by Thomas H. Ward

  “That’s what the kid meant when he told us the DRAGON had many heads.”

  “Yeah, I guess he does have many heads. Anyhow, we went to the old Tower Hotel and made camp there. It started to rain and the storm blew in. Most of the men were standing under cover on the outdoor patio. I tried to stay away from everyone and moved around to a place out of the rain and wind. I didn’t want anyone asking me a lot of questions.

  “Oh, I had another guy ask me my name. I told him I was a friend of Jackson. He didn’t bother me anymore after that. I guess Jackson was some kind of boss.”

  “Brogan, what if they would have went north instead of south?” I asked.

  “I didn’t think of that at the time. Anyway, I was sitting there planning to escape somehow during the storm. I kept edging further and further from the main group. That’s when the shit hit the fan.”

  Brogan slammed his glass down again on the bar and Tony poured him another shot. I gave him one of my smokes which he gladly accepted.

  “What happen next?” Chris asked.

  “Hold your horses while I light this smoke. Where was I? Oh yeah, I was just getting ready to make a run for it and a guard saw me in the bushes and asked me what I was doing. I told him, taking a piss. Then BOOM, BOOM, a boat started firing a cannon at us and strafing the whole area with machine guns. Half the gang was killed in a few minutes and the rest were running for the hills. I hid behind a wall and watched ten soldiers come ashore in boats. They started shooting everyone.”

  Just then Doc Scott walked in and wanted a drink. Doc stood on the side listening to the story.

  Brogan looked at Doc and continued, “I decided to make a run for it. I jumped up and took off heading for Tocabaga. I wasn’t alone however; some of the men were following me, running down the street like scarred rabbits. I was like their leader.

  “Hey, Tony, you got anything to eat? I’ll like a beer also.”

  “Keep talking. I’ll get you something,” Tony replied.

  “Ok, where was I?” Brogan was getting a little drunk from the four double shots.

  “You were running down the street trying to get away,” Tom advised.

  “Oh, yeah. I’m running down the street trying to get away and a young guy runs up next to me and asks, ‘where are we going?’ I started to laugh because I knew where I was going but he didn’t. I told him, ‘I’m getting the hell out of here.’ I tried to outrun them but the gang stayed right on my heels until I ran out of breath at the hotel. We all stopped and fell to the ground exhausted.”

  Tony handed Brogan a beer and gave him a couple pieces of cold fried chicken with some beans. Brogan gobbled it down in a minute and almost choked in the process. After taking a big swig of beer he let out a loud belch. We sat there waiting for him to finish the story.

  “As we sat in the parking lot the same guy comes over to me and asks, ‘now what boss?’ I’m sitting there trying to think how to shake these guys when I see your Hummer sitting on top of the bridge. Then a short time later I see Jack run across the street. I thought you guys had found me and were going to pull off some kind of rescue.”

  “We thought you were dead,” Tommy commented.

  “Well, I’m not dead. Then I saw Jim Bo run across the street and I tried to distract the gang from looking that way, but one jerk saw Tommy run across and the shooting started. I thought I was a goner because I know what great shots y’all are. I ducked and laid on the ground waiting for the bullets to stop flying.”

  “What made the gang attack us on the bridge after they saw the Hummers with all our fire power?” Tony inquired, while handing us all another round of drinks.

  One of the men said, ‘Let’s get those bastards.’ Most of them were doped up on meth or PCP and just do whatever they’re told to do. The next thing I knew they were walking to the bridge. I knew you would kill them all so I made sure I was in the back of the group. I tried to hide behind someone for cover. When you guys started shooting I fell to the ground and crawled behind a pillar. I pulled a dead guy on top of me for added protection.”

  “Man, you’re lucky. We almost killed you,” Jim Bo stated.

  “Yeah, I’m lucky, but I told you I can’t be killed.” That was the most foolish statement I heard him say. Maybe it was the booze talking.

  “Do you know where the rest of the KANG men went?” I asked.

