, affirming what they’d said. A sinking feeling nearly made Colin vomit. What were they planning? This meadow was easily twice as wide as the clearing the Svoda camped in, and pyres dotted nearly the entire space. Colin tried to count but lost track after forty-three.

  Even more suspicious, was that in the center of each pyre shot up a single stake, with tethers clearly meant for tying up something, or someone.

  “I think we need to leave,” Colin advised. “I don’t know what this means, but we definitely need to warn the others!”

  “I agree,” Catrina said. “Something about this is very wrong.”

  Bird led the way home and bade them farewell at the edge of the Svoda’s clearing. Off to where, Colin could not imagine. He removed the cloaking spell that made him invisible. He stepped out from behind a tent and directly into Ivan Crane.

  “Colin! Hello,” Ivan gasped out, astonished at the sudden appearance. He also nodded cautiously at the emptiness next to Colin, assuming Catrina stood by his side.

  “She says hi, but never mind that right now. I need your help. Is there somewhere we can talk?”

  Ivan’s face sank into curious, and he motioned for them to follow. He stopped at the Mochrie tent, which was empty.

  “Nowhere is truly safe, but this should suffice.”

  Colin undid the spell on Catrina so Ivan could see her.

  “We left the clearing,” Colin admitted first.

  “Why should it not surprise me that you’re breaking the rules?”

  “Doesn’t matter right now, Ivan. We came across the treasure hunters. They’re up to something.”

  “Something very bad,” Catrina stated.

  Colin explained the field of pyres and as he did so, Ivan’s face morphed from curious, to concerned, to downright furious.

  “There is definitely more going on than the Stripers are admitting,” he agreed.

  “The problem is, how do we warn everyone? We weren’t supposed to leave the clearing. We shouldn’t have seen anything.”

  Ivan and Colin stared at each other for a long while.

  “The Banon must be made aware. This is too important to hide,” Ivan finally decided.

  “Wait!” Catrina said. “I think I have an idea.”

  Colin and Ivan listened as she explained.

  “Will she go along with it?” asked Ivan, after Catrina had finished.

  “She’ll have to!” Colin said. “It’s the only safe way.” Colin made attempts to reach Meghan through his mind. She did not answer. Like usual. Even after all her promises. He must have made it fairly obvious, or made funny faces, as Ivan tossed Colin a what are you doing, simper?

  Colin surrendered to the moment.

  “Meghan and I, we can hear each other’s thoughts,” he admitted.

  “That actually explains a lot,” Ivan concluded.

  Colin was not sure why he let Ivan in on their secret, but thus far, though temperamental, Ivan had never done anything to show he could not be trusted.

  “She’s not answering right now,” Colin explained.

  “She is training with the Banon,” Ivan replied. “I just left there when I happened upon you.” He booked it to the tent exit. “I will make an excuse to return and somehow tell Meghan to read your mind, or however it works. This cannot wait. Lives could depend on this information.”

  Ivan beat a path to return to Meghan.

  Colin recast his spell on Catrina and departed the Mochrie tent, heading for Billie’s. With each step he took, he kept a wary eye searching for Pajak. All he hoped was that this news of the pyres would be enough to sidetrack Juliska Blackwell until he had a chance to deal with the spying spider that most likely, had seen Catrina.


  After visiting with his parents, Sebastien Jendaya found himself standing at the front door of Amelia Cobb’s office. The leader of the banished Svoda was aware he had arrived.
br />   “Come in,” he heard her say.

  He put on a smile and entered.

  “Please, sit, Sebastien. Would you like anything to drink, or eat?” she asked, refilling a coffee mug for herself.

  Sebastien patted his stomach. “I think my mother just fed me all of the meals I missed over the last few weeks, and the ones I will most likely miss over the coming weeks.”

  Amelia chuckled. “I really lucked out with you, Sebastien. When I planted you as a young boy to befriend the Jacoby twins, I had no idea what an asset you would become to me.”

  Sebastien just nodded. You neglected to tell me the part about how they would suffer…

  “And yet I feel like I have stolen your childhood,” she admitted apologetically.

