Dark of kNight

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Dark of kNight Page 28

by T. L Mitchell

  Thomas raised his wearied eyes to his wife. It was evident he searched for the words to comfort her. He held her gaze for a moment before he commented.

  “Do not worry, dear. Please.” He paused. “Let me worry about this young man. If there is any threat, we will take care of it.”

  “What if something happens again? I cannot bear the burden of losing one of my children, Thomas,” she pleaded.

  “Mom, I will be right here.” Daniel tried to sound convincing.

  “What about Casey? Where were we all when she was abducted?” she protested.

  “It’s not the same, Mom. Dr. Miller could have seen her town, and offered to take her to lunch. As a lifelong family friend and doctor, Casey trusted him implicitly. We all did.

  She would have gone with him without a second thought. Brendan Phillips will not have that same access or opportunity, particularly after we warn her,” Daniel said soothingly.

  Charlotte nodded. The whole room went silent. We all debated our options. Jason finally spoke up.

  “Well, we can’t worry over what we don’t know. If this guy does change and comes after us, we can take care of it then. Until then, I suggest we not worry about it.” Jason was right.

  “Dad, if he does happen to show up, I think we could help him. With everything I found out today, there is a chance I may be able to reverse the process.”

  “Son, it is very risky. However, I trust you. If this Mr. Phillips does show up to my office, I will refer him to you. Our welfare depends on this,” Thomas spoke softly.

  “My brothers and I will assist you in any way we can,” Nathaniel spoke up.

  Thomas and Daniel looked at one another then toward Nathaniel. Daniel and I remembered Richard’s one on one attack with the werewolf. The vampires were stronger and faster than the werewolves. The attack was absolutely ruthless and flawless. Their centuries of experience killing these creatures could benefit us all. I only hoped Thomas could put aside his narrow-minded views to see the opportunity which had presented itself.

  “Well,” Thomas directed his attention to Nathaniel. “I feel this is a discussion Charlotte and I would like to have with you and Casey.”

  “Sir, I can understand your apprehensions concerning our relationship. I assure you I completely respect your daughter. If there is any way I can apologize for my behavior in this situation I will gladly do it. I’m in love with Casey. She is my life now. If there is any danger to her life, I consider this a danger to mine as well. She, as well as all of you, have my brothers’ protection.” Nathaniel spoke in a way that showed an amount of authority and confidence. His words showed wisdom beyond his apparent age.

  Thomas raised his eyebrows and looked to Charlotte. I was sure he was looking to the reasoning side of the family for her response. Her eyes looked into Thomas’s in a way it showed a plea.

  “I want my daughter to be happy.” She spoke softly. “This needs to be a conversation we have with the both of you in private.” A warm smile crossed her face.

  Nathaniel nodded as he understood. “If you will excuse me then, I hear Casey.” He turned heading up the stairs.

  “Well, dear,” Thomas said looking again to Charlotte, “I believe we should return home as well.” He held his hand out for Charlotte.

  “Jason, we need to take a little trip. Heather? Julie?” Daniel straightened up with excitement in his eyes.

  “You all go on ahead. I am going to take a break and relax by the pool.” I said walking over to Daniel. Reaching up I gently gave him a slight kiss.

  “All right, then. Try not to get a sun burn.” Daniel grinned as they followed Charlotte and Thomas out the door.

  For the moment, I had a few issues I wanted to consider by myself. I headed up the stairs to change into a swimsuit. Walking past the guest room, I heard Nathaniel’s smooth voice speaking to Casey. There was so much to consider. I knew that Casey and Daniel were the only hope of carrying on the long line of Lycans. If Casey chose to stay with Nathaniel, her line would end. It would be up to Daniel and me to carry on the line.

  Still, my only hope was for Casey’s happiness was that her parents could agree with her decision. Who better to protect their daughter than a mysterious vampire?

  Again, I could feel the turmoil inside my own body. This thing called fate was ringing loudly in my ears. Casey had the responsibility of over a century running through her veins. The Lycan bloodline, to protect humans from the creatures of the night. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as I figured. A Lycan fighting side by side with a vampire? It could happen. She would still be living her destiny. There was a slight possibility this union could work.

