Exceeding Boundaries

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Exceeding Boundaries Page 7

by Mia Downing


  Adam drove home after the most delicious meal served by the most gorgeous woman, feeling uneasy. The afternoon had been perfect, their lovemaking so hot, so damned beautiful he shuddered a bit, remembering how Megan moaned beneath him, let him take her sweet ass.

  And then she had cuddled him—in a bed no less—waking to find her inspecting him, a look something akin to wonder in her eyes was almost as powerful as the submission she’d given him earlier.

  So what bothered him?

  She was terrified of commitment, terrified of anyone knowing. Why? He was good looking guy—he knew it, used it often, took advantage of it. Most women would want to be paraded on his arm. But she didn’t seem to be on that bandwagon. Most women would love to rub their affair in his nosy secretary’s face. But not Megan.

  And then he pulled to the shoulder of the road, unable to drive any farther when the truth hit him square in the chest.

  She was using him. For sex.

  He knew her seduction had been planned, but he had welcomed the advances—not many women had tried to seduce him with such seamless creativity. He was a guy, and the fact that she used him shouldn’t hurt, but it did. Because it meant she only wanted what everyone else wanted. His cock. And he wanted her for much, much more than sex.

  He frowned. Maybe in telling herself it was one time, one night, it had made it easier for her to approach him. She had enjoyed the time they spent together out of bed, had even cooked for him. She had to be interested in more than his sexual prowess. Right? He pulled onto the road again when the way was clear, his thumbs tapping on the steering wheel.

  And then he smiled. He could deal with being used, but she wasn’t going to like the punishment. Not one bit.


  Monday came all too soon. Megan had no clue how she’d feel seeing Adam for the first time at the office, but he hadn’t done more than smile at her briefly and then move on to conduct their morning meeting. Disappointment that he didn’t do more, show more, tasted bitter, but what did she expect? It was what she had asked for.

  She studied his long, lean form over the rims of her glasses—her contacts were among the missing this morning—and found herself unable to concentrate. After all, those long fingers had spent hours deep inside her, teasing her to orgasm. He’d shaved, but she recalled with a wiggle in her chair how the stubble felt along her thighs, against her mound. And those lips—firm, hot, tempting—


  She looked up into Adam’s blue eyes and blinked. He was in front of her, and the conference room was emptying out. “Yes?”

  “Could you find time to meet me in my office later? I have some things to discuss.”

  “Of course.” She adjusted her glasses, wondering if he really had something to talk about or if this was code for something naughtier. Maybe he was breaking the rules already. She watched him leave the room, the material of his suit draping nicely over his fine ass.

  And that was it. She frowned and went to her office, the sexual hum thrumming through her veins still on high. The only problem with seducing Adam was now that she had had him, she wanted more. More orgasms, more of his skin on hers.

  From the office, she moved to the copier, the one across from the desk of Adam’s nosy secretary. She could have had an intern do this busy work for her, but she needed something to fill her hands. She glanced at Peg’s desk. The woman was on the phone, talking as she typed something into the computer.

  Megan ignored her, fiddling instead with the jammed paper, until she heard, “I think he’s seeing someone.”

  Megan dropped the paper tray, and it clattered on top of her foot. She winced and bent to retrieve it, listening carefully.

  “I know these things, Audrey. I’ve been the man’s secretary for five years. He came to work with a hickey on his neck and I don’t know—he just seemed different. Yeah, he tried to hide the mark, but I know these things.”

  Megan wanted to groan—he’d asked her not to mark him, yet she had. Damn her eager mouth. She turned the page over and copied the other side, angling to hear her better.

  “He asked me to send her flowers. I have no clue what to send—I’ll have to let the florist decide.”

  Whoa. Flowers? God damn him, so much for discreet.

  “I dunno, Sarah something. He didn’t give the address, said the florist knew where to send them.”

  Sarah? Her nostrils flared with indignation. Sarah something? That had been the name on his phone when he had to make a call the other day. Family matter, indeed.

