by Thomas H. Ward

  To summarize the guns needed are; a 12 gauge shotgun semi-automatic type, a .22 rifle or target pistol, a 9mm luger Glock handgun, and a .223 ( 5.56 NATO ) AR15 design rifle or a CAR15 9mm carbine. I would choose to have two guns of each type so you have a backup. How much ammo do you need? It is up to you to decide, but the more the better as the gun is worthless without ammunition. If you can only own one or two guns then the AR15 rifle and the 9mm Glock are my choices.

  Everyone in your family should know how to shoot each type of gun. I suggest one gun for each family member. Gun selection should be made by what each member of the family likes best to shoot. One may like a .22 caliber and one may like a 9mm Glock. Remember your family is also your Army to help protect each other. So proper training is very important. Do not spare any expense on training. Do not buy cheap unreliable guns.


  If you have no experience with guns then it is suggested that you learn by going to your local gun store or shooting range and take lessons from a good instructor. If you have a friend who shoots go with him to the range. The National Rifle Association or NRA is a valuable resource to use for this learning process.

  NRA has safety rules which you can find listed on line. The worst thing you can do is buy a gun and not know how to use it or even load it. If you are faced with a threat to your life or that of your family then you better know how to use the weapon with some degree of skill. The more skillful you are the better your chance of survival will be. We are talking life and death situations that require split second decisions on your part so shooting practice is a very necessary. Join a local shooting club.

  I stress do not buy a gun just to have one. Do not buy a gun if you will never practice or shoot it. How much practice do you need? Based on my experience I think shooting your weapon at least one to two hours per week is necessary to become a good shot and learn to know everything about your gun. I know many people who shoot two hours a week. I also stress go take combat shooting lessons at a gun school such as Gun Sight or Front Sight. They will train you in Home Defense, Vehicle Defense, Tactical Rifle, Pistol, and Shotgun use. Be the best you can be as learning to shoot is more than just going to the range and pulling the trigger.

  Above all be a safe shooter and follow the safety rules. When not in use keep you guns locked up so kids cannot access them and they cannot be stolen from you. I strongly suggest a gun safe to store your guns and ammo as it will give you peace of mind. You can also keep other valuables in the safe. Shooting can be a great hobby providing much enjoyment and fun for the whole family. Shoot safe and shoot straight.


  BOOK #7

  Pàn Guó Zuì




  What does the future hold for America? Read “The Tocabaga Chronicles” to find out what could happen to our wonderful country. Find out how to protect your loved ones and survive the chaos after the collapse.

  Law and order only exists at the end of a gun. It takes tough, hard men and women working as a team to stay safe and free. Friends and family need to stick together to fend off the daily threats of death. You need to be smart, compassionate, and ruthless with those who would do you harm. You need guns, guns, and more guns with a ton of ammunition or you will not survive very long.

  Good luck in the future.


  I see them all the time. I see them walking around the streets when I drive by vacant run down homes where people used to live normal lives. They’re the poor, the homeless, the starving, and the mentally ill who have no future. The homeless wander aimlessly around not knowing where they are going or where they have been. They are all searching for the same things: which are food and safe shelter. In reality they have no hope to improve their lives. These people have nothing, no money, no food, and no home. They wear dirty rags for clothes and live in fear every day. People are forced to sleep in dirty rat-invested, termite riddled, old homes or buildings. Most will die on the streets from starvation or malnutrition if they aren’t murdered first by the Free Roamers for the rags on their backs. The Free Roamers are small groups of people who roam around stealing from the weak and sick helpless people.

  Now we are a third world country like Mexico, India, and China. These countries and others have thousands of poor people trying to stay alive. They don’t know where their next meal will come from.

  In Mexico, years ago, there was a shanty town just south of Tijuana on the main highway. It had thousands of houses made of cardboard and plywood located on the side of a large hill. These so-called houses had no running water or toilets. Driving by you could see little kids playing in the mud or maybe it wasn’t mud. You could smell the stench from the highway hundreds of yards away. It was the smell of garbage and human waste that was so strong you needed to hold your nose or puke in your own car.

  Mexicali, along the border of California, was a sleepy little town. It looked like something out of a western movie. A mud and dirt street ran through the middle of town. The wooden sidewalks, were raised up about two feet off the ground and followed the store fronts. There were even hitching posts where one could tie up a horse. This small town was under the thumb of drug cartels. Every man you saw carried a side arm of some kind. Going through town was dangerous but not because of the cartel. It was dangerous because of the kids who would approach your car at a stop light and clean your windows. They were starving drug addicted little kids.

  Mexicali had a stop light on every corner. You had to stop because if a cop saw you run a light you could go jail or be forced pay a big fine. When you stopped for a red light the little drug kids would come up to your car and clean your windows. When they finished they wanted you to pay them. If you rolled down your window to give them money, one would stick a gun in your face and take all your money. The only way to prevent this was to brandish your own gun. Once they saw you were armed they would leave you alone. These poor kids were making money the only way they knew how. They needed to buy food and the drugs that the cartel got them hooked on.

