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by Allie Standifer

  Tease Me in Tunisia

  Allie Standifer

  Book 1 in the Erotic Escapes series.

  Daisy Oliver’s never taken a chance in her life. The drab gray of her world changes in a heartbeat, however, when the older women who own 501 Travel Agency ask her to take a trip.

  Rami Gadi loves the ladies of 501, but babysitting their friend pushes the boundaries. Until he catches his first scent of her—and loses his head and heart. He understands there are things Daisy should know about him, but can he risk scaring her away?

  Two people, one determined to fight destiny and the other eager to embrace it. Love is the only thing capable of bringing them together.

  An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication


  Tease Me in Tunisia

  ISBN 9781419929182


  Tease Me in Tunisia Copyright © 2010 Allie Standifer

  Edited by Helen Woodall

  Cover art by Syneca

  Electronic book publication July 2010

  The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

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  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Tease Me in Tunisia

  Allie Standifer


  Here’s to my girls, the muses. You inspire me, push me, irritate the hell out of me and stand by me no matter what. Thank you for your unwavering belief and unconditional support and love.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Dramamine: G.D. Searle & Co.

  Chapter One

  “I’m really not sure about this.” Daisy Oliver nibbled on her lower lip, mulling over the situation.

  “Oh my, dear, if we don’t try this out on a non-paying customer first, how will my sisters and I know if paying clients will get their money’s worth?” Flo sat straight in her chair.

  Daisy Oliver didn’t know what to think. The 501 Travel Agency had been located next to her own modest flower shop for two years. As with most small business owners Daisy had become friendly with the three charming older women who owned it. After a long day of dealing with petulant customers who didn’t know a rose from a weed, walking into the 501 felt like entering an oasis of peace.

  “Daisy, dear, I know this might seem a tad abrupt to you, but we really need your help,” said Fanny “Flo worked for months on this particular trip only to have our regular tester break her leg. If we cancel everything now it will take months to get back to this point. You’d be doing us such a huge favor.”

  Things like this just didn’t happen to people like Daisy. In high school she’d been voted most likely to be sat on. Not an auspicious start to adulthood. With her plain brown hair, mold-colored green-brown eyes and rounded body, nobody offered Daisy things unless it was a blind date with their accountant.

  “I’m… I just… Really, I’m sure I’m not the person you want.” Nervously she twisted her fingers together, pulling and tugging each digit as her tension increased. “It is so sweet of you to offer, but I totally doubt I’d be what you needed.”

  Dora’s pink-haired head nodded in gentle understanding. “Hon, I know you think this would have disaster written all over it for you, but what if it didn’t? What if this turned out to be the trip of a lifetime? You could see sights thousands of years old, walk the path of Hannibal and his elephants, touch the great mosque of Medina.” Her voice lowered to a confidential whisper. “You could get laid.”

  Daisy’s shocked gasp echoed in the room. “Dora!”

  Instead of looking repentant, the pink-capped love-doctor grinned and patted her shellacked hair. “It would do you a world of good to get something besides potting soil between those thighs.”

  Flo squeaked in laugher while Fanny pulled out her ever-ready linen hanky and started fanning herself.

  “Ladies, as much as I thank you for the offer, I have to decline. There’s no way I can take off and leave the business. I can’t afford to close down. I really am sorry.” Regret would eat away at her later. Regret and sorrow for the things she had no courage to do. Things she’d love to do if only her life were different, if only she were different. Twenty-five-pounds-lighter different. Throwing in a new face wouldn’t hurt, either.

  “But, dear,” the ever-persistent Dora barreled on. “Flo has watched over your shop many times. I’m sure she’d be capable of taking over for two weeks.”

  Flo’s cheeks filled with color. “Oh, I’d love to. Working with those beautiful flowers all day would make anyone happy. Please say you’ll let me temporarily take over Buds and Bows.”

  Although Flo looked eager, none of these three women had seen sixty in a long time. How could Daisy in good conscience leave her business in the hands of her dear but elderly friends?

  Somehow the three sisters, different in every way, still managed to complement each other in a natural fashion.

  Dora was like a china doll with her pink hair, brown eyes, and perfect twinsets that flattered her petite five-foot-two frame. If she weighed over one hundred pounds Daisy would eat her best crystal vase.

  With a penchant for bell-bottoms, and insulting t-shirts Flo looked like a throwback from the wild and wicked Sixties—long purple hair braided down her back and ever-present John Lennon glasses perched on her aristocratic nose emphasizing her large cornflower-blue eyes. At almost six feet tall and a hundred and fifty pounds Flo dwarfed her sisters, but her sweet nature made her the easiest to approach of the three.

