Layers Crossed

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Layers Crossed Page 4

by Lacey Silks

  She opened up her iPad, saying. “Add your number to my contacts and I’ll text you. For what it’s worth, Cowboy, I’m glad we ran into each other again. And not only because I know that I’m the only one who can get this job done.”

  “For what it’s worth, Emma, I’m happy to have found you again as well. And I trust you with this case more than I’d trust anyone else.”

  The smile she gave me before I left was absolutely priceless. Shit! I would have given up my first born (if I had one) just for that smile. Okay, maybe not, but whatever came next, I was ready to make the sacrifice for her.



  Grace was at my condo that afternoon for some much needed girl talk. I’d been holding onto the news that the Cowboy had appeared back in my life as if I were in witness protection. Julian and Tristan had both been questioning me about the case since Eric had left, and for once I was glad that I could use their own words against them, saying, “It’s private business” and “I signed a confidentiality agreement.”

  It didn’t matter that I hadn’t. The lie had at least kept them from nagging any further. So when Grace plopped down on my couch, with a glass of wine in her hand, I took it from her, gulped it down, and stared. Even Dino, my beloved Miniature Pinscher, looked at me funny.

  “What is up with you? What happened, Emma?”

  “Pour me another one and then I’ll tell you.”

  This time she filled up two glasses, and after I took a sip, I said, “The Cowboy found me.”

  “What? The one from the bar? He got your note? What do you mean, he found you?”

  Sometimes I wondered why Grace wasn’t some kind of an interrogations officer – she’d be awesome at the job. Instead, she opted to run an exclusive hair salon and spa. She’d started out as a hairstylist and expanded the business to a full-out celebrity style spa – and she was good at it, too. It was what she loved to do. Coming from a family of crooked lawyers who tried to use Grace to hide their illegal wealth and never believed in her choice of career, her choice of career wasn’t easy. But she’d proved them all wrong and was now able to live in Manhattan and support herself on her own income.

  “Get this. He never got my note, but came into our office with a case. It was like fate brought us together.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re working on his case.” Her mouth was wide open as she waited for my answer.

  “I am.” I bit my lip.

  “Shut up!”


  “And your brothers handed it over to you just like that?”

  “Well, they didn’t exactly know what the case was, or I guess Eric hadn’t told them enough to scare them away, because if he had I don’t think I’d have gotten it. Plus, they don’t know I met him at the bar.”

  “Wait, so is he in some kind of trouble? Is it dangerous?”

  “Nah.” I waved my hand. “I’ve dealt with worse. I’ll find the information he’s looking for, prove what a good investigator I am to my brothers, and I guess we’ll see what happens.”

  “Look at you! I haven’t seen you glow like this since…” Grace paused. I knew what she was thinking. Grace had been there the night David died. She’d lost her fiancé in the same explosion I’d lost my love. We’d pulled each other through some tough times. She was not only my best friend but my guardian angel. When I needed a shoulder to cry on, she gave me her whole body to snuggle into. She’d sat by my hospital bed until I recovered, holding my hand when they told me of David’s passing. She understood. She saw him give up his life to save mine. We mourned together for months. Since the day we’d met, she’d been the best friend with whom I could fight in the morning and party in the evening. I’d borrow her clothes, and if I forgot to give them back it was no big deal.

  Grace would pick me up from anywhere, at any time if I was having an episode, and I’d do the same for her. The first year was the worst. I’d break down midday at work and need her to drive me home, or I’d wake up drenched in sweat after a nightmare, shaking and reliving the moment of the explosion and watching David die in my arms, blood spilling from the dozens of cuts on his face and body. And when I found the strength to date again last year, she was there for me, encouraging, challenging, and, of course, daring me to go out with the most unexpected men we could find. From bikers to rockers to suited businessmen, I’d tried them all, and not one could hold a candle to David. If they got a second date, they were lucky. I don’t think there was ever a third. But Grace was the one who helped me live again, believe in life after death, and that David would want me to go on for him and for all the plans we’d made together. I honestly believed that if it came down to it, Grace would take a bullet for me. That’s why I wanted her happy. That’s why I’d introduced her to Hunter, her current boyfriend.

  “Wait, what do you mean we’ll see what happens? Are you really thinking seriously about him?”

  “I don’t know, Grace, but I haven’t felt this kind of connection since David. He already asked me out to dinner, and is picking me up in” – I looked at my watch – “an hour.”

  “Well, he’s moving fast, isn’t he? And what are you doing sitting here with me instead of getting ready?”

  “Grace, he’s very nice, and kind, and there’s something old-fashioned about him. And don’t worry, I’ve got you to help me get ready.” I winked. Grace was a professional at getting things done under pressure and at lightning speed. It helped that she lived in my condo, too – or was it me who lived in hers? I moved in right after David’s death. I could no longer live with my parents and needed to start a new life.

  “Turn around,” she ordered, and a hairbrush magically appeared in her hand. The next thing I knew, she was brushing through my straight hair, plugging in her curling iron, and spraying a tropical mist that left my hair shiny with a tad of bounce.

  “Em, you better keep your priorities straight and not lose track of the job. Julian and Tristan may be testing you.”