  One time in India I stayed at a four-star hotel in Bombay. I had a well-off friend that owned an electronics company. I went for a walk to see the city the day I arrived. Near the front door of the hotel, on the sidewalk, lay a dead man. Everyone was stepping over or around him. I went back inside and told the front desk about the dead body. They told me not to worry because someone will come by to pick up it up soon. I went for my walk and before I knew it little kids were swarming all around me. They were touching me all over trying to pick my pockets. A dozen little kids dressed in rags with dirty hungry faces. These kids, I found out later, are called the untouchables. They are the poorest of the poor, all of them slowly starving to death, looking for money. To keep them from touching me, and passing on some type of disease, I took all the money in my pockets and threw it up in the air. They all scrambled for it while I made my escape. My Indian friend told me not to go walking around because those kids would kill you for a dollar.

  I never thought the United States of America would become a third world country. It makes me sick to think about it. I feel sorry for most of these helpless American kids. I would bring them all to Tocabaga, if I could, but that would overwhelm our food supply and create a dangerous situation for Tocabaga citizens.

  I try to look the other way and not become involved, but every now and then something compels me to stop and talk to these people. Maybe it’s God telling me to help them. I stop especially if I see a kid or a family with kids in need.

  I talk to them and determine if they are of good moral character or worth saving. I know I am playing God, in a way, deciding who will live and die. If they are worth saving I bring them to Tocabaga. This upsets a lot of people here and causes problems. Our population has increased by fifty people in the last few months. The Tocabaga Board warned me not to bring any more refugees to our sanctuary because it is stressful for those already here and it puts a strain on our resource

  The problem is if I see any little kids walking the streets by themselves I have to help them. The only way to help them is to take them off the streets and bring them here so they can have a, more or less, normal life.

  We need these kids because they are the future. They’re the ones who will keep the dream alive. They’re the ones that will grow our food and do our chores when we are too old to take care of ourselves.

  I have adopted four children, bringing my extended family to a total of twelve people. Other citizens have taken in at least a dozen more children. These children are learning about the Constitution and our history. We are teaching them how to farm and hunt to become self sufficient. They’re learning how to take care of others and show compassion. They’re learning how to fight for freedom.

  How did our country get this way? My thinking is it was a number of things, but it was also an overzealous President who was pushing for more control of the government to make a truly socialist state.

  The country was overwhelmed by illegal aliens coming across our unprotected borders. These people wanted what we had worked for all our lives. They wanted us to give them food and homes or they would take it by force.

  Soon the number of people not paying taxes overwhelmed the system by wanting more and more free services. The government couldn’t afford it anymore and everything just fell apart.

  China now holds 46 percent of all U.S. debt. It is the largest holder of all U.S. debt. If the United States cannot repay the debt in an international currency or gold then China could demand payment in tangible property, such as real estate.

  If you check history, many lands were sold or given as payment of debt. The United States took over Texas, California, Arizona, and New Mexico after the Mexican-American War as payment. We purchased Alaska from Russia. The U.S. purchased land from France in a deal called the Louisiana Purchase. Spain ceded Florida to the United States in 1821.

  The current President put into effect Executive Order 13603 which declared that all property belongs to the Federal Government: your house, money, guns, and even your kids. They can tell you where to live and where to work. If you don’t think this can happen then Google U. S. internment camps.

  In 1942 President Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 which put over 120,000 Japanese Americans in camps taking away their freedom and Constitutional rights. This is fact that many Americans don’t know about. German Americans were also put into camps. The Presidential Order was given because these Americans were deemed a threat by the government. The President has a lot of power and can become a dictator if inclined to do so.

  The Military is split over whether to follow the President’s orders which violate the US Constitution or to support the people. The regular Army is standing down but the Special Forces which include the Army Rangers, Delta Force, Airborne troops, Navy Seals, and other special operations have taken the side of the people and the Constitution. It’s a civil war over the rights’ of the people versus the government.

  Years before, things weren’t making much sense especially when the government took control of the news media. It became state-owned so the only news we received was what the Federal Government wanted us to hear. Back in 2013 the NSA started to tap our phones, read our emails, and Facebook pages. We were all being watched, we were all suspected of doing something wrong. We were having our Bill of Rights violated in the name of government security, and no one did anything about it.

  Benjamin Franklin once said, “He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.”

  Unemployment shot up to 55% and everyone knew that things were changing as more and more acts of violence were reported across the nation. Riots, robberies, shootings, explosions, and even attacks on police stations were common. Some states called up the National Guard to help maintain control since desperate people can do desperate things. The National Guard didn’t help. It fell into disarray. Just driving to the grocery store was dangerous. You needed to carry a gun for safety or your trip to the store could end up being your last.