  Peg looked over her computer monitor at his closed door, then went back to typing. “Yeah, I know—lucky bitch. It’s hard working for someone that damned hot.” She paused. “You know he’s never hit on me—the whole world would know if he did.”

  Megan frowned. Adam wouldn’t date that gossip.

  “You know, he’s discreet. I’ve never met these women, but he’s always sending out flowers, making dinner reservations. Always a different girl, though Sarah seems to be the flavor of the weekend.”

  Megan gathered her papers and tapped them on end, getting them to line up. She bit her lip, recalling how sweet he was, how intense, how caring. It hadn’t been just sex—they’d gone ice skating. She had cooked for him. She didn’t skate with just anyone. She didn’t cook for just anyone.

  Always a different girl…

  Adam’s office door opened, and someone left. She looked around the secretary into his open door. He sat behind his desk, his collar tight around his neck. Maybe Peg had imagined the dark bruise, but Megan quickly found it, just above the collar. No, that was her hickey. She’d made the mark, and damn it, those secretaries should be envying what she had done with their boss.

  But she hadn’t wanted a commitment. She had known he was a man whore going into this seduction. Why did this bother her so much? She’d gotten what she wanted—hot sex. She should be happy and be able to leave him without looking back. She collected the last page from the copier. No, it didn’t bother her. Not one bit.

  “Ah, Megan, do you have that minute?”

  She looked up to see him smiling from behind his desk and rage took over. Did she have a minute? Oh, yes. She did.


  The minute Megan stepped into his office, Adam knew she’d heard the office gossip his secretary had been spreading. He always knew what Peg had to say and usually found it amusing. Today, he found it useful. Megan wasn’t just upset, she was jealous. Was she jealous enough to stop being foolish and claim him?

  Adam steepled his fingers as she huffed in. “Shut the door, thanks. Sit.”

  She did as she was told, then stood before his desk, her paperwork clutched to her chest like poorly fitted armor. She pushed her glasses up her nose and smoothed a strand of hair out of her face but refused his command to sit.

  “Something wrong?” he asked innocently.

  “No, why would there be?”

  “You had a hard time concentrating this morning at the meeting. I wondered if something was wrong.”

  “Just preoccupied. With the Garrett case, of course.” She nodded.

  “Of course,” he agreed, thinking she didn’t lie all that well. He’d had a hard time concentrating this morning, too, especially since she looked like a naughty librarian in those glasses and very prim suit. All he could think about was being bent over her, his cock deep in her depths, her soft sighs in his ear. He could have bent her over the conference table just as easily. Take her from behind… He swallowed.

  “Who is Sarah?” she finally blurted out, then looked absolutely embarrassed that she’d said it aloud. He almost laughed, but he wasn’t that cruel.

  “Sarah is my mother’s personal nurse. It’s her birthday today.” His mother had seemed to fight off the infection on her own, and he was in fine spirits about it. That and the fact that his sweetheart had a jealous streak a mile wide.

  “You sent her flowers.” Her shoulders rolled slightly, releasing her from her ram
rod stiff stance. He loved seeing the tension unravel in her eyes. He felt mean to punish her but knew she’d never just accept the truth—he was a good guy and she deserved him. He had to peel away the layers of her doubt like an onion.

  “I could send you flowers, too.”

  The fear darted back into her eyes, and he bit back a laugh when she shook her head. No, she wouldn’t want flowers. He doubted she thought she deserved them. One day, he’d fill her office, her home, with flowers. But not today.

  “Soo…” She drew in a breath. “There’s no one else? I mean, I’m not saying I own you or anything. You do what you want. But this weekend…”

  “Of course not. When would I have found time for that?” He rose and circled around the desk, stopping next to her. She smelled slightly floral today, with a hint of citrus. It drove him crazy, inhaling her scent but not touching her. “Where did you hear about Sarah?”

  “Your secretary thought she gave you your hickey.” She brushed the hair from his collar and touched the dark mark right below his jawline with feather-lightness. That touch ignited the fire in his groin, and his cock stirred and rose.