  “No, I don’t. I don’t know who the soldiers were in the boat that killed everyone.”

  “Oh, you’ll be happy to know they’re Chinese Marines. They came to rescue you.” The room broke up into uncontrolled laughter.

  “Hey, what’s so funny?”

  While laughing I replied, “Oh nothing, but up until now we only had DRAGON boys to contend with and now we got the Red Chinese to combat. The Chinese are here claiming that Florida belongs to them. We may have to fight the whole fricking Chinese Army.”

  “How’s that possible,” Brogan slurred, barely keeping awake from all the drinks.

  “We captured a Chinese Marine Captain and he told us that the President gave Florida to China to pay off the US debt.” Everyone was still laughing. The idea was so insane it was funny.

  I pulled the black beret out of my pocket, threw it on the bar, and said, “Here. Look at this.” Everyone stopped laughing and slowly examined the hat.

  Doc Scott who hardly ever becomes involved in a conversion, said, “That’s total bull shit. The President doesn’t have the power to do that! That’s HIGH TREASON and punishable by death. In Chinese it’s called PAN GUO ZUI, a crime of high treason.” Doc had studied the Chinese language while in college years ago. It might come in handy if we capture any more Chinese soldiers.

  “Doc, we all know that. The problem is; what are we going to do about it? I gotta call Captain Sessions and let him know what’s going on. Maybe he already knows what the President did, but I don’t think he knows we have Red Chinese right here in your backyard. I’ll see you guys tomorrow. I have to make that call and get some rest.”

  Doc said, “I’ll stick around and fix Brogan’s head while he’s out.”

  I looked at Brogan and he was passed out. His head was laying on the bar in puddle of his own saliva. I laughed as I walked out and drove the Hummer home with Tommy and Jim Bo. I was happy Brogan was home and alive.

  On the way to the house I called Sessions. Sessions didn’t have any good news. He knew about the Chinese agreement to take over Florida. He didn’t know they were already here. He advised me that Drones would scout the Gulf waters and the east coast of Florida looking for any Chinese boats. Then he would provide us an update as to what we’re facing. In the meantime he told us to stop any Chinese Marines at all costs and don’t let them gain a foothold in our area. Sessions told me he’d have a report by tomorrow.

  Arriving at home I took a shower and put on some clean clothes. The wives made us some food and we told them we found Brogan. We advised them that the Red Chinese were here and it may mean everyone will have to fight to save Tocabaga. Our wives were speechless and wanted to know why the Army wasn’t here to help us. I didn’t have any good answers for them and went to bed.

  I thought if the Chinese have any air support or a large number of troops we’re in deep shit. We didn’t stand much chance against a well armed force of 3,000 or more trained Marines especially if they have gunboats, planes, or choppers.

  The DRAGON men are no longer a threat to us in my opinion. The Red Chinese are the major threat. We need to obtain better weapons and increase the size of our forces. Tomorrow we’ll start training everyone on Tocabaga how to use a rifle. I’ll call Rico and coordinate with him to booster our defense forces.

  My guess is they’ll try to land here to gain a foothold and then move east to Tampa to take control of SOCOM HQ. That would give them control of the only large useable airport in our area.

  The President of the United States has lost his mind. He has shown his true communist colors. He’s dangerous and clearly wants to destroy the c
ountry. He has committed HIGH TREASON. The Military has to step in now, in full force, to remove him from office since our Congress is doing nothing to stop him.

  JULY 7, 2025

  My radio woke me up. It was Rick screaming, “Jack, come in!”

  I picked it up, “What’s up?” I rubbed my eyes and looked outside. The sun was just coming up.

  “Jack, we got trouble. There are two Red Chinese gunboats in Pass-a-Grille Channel.”

  “How big are they and what are they doing?”

  “They’re just sitting there. I guess about a 100 feet long. Each one has a cannon and it looks like two big machine guns on the rear deck.”

  “Ok, I’ll check it out. Don’t do anything until you hear from me.”