  Fierce and proper Fanny possessed a strange combination of her sisters’ looks, but without any of the attitude. Happily in the middle she stood five feet six inches tall, weighed one hundred twenty-five pounds and always knew the proper thing to do. She preferred silk and linen to cotton, wore her pure silver hair in an elegant French twist and spoke with a very faint accent. A subtle rolling of the vowels that Daisy could never quite identify.

  “Everything has been resolved, Daisy,” Fanny cut in. “It’s all taken care of. Flo will take over Buds and Bows for the two weeks we need you. Pam can help her out. She’s a good assistant, as long as she’s been with you. That’s final so please don’t argue.”

  This was all happening much too much too quickly, Daisy thought in a panic. If only she’d hadn’t stopped in here for a cup of tea.

  “The three of you are so generous to offer, but really I can’t accept,” she insisted. “There’s no way I could afford to pay Pam and Flo. Not to mention the cost of plane tickets, hotels, food.” She shrugged her shoulders in defeat. The idea of travel tantalized her, but fate had other plans.

hy on earth would you pay Flo?” Dora demanded in her most autocratic tone. “Daisy, you are the one doing us a favor. And of course we’d cover all your travel expenses.”

  Hope, the treacherous hussy, reared her head again. “But I don’t have a passport. It can take weeks to get one.” If she kept throwing obstacles out there eventually one would stick. As much as she longed for adventure and action, bone-deep fear invaded her body every time she thought about leaving.

  What if she met a man? What if he actually talked to her? She’d have to think of something to say. Worse she’d have to say that something in a completely different language.

  Her breath rushed out of her lungs in a nervous panic. She opened her mouth to tell the sisters to take the tickets and foreign travel and shove them. Then a man’s image popped into her mind, clear as a bell except for the swirling mist around his face.

  Daisy knew the body, knew intimately the pleasure those strong, tanned, calloused hands could bring to her aching core. She dreamed about him, night after night. The same man with his face obscured, but the rest of his hard perfection naked and eager to pleasure her.

  And pleasure her he did. All those things she’d only read about in hot erotica novels. All those things that made her flush with heat and pleasure as she remembered them.

  Her mind wandered as the dream drifted through it. She could almost feel him nibble her ear. “Do you want me yet? Enough to accept me?” He toyed with her naked body, rubbing her clit back and forth as a fire of need raced through her.

  Why hadn’t he taken her yet? As if reading her thoughts, her mystery man shifted her in his lap, her legs draped on either side of his, leaving her pussy open and exposed.

  Warm breath teased her ear. Strong fingers slid between her labia, pushing the sensitive flesh apart so the air brushed and teased it. Every pulse in her body vibrated. Her blood raced through her veins liked molten lava. He’d barely touched her and she was seconds from coming.

  “Touch me,” she begged her voice coming out low and needy.

  “With pleasure.” Her mystery man breathed the answer against the susceptible nape of her neck. He reached out a finger and traced the length up her naked flesh. He moved a fingertip over her clit and the light caress made her shiver and her body burn with need.

  She wanted him in her. To know she was well and truly fucked. To feel him filling her to the point of overflowing as she screamed her way to climax.

  One long finger slid inside her. “I’m going to feel every inch of this with my tongue, fingers and cock. And then I’m going to do it all over again until you can’t come anymore.”

  Time stilled and she sensed this man with the unknown face watched her with a needy heated gaze. “Do you want that too, Daisy?

  “Yes. Oh yes.” Her words came out as a desperate whisper. Her blood pounded so fast she was sure everyone could hear it. So close, she was only seconds away from the best orgasm of her life—

  “Daisy, dear, are you all right? You look flushed all of a sudden?” Flo’s sweet voice crashed into her very hot and very erotic daydream.

  Shit, Daisy mentally cursed, why hadn’t Flo waited? Surely, she would have come within a minute or two.

  “Ye-yes,” she managed to stammer out. “I’m fine.” Her brain scrambled to catch up to the three women. What had they been discussing? Oh right. “Without a passport I can’t leave the country. You know that.”

  The impatient huff of breath came from Fanny. “You are the most remarkably stubborn mort…female we’ve ever run across. Of course we procured a passport for you. Leave nothing to chance, I always say.”

  What had Fanny been about to say? And why did Flo and Dora look ready to burn her favorite pair of Italian leather boots? Daisy opened her mouth to ask, but the last part of Fanny’s statement caught up to her brain.

  “You have my passport!” Great. She was now involved in the great granny caper. “You do know it’s illegal to forge official government documents.”

  “What Big Brother doesn’t know won’t hurt us,” came Flo’s typical antiestablishment reply. After all what else would a misplaced hippie say about the government?

  “We have taken the necessary steps to ensure everything goes according to plan. If you don’t deviate from the itinerary you should have an educational and culturally stimulating vacation.”

  “Oh poop, let the girl have some fun. Daisy, run naked through the surf, smoke a chichi pipe and take a native as a lover. Do something to mark your time on this planet besides exist,” Fanny instructed in her no-nonsense tone.

