Rescuing Riley: The Gold Coast Retrievers, Book 2

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Rescuing Riley: The Gold Coast Retrievers, Book 2 Page 14

by Alexander, S. B

  “Did you know Liza had the thumb drive?” Riley asked.

  Mr. Gansett braced his elbows on his knees as the van bounced over a bump. “I overheard her on the phone, telling someone she had a thumb drive with evidence that could put Moretti away for a long time.”

  “How does Haley fit into this mess?”

  Mr. Gansett stabbed a thumb at Bart. “She saw this yahoo kill someone.”

  Riley gulped down air as she thought of another nagging question. “Did you know who Liza was when you hired her?”

  He dipped his head as he swung his gaze to the front. “My nephew wanted to find Liza a job. He also wanted to keep her close for many reasons.”

  “My father,” Leo chimed in, “doesn’t trust easily. He wanted to keep an eye on those who quit after the raid, especially one I slept with. I also wanted her to be happy.”

  Oh my. He was in love with Liza. Riley knew that whatever happened, Leo would protect Liza and maybe Riley, and for that, some of her panic waned.

  After several turns and two more stoplights, they were entering the garage underneath Stitches, Inc. Riley’s stomach began to spin out of control.

  Mr. Gansett seemed deep in thought. Maybe he was planning his next move that had nothing to do with Leo and Bart’s objective.

  Nevertheless, three men against Liza wasn’t going to end well. Then, in pure Riley fashion, she thought the worst. What if Liza didn’t show? What if they didn’t get the thumb drive? What if this was the day Riley died?

  Hairs shot straight up on her arms as if she’d touched a live electrical wire. She breathed deeply through her nose, doing everything she could not to panic to the point she would pass out. Riley had never been known to do that, but she’d never been kidnapped before.

  Then her pulse slowed as if a hard wind blew and took with it the terror hijacking her body. Josh was in the city. Josh would save the day.

  The man can’t hear. He limps too. “So what?” Riley silently shouted. Josh would protect those he loved. He doesn’t love you. Okay, he would protect his friends or friends of loved ones. Stop torturing yourself, Riley.

  Riley had to love her subconscious.

  A phone somewhere up front dinged. Bart glanced down in his lap. Riley couldn’t tell if he was looking at her phone or his.

  Mr. Gansett wiped the sweat off his brow. “Park in the spot closest to the door. I’d rather not call attention to us.”

  Bart produced a gun from the glove compartment. Riley was officially about to pee in her nice lacy underwear.

  A car’s tires squealed on the cement floor of the garage.

  Liza immediately came to mind. Or maybe it was Josh. It didn’t matter. Whoever was out there would help.

  Silence filled every corner of the van. Until…

  “Helllllllp!” Riley screamed at the top of her lungs.

  Bart whirled around in his seat, aiming a rather large gun at her. “Shut up. Or I’ll make sure you never scream again.”

  Mr. Gansett practically dove at her and covered her mouth. Riley kicked, wiggled, and kicked again, flopping around like a fish out of water.

  Lowering his gun, Bart swiveled in his seat. “Is that Liza?”

  Riley choked as her lungs burned for air.

  “No,” Leo said. “The truck left.”

  Mr. Gansett removed his hand.

  Riley took deep breaths, realizing the onion man was none other than Mr. Gansett.

  She didn’t get a chance to do much else, when Mr. Gansett untied her ankles. “Let’s get this over with.”

  Before she could take another breath, Riley was dragged out of the van and into the elevator with a gun to her back. Her nerves were singing in tune with her pulse.

  Bart pushed the barrel of the gun into her. “Try any slick moves, and I’ll use this.”

  She had no doubt he would.

  As the elevator ascended, Riley stuck out her chin for nothing more than to show these men she wasn’t afraid. Yet her insides were knotted to the point that her stomach hurt. She wanted nothing more than to be home on the couch, watching a Red Sox game with Ross. Better yet, lounging on the porch behind Redwood Cove Inn, listening to the waves crash against the shore while she drank lemonade with Josh next to her.