  Daniel had said to just have faith. Putting my belief into the possibility everything would work out as it should. I inhaled deeply and exhaled as I realized he was right. Even if this Brendan Phillips reappeared in our lives as a werewolf, everything would work out as it should. Maybe Daniel and Jason could find a cure for him and reverse what Dr.

  Miller did to this young man. The only thing any one of us could do at this point was to wait for Fate to play her hand. We would wait.


  The doorbell promptly rang at noon. I had forgotten the housekeepers were coming. I ran to the door. The three women came into the house half-heartedly smiling toward me. Lilly, the oldest of the women, a short slightly overweight red head, glanced down at my hand noticing the large diamond ring. She looked at her daughter Tina, the youngest, who appeared to be around eighteen. The girl was attractive with shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes. Her complexion was smooth. Tina glanced at my ring as well. Her eyes widened when she saw the large diamond. The last of the women entered the house, Leslie. Leslie was as attractive as her sister. She had long blond hair she kept in a ponytail while she was cleaning. She didn’t appear as impressed as her mother and sister over the obvious display of wealth.

  Realizing I still had Nathaniel and Casey upstairs, I mentioned to the women to do the downstairs first. Taking the opportunity to warn my guests, I dashed up the stairs.

  Knocking on the door slightly I heard Nathaniel’s voice. “Yes, come in, Julie.”

  Opening the door, Casey sat up in the bed. Her bruises completely healed and the color had returned to her skin. She looked wonderful.

  A broad smile crossed my face. “Well, don’t you look like a breath of fresh sunshine.” I walked toward her with outstretched arms.

  “I can say I feel much better.” Her tan arms reached around my neck and squeezed tightly.

  “You know,” I gestured toward Nathaniel, “he has stayed right here with you the entire time.”

  Casey’s smile widened and her eyes sparkled when she looked into his face. Then suddenly her expression changed to one of concern. “Mom and Dad?”

  “They know about Nathaniel. Casey, why didn’t you tell me? You know I would have understood.”

  “I wasn’t worried about you. It was Daniel. I was afraid he would’ve noticed it. It was only a matter of time before you two bonded. Julie, I’m terribly sorry, but I just couldn’t take the chance. We needed time to figure out how to tell Mom and Dad,” Casey said softly.

  “Well, they know now,” I replied.

  “Nathaniel and I have decided we will stay together no matter what they say. I know they are awaiting the dreaded conversation. His brother will be here shortly to pick us up. We’re going to talk to Mom and Dad and get this over with.” Casey’s voice sounded fearful.

  Charlotte and Thomas may be old fashion but I believed they were reasonable. Charlotte was the heart of the family and Thomas was the leader. I could see in Casey’s eyes she was in love with Nathaniel. They had made their choice. In any case, regardless whether her parents agreed to the union between the two, Casey would be with Nathaniel. A new destiny waited for the two of them.

  “I wanted to warn you,” directing my attention to Nathaniel, “the housekeepers are here. I wasn’t sure if this would be a problem for you.”

but I do need to go home for a moment and change my contacts,” he spoke softly.

  “Contacts?” I asked looking from Casey to Nathaniel. “Why would a vampire were contacts?”

  “We wear tinted contacts to protect our eyes from the sun,” he replied.

  “I thought vampires couldn't stand the sun.”

  Nathaniel chuckled. “Well, actually we do have a problem with the sun. Our eyes are extremely sensitive to it. The sun hurts our eyes, almost blinding us, making it difficult to see in the daylight. Vampire eyes are a light crystal blue, contrary to what the legends and folklore state. It has been only in this century when we discovered the use of tinted contacts. Most of us, until then, needed to wear sunglasses to protect our eyes from the sun. It, however, does not burn us as the movies portray. I suppose this is where all the legends began about vampires coming out at night.” He raised his eyebrows as if collecting a reflective memory. “Well, in theory I suppose, they were right. Centuries ago, vampires did only come out at night.”