  “Roger that.”

  Just then my security radio came on again. “Jack, Mike here. I confirm there are two gunboats sitting in the middle of the channel. I’m on the westside of the island looking at them right now.”

  “Mike, what are they doing?”

  Mike or as we call him Army Mike, is a retired Command Sergeant. He’s a big muscular guy who works out all the time. Everyone likes him and trusts his judgment. Mike fought in every major military conflict over the last 15 years and knows how to use every weapon system.

  “It looks like they’re forming a landing party. There’s about twenty men on each boat making ready to come ashore.”

  “Do you think an MK153 could take out those boats?”

  “Hell yeah! Good idea.”

  “Ok, I’ll bring them over ASAP. If any men disembark shoot them when they’re within range.”

  “Ok, hurry up.”

  “Roger that Mike, just hold down the Fort.”

  All of the security people heard the radio call and I knew that everyone was moving to their assigned locations on the island. We have a total of 120 soldiers including the Amazon Warriors.

  I jumped out of bed and started yelling for Tommy, Jim Bo, and Ron to get ready for combat. I grabbed a cup of java after putting on my gear and started for the door when my wife Hemmi yelled, “Jack, be careful it’s a jungle out there. Come back alive or don’t come back.”

  I laughed and replied, “Don’t worry Honey.” This was a standing joke she made with me every time I went into battle. I don’t recall where she picked this up, but I always thought it was funny because it didn’t make any sense. The odd thing is she never laughed about it like I did. Maybe she’s serious.

  We jumped into the Hummer and drove to our only bank which is now our armory. Three MK153 SMAWs were stored there in the big old vault. At last count we had thirty reloads. This is the most powerful weapon in our ordnance.

  The MK153 SMAW means Shoulder-launched, Muti-purpose Assault Weapon. This is a hand held shoulder fired missile system used to blow up vehicles, boats, and buildings. A very powerful weapon that is reusable. You fire a missile and put in a new one.

  As we loaded the three missile systems and ten rockets into the Hummer, people came running up asking what was going on. I told them go to your assigned location or go home and stay there until we give the all-clear.

  While driving to the westside guard post I phoned Captain Sessions and advised him of the situation. Sessions told me, “The Drones spotted four more gunboats in the Gulf south of you near Ft. Myers. They’re 134 foot Shanghai Class gunboats with a 37 mm rapid fire cannon and four heavy machine guns. Each boat carries 20 Marines along with a crew of 23. They’re old boats and don’t have modern armor plating.”

  In 2007 the Shanghai Class gunboats were transferred to the China Coast Guard and refitted as Ocean Patrol Boats. The superstructure was heavily modified. Armament was reduced to one rapid fire cannon forward and 4 heavy machine guns. Some of the freed space was used to stow small patrol boats and add extra quarters.

  I asked Sessions, “Do you think we can take them out with an MK153?”

  “Yes, it can take out the boats but it may take a couple of rounds to do it. Remember the effective range is about 500 yards. I’ll send armed Drones to eliminate the boats near Ft. Myers.”

  “Ok, please do that. We’ll take care of the two here. The Chinese are getting ready to come ashore. They have no idea that we’re waiting for them.”

  “Roger that, Jack. Good luck and keep me advised.”

  Pass-a-Grille Channel is a shallow channel that’s more or less a small harbor. The water is calm and it’s a safe port during a storm. That’s probably why the boats came into this channel, but they may have also missed the main channel which goes into Tampa Bay. That might have been their real destination.

  The radio crackled and it was Rick, “What’s going on, Jack?”

  “We’re on the way to the westside guard post now. Sessions advised me to use our MK153 rockets to blow up the boats. Once we fire I want Maggie to use that fifty and terminate anyone in the water that comes your way. Don’t let them come ashore.”

  Maggie replied, “Don’t worry, Jack. We’ll get those little bastards.”

