Awakening (Telindell Book 1)

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Awakening (Telindell Book 1) Page 15

by Darren Lee

  “As my first act as your king,” said Draken. “I hereby take Lady Roxees as my wife and queen.”

  A guard approached the two, carrying a decorative pillow. Upon that pillow lay a silver tiara lavishly decorated with diamonds. The guard kneeled before them. Draken took the tiara and placed it upon Roxees’ head.

  Draken looked to the crowd. “Now, kneel! Swear fealty to your queen!” The crowd quickly kneeled and lowered their heads.

  Roxees continued grinning, knowing the people would now obey her with no resistance.

  Draken looked to the crowd and shouted, “Long live the Queen!”

  The crowd replied in thunderous unison, “Long live the Queen!”

  Roxees smiled. “Rise!” The crowd quickly stood and looked upon their devilish new queen. Roxees momentarily bowed before them. “It is with my greatest honor that I accept the role as wife and queen to our beloved King Tieren Draken. I am also your queen! I will do everything within my power to ensure safety and prosperity for our kingdom!” The crowd erupted thunderously in cheers and applause.

  Draken pointed to the doors of the throne room. “Now! Go forth and spread word to all corners of Kynlynn of what you have witnessed here this evening!”

  The crowd bowed and spoke in unison, “My King!”

  Draken placed his hands on Roxees’ hips and pulled her close to him. “After all these years, tonight you are mine.”

  Roxees gripped his sides tightly and pulled him against her. She looked at him and bit her lip. “No, my King. Tonight you are mine.”

  Draken shuddered with anticipation. He took Roxees’ hand and began to lead her from the throne room. They journeyed through the castle, up flight after flight of stairs until they finally reached the King’s royal chambers. Draken opened the large wooden door, allowing Roxees to enter first. Roxees looked around the room. It was littered with Darken’s personal possessions, and drapery decorated the walls. Roxees looked at the very large bed, made up with white silk sheets. Draken shut the door behind him and approached the bed.

  “Sit, my love,” said Roxees in a seductive voice. “Remove those awful garments as well.”

  Draken smirked at her while he quickly removed his clothing. He lay back on the center of the bed, eyeing Roxees. She stood at the foot of the bed, licking her lips as she undid her skimpy top. It fell to the floor, revealing her ample breasts. Draken looked upon Roxees, intoxicated by her beauty. She slowly began to slide her bottoms down revealing herself to Draken.

  Draken stared at Roxees. “Come to me, now.”

  “As you wish, your Majesty,” said Roxees.

  She crawled slowly on top of Draken. Roxees kissed up his abdomen and chest slowly. She let out an intoxicating moan of pleasure. Then, she leaned in to Draken, her lips finally meeting his. Draken’s eyes widened as a painful sensation shot through his body. The air became frigid. He attempted to scream out in pain, but was unable to make a sound. Draken struggled to move, but he was paralyzed.

  Roxees sat up on top of the vulnerable Draken. “Now, Your Majesty, I’m going to tell you a secret.” Draken looked at her in silence. “From the day I first set foot in your kingdom, my plan was to have it all for myself. I made you lust after me. I made your wife jealous. I manipulated that poor wretch, Sarath, into murdering your son,” said Roxees, giggling. Draken looked on in horror, a single tear escaping one eye. “Your wife did not kill those fool humans. I did. Of course, you would have no idea about that. I can take any form I wish. I made you execute your own wife.” Roxees laughed hysterically. “You didn’t even grieve! You immediately wed me, hoping to finally bask in the gloriousness of this body! Now, I am your queen and the sole heir to this kingdom when you die! To beat all, you believed that fool story about the Elves.” Roxees looked up for a moment, then smiled. “Well, mostly foolish. They do exist, but they certainly did not unleash that dragon. And they would not be your enemy… but your closest ally! But, would you like to know my deepest darkest secret, your Majesty?” Draken looked up at her, his mind racing with fear, regret, and anger. “Of course you would,” said Roxees. She leaned down to him, running her tongue up the side of his neck to his ear. Roxees whispered, “I am the dragon.”

