Ancient Traces

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Ancient Traces Page 29

by Michael Baigent

  England, early man in 107–8, 111–12

  Ethiopia and the origins of man 85, 94–5, 106, 115

  pterosaurs still extant in? 74

  Europe and the last Ice Age 123–4, 132

  prehistoric tools in 107–13

  evolution and Chaos Theory 36–9

  Darwin’s theory of 23–5, 32, 39

  and the fossil record 1, 25–32

  of man 80–99

  and natural selection 32

  and problems with the origin of species 24–36

  extinct creatures, still exist? 40–79

  Finnaeus, Orestius 155

  Fiore, Edith 236, 239, 240

  fish, and evolutionary theory 30

  Flamel, Nicholas 212, 214

  Flem-Arth, Rand and Rose 155, 156

  flint tools 112

  flood see sea level

  footprints, fossil 16–20, 97–8, 107

  Forbidden Archaeology (Cremo and Thompson) 102

  fossils and the age of man see man, age of

  human bones in Ethiopia 94–5, 106

  ‘living’ 44–6

  and the theory of evolution 1, 25–32, 33, 35

  France development of shelters 120

  early man in 110, 111, 112

  Fraser, Peter 206

  Gabon, dinosaurs still extant in? 63–4

  Geber 212

  genetic code, randomly evolved? 35–6

  Germany, development of culture 120

  Gilbert, Adrian 162

  Giza complex 166, 185–90 age 162–84

  astronomical connections 180–84, 187–8

  Great Pyramid 180, 186–7

  Sphinx 163, 165–76, 177, 179, 183

  gold and alchemy 212

  alloys 12

  and culture 12–13

  gold chain in a piece of coal 10–12

  gold plates in funerary mounds 201–2

  gold mines, and human artefacts 3–7, 8–10

  ‘Gold Rush’, California 3

  Goren-Inbar, Naama xi, xii

  Gould, Stephen Jay 24, 25, 30, 34, 35

  Greece Atlantis near see Thera

  earliest settlers 134–6

  and the last Ice Age 125, 132–3

  links with Egypt 193–6, 202–4

  Plato’s description of 150

  and a world-wide flood 126–7, 132

  Hagelund, Captain 51

  Hancock, Graham 162, 164, 183–4

  Hassan, Selim 171

  Hawass, Zahi 167–8, 175

  Hehr, Frederick 14

  Hermes Trismegistus 195

  Hermetica 196–7, 218, 224

  Heuvelmans, Bernard 46, 47

  hieroglyphs 179–80

  Hittites 152

  hominids fossil 80, 81, 82, 94–5 see also australopithecines

  Homo spp. 83, 87, 107 see also man

  horses and evolutionary theory 28–9

  small 55

  Houses of Life 192–3

  Hoyle, Fred 36

  humans see man

  Huxley, Sir Julian 24

  Huxley, T. H. 23

  hypnosis 236–41

  Ice Age(s) and culture 119–21

  flood following the last 124–8, 157, 159

  last 121, 122–4

  In the Wake of Sea-serpents (B. Heuvelmans) 47

  Italy early man in 108–10, 113–15

  and the post-Ice Age flood 123–4

  James, Peter 151, 152–3

  James, T. G. H. 170

  Jericho 145, 179

  Johanson, Donald 80, 81, 83, 95–6,97, 101

  Kali-Yuga 22

  karma 223, 224

  Khafre (pharaoh) 165, 168–71

  Khaiyr, Lake 52

  Khufu (pharaoh) 165, 186

  King, Clarence 7–8

  kongamato 73

  Kovdriavtsev, V. 161

  Labynkyr, lake of 52

  Laetoli footprints 97–9, 102, 107

  lakes, living fossils in? 52–3

  lamas, and reincarnation 220–22

  larynx, ‘descended’ 89, 90

  Leakey, Louis 83, 99

  Leakey, Maeve 83, 85

  Leakey, Mary 83, 97

  Leakey, Richard 83–4, 96, 101, 115

  LeBlond, Paul 47, 48, 50

  Lee, Thomas 103, 104, 105–6

  Lehner, Mark 167, 188, 189

  Levinton, Jeffrey 28

  life, formation 1

  Likouala swamps, dinosaurs still extant in? 57–61, 65–70

  Ling Rinpoche 220, 221–2

  Loch Ness ‘Monster’ 52, 54

  Locke, John 214

  Lorenz, Edward 37

  Lucy (an australopithecine) 80–81, 82, 83, 87, 95–6, 97, 98

  Lumley, Henry de 120

  Maadi 176–9

  Mackal, Roy 57, 59, 63 expeditions 65–70

  mammals 2, 31

  mammoths 156 teeth 122, 123

  man ancestors 80–99, 100–101, 106–7

  earliest examples of 113–16

  early man in Europe 107–12

  early man in North America 103–6

  fossil footprints 97–8

  human traits which defy evolution 87–8

  origins of civilization 117–36

  man, age of 2 and ancient artefacts 2, 3–15, 116

  and ancient writings/traditions 22, 102

  and fossil bones in ancient rock/ coal 15–16, 113–15

  and fossil footprints 16–20, 97–8

  and fossil hominids 85, 99

  and fossil shoe prints 20–22

  maps, and the site of Atlantis 155, 158

  Marinatos, Spyridon 147, 149

  Marshack, Alexander 128, 131

  mastodons 138 teeth 7, 122, 123

  mbilintu 61

  Mediterranean area during the last Ice Age 123–4

  entrance 160

  was Atlantis part of? 145–53

  ‘Megamouth’ sharks 41–2

  Mellaart, James 117–18

  Melland, Frank 73

