Dark of kNight

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Dark of kNight Page 9

by T. L Mitchell

  “Stay here.” He whispered as he walked through the bottom half of the house. Quickly he moved up the stairs and covered the entire house. Running back down the stairs, he grabbed my suitcase and the bags again. “Which way?”

  We dropped off the bags in my bedroom and returned down the stairs to the great room. I walked toward the kitchen.



  “You know there is supposed to be a tropical storm heading this way tonight.” My words were more conversational. I reached for two glasses and filled them with ice.

  “Yes, I guess we are going to need a few candles just in case we lose power. Do you have any flashlights, batteries, etc.?”

  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure they’re around here somewhere. My Dad should have plenty of camping supplies in the garage. I’ll get everything together.” Handing him the glass his fingers touched mine slightly. He smiled and then took a sip. His eyebrows drew together.

  “What’s wrong?” I raised the glass to my lips and tasted. The frown on my face matched his. “Sorry.” The tea had gone sour. I reached for the glass and poured both out in the sink. “I’ll have fresh tea when you return, promise.”

  “Okay, I will run back to the house to pick up my stuff. I should be back in within an hour or less. Lock the door and do not let any strangers inside. Okay?” Daniel’s usual smooth voice turned firm and commanding.

  “Yes sir!”

  “Julie, I mean it!” He retorted with a frown.

  “I know. I will. Don’t worry I’ll be fine.” I pushed him forward into the great room.

  My skin crawled with the thought that a killer werewolf ran loose. The legends were right concerning the werewolves. Where were the Lycans in all this? They were the ones that were supposed to be the protectors of man. Locking the door behind him, I decided to head to the garage to see what my father had stored for storm supplies.

  Opening the door to the garage, I flipped on the light switch. No lights. For reasons that I couldn’t explain, I thought if I tried again the lights would mysteriously turn on.

  Nothing. The light bulb must have blown. My fingers trailed past the light switch to the garage opener. I pressed the button and the garage doors opened. Light from the sun illuminated the whole garage. Neatly stacked in the corner of the garage, my father’s camping equipment remained untouched.

  Walking down the stairs, I glanced around the garage for anything else that would be beneficial. Rummaging through the equipment, I found two good working flashlights and a Coleman lantern. I headed back up the stairs and pushed the button to close the garage doors. Closing the door, I locked it and headed back to the kitchen. There had to be candles around here somewhere. Then it occurred to me as I walked back to the great room and glanced over toward the coffee table. There were decorative candles all over the house. Stepping back until I could see the dining room table with several candles in the center. A smile crossed my lips when I realized something very important.

  Last year during a bad storm, one of the trees fell on the power lines. Dad waited for two weeks for the power company to fix the damage. Shortly after, he purchased a whole house generator. However, the thought of sitting alone in the dark with Daniel would be nice. Maybe the storm wouldn’t be that bad, after all.

  Heading back to the kitchen, I ignored the television as I walked by. Walking to the counter I grabbed the container marked TEA. After I started brewing the tea, I left the kitchen to take care of another urgent matter.

  I certainly had enough time to do the laundry. Most of my laundry accumulated at my stay with the Maxwell’s. Heading back up the stairs, I gathered my laundry and returned downstairs to the laundry room. After I set the load and grabbed a glass of tea, I went to prepare for the storm.


  My heart jumped when the sound of the doorbell chimed. The first thought I had that it was probably the police officers again. I hurried around the kitchen to the front door. It was Daniel. He stood in front of the glass door with a suitcase in one hand and a backpack in the other hand. I unlocked the door and let him in.

  “What’s this?” I motioned toward the backpack.

  “Well, I figured we would need a few things if we lose electricity.”

  “Um, Daniel,” I paused. “Dad had a whole house generator installed last year.” I winced.

  “Well, just in case.”

  “Okay, well, pick out a bedroom upstairs. I have to check the laundry.” Turning I headed back to check on the last load in the dryer.