  None of that was in her future, not when the mafia had her in their grasp and the only way out of this situation was in a body bag. Sure, they’d been accommodating in the van, talking to her as if they were old friends, but that was only a façade.

  Tell her everything because in the end, she won’t be around to tell the feds anything.

  The elevator dinged, and her heart plummeted.

  When the doors slid open, fear so darned strong gripped her from every angle. Mr. Gansett and Leo walked out.

  Bart tried to pull her with him, but Riley didn’t move. Something told her not to step out. If she did, she wouldn’t see the light of day ever again.

  Bart got behind her just before the doors slid shut. “I’m warning you.” He pressed the open-door button as he kept the gun trained on her. Then he released the button and shoved Riley out before the doors could close.

  Jerk came to mind as she stumbled. With her hands tied behind her back, she had no way to catch herself. The floor rose up fast, and she landed on her face. A sharp and excruciating pain radiated outward.

  Leo helped her up, and when they locked eyes, he winced.

  Riley couldn’t help but do the same for a vastly different reason—pain.

  Bart jabbed the gun into her. “Move.” His tone could’ve split a glacier in two.

  Blood oozed out of Riley’s nose and slid into her mouth, the metallic taste exploding on her tongue. The urge to spit was overpowering, but her reflex kicked in as Bart pushed her, making her swallow.

  Before long, a familiar area came into view. They were on the opposite end of Mr. Gansett’s office, looking down at the reception desk that was illuminated by the fluorescent lights above. The word “creepy” came to mind, giving Riley the sense that she was in a horror movie. The closed doors on both sides of the hall reminded her of that long hallway in The Shining. When Leo and Mr. Gansett stopped cold, she squealed.

  Bart abandoned her, barreling through the two men like a bowling ball.

  This was Riley’s chance to run, get away, and seek freedom. But then she caught sight of a petite figure standing in the distance like an angel who had come to rescue her. Riley wasn’t exaggerating. With the light from above, the woman looked as if she had a halo over her brown hair that was draped around her shoulders.

  The pain in Riley’s face diminished. The nausea that was slowly creeping north ebbed. She blinked several times. Suddenly, Liza became crystal clear. Riley’s excitement was at an all-time high. Finally, Riley was laying eyes on her best friend.

  “Liza?” she shouted at the top of her lungs. “Is that you?”

  For a second, Riley thought Liza was happy to see her. But Liza’s gaze was riveted on Leo, who had his mouth slightly ajar. So much love was pouring off him despite the fact that she had something of value that could imprison his father for life.

  Nevertheless, she was still Riley’s best friend. Riley was over the moon to see Liza even if the smile wasn’t for her.

  Liza held up the thumb drive. “Send Riley down here.” She had that confident tone again, the same one Riley had never heard before that day. Liza didn’t have an ounce of shakiness or a cracked voice or anything.

  You’re not doing so bad yourself. Riley begged to differ. She couldn’t save herself if her life depended on it and it did. You gave it a try when you kneed Leo in the groin.

  Leo growled or maybe moaned.

  Bart marched down toward Liza.

  Riley held her breath, checking over her shoulder. This was her chance to save herself.

  Leo clenched her arm with a vise-like grip. “I might be in love with your friend, but I’m not an idiot.”

  “If you love her that much, you’ll let me go,” Riley said.

/>   Bart was halfway to Liza with the gun pointed at her. “Either you throw that drive to me, or you’ll get a bullet to the head.”

  As if Bart had said the magic line, all hell broke loose.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Josh and Taylor were in one of the many abandoned offices on the other end from where Liza’s office was located. He’d been pacing and talking to himself, praying that what was about to go down would happen without his cousin or Riley getting hurt. He was also antsy because he had no control, he had no weapon, and he had no way to help. The only thing he took comfort in was knowing that Charlie was safe with Candace.

  Josh had had no other choice but to call Agent Wallace to bring in the cavalry despite Taylor’s plea not to. He wanted to be a hero, to save the day, to save his cousin, and to rescue the woman he was falling hard for. But Taylor had reminded Josh he couldn’t hear, and since he’d nearly blacked out when Taylor had shown up, Josh wasn’t exactly the model hero he’d been when he was a SEAL. And for that, he had his fists clenched and his jaw locked tight, plus nerves were eating the lining of his stomach.