  “I warned you not to mark me,” he murmured. He could easily kiss her from here, she was that close. But if he kissed her, he’d end up taking her on his leather sofa. Wouldn’t Peg have a lot to talk about if she walked in on that?

  “Yes, you did warn me.” She stepped away with longing in her hazel eyes. “So, you wanted to see me?”

  “Yes.” Quickly, he grabbed a file and sat at the edge of his desk, showing her what he needed her to do before he lost his control. There was a knock at the door, and he was pleased they were ultra professional when Peg walked in without waiting for his okay and started rifling through a pile on his desk.

  “Thanks for doing this for me, Megan,” he said. “I need you to come back later, though. I’ll have an update for that file.”

  “Yes. I will. Before lunch?”

  “That would be fine.” He rounded the desk and sat, pulling out his phone as Peg gathered what she needed from the pile. He quickly sent Megan a text that he knew she’d understand, without getting too sexy. Sexting wasn’t his thing. Then he smiled and glanced at the clock. He had made plans, and lunch was going to be delicious.

  Chapter Seven

  I bought pineapple.

  Megan stared at the text Adam had sent her earlier that morning, her new red thong soaked with juices that flowed the moment she read it. She tried to concentrate on her workload but found herself staring at her phone, rereading that text, her pulse elevated. Damn him.

  Okay, so was this an invitation? She thought of Peg and how the woman had waltzed in before, as if she owned the place. She couldn’t picture Adam dipping pineapple under her skirt with Peg breathing at the door. She also couldn’t see him wrinkling his gorgeous suit. No, the text wasn’t an invitation to office sex. He said he’d be discreet. So what was it?

  She turned and looked out the window onto the city, the taxis bustling below, people bundled against the wind. She doubted the bitter cold could calm the fire she felt at this moment, coursing through her veins, over her skin. She wanted him again, needed him. It had been over fourteen hours. He’d left after they shared dinner, had warned her he would. But if she had been brave, would he have stayed, if she asked?

  She frowned. She wasn’t ready for that, yet. The therapist had said these things would take time, but what if she was never brave enough? She’d never have more than a quickie in the evening.

  You deserve more.

  This new inner voice shocked her—its insistence, its positive aura. Had Adam awakened this new voice? She shrugged. What did this new inner voice know? She thought of the pineapple, and how it tasted against his skin. Would she be brave enough to taste more of him?

  She shook her head slightly. Maybe. But even though he was seeing only her at the moment, he’d eventually move on. His type did that. He’d want more eventually, she’d say no, and that would be it.

  Enjoy the pineapple while you can, Meg. It won’t be ripe for long, said one voice. A more familiar, more negative voice. Yes, that was the voice she knew. It was also the same voice that warned her about Sarah something. It had been wrong.

  Megan frowned and glanced at the clock. Ten-thirty. Lunch was going to be a long time coming.


  Megan swept into his office fifteen minutes before twelve, unable to wait any longer. She was so tense with sexual excitement, she didn’t know what she’d do if he didn’t fuck her. If she had brought her vibrator, she would have found somewhere to take care of the problem herself. But she hadn’t.

  So she had steeled herself, had spent a half hour practicing what she’d say to get him to take her away from here, to lunch, to his car, to a hotel, the woods on the side of the road… Anywhere. As long as she could fuck him.

  His firm lips greeted her, and she pictured them roaming her neck, nibbling a path to her—damn it. Her vibrator wouldn’t have taken care of the problem for long. The flames she had felt all day fanned higher, brighter. Every inch of her was aware of him, where he was, how far he was from making contact. She closed her eyes for a moment to center, but when she opened them, he was there, inches from her, smelling cleanly masculine.

  Peg chose just that moment to barge in. “Do you have plans, Mr. Wentworth?”

  “Yes,” he said, smoothly stepping past her to his desk, adjusting his tie. “Megan and I have a last minute meeting this afternoon, with a client. We’ll have to leave now to make it in time.”

  Peg frowned at Megan, assessing her. “It wasn’t on your schedule.”