  We spent the good part of two hours outside picking up any items that might become dangerous projectiles in a strong wind. Living in a house with huge glass walls, one considered all possibilities of danger. The wind gusts picked up as we moved the last of the patio furniture into the storage building. Our next difficult measure came when we tried to secure the pool cover. Dark clouds moved in and a burst of rain fell; we gave up. We made a dash through the patio and into the house.

  “Well that was… ” I paused a little breathlessly. “Interesting.”

  He nodded.

  “So what’s for dinner?” His lips broadened into a smile.

  A quick glance at my watch told me it was already five-thirty. With my limited skill in the kitchen, cooking dinner was a funny thought. The old saying is “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”. If this statement was true, I would never win my way to Daniel’s heart. I remained motionless with a blank stare on my face.

  “Okay. We shall see what waits in the refrigerator to be cooked.” He cheerfully announced.

  My heart fell into the pit of my stomach when he opened the refrigerator. His right eyebrow rose when he opened the freezer side. With a soft sigh he turned toward me. “I wonder.” He contemplated. “How long can a person survive without food?”

  “A few weeks?” My eyes drifted upwards toward the ceiling.

  “Hmmm. Well, I did see two steaks. I think I can manage to fix a suitable dinner until we go grocery shopping tomorrow.” A smile crossed his face.

  Seated at the counter I watched while he prepared a culinary masterpiece with sautéed potatoes, onions and broiled steak. We ate our dinner at the kitchen counter while the wind and rain hurled around us outside.

  “Let me guess. Charlotte taught you how to cook,” I said between bites.

  “Actually, I was taught how to cook by a chef. I spent a lot of time in the kitchen.” He smiled a little.

  “So you like to cook?”



  “Sometimes I like to enjoy another person’s skill in the culinary arts.” His smile broadened.

  He had to be joking, I thought shifting in my chair. “Culinary skill, huh? Well, good luck with that, because I’m not very skilled in the kitchen.”

  After dinner, I cleaned up the kitchen, but apparently I didn’t move fast enough so he joined in to help. With a spotless kitchen, we walked into the living room to wait out the rest of the storm. I stopped and looked out the window. The storm was in its full fury now. The wind howled and hurled through the tops of the pine trees, bending them to their sides. I nearly jumped out my skin when a large branch slapped hard against the glass window.

  “I have a great idea,” Daniel spoke distracting my fear.

  Walking past me, he went to the sofa and reached for the remote controls. Looking at each of them carefully, he clicked one and the fireplace started. He then chose another remote and pressed another button. We were now in the dark. After a few seconds, my eyes adjusted and I could see him sitting on the sofa.

  “Come here,” he whispered.

  My heart beat a thousand beats to one breath. I walked toward him and sat down on the sofa. He moved slowly and reached for me. I could feel his hands around my arms as he turned me and pulled me back to him. His arms went around me, pulling me closer to his hard chest. I nestled my head against his chest where I heard the steady rhythm of his strong heart.

bsp; “Better?” he asked.

  “Better,” I replied.

  “We should be safe. The storm is not that bad,” his soft and velvety voice cooed.

  “Tell me more about the Lycans,” I whispered.

  His hand adjusted the pillow under his head and then rested on my arm. Slowly he rubbed his hand up and down my arm.

  “Did you know that the Lycans mate for life?” I shook my head. “There are very few Lycans. They usually stay with their own kind. Not mixing with humans. On rare occasions, a Lycan will take a human as a mate. The connection and bond is so strong it is never broken. Not even in death. If one should die, the other would never take another mate.”

  “That sounds like a lonely life.”

  “Not really. You see the bond between Lycan mates is incredible. They become one with each other. Their thoughts, their emotions, their minds and even their heartbeats.

  They begin to hear each other’s thoughts. The emotions are awakened to a height that is beyond human conception. Each one feels what the other feels, the pain, love, and passion. Their heartbeats begin beating to the same rhythm. I guess when you are truly one together, why would you look for another that could never replace what you had to begin with?” He paused for another moment. I dared not speak.