  In addition, Agent Wallace had ordered Josh not to engage under any circumstances if the situation got out of control. Wallace knew Josh wanted to help. He knew Josh was itching to strap on a gun and go into battle. Man, that was the understatement of the century.

  Taylor chewed her nails as she kept her ear to the door. The only reason she was in the building was because they’d run out of time. As for Josh, there was no way he was leaving.

  Taylor raised her finger to her lips, indicating that they needed to be quiet. Josh’s heart jackhammered against his ribs. Then she motioned to the door with her finger. “They’re here,” she mouthed.

  Josh stopped pacing. He stopped breathing. He pressed his ear to the door, straining to hear a pin drop.

  Suddenly, he heard Riley call out to Liza, which told him she had to be screaming. As if that were his cue to jump into action, Josh grabbed the doorknob.

  Taylor shook her head vigorously, narrowing her eyes as she covered her hand over his. “Wait,” she mouthed.

  Josh suppressed a growl. Patience wasn’t his strong suit. Besides, he’d been trained to attack at the right moment, and that was the right moment. Riley needed him.

  As hard as it was, Josh held steady, again his ear and the door becoming one. He heard a muffled voice, then a man’s voice became deeper and sharper. “You’ll get a bullet to the head.”

  Josh didn’t need to hear anything else. He threw open the door and tackled the big guy to the ground. The man’s bald head slammed against the wall, and his gun slid out of his grasp. Josh wrestled with him, but the man got Josh in a choke hold with Josh’s back to his front.

  Josh’s lungs screamed for air. He slammed his head into the man’s nose. The bald man faltered, and his grip loosened. Josh shrugged out of the hold and primed his fist, ready to use the baldheaded guy as a punching bag, when someone from behind him caught his arm.

  “We got it from here,” Agent Wallace said loudly on Josh’s good side.

  The dude snarled when Dennison appeared and took him into custody.

  A muscle ticked in Agent Wallace’s jaw. “I thought I told you not to engage.”

  “I’ve been known not to obey,” Josh returned. Luckily, for everyone, no guns went off.

  But agents, guns, and bad guys faded as Josh searched up and down the hall for only one woman. His pulse was still beating rapidly but now for a vastly different reason. He didn’t want to see Mr. Gansett or Moretti’s son being escorted out in handcuffs.

  Riley’s cherry blossom scent wafted in the air, and every one of Josh’s muscles tightened and loosened at the same time. His heart beat like a wild horse running through the vast open plains.

  In slow motion, he pivoted on his heel and looked behind him. When he did, he lost his breath—not because of her smile and not because she was alive, but her gray eyes had a storm brewing in them of epic proportions. Or maybe it just looked that way since the underside of her eyes were turning black and blue. Josh’s gaze traveled down to find blood smeared around her nose.

  He rushed to her, wanting nothing more than to lift her in his arms and take care of her. Yet the moment they were face to face, all sense of where he was disappeared. Josh cupped her cheek, breathed her in, and slowly lowered his lips to hers.

  Riley sucked in a sharp breath and nodded as if to say, “Please kiss me.”

  So he did. He kissed her as if she were his last breath. In that moment, he knew he didn’t want this woman to leave California. He also knew that he would do anything to make sure she didn’t.

  Their tongues collided in a heated kiss as she pressed her body to his. Josh kept one hand on her soft cheek and snaked his other hand around to her lower back to make sure she didn’t fall, leave, or back away.

  She abandoned his mouth. “I want that dinner and a movie.”

  He lifted her up in his arms. “And I want you.”

  All was right in the world.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Puffy clouds hung over the Pacific Ocean far in the distance. Liza and Riley sat on a couch swing on the back porch of the Redwood Cove Inn. One day had passed since Josh had saved them. If it weren’t for him, Liza and Riley might not be alive. Sure, the federal agents were waiting for the right moment to storm out of the offices, but Bart had been a second away from using his gun on Riley or Liza or both of them. Plus, Josh had had the fortitude to alert Agent Wallace despite Taylor following Liza’s orders not to bring in the cops.