  “Like you always say, we all have our part to play. And for mine, I will do whatever I can to help my friends. And our cause.”

  “Yes. It at least gives me slight comfort that you became so close over the years.”

  And that is somehow supposed to make all of this okay? Sebastien reined in his thoughts. This was the wrong place to let his true feelings show.

  “I’ve had contact,” Sebastien informed her. “I got a Call from Meghan. Her skills as a Firemancer are advancing.”

  “Splendid!” Amelia cried. “This is good news indeed. And we needed some after what’s been going on these last weeks.”

  “My dad told me about the Projector. Has any decision been made?”

  “Debates are ongoing. The entire community has weighed in at this point, but everyone has a different view on the matter as I’m sure you can imagine. But our end goal remains the same. The only question is, if this Projector can get us there, or will keep us from succeeding.”

  “Frankly, I don’t see how it’s possible that a Projector could be of any use. I only know what I learned in school, of course,” Sebastien added.

  “And many agree with you, my young friend. It is difficult to see how harnessing a Projector’s power could help us return magic to its full glory. I fear the child is lost. If not by our hand, then another’s.”

  “It’s hard to imagine,” he said, “having magic return. Do you think the world is really ready for it?”

  “This is why we have worked so hard to get people in the right places, Sebastien. To be certain that when we heal the world, and return magic, that we can control the situation. We will be ready to teach, and return this world to the glory it once was. Won’t it be nice not to hide anymore?”

  Sebastien thought about that question for a long minute before answering. He felt as though he had been hiding his entire life.

  “That will be nice, yes.”

  His thoughts shifted to his new quest and the secrets he had discovered. Not having to hide, lie, or betray would be very nice, but not for the reasons Amelia Cobb had stated. Sebastien did not know if returning magic was a good idea or not, but since the revelation that his friends were involved in Amelia’s plans, and from the little information he had been able to squeeze from her or his parents, his gut told him his friends were in serious trouble.

  What Sebastien did not understand is how their Uncle Arnon, or his parents, could have allowed all of this to happen… at the same time, it was likely Arnon had no more idea than he did as to what Amelia was planning. At least he hoped not. Thinking of Arnon Jacoby betraying the siblings was a devastating thought. And his parents… he guessed they were not aware of the seriousness of it all either. And if they were? Where exactly did that leave him?

  “Well, onto business,” Amelia continued. “As Meghan is now Calling, I think it best to wait until she contacts you again. From what my other informant has told me, she is not yet ready to know the truth, and therefore, what she will need to do. They feel the time is nearing, however.”

  Typical vague answer… Sebastien wanted to kick himself. You need to keep it together until you know what’s really going on!

  “Until such a time, Sebastien, continue with your current mission.”

  “Very well,” Sebastien replied. He could not get out of her office fast enough.

  The one thing he was sure of: he was running out of time to help Meghan.

  And what of Colin? Amelia never mentioned him in any specific manner, but he could sense she was hiding something…

  Sebastien wished now, more than ever, he had come clean with the twins. Well, the not-twins. He wished he had told them everything he knew about magic and who they were believed to be. He wished he had given them some warning about what was to come. He wished he had known they weren’t even twins! Probably not even related!

  All I can do is try to help them now, and hope that I can…

  Sebastien could not wait to leave home, again. He was smart enough, however, to recognize the need to look pleased to be home and not in a hurry to leave… other than looking eager to get back to work.

  Now that he knew Meghan’s mother was alive, he wanted to disappear. To take all he’d found out and help his friends. He feared that what he’d learned was not enough though. He could, at least, tell them they could go home whenever they wanted… give them some closure about their uncle, tell them Arnon was…


  “You know you have to stick with it,” he told himself as he approached home. “Meghan’s mother is right. There is so much more at stake, and I can’t mess this up.”

  He took out one of the candles meant for Meghan.

  His secret lives were colliding.

  His job for Amelia Cobb.

  His friendship with the twins. The non-twins.