  “The separation is not lonely. You still feel the presence of your mate with you. It never leaves you no matter how long you may live. It is not a feeling of grieving. It is a satisfied feeling.” His voice was so soothing and warm. I snuggled closer to him.

  “Sounds like my father and mother. He never remarried. I suppose he had the same feelings.”

  “Somewhat , ” he whispered.

  My thought was of my father and the love he had for my mother. So many years I believed he was lonely. It was probably just as Daniel had said concerning the Lycans; he was satisfied to have found his mate in life. My heart swelled inside my body that this type of love actually existed.

  “The ancients say that the reason for the bond helps with the hunt.” His soft voice broke my thoughts.

  “The hunt?”

  “The hunt for werewolves and other creatures of the night. In Lycan form, it cannot speak verbally. Their communications are pretty much like regular wolves. Their thoughts are still human. It is common that mates hunt together. They combine their strengths together. They hunt as one. They attack as one. They kill their prey as one. Only the mated ones are permitted to hunt. Because of the bond.”

  “Is that why it is rare that a Lycan would take a human as a mate?”

  “Yes. According to the ancients, it is not allowed. The laws have been broken only a few times in the past. The ancients believed in keeping the bloodlines pure and sacred.

  Human blood only weakened the lines. Cross breeding, they called it. There were severe penalties.” I could tell his voice had trailed off into a thought as we both heard the wind howl outside and sheets of rain pounding against the glass wall. Soon he continued.

  “A human woman could not carry a Lycan child. The body would not recognize it and … .” he paused again. The sigh in his voice made me tremble. “Neither the mother nor the child would survive.” Utter sadness filled his voice.

  “You know the stories the locals told of the shape-shifters?” He continued changing the subject.

  “Lycans?” I asked and shifted against his chest.

  “Yes. A few people say the Indians that lived on Fort Mountain many years ago made a pact with a few settlers before they left. They granted them sacred rights to their lands in exchange for their help. The new settlers agreed and the Indians introduced them to the Great Spirit Wolf. The Great Spirit Wolf, we now call Lycan, would become the protector of mankind and guardian of the great wall which we know as Fort Mountain.”

  “I had never heard that version of the story.”

  “Not many people have. It has been a secret for many years. The remainder of the settlers stayed in this area and still to this day guard the wall and the humans. They are the only few remainders of the original bloodline of the Lycans.” His soft voice trailed off into another thought.

  “I thought the wall was considered to have magical powers.”

  “According to the legend it does. The Indians that lived behind the wall were spiritual in their belief. Their chief was a wise man. He was aware of the evil nature of the werewolf. While the building of the wall continued at night under the moon, the Indians performed a ceremony during the daylight hours under the sun. The power was so strong in the wall it was said the sun would illuminate one side during sunrise and the other during sunset. The power held within the wall itself would not let any evil creature past it.”

  My eyes were already getting heavy. I closed my eyes listening to the strong beating of his heart. Slowly the world drifted out from underneath me.


  The softness of the night drifted into my dreams. Daniel and I stood in the meadow again. My senses ran wild and I felt more alive than ever. His hand slipped around mine as he led me down through the clover filled meadow. Our steps quickened into a run. Enjoying the breeze in our face, we ran until we reached the forest and continued through the trees. Suddenly, Daniel disappeared. I kept running until I reached the river.

  Standing by the river, I searched for him. A sense of fear washed over me. In the midst of the trees, I saw a dark figure move toward me. It wasn’t Daniel but instead, a werewolf. My heart thundered when I saw the unimaginably horrifying beast. Its large oversized wolf looking head was covered with stiff hair. The body was shaped similar to a human, with muscular long arms, oversized shoulders and thick muscular neck. The claw shaped-hands were attached to its long arms. It balanced itself on its dog-like haunches. It stared at me with its red blazing eyes. I knew in an instant that I was its target. Fearing for my life, I bolted into a run. The roar and growl behind me made the adrenaline rush through my body.