  She rose back up as the amulet hanging around her neck began to glow. Draken’s eyes widened, but he was still unable to move. Roxees leapt back from the bed into the air. She spread her arms as they began to take the shape of the dragon’s wings. Roxees morphed into the terrifying dragon before the paralyzed Draken. Her massive form broke through the roof of the castle, sending stones flying upon the town. She let out a terrifying shriek. Roxees grabbed Draken with her mouth. Jagged teeth tore into his flesh. She snapped her mouth, killing Draken and leaving his body in tatters. Roxees dropped his body on the bed and quickly returned to her human form. She leapt onto the bed and rolled in his blood. Roxees grinned before letting out a terrified scream. Guards immediately burst into the room. They peered upon the debris littering the room and the massive opening the dragon had made.

  Roxees began crying uncontrollably and screamed, “The dragon! The dragon killed the King! My husband!” The guards quickly rushed to Roxees’ side. She looked to them and swung her arms frantically. “Get away from me! Ready fifty soldiers! Go now! Get away! Leave me to grieve in peace!”

  The guards brought their right arms across their chests. “Yes, my queen,” they said.

  They all retreated from the room. Roxees held the mangled corpse of King Draken in her arms tightly as she sobbed. Then, her sobs turned into laughter. “Long live the King.” Roxees looked to the sky. “I must inform my Lord Commander of my success.” Her amulet began to glow again, and she morphed into a black crow and flew from the castle toward Dawn’s Grasp Valley. Her wingspan lengthened while feathers shed, and she morphed back into the dragon. Roxees flew swiftly, crossing the Telindells. Upon entering the valley, she saw that the land was now barren. Small camp fires littered the entire valley. The Dalronian legion lined the valley, hundreds of thousands of them, waiting anxiously to begin the siege upon Zaneen. The base of the mountains had been carved back from excessive mining. Upon the coast of the Eternal Sea sat a large dreadful fortress forged from black stone. Roxees flew toward the roof of the fortress. She came to land just as Dreathous emerged onto the roof. The dragon bowed down before the Dalronian Commander. She shifted back into her true self, her long white hair flowing over her shoulders. Roxees smiled, showing her fangs as she looked upon Dreathous with her wicked red eyes.

  Dreathous looked down upon Roxees with an emotionless face. “You return after six and a half years. I hope for your sake you bring news of success.”

  “I do, my Lord Commander,” she said. “First, I would like to say that I like what you have done with the place.”

  “I thought you might,” said Dreathous. “I call it Dreath-hold.”

  Roxees smirked. “Being a bit vain?”

  “Not at all,” said Dreathous. “Soon the name Dreathous will strike terror into the heart of Zaneen, just as it did in Dalron when I took control.”

  “Indeed it shall,” said Roxees.

  “Rise, my loyal General,” said Dreathous. Roxees stood, looking upon Dreathous intently. Dreathous glared at her. “Now for the news you bring. Speak.”

  Roxees gave him a malicious smile. “I am now the Queen of Kynlynn. My husband, the King, has fallen to the monstrous dragon unleashed upon the land by the Elves. At first light, I will order fifty soldiers north to the outpost that has harbored the boy. We will take revenge for our fallen King and slaughter them all.”

  Dreathous looked at her for a moment, then turned away. He started to laugh sadistically. “Well done! After the boy is dead, we march on Kynlynn and make some of the lesser humans our own and treat the rest of Kynlynn as our cattle. Then, we extinguish every human and elf alike!” He began laughing again, thinking of the blood that he would spill. “Then, the magic of this world will be ours, all ours! Dalron will be reborn anew!”
r />   Roxees smiled. “Yes, my Lord Commander. I thought you would be pleased!”

  “Indeed I am,” said Dreathous. “Now go, accompany your soldiers. When the boy is dead, bring me the sword and then we march!”

  “As you wish, my Lord Commander,” said Roxees. She bowed and morphed back into her dragon form. Roxees spread her wings and took flight, heading back to Kynlynn.

  Roxees walked into her throne room as dawn approached. Before her stood fifty well-armed soldiers eager for battle. They all bowed down. “Rise,” said Roxees. “Today we exact vengeance for the murder of our king, my husband, and every other poor soul that has fallen to the Elves.” The soldiers shouted eagerly. “To the north,” said Roxees. “Beyond the eastern borders of Abinburrow and Allendales northern border, you will find the Elves well hidden in a stone outpost concealed by the vegetation of the forest. Slaughter every last one of them! Now go!”