  “Well then, Casey, help yourself to my clothes. I need to check on the housekeepers,” I said heading out of the door.

  “OMIGOD!” Casey screamed, pointing at my hand. I smiled and walked back over to show her the ring. Casey grabbed my hand, and held it up for Nathaniel to see as well.

  “Wow, my brother has great taste.”

  “You’re impressed by that small thing?” Nathaniel asked with a grin on his face, winking at Julie. “It is a most exquisite bauble.”

  “’Bauble’ your cold ass! It’s beautiful. I hope you two are always happy.”


  Blue-eyed vampires, the story Daniel had told me made sense. I thought for a moment, the vampires might have built the wall on Fort Mountain. Shaking my head, I knew in my heart the truth now.

  For the first time in a long time, I would have the house to myself again. Jason, Heather and Daniel had returned to the clinic in Chattanooga to run more tests. Casey was well again. It appeared like everything would be back to normal. Is there really such a thing as normal anymore? I wasn’t sure how to answer that question.

  For the moment, I was going to have a normal day. I went to my room to find my new swimsuit. A day by the pool was exactly what I needed. Tomorrow I had definite plans for enrollment in my online classes and moving my belongings back here. Then maybe I would have a little time to think about looking at a wedding dress. I glanced down at my hand and looked at the beautiful engagement ring again. Yes, I needed to take time and enjoy the moments fate had brought me.

  The housekeepers busied themselves with dusting and vacuuming. I placed the swimsuit wrap around my waist and tossed a towel over my shoulder. Walking down the stairs, I pulled my hair into a ponytail and proceeded to the pool. I was near to my exit and the doorbell rang. I turned around and my heart fluttered slightly as I realized it was Richard standing at the front door. He looked up as he saw me walking toward the door.

  “Good afternoon,” Richard announced in a smooth voice when I opened the door.

  For the first time the opportunity had risen to have a good look at him. He was more breathtaking in the daylight than he had been under the moonlight. The beautiful features in his face were even more appealing, the smooth skin over the well-defined cheek and jawbones.

  Richard wore a loose cream-colored short sleeve shirt over a pair of kakis. His sandy brown hair was slightly wind-blown from riding with the windows down. I glanced behind him to see what kind of car he was driving. His choice of cars impressed me. He was driving a new black Mustang Cobra with dark tinted windows. It suited him perfectly.

  “Good afternoon,” I replied. “ Please come in. Nathaniel and Casey will be down shortly. Could I offer you something to drink?” Pausing a moment at my offer, a grin crossed his face. “I’m sorry. It is a habit. Southern hospitality.” I quickly added, realizing too late it wasn’t the proper question to ask a vampire.

  “No need for apologies. It is a very hospitable offer.” His smile widened. “A very tempting one nonetheless.” The seductive tone in his voice had an erotic effect on me I didn’t like.

  A long moment passed before my blushing actually diminished on my cheeks. The heat lingered on my face. There was no way I could hide my slight embarrassment.

  Glancing over at the housekeepers, I noticed their attention was on Richard. The glances between the women only confirmed the obvious attractiveness he possessed.

  “Would you like to wait with me on the patio?” My polite voice trembled. I knew I needed to move him away from their view.

  Richard wasn’t the one I worried about being the attacker. Three women appeared to have a particular interest in him. I’m not sure they noticed his pale skin or even cared.

  They were probably too busy admiring his beautiful features.

  Richard was different from Nathaniel. He possessed a sultry and compelling property Nathaniel didn't have. The way he spoke to me sent signals to every nerve in my body.

  Maybe I was more sensitive due to being a Lycan.

  “Nathaniel tells me all of you wear tinted contacts,” I began.

  “Yes.” The tones in his smooth voice tickled my ears when he spoke.

  “May I ask you a few questions?” I felt like a kid in a candy store.

  He nodded. “You are curious about me? I’m impressed.” His eyes slowly traveled from my face to the ring on my finger.

  “Well… yes,” I stuttered. “I mean you are a vampire.”