  My heart raced wildly as I found strength in my fear to keep running. The creature was extremely fast. Glancing over my shoulder, I could see it run in leaps on its claw-like hands and dog-like hindquarters. “It’s just a dream!” I demanded my mind. “It’s just a dream! Face your fears!” I commanded myself. Taking a deep breath, I whirled around to see the creature leaping in the air toward me.

  My hands flew instinctively in front of my face while its claws dug into my upper arms. The full weight of the beast forced my body onto the ground. With a heavy thud, I landed on my back. My hands grabbed its prickly shoulders while my arms locked to prevent the sharp teeth from biting me. My resistance was a futile effort. Its strong muscled jaws pushed forward to my throat. Its sharp teeth snapped toward my face. The loud and heavy snarls ripped from its mouth. Quickly its head moved and I felt a sharp stab in my arm. Its head moved closer to mine, dripping crimson red blood from its mouth. Closing my eyes, I screamed, “Daniel!”

  My eyes flew open while the rapid beating of my heart pounded in my ears. I tried to comprehend that it was just a dream. My breath came in gasps. It was morning. Looking around the room, I realized I was now on the floor beside the sofa. Laying my head back on the floor, I inhaled deeply trying to relax. My mind was coming back to reality. I raised myself to a sitting position. With one hand on the sofa, I managed to stand up. The sudden throbbing pain in my arm hit me. I raised my right arm and turned it around.

  Apparently, when I fell off the sofa I had hit it on the coffee table.

  “Daniel?” I called out. There was no answer. He was probably taking a shower. This was not a bad idea. A nice hot shower would help me clear my head from the dream.

  Slowly, I walked up the stairs.

  I grabbed my bathrobe and walked into my shower. The hot water felt good when it hit my skin. With my arm feeling the throbbing pain, washing my hair appeared to be a difficult task, but somehow I managed. The images of the dream still lingered in my mind of the horrid beastly creature. I finished my shower and stepped out. Wrapping myself in my bathrobe, I returned to the bedroom to dres

  “Julie?” I heard his voice call from downstairs.

  “I’m up here! I’ll be down in a minute!” I yelled back to him.

  I dressed quickly and ran down the stairs. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered again. He sat at the kitchen bar watching the TV. My eyes wandered down the length of his arms, noticing the bulging muscles. The tight muscles in his body showed clearly through the light green T-shirt that he wore, sending a rush of warmth through my body. My eyes traveled back to his wide shoulders, traveling slowly down his side. Not missing anything, his stomach must be tightly muscled. My eyes traveled down the length of his upper legs.

  “Are you okay?” His words broke my thoughts. The warmth of blood rushed to my face and I couldn’t help but smile as my eyes turned toward the TV.

  “Yeah, I guess I’m just trying to wake up.” It sounded a lot better than saying to him that I was admiring his well-built and toned body. I quivered at the thought once again when I managed to walk by him and head for the coffee.

  “I checked outside for storm damage. Luckily, there was no damage to the house. A couple of trees fell down across the driveway. I managed to move them out of the way.”

  There was something more. His voice was a little tense. I turned to see only the worried expression on his face.

  “What’s wrong?” The sickening feeling of fear crept inside of me.

  “There were two more attacks last night. I just saw it on the news before you came down the stairs. Two campers.” He spoke slowly never taking his eyes from the TV. “I received a call from Scotland. There appears to be some kind of problem and I need to leave this evening.”

  Everything within me wanted to scream at him, I need you too! Holding the cup tightly in my hands, I considered the possibility that I may just be daydreaming. The fact that I had grown so attached to him fascinated me. Daniel had become my shelter of safety. He stood and then walked toward me. Gently he touched my arm and I winced from the pain that ran up to my shoulder.


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