  Our currency became worthless due to inflation and the government closed all the banks to stop bank runs. A loaf of bread rose to $100 and milk to $150 per gallon. People ran out of money and even if they had any in the bank, they couldn’t take it out. The banks were closed. Savings accounts were wiped out and if you had any gold or silver in the bank, you were out of luck. The government took it because the country is bankrupt.

  For many years illegal aliens have been coming across the border from Mexico. But not all the people are hardworking Mexicans looking for work. The fact is many of those crossing the border are from the Middle East and are related to Islamic radical terrorist groups.

  The gangs and cartels that smuggle dope are also making inroads into the US selling their crap to whatever idiots will buy it. These gangs have turf wars and during their wars they don’t care whom they kill. Then there are the drug users who rob and kill to obtain money to pay for their habit. Finally, we have the radical groups like the Skinheads, Neo-Nazis, some extremely violent religious people, and those that want white supremacy.

  There are food lines at government controlled stores. You must wait for hours to get any food. If you can buy any food it is only enough for a few days. You can’t feed your family on a loaf of bread. Fresh vegetables and fruit cannot be found. Everything is canned goods or freeze dried ready to eat meals.

  The question is, can we change what we have become? There is no country to help us as they have all failed. We are the last hope of free mankind. We can’t forget the Bill of Rights, the United States Constitution, and the fact we are One Nation under God.

  Here on Tocabaga we grow all our own food in a Forty-acre garden. We found that we could grow almost any type of vegetable or fruit. Tocabaga has a chicken farm that provides eggs and chickens to our group. Most of our protein comes from eating fish. We have forty people that fish everyday to provide about 500 pounds a day to feed our group. There are crabs, clams, and oysters that we harvest most of the year. We also hunt wild pigs, deer, birds, and rabbits for protein.

  Everyone on Tocabaga works or has a job function to perform. If you don’t work you don’t eat. We have farmers, fishing crews, cooks, and lawn crews to fight back the fast growing jungle. We have auto mechanics and repairmen that can fix anything that breaks down. Most important of all we have trained security people along with twenty Amazon Warriors who act as our police force. Everyone knows their job but each group has a lead man or supervisor that directs daily activities. The supervisors meet once a week to coordinate activities for the whole island.

  We have a Board of Directors made up of 12 members who have been elected by the people living here. The board members are elected every four years. The Board votes on all matters affecting the well-being of Tocabaga. Majority vote wins any debate and it cannot be voted on again for another year.

  Most people living on Tocabaga carry a weapon. It’s normal and totally expected to carry a gun because our second amendment rights permit us to do so. We do not tolerate traitors, spies, or Quislings. We all have a few things in common and that is the desire to remain free from Federal Government oppression and to protect our loved ones and friends.

  I’m the oldest of three brothers. We grew up fighting bullies and gang members in a tough neighborhood in south Chicago. My Dad, one of the most honest men I have known, always stressed, tell the truth, and help each other. Never ever be a bully, never steal, and try to protect those who cannot protect themselves. I have always stood up for the people who could not defend themselves. I hate liars and bullies.

  Standing 6 feet tall at 180 pounds, I am in great shape for my age and my body is honed by years of physical training. I keep in shape by lifting weights almost every day and running three miles four times a week. I shave my head two times a week as it is cooler in the hot south and wear a ball hat to keep the sun off my head. There’s a two inch scar on my forehead from a knife fight years ago.

; I spent four years in the Army as a Military Policeman, and became an expert in the use of handguns, rifles, shotguns, and hand-to-hand combat. My legs have skin grafts from burns due to an explosion when working for the DOD (Department of Defense) doing security work for seven years. I always carry my Glock 17 side arm and Black Bear Cold Steel fighting knife.

  I love our country, freedom, my family, and friends. If anyone messes with my family, or my friends, justice will be swift and painful. I have no use for anyone who breaks the law, cheats, or steals. For the most part I follow the Ten Commandments, but also believe in The Code of Hammurabi which is an eye for an eye. I fight to keep our Bill of Rights under the United States Constitution.

  That is me, Jack Gunn, a.k.a. Tocabaga Jack, and these are my chronicles.

  I am Director of Security for Tocabaga Island. I live here along with 606 other Patriots. We’re fighting to keep our freedom, our homes, and our families safe from the evil forces gone wild. Tocabaga is a sanctuary or safe haven. If you believe in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and are of good moral character you are welcome here.

  We are waiting for you to contact us by email to find out where Tocabaga is located. Sending us an email is your first step to Freedom. There is an email address hidden in these chronicles. Tocabaga is a real location. I will reply.

  RECAP OF JULY 5, 2025

  Yesterday we killed BOKO KANG and a few of his men. During the mission one of our men, named Brogan, went MIA. We came back to find him because no one gets left behind. Arriving at the KANG camp we found they had pulled out hours ago. Tommy tracked them and found they were heading west on 22nd Avenue. The chase is on to find our missing man.

  It hit me that the BOKO KANG gang might be coming to Tocabaga. It was the only place that they could obtain guns and food.


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