  Riley moved Liza’s long hair out of the way and laid her head on Liza’s shoulder. “I’m still mad at you. And I have a ton of questions.”

  Agent Wallace had questioned Liza without anyone but other agents present.

  “Let’s wait for my cousin. I know he’s chomping at the bit to ask me the same questions you have, and I would prefer to only answer them once, especially after being interrogated until four in the morning.”

  Riley could do that. She didn’t blame Liza either. Having to relive the ordeal over and over again would’ve been maddening. Riley knew she would have to answer Ross’s questions, but he wouldn’t be as nice as Josh, especially when he saw her black eyes.

  “While we wait, let’s talk about Leo. I’m sure Josh doesn’t want to hear about him.”

  Liza tensed. “Nothing to say about Leo.”

  Riley sat up. “He’s in love with you. The man confessed as much.”

  She whipped her head at Riley, brown eyes full of despair. “He and I could never be. I don’t agree with his morals or what he and his family do for a living. I made a mistake in sleeping with him.”

  “How come you never told me?”

  Waves crashed on the shore.

  Liza’s foot moved back and forth. “Would you have approved?”

  “Whether I would have or not, I am your friend, and you know I don’t judge. I would’ve supported you no matter what.” Riley wouldn’t have approved, but love was a funny animal. She believed love found a person, not the other way around.

  Liza patted Riley’s thigh. “Thank you. I do care for Leo, but not enough to live his lifestyle. So when are you leaving for Boston?”

  Riley didn’t want to leave. She wanted to spend time with Liza and go on that date with Josh. Riley had told him she would, but the wedding she had next weekend required her to be in Boston. When Riley had called that morning, her assistant had said the bride-to-be wanted a refund if Riley didn’t show. Riley couldn’t say she blamed the young woman. Riley had promised that she would be there every step of the way. She also had the mayor’s daughter’s wedding coming up, and she had so much to do.


  “Josh will be sad,” Liza said. “When I told him to take care of you, I didn’t mean to fall in love.” She giggled.

  “He’s not in love with me.”

  “Pfft. He is. I know my cousin. I have never seen him head over heels for someone.
That kiss yesterday? That reunion between you two? Wow.”

  Heat pinched Riley’s cheeks. “He certainly knows how to kiss.” She touched her lips. “I will be sad too. I promised him a date.”

  “Oh, he’ll hold you to that promise.”

  “Long-distance relationships don’t really work,” Riley said, more to herself.

  “I’ll make sure this one does.” Out of nowhere, a tear slid down Liza’s cheek. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am that I put you in danger. That was never my intention.”

  Riley reached over and grasped her best friend’s hand. “You didn’t force me to do anything. You didn’t even force Taylor. That woman admires you so much, although I had my doubts about her at first.”

  “She’s a great person. Her father cut off her inheritance because she didn’t want to go to business school, and she wants nothing to do with her family’s winery or any of their businesses. She’s going to be a great fashion designer.”

  “She’s also getting married. Right?”

  “I think her relationship with her fiancé is strained because her father disowned her. So we’ll see.”

  Riley had seen many couples break up midway through the wedding planning stages for many reasons.

  Riley and Liza swung on the couch swing, the movement soothing. Riley could sit there all day, thinking, reading, working, and watching the ocean in all its glory. As the surfers paddled out to catch the next big wave, she had an idea.

  She let go of Liza’s hand. “We’ve talked about opening up a dress shop, and I was thinking that maybe we could do that sooner rather than later. There’s a bridal shop in town for sale. What if we bought it? You could get things up and running, and I can come out a few times a year and help. You could hire Taylor.”

  The swing stopped. “Seriously?”

  “I have money in the bank, and you don’t have a job.”

  Mr. Gansett had been arrested, so the company was in disarray, and Riley didn’t think Liza was going back to Stitches, Inc. She knew Taylor wasn’t. Even if Mr. Gansett kept the company running, he thought Taylor wasn’t talented.


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