  All at once Daisy envisioned herself running naked through the warm, salty ocean with a certain mystery man right behind her. Her clit throbbed as needy wetness continued to pool between her thighs. She never thought she’d say this, but Daisy Oliver desperately needed to get fucked.

  Taking her silence for acquiescence the sisters bubbled right along.

  “I’ll get your paperwork, dear. Dora’s already packed for you and Fanny just needs the keys to your shop.” Flo moved around the pretty antique fainting couch with a sheaf of papers in her hand. “After all, Daisy, you leave tonight so we really must hurry.”

  * * * * *

  Tunis, Tunisia

  The hot Tunis sun beat down on his hat-covered head while sweat trickled down the back of his organic t-shirt. None of these details touched Rami Gadi as he stood transfixed at the sight before him, just steps away from the air-conditioned heaven of his hotel.

  An American woman stepped out of the taxi, her lush legs swinging out first, quickly followed by rounded hips and mouthwatering breasts. This was her, the one he’d been keeping an eye out for, but holy hell! The old ladies didn’t warn him what effect she’d have on him. The increasing pressure of the zipper against his groin finally distracted him enough to dismiss his driver and follow his soon-to-be lover back into the hotel. What the nearly sprung hard-on meant, he wasn’t ready to ponder.

  With his dark hair and dark eyes Rami knew he could pass for a local until he opened his mouth. Then all anyone would hear was the southern accent thickly weighing his voice. The influence of Georgia on his immigrant parents forty years ago never failed to amuse their five children. His four older sisters loved to tease their father about his mixed Egyptian-Southern accent. And his mother had made a habit of blending the taste of her old life with the food of her new home.

  As an import-export specialist in the family’s growing business, Rami traveled all over the world and loved every minute of it. The ever-changing sights and sounds of new countries and cities kept him feeling alive and renewed.

  A soft almost nonexistent breeze brushed against his face and he inhaled a scent. A mixture of sugar and plums that had his penis rock hard before he could blink.

  Feeling like a marionette on a string Rami followed the tempting woman back to the building he’d left in such a rush five minutes earlier. Now he couldn’t remember why he’d hurried off or where he was going. Her scent was the only thing that drove him. He had to find out if she tasted as luscious as she smelled.

  The cool air did little to ease his body’s internal heat, but at least he wouldn’t drip all over his intriguing woman when they met. Providing, of course, he could keep from drooling at their introduction.

  Had he ever wanted a woman this badly? This instantly? Could she be the one?

  Another hard draw of air into his oxygen-starved lungs convinced Rami that this sweet-smelling, shy-looking American would be his lifetime lover, best friend and the mother of his cubs.

  He hung back to watch in silent appreciation as his mystery lady spoke softly to the reservation clerk, her voice so low he couldn’t eavesdrop without being obvious. He could use his enhanced senses, but letting loose his already shaky control didn’t strike him as the smartest idea ever.

  Watching her full backside sway under a hideous cotton dress that looked more like a tent than an article of clothing caused his breath to catch. A swift mental reminder that caution was nec
essary ensured he kept his distance, but he never allowed her out of his sight.

  The strength of his desire for her surprised him. Only two nights ago he’d taken Fatra outside on his balcony overlooking the street and the tourists wandering aimlessly below. Though Fatra wasn’t his ideal lover, she’d pleased him all the same. But this American beauty made his pulse race in a way he didn’t understand.

  Perhaps she’d be the one he could finally lose himself in. To drop the ties of civilized behavior and immerse himself in a woman the way he’d always craved. His fantasies were rather tame compared to others, but Rami didn’t care. He wanted trust and surrender from a woman. To be able to tie her up and pleasure her until her body responded to his slightest breath. To immerse himself and reel in her scent, taste and texture and control every aspect of her desire.

  He didn’t necessarily want a dominant relationship. He’d tried that several years ago and found the responsibility too heavy a burden. No, Rami wanted a woman strong enough to stand up for herself, but confident enough to let him take over her body. His wolf DNA demanded nothing less than an equal partner.

  Then he wanted her to take control of him. Allow the dominant male in him to receive pleasure without pain. To open his senses and explore the very basis of his desire and wallow in it.

  Yet how incongruous that it should be this shy-looking female with her tent dress, bulky shoes and hideous bun who sparked every nerve ending in his body. Even at fifteen feet away his body ached and his cock leaked pre-cum into the cotton of his boxers. If he didn’t get this woman beneath him, stuffed full with him in the next twenty minutes, Rami was pretty sure his balls would explode.

  With a flick of his tanned wrist he motioned one of the bellhops over. “Find out who that woman is and what room she’s staying in.” A twenty changed hands with the brief clasp of palms. “I’ll be in the bar.”


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