  “No, but I believe my afternoon isn’t that hectic. The meeting with Paul later can wait until tomorrow, before court. This client is quite insistent, and luckily, Megan is an expert in this field of law.”

  “You won’t be back, then?”

  Adam frowned in thought. “Maybe? This client is very demanding, tractable. I have no clue how long this will take, but it’s worth the trouble. I’ll be in court the rest of the week, so this has to happen now.”

  And then he turned on the charm with that smile of his, the one that drew you in, made you want to move mountains, follow his commands. “Thanks, Peg, for clearing my schedule. And for sending those flowers. Sarah will be thrilled.”

  The secretary smiled, and Megan didn’t like the way she looked at him one bit, like a lioness eyeing a tasty gazelle. Megan asked, “Shall I grab my coat?”

  “Yes, please. It’s going to be cold out there.”

  Moments later, they were outside, in his car, speeding to God only knew where. A client. Damn him, this wasn’t what she planned. Megan frowned and stared out the window, her coat wrapped tightly around her even though the interior of the sports car was already warming nicely.

  “You going to ask where we’re going?” His voice was silky smooth over her tangled nerves.

  “You told Peg we had a meeting.”

  “We do. Sort of.” He flicked the car’s blinker and turned into a high-end condo complex. “We’re here.”

  She looked up—the place was very contemporary and chic and bespoke of the money one needed to live here. “Who is the client we’re interviewing?”

  “The client is you.”

  “Me? I don’t need legal services.”

  “Perhaps not. But you do need me. I can’t tell Peg I’m taking the afternoon off because Megan is wired so tight, she’ll combust if she doesn’t have me before lunch.” He brushed his fingers against the back of her hand and moisture flooded her already damp pussy. She glanced away and swallowed her need.

  “I don’t need you.”

  “No?” He chuckled and slid the keys out of the ignition. “That’s too bad, because I really hate lying to Peg like that.”

  She gave him her best dark look. “First your knee and now this. Didn’t you learn lying was bad as a kid?”

  “Yes,” he said cheerfully. “You going to get out, or are you going to deny y
ourself the pleasure I have waiting for you? I am assuming you got my text. You didn’t answer.”

  She whipped out her phone, typed a hasty text, and hit send.

  His phone dinged, and he took it out of his pocket, read it, and laughed. “Good for you? Naughty, naughty girl. Do you remember the last time you failed to please me?”

  She nodded. Memories of the sting of his hand on her ass, and the other wicked things his fingers had done were vivid in her mind. She closed her eyes, a part of her needing to please him. “What do you want from me?”

  “Come with me, for starters. I have a gift for you.”

  A gift? She was a little intrigued. Okay, maybe a lot. “Yes. Sir.”

  He laughed. “C’mon, let’s get inside.”


  Adam couldn’t wait to get Megan inside his apartment to release some of the intense sexual tension she was radiating. He knew his secretary, Peg, drove her insane—he’d seen the flare in her eyes when Peg gave him that possessive look of hers. He was used to it and didn’t mind. Peg did an excellent job managing his work life. But he couldn’t risk Peg figuring out who was giving him hickeys, not until Megan was ready.

  He glanced at her as he slid the key into his lock and wondered if he should fuck her now, before lunch, or let her brew a bit more. Her hazel eyes burned with lust, her breathing heavy, her lips parted in a way that begged him to kiss them. His cock was all too aware of her and had been semi-hard all day, waiting to be called on for duty. But he had a lot more experience dealing with need than she did, so it was easy for him to put his lust on a back burner. Megan, fortunately for him, needed the release.

  He’d thought a lot about her and what she needed, and it was all so crystal clear. She needed to feel safe. He had just the thing that would further their play and allow her control. Comfort.

  “Is this your place?”

  “Yes. My nana stays here sometimes as well, if she needs to be closer to my mom.”


  He shook his head. “No dogs allowed. She actually belongs to Nana, but on the weekends, she’s mine.” He leaned against the backside of the sofa and crossed his arms over his chest and schooled his features into his best court persona. “I have something for you.”


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