  My brothers had set me up once before. It was a cheating case, but the hunk that had walked into my office to find out whether his girlfriend was unfaithful was off-the-charts hot. It didn’t take me long to figure out that he was gay, and a hired actor by none other than Julian to see whether I’d go for a client. “Women are weak sometimes,” they’d explained. “We just don’t want you to fall for the easy-on-the-eyes type.”

  Really, was that how little they thought of me? Since that day, I’d refused to trust either of them. Not until they earned it back. But if this case was real, if the Cowboy really needed my help, then it was a step in the right direction.

  “I know. He does seem to spin my head when he’s around, but I can see the job’s important to him, so I won’t fail him. I can’t fail him. It’s important to me too. I can be professional and do the job he hired me for, but after hours, all bets are off.” I winked.

  “So long as Julian and Tristan don’t find out, right? Because honestly, Emma, you sound like you wanna jump right into his bed.”

  “I want to strip him with my teeth, lick him with my tongue, and ride him wearing his cowboy hat until the sun comes up.”

  “So, he’ll be just like any other guy then?” Grace stopped her brush.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that since David’s death, you’ve used men the same way you do toilet paper. Once.”

  “I don’t know Grace, this one may be a wipe,” I teased.

  “Oh, gross, you wouldn’t use a wipe more than once, Em!”

  “No, but they’re tougher, rougher, and hopefully well lubricated.” What I’d failed to tell Grace was that no man had touched me since David. I might have flirted and elaborated about my dates a bit, letting her imagination flourish, but I’d never allowed another man to touch me. David had been my first and only lover. I’d known him since we were kids, and I was the reason he died.

  “One of these days, you’re finally going to open up to someone new, fall in love again, and settle do
wn, Em. And when that day comes, I hope you’re ready. The last thing I’d want you to do is to throw away the one.”

  I rolled my eyes. Grace had been talking about the one for a long time. She hadn’t had any luck finding the right man until I literally brought Hunter onto her doorstep. Or maybe none of them could compare to Marcus, her fiancé who had died saving her life. Grace had never experienced the kind of freedom I had by dating men for pure enjoyment, and she’d treated her dates as if they were all the one, ultimately scaring them off before they got a chance to know what a wonderful woman she was. That is, until she found Hunter, to whom her clinging issues didn’t matter.

  “I don’t know if he’s the one, Grace. I just met him. But he’s definitely not from the city quarters, and he’s so different and genuine.”

  “Wow, look at you. You mean to tell me he actually has a personality? That’s an improvement.”

  She picked up her curling iron and began working her magic with styling my hair. I was glad I’d had a chance to jump into a quick shower right after work so that we could have this time to get ready.

  “Of course he has a personality. I wouldn’t be gushing over him if he didn’t, would I? Now stop interrogating me, finish up, and help me pick an outfit. We don’t have much time.”

  “I’m doing your makeup, too.”

  Of course she would be. Neither I nor Grace would have it any other way.

  After the first fifteen minutes of throwing my clothes onto my bed, pushing aside all the skimpy dresses I usually wore, I’d finally found a peach one that hugged my figure but fluttered out just above my knees. It was sexy but cute at the same time.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear that. You look gorgeous.”

  “That’s because I haven’t. I knew I was saving it for the right man.”

  At my words, the intercom rang.

  I pressed the button, saying, “I’ll be right down.”

  “Go get him, Em.”

  “Thanks, Grace.” I hugged my friend feeling the fluttering butterflies in my stomach turn into a wild elephant stampede.

  * * *

  Downstairs, Eric stood in the lobby with his back turned, looking out the front door. His wide shoulders and narrow hips gave him that perfect shape of an irresistible hunk. My body tingled with desire. His tight behind fit perfectly in his jeans, and I’d already imagined squeezing it to feel the taut muscles. I’d never seen a man wear jeans on a first date. Most of the ones I’d dated had worn suits and looked like they had a pole stuck up their asses, the way they stood when they saw me. But not Eric. My Cowboy’s style was much sexier and more relaxed, which I totally appreciated as it removed any unnecessary tension. But this was just a date, to get to know him better and to make my work easier. It couldn’t be more because my brothers would freak if they knew I was getting involved with a client, and I’d have to go back to my job of investigating cheaters. That was the last thing I wanted. If they only knew how much pain that responsibility had brought me. But I wasn’t a quitter or a whiner. I would do what had to be done. Solve this case, and maybe then see whether Eric and I had something more than sparks flying each time we saw each other. And what my brothers didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them. Or me.

  Letting out a long breath, I made my way toward the front. As my heels clicked, echoing with each step, Eric turned slowly toward me, removed his cowboy hat, and smiled. I paused for a moment, taking in his strong stance, hard muscles, and that one dimple that formed on his right cheek. My gaze lowered to the bouquet of freesias in his hands. The delicate yellow and purple flowers were so lovely and so different than the roses I was used to.

  “Hello, Emma.” His deep voice vibrated through my body and I nearly melted. If we continued at this rate, I’d be in his arms way sooner than I wanted to be.

  “Hello.” Was that all I could say? What did he do to me to make me so breathless?