  His quest to save them.

  His duty to his family and his fellow banished Svoda.

  The job he had been trained for his entire life… to befriend, report, and eventually, to betray…


  Ivan poked his head into the Banon’s tent. Jelen and Jenner did not question his return seeing as Ivan visited a few times each day.

  “Pantin Hollee,” he greeted upon entering.

  She perked up at seeing his face. “Back so soon,” she jested lightly.

  “I had to pass back by and ran into Miss Jacoby’s brother. Told him I’d pass along a message.”

  “The Banon just departed, the meeting starts soon you know,” she reminded. “Meghan’s in her room,” she pointed while organizing a stack of papers.

  “Thank you.” Ivan knocked at the entrance to Meghan’s room.

  “Come in,” her voice called out. Meghan sat on the floor reading, with Nona by her side. Her face turned sour as she saw it was Ivan.

  “Meghan, I have a message from your brother,” he told her, loud enough for the Pantin to hear. Could not be suspicious in any manner. But his gaze eyed Meghan, hard.

  “From Colin?” she confirmed, rising to her feet.

  “He asked me to pass along that he’d like to hear from you,” he said with an edge of knowingness. Worried she didn’t get it, he tapped the side of his head and cocked a brow.

  Her eyes narrowed and then grew large. She immediately opened up her thoughts and realized he had been trying desperately to reach her.

  “Colin, I’m sorry,” she sent him. “I was so focused on my studies I didn’t hear you.” She added hotly, “Why on earth did you tell Ivan about our telepathy?”

  “Sorry, Sis. Didn’t have a choice. Emergency.” Colin opened up his mind and showed her what he had seen in the Striper’s meadow.

  “What do you think they’re doing?” she asked him, equally horrified about the scene as the others.

  “We don’t know. But Ivan is right, Juliska needs to know.” Colin sent her Catrina’s idea.

  “Oh, I agree, Col. I don’t see any other safe way either.”

  Meghan refocused on Ivan, still waiting in her room. “C’mon,” she motioned, stepping into the front room. The Pantin was just about to leave but stopped when she saw Ivan and Meghan.

  “Thank you for passing along my brother’s message, Ivan,” Meghan said. “Please tell him I w
ill visit as soon as I can.”

  Ivan stepped to the stove. “Fire’s nearly out. It’s rather chilly don’t you think?” Even though it had warmed slightly. Ivan made a scene of opening up the stove to add a log, without waiting for an answer.

  “Isn’t he sweet,” the Pantin aimed toward Meghan, clearly seeing concern from Ivan that was not truly there.

  Ivan just needed to get a fire in front of Meghan’s eyes. The instant he opened the stove door Meghan fell into a vision, except this time, she was faking.

  “Wait!” she shouted at the Pantin. She paused as if seeing something. “I need to see Banon Blackwell, now!” Meghan pretended to falter and Ivan steadied her. “Please, Hollee,” Meghan pleaded. “I think what I’ve just seen might prove dangerous for everyone here.”

  The Pantin did not question and rushed off.

  Ivan let go of Meghan. She straightened herself.

  “Not bad, huh?”

  “I have never questioned your acting ability,” he declared.


  “It shows promise, that when you saw the fire, you didn’t have an actual vision,” he taunted.

  “Especially seeing as you’re so near,” she threw back at him.

  For once, Ivan did not reply and remained silent until Juliska returned, and Meghan explained what she had seen.

  “A field of pyres, created by the Stripers?” She sat down, aghast at the thought. She unexpectedly took hold of Meghan’s hand. “Thank you, Meghan. I knew having you here would not be a mistake. This could be the very clue we so desperately needed.” She arose to depart.

  “Back to the meeting?” assumed the Pantin.

  “Yes. We must decide what to do about this. I fear that once again, time is not on our side, my dear Hollee.”

  Ivan followed to join the meeting, leaving Meghan alone.

  She reopened her mind to Colin.

  “It’s done. She knows. They’re meeting about it right now.” She sensed her brother’s relief.


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