  Menkaure (pharaoh) 167

  Mesopotamia 179

  Mexico, unknown creatures in? 77 mines

  artefacts found in 3–7, 8–10

  bones found in 15–16

  Minoan culture 147

  mokele-mbembe 59, 60–62, 64–8, 71, 72

  monkeys, proboscis monkeys 90

  Morgan, Elaine 92, 93, 94

  Morrisonville chain 10–12

  mortars, stone 7, 8, 9

  Mortensen, Bodil 178

  Nahuel Huapi, Lake 52

  ‘Nahuelito’ 52

  nail, discovered in a rock 4, 13

  National Geographic (magazine) 98, 99, 101

  natural selection 23, 32, 34 and human evolution 86

  Nature (magazine) 101

  Neolithic civilization 117–18

  Neugebauer, Otto 181–2

  Newton, Sir Isaac 214–15

  North America bones found in coal mines 15

  early man in 103–6

  fossil footprints 17–20

  fossil shoe prints 21–2

  human artefacts in ancient rock or coal 3–12, 14

  Ice Ages 105, 122

  pterodactyls still extant in? 75–7

  n’yamala 61, 63, 64–5

  obsidian 118

  ‘Ogopogo’ 52

  O’Hanlon, Redmond 68

  Okanagan, Lake 52

  On the Track of Unknown Animals (B. Heuvelmans) 46

  Oreopithecus ape 15

  Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, The (Darwin) 23

  Origins Reconsidered (R. Leakey) 101

  Oxnard, Charles 100

  Palestine, and the Sphinx 179

  Paluxy river footprints 18–20

  Parker, R. A. 182

  Pausanias 152

  pestles, stone 8

  Phenanthropus mirabilis 17

  Philosopher’s Stone 212, 214, 218–19

  Physical and Mystical Matters (Bolus) 205

dar 151–2

  Piri Re’is map 155, 158

  plank, wooden, excavated xi–xiii

  plants, and evolutionary theory 30

  Plato and Atlantis 140–41, 143–4, 145, 149, 150, 153–4, 155–7

  and a great flood 126–7

  plesiosaurs 52, 53–4, 63, 64

  Pliny 152

  ‘Poimandres, The’ 197–9, 218

  Porphyry 209

  Powell, James 57, 59, 63–5 expeditions 65–9

  Price, G. Ward 73, 74

  primates 2

  pteranodon 76

  pterosaurs 76–8 pterodactyl 73–5

  pygmy animals 54

  Pyramid Texts, The 181, 190, 191, 192, 204

  pyramids 185, 190 at Giza see Giza complex

  Pythagoras 202–4, 205, 207, 208

  Ragazzoni, Giuseppe 113–15

  Red Crag formation (Suffolk) 107–8, 111–12

  ‘red earth’ 213–14

  ‘red mercury’ 215–17

  ‘red powder’ 213

  Reid, John 20

  reincarnation 203, 220–44

  Romania, development of permanent shelters 120

  Rousseau, Jacques 106

  Runnels, Curtis 132

  Russia, and ‘red mercury’ 215–17

  Saïs, temples of 137

  Sanford, John 105

  savanna, evolution of man on the 84–6, 89, 92

  Schindel, David 24

  Schoch, Robert 172, 173, 174, 175

  science, and prejudice 229

  Scotland, human artefacts found in ancient rock 13, 14

  sea-level, rise after the last Ice Age 121–2, 124–8, 157, 159

  sea-serpents 46–51

  ‘serpent-birds’ 77–8

  sharks 41–4

  Sheguiandah 104, 106

  shelters, and early man 120

  shoe prints, fossil 20–22

  Shuker, Karl 54, 62, 77, 78

  Sibert, John 47, 48

  Simonds, A. C. 74

  Sipylus, Mount 152, 153

  sloths 34

  Smithsonian Institution 5, 8, 16, 17

  Solon 141, 142–3, 153, 160

  Spain, early man in 111

  species, origin of 24–36

  Sphinx 163, 165–76, 177, 179, 183

  Stahl, Barbara 32–4

  Stanley, Steven 25

  Starsjön, Lake 52

  stegosaurus 68

  Stein, USS (ship) 40

  Stevenson, Ian 230–34, 239

  submersibles, and sea ‘monsters’ 40–41

  Table Mountain (California), artefacts from 6–10, 14

  Tantalis 148, 150–53

  Tantalus 151, 152

  Taylor, Stan 18

  ‘Taylor Trail’ 18, 19

  teeth, shark 44, 107–8

  The Times (newspaper) 4, 13

  Thera, as a site for Atlantis 146–50

  Thompson, Richard 22, 101–2, 116

  Thoth 195–6, 225

  Thurii 200

  Timaeus (Plato) 141, 143

  time, man’s concept of 129–30

  tools 2 prehistoric tools in Europe 107–12

  town, world’s first see Çatal Hüyük

  ‘Transfiguration Texts’ 192

  Trojan War 150–51

  tuataras 78–9

  Turkey site for Atlantis see Tantalis

  world’s first town see Çatal Hüyük

  Tuttle, Russell 98

  United States see North America

  Vedic writings 22, 102, 223

  vertebrates, evolution 33

  Vu Quang ox 55

  Wesson, Robert 31, 34, 36

  West, John Anthony 162, 170, 171

  whales bones butchered by early tools 108–10

  swallowing strange creatures 50

  White, Tim 85, 101

  Wilberforce, Bishop 23

  Wilson, Colin 130, 162

  Wood, Bernard 99, 115

  writing, primitive 131

  Zambia, dinosaurs still extant in? 62, 73

  zeuglodonts 54–5

  Zimbabwe, pterosaurs still extant in? 73–4

  Zosimus of Panopolis 208–11, 218–19

  Zuckerman, Lord 98




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