  The soldiers shouted and began marching from the throne room. Roxees left the throne room and returned to her chamber. From the balcony, she watched while horses carried her soldiers into the distance. “Fools. So eager to do my bidding.” Her amulet glowed as she morphed into the crow and followed them.

  Chapter 14: Awakening

  Kane’s ears twitched at the sound of clashing metal. He lay on the ground with his muzzle in the grass. For six and a half years Kane had watched Lian grow from an innocent twelve-year-old-boy into a skilled and powerful warrior. Kane looked upon Lian and Elinar sparring, each possessing grace and prowess with a blade. Lian had grown tall and lean with well-defined muscles. Their swords clashed. Lian no longer wore training attire. He wore a tight-fitting black sleeveless shirt with a slit at the neck. His pants were snug-fitting as well, with thick black boots traveling half way to his knees. Lian dashed at Elinar. Elinar brought his blade up to meet Lian’s. He spun around Lian, swinging the sharp blade toward his back. Lian brought his sword over his back and met Elinar’s blade.

  Elinar took a step back and lowered his blade. “Excellent, Lian. I think I’ll make a warrior out of you yet.”

  Lian turned to face Elinar and smirked. “Yet? I think you just lowered your blade so I wouldn’t best you… Again.”

  “Now, now,” said Elinar, chuckling. “Don’t be so overconfident. It ruins your character.”

  Lian raised his sword and leapt towards Elinar. “I have plenty of character. Unlike you uptight, elegant Elves.”

  Elinar braced himself and met Lian’s blade with his once again. “Uptight and elegant we may be, but at least we aren’t brash and reckless like you humans.”

  Lian pushed Elinar back. “So that’s how it’s going to be?”

  Elinar gained his footing. “Indeed it is.” Elinar quickly dropped down and swept his leg towards Lian’s legs. Lian jumped into the air and flipped over Elinar. Elinar swung his sword toward Lian just as he landed. Lian pulled his sword to his side and clashed with Elinar’s.

  Elinar smiled and pulled his sword back. “You’ve come a long way, my friend.”

  Lian looked at Elinar and smiled. “It’s your fault.”

  Elinar sheathed his sword. “My fault?”

  Lian nodded his head while he sheathed his sword. “Yes, your fault.”

  Elinar smirked and raised an eyebrow. “Tell me, what exactly is my fault?”

  “It’s your fault that I can kick your ass,” said Lian, laughing lightly.

  Elinar gave him a clever smile. “It’s true. I admit that you are stronger, faster, and better with a blade, but--”

  “But what?” said Lian.

  “I’m better looking,” said Elinar smugly. “No Elven woman here will even look at you twice, and you’re practically a living legend. You must be ugly.”

  Lian shook his head. “Teelia looks at me quite often, don’t you think?”

  Elinar laughed. “That’s because she is trying to figure out what you are.”

  Lian sighed and chuckled. “You know,” said Lian. “I’m going to win one of these discussions someday.”

  “Not anytime soon, I fear,” said Elinar. Then, the two began to laugh. Elinar looked upon Lian with pride. “You did well this morning. There is nothing more I can teach you.”

  “You’ve been a good teacher,” said Lian, smiling. “And a better friend.”

  “As have you, my friend,” said Elinar. “Now, come with me. We must talk.”

  Lian nodded and looked to Kane, who was watching in the distance. He whistled at the black wolf. Kane’s ears twitched and he jumped to his feet. The three walked toward the back of the outpost, the rear gate remaining locked tight.

  Elinar looked at Lian. “You’ve progressed to a level none of us can comprehend. You have indeed become more powerful than your ancestor.”

  Lian shook his head. “You think so?”

  Elinar nodded. “Indeed. Sometimes I can’t even see your movements.”

  Lian remained silent for a moment. “What do you mean?”

  Elinar smiled. “What I mean is that if I hadn’t trained you myself, I wouldn’t know where you were going at times, or where you would strike next. When you leapt over me, I didn’t see you jump. You simply vanished.”

  Lian shook his head. “I can’t be that fast, can I?”

  Elinar nodded. “You are.” He chuckled. “I don’t think you realize it, but you hold back each time we spar.”

  Lian took a deep breath. “What does that mean? I thought you said my ancestor changed, transformed, to obtain that kind of power.”