  “And you are a Lycan.” His left eyebrow rose. “Tell me, Julie,” as he leaned back in the chair placing his arms on the armrest, “what do you fear the most about vampires?”

  Taking me aback for a moment, I had to think. He just took control of the conversation. This unnerved me. The obvious answer would be the way I saw him kill a werewolf the other night. The second had to be his seductive nature.

  “Are all vampires so seductive?” I blurted out trying to avoid his question.

  A wicked grin crossed his face. “Is that what you are afraid of? My seductive nature?” He laughed lightly. The gentle tones in his laugh sparked an overwhelming response in my body.

  “Well, you should be afraid of it,” he warned while his facial expression changed to serious.

  “So is that your secret weapon? You seduce your prey?”

  “Obviously, you seem concerned about my seduction methods. Tell me Julie, do you feel as if I am seducing you?” He leaned forward.

  At that moment, a sense of fear ran through me. I caught my breath and fought hard to regain my composure. “No, actually.” I lied.

  “Hmm.” He sat back in his chair again. “I appeal to you do I not?”

  Great. I felt as though I was a fly caught in a spider’s web.

  “I believe you appeal to a lot of women,” I fired back, my head motioning to the housekeepers.

  His smile broadened. “Then would you give yourself freely to me?” The question flowed from his lips with a certain amount of authority and assurance.

  “No! I’m in love with Daniel. We’re going to be married and he is the only man I want.” I exclaimed firmly, astonished by his boldness.

  Richard remained expressionless. The confidence he had in himself unnerved and frightened me.

  “What if I told you that is a lie? Would you believe me?”

  “NO!” I shot back. “I do love Daniel and we are getting married.”

  Richard stood up from the chair and with a quick fluid motion he stood behind my chair. Leaning his head closer to my ear, I felt the coolness of his breath on my neck.

  “See a vampire knows instinctively about its prey,” he whispered while his lips touched my ear. “The wants, ” his lips moved down my neck. “The desires. ” I felt the coolness of his tongue touching the sweet spot on my neck tracing over the previous bite marks left by Daniel. A sense of thrill ran through me when my body shivered under his touch.

  My body weakened while the sultry tones in his voice sent tremors down m
y spine. Fire wielded in my veins when his cool lips moved up to my jaw. My heart raced, pulsated the fevered blood through my veins against the touch of his lips. It was as if my blood tried to kiss the lips of this vampire. My body betrayed me, even my own blood turned against me, yielding completely to this inhumanly beautiful vampire.

  “To satisfy,” he whispered. Then cool floral scent of his breath lingered on my face. My eyes closed as I exhaled, fighting the cloud which had covered my mind.

  My mind was at a loss. I became intoxicated with need and desire. Fighting hard against my body, my will had to be stronger than this. Suddenly he returned to his chair. I found myself clutching the armrests tightly with my hands. Slightly embarrassed by my erratic breathing, I managed to pull myself together.

  “All right, you made your point. Vampires are seductive. Don’t ever do that again to me.” I warned.

  Richard laughed. There was one true statement about the vampire legends. Vampires were definitely, without a doubt, dangerously seductive. In a few words and gestures, they had their prey agreeing to anything.

  “Don’t worry. I promise I will not harm you or make you do anything against your will,” he purred with a wicked grin. “I believe I have answered your questions.”

  I nodded still trying to shake off the intoxication. Taking a moment, I tried to clear my head. Glancing up, I noticed Casey and Nathaniel standing at the patio door.

  “I think they are ready for you.” I motioned toward the door as Richard followed my eyes.

  He stood and smiled warmly to me. “Again, it has been a pleasure Julie. I hope to see you again.”

  Much later than sooner I hoped. I simply smiled and nodded. My thoughts still wavered. I remained seated while he walked toward Casey and Nathaniel.

  I loved Daniel. I knew it in my heart. Shaking my head, I pulled myself back to reality. The vampires are dangerous. Richard purposely put his spell on me. If he wanted to pursue it, he could have. I would have no choice but to give in to what he wanted. He was right when he said I should be afraid of his seductions.


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