  He reached forward to hand me the flowers.

  “Thank you. Do you mind if I leave them here? I wouldn’t want them to be without water.”

  “Of course.”

  I handed the bouquet to Harold, our security guard, and he knew what to do immediately. “Would you like these in your apartment, Ms. Cross?”

  “Yes, please. And thank you.” Then I turned to Eric, saying, “So, where to, Cowboy? And please don’t tell me we’ll be riding mechanical bulls today, because that’s not really my thing.”

  “I can say with certainty that I’d enjoy watching you ride, but not a bull.” The hungry look in his stare as he ate me alive from the bottom up forced my mouth to open. My cheeks flushed with heat as the image of me on top of him flew through my mind once again.

  “That’s not what we’re doing. Not yet.”

  Not yet, I repeated in my mind.

  He kindly opened the passenger door of a black SUV and made his way around the car. In silence we drove to lower Manhattan to one of the piers, where Eric parked his car, came around the front to my side before I got a chance to unbuckle, and opened my door.

  “You left your hat on your seat,” I noted.

  “I don’t wear it all the time, Emma.”

  Why was I so uncertain around him, yet curious about what he’d say or do next? As much as I’d thought I had him figured out, I was nowhere near. Deep inside, I had a gut feeling Eric held more secrets than he let on, and I wondered how long it would take me before he let me in to learn them all. For the first time in a long time, I wanted to know everything about a man. The curiosity was driving me crazy.

  Eric offered his arm and I hooked mine into it. Being so close to him, I was overwhelmed by his sheer size. The top of my head barely reached his shoulder.

  Inside the restaurant, the smell of fried food permeated the air. The place felt homey, and the photographs of celebrities on the walls took me aback. From looped ropes to cowboy hats, horseshoes, and cow bells, the country artifacts took me down south in seconds. The theme was unmistakable. I would never have picked a shack like this as a place to eat on my own. Yet this was such a nice change from the expensive restaurants my regular dates took me to.

  “I’ve been to most restaurants in Manhattan, but somehow missed this one.”

  “You’re a down-to-earth kinda girl. I like that. I have a feeling you’ve seen enough expensive restaurants. But if you like, we can change the venue.”

  “No, this is perfect.” And exactly what I needed. I was sick of portions the size of my fists that looked more like art than real food.

  “Good. I’ve heard the food is delicious and that it’s a hidden gem. I hope you like licking your fingers.”

  Can I lick your fingers? I thought. The way Eric looked at me made me wonder whether he could read my thoughts.

  “What are you thinking, Emma?” he asked.


  “Should I have picked something fancier for you?”

  “Don’t offend me. I may be a city girl, but I can do country too.”

  “Good, because you said you wanted to get to know me to do your job better. This” – he pointed to a photograph on a wall – “is pretty much my life.”

  There, in gorgeous sepia tones, was a horse ranch. It was absolutely breathtaking. I wanted to go there and stay there forever.

  I shook my head. What was I thinking? I’d never leave Cross Enterprises or my family, who all lived in New Jersey. It had been my home since my birth. Both my brothers lived there, and my beautiful nieces and nephews. And why was I already thinking about riding out into the sunset on a horse with a man I’d barely met?

  We sat in a private booth, and the stereotypical waitress with two braids, one on each side, brought our menus. Looking through the list, I wasn’t sure what to try first. Some of the items, like fried bull testicles, made me squirm, and I began to doubt whether I could actually find something decent to eat.

  “May I order for you?” Eric asked.


  “I promise you’ll enjoy it.” Then
he leaned in closer, “And there’s no way in hell I’d let your mouth get within an inch of a pair of testicles I’m not familiar with.”

  “Well, you’re pretty coy,” I said, while seriously considering his offer. “Yes, please order for me. But if I don’t like what I see, I get to choose our next venue.”

  We hadn’t yet started our date, and I already knew that one outing wouldn’t be enough.


  “So why don’t you tell me more about this guy you’re looking for? I need details on that kidnapping.”

  Eric’s face sobered, and from one look at him, I knew I would be searching for an asshole from hell.



  Emma sat across the table from me. Part of me wanted to dive right into my past. Another part feared what that meant. I hadn’t had nightmares for a while, but the guilt would always remain inside me. There was no way I’d be able to let that go – ever. I hadn’t shared this with anyone, so deciding at which point to start and how much exactly to tell her was a challenge.

  “I… I haven’t told anyone about this.”

  She reached forward and took my hand into both of hers. Her pale skin stood out against mine. The gesture startled me, but the calmness and understanding in her eyes seeped right into me, giving me that desperately sought courage.

  “It’s all right, Eric.”

  And so I went into the details – most of them – of what had happened to me and my sister when we were barely teens.

  * * *

  Gagged, I felt helpless as the bulky man put a cloth against Annabelle’s mouth. With my hands tied behind my back and feet bound with rope, I moved toward him along the carpet like a caterpillar. Max barked outside, but no one could hear our German shepherd. Tonight our parents had gone on a rare night out to the town dance. It looked like the bastard, whose face I couldn’t see, had timed his abduction perfectly.


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