  Elinar looked to Kane. Kane nodded his head. “It means I was right. I think your wolf knew all along. The power is yours. I want you to try and transform, without the sword.”

  Lian chuckled at Elinar’s request. “How? How exactly am I supposed to do something that I don’t know how to do?”

  Elinar looked at Lian. “You’ve done it before, at least partially.” Elinar looked to Kane. “Hasn’t he?”

  Lian looked to Kane. Kane nodded his head again. Lian shook his head. “But I had the sword, now I don’t.”

  Elinar smirked. “Then, you were a child, fearful and afraid. I agree that the sword may have acted as a key, but you did it on your own.”

  “How am I supposed to try?” said Lian.

  Elinar sighed. “If only the gods were still here. Maybe they could instruct you. Olbien vanished before your ancestor’s appearance. Then, he vanished shortly after. All that remained was the sword. Elintae then constructed the Telindell Mountains and commanded us to place the sword within them.”

  Lian shook his head. “What happened to her?”

  Elinar tilted his head and took a breath. “We don’t know. After we placed the sword, she commanded us to leave the valley and monitor some magical seal. If it ever weakened to the point that it was in danger of failing, we were to retrieve the sword from Dawn’s Grasp. Then she vanished as well. Fearing her wrath, we never retrieved it, but followed her wishes.”

  Lian chuckled. “Some god, abandons the world after its near destruction.”

  “I agree,” said Elinar. “If it were left up to me, I would have retrieved the sword far sooner. I also realize that if I were to have done that, we would not have found you, nor your mother.”

  Lian thought for a moment. “Think it’s coincidence?”

  “I cannot say,” said Elinar, sighing. “Maybe there is far too much that none of us understands.”

  “Maybe,” said Lian. “Why do you keep the sword from me then? If it is just a sword and the power is mine?”

  “My father’s commands,” said Elinar. “He and the council feared that if the power of the sword… which I believe is your power… were ever to be released, the Dalronians would find us.”

  “How?” said Lian.

  “The world is constructed with magic,” said Elinar. “It is within us all. Every creature, every stone. When a mage or sorceress uses magic, a ripple is sent throughout the magical energy of the world. Most can’t be detected, even by the most skilled mage or s
orceress. Some, such as a spell that consumes a great deal of magic, sends a powerful enough ripple that many would be able to sense it.”

  Lian shook his head. “I’m no mage.”

  “No, you aren’t,” said Elinar. “But your power, especially if you were to transform, is magic, and it would send a powerful shock wave through the world’s magical energy. One cannot possess such strength as yours without magic. You are living, breathing, and walking magic in human form. You are tied to this world’s energy in a greater way than any mage or sorceress.”

  “And you want me to try and transform?” said Lian. “To alert our enemy of our whereabouts?”

  Elinar laughed. “They will find us anyway. And I fear it will be soon. They must be looking for you and the sword. They would be foolish not to.” Elinar looked to Lian and smirked. “When they come, I would much rather have a god-touched warrior at his full strength.”

  Lian smirked as well. “I see your point.” Lian held his hands out and looked at them. “How am I supposed to try?”

  Elinar thought for a minute. “You’ve done this before. Think back to when it happened. What did you feel?”

  Lian looked to Elinar. “I was scared out of my mind. Everything I had ever known was destroyed. I watched people die for what seemed like an eternity, then Kane was about to be killed…” Lian trailed off into silence for a moment. “I became angry.”

  Elinar smirked. “Then get angry. Remember what it felt like, whatever happened when you got angry. Relive that moment.”

  Lian looked to Elinar and nodded. “Alright. Just stand back. I don’t know what will happen if this works.”

  Elinar nodded and stepped back. Lian closed his eyes and began to think back to the horrors he’d lived through. Marrow, Eva, the charred corpses of the villagers, the sacrifice of Kane’s pack, the Ogres of Shana’s pass, and finally, Kane ready to sacrifice himself. He saw visions of the Sage killing Kane over and over again. Kane and Elinar watched Lian intently. Lian’s hair began to flutter. Elinar’s eyes widened. Lian’s muscles tightened. Dirt began to float up around him. He gritted his teeth and let out a grunt. Then, he opened his eyes and grunted loudly. Elinar looked at Lian in amazement. Lian’s blue eyes were once again dotted with red specs.


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