  From the top of the beach bridge the fifty could reach out and hit anyone heading north trying to escape. Our hidden allies were the sharks that rove these waters. We unintentionally trained them to expect fresh meat by dumping the bodies of our enemies into the local waters.

  We pulled up to the guard post and Army Mike helped us unload the rockets. It was around 6 a.m. and the sun was just coming up. There were fifteen men along the seawall hidden by the thick green shrubs. We had three M249 machine guns at the ready. Mike commented, “Hurry up. They’re getting ready to come ashore.”

  I instructed the men, “Mike, you take one of the MK153s’ and Tommy take one. Jim Bo, you and Ron, do the reloading. Fire at least two missiles into each boat at midships, above the water line. Machine gunners fire at anyone still alive in the water. Open fire on my command.”

  I crawled up to the seawall to have my first look at these gunboats. Peering out from the foliage I could see they were at least 100 feet long. The Red Chinese commie flag was flying on each boat. It was important to hit them first before they could fire their cannons or machine guns. I observed soldiers were starting to load into small boats.

  I shouted, “Rick and Tommy make ready to fire. Take careful aim, make it count. Ready … FIRE!” Mike fired first and a split second later Tommy fired at his target. The rockets roared away creating a stream of smoke giving away our position.

  The missiles streaked toward their targets about 400 yards away. KABOOM … KABOOM … both rockets hit the targets right at midships, just above the water line. They blew big gaping holes in the side of both ships. The MK153s’ were reloaded and they fired again.

  Watching through my binoculars both rockets hit home. The second missile Tommy fired went in the same hole and the ship blew up into two pieces. It must have hit the magazine compartment, because the humongous explosion lifted the boat out of the water. The shock wave from the massive explosion blew my hat off.

  I saw the other gunboat swing its cannon in our direction. I yelled, “Everyone duck. Incoming fire!” Then BOOM … BOOM … BOOM, in rapid fire, the 37 mm rounds hit the house right behind us. The explosions knocked most of us to the ground. We scampered several hundred feet away as the boat was still firing.

  It must have fired twenty rounds before Mike yelled, “Reload me!” I saw Ron grab a rocket and reload the MK153. Mike knelt on the seawall while taking aim and fired. It was a perfect hit. The gun turret exploded in a ball of fire. We shouted for joy!

  Many of the commies were in the water, but there was one little boat with about ten men speeding away, heading north, trying to get out of our range. They were headed for certain death. Maggie opened up with the big fifty caliber M2 machine gun from on top of the bridge. They didn’t stand a chance of escaping. I watched the little rubber boat sink while Maggie kept shooting until all the men disappeared from the surface of the water. Soon shark fins broke the surface of the water. They were attracted by the smell of blood.

  The gunbo
ats were slowly sinking in the middle of the channel. They were done for, but there were still 20 men trying to swim to safety. They were smart and managed to hide behind the sinking boats blocking our line of fire. I got on the radio to Maggie. “Can you reach those guys?”

  “No, they’re out of range.”

  “Ok, watch where they go. We’ll have to hunt them down. I’ll be there shortly.

  “Tommy, Mike, there’s about 20 men going ashore on Pass-a-Grille. Let’s take two SAWs and go find them.” They each picked up a SAW and followed me. “Steve and Bill, I need you both on this mission. Follow us over to Pass-a-Grille.”

  We were mounting up and Mike said, “Wait, let’s take along an MK153 just in case.” He ran over and picked up a launcher with three rockets. After safely loading them in the Hummer we took off. I thought that was a good idea because you never know when you might need big fire power.

  We arrived on top the bridge pulling up next to Rick and Maggie. I asked them, “How many men came ashore, and where did they go?”

  Rick replied, “There were about 20 men. They went ashore near that big palm tree.” Rick pointed to a tree a good 800 yards away.

  Maggie corrected Rick, “There were exactly 18 men, not twenty. The exact count is important. Right, Jack?”

  “That’s right, Maggie.” Rick gave her a disgusted look. I could imagine after being with Maggie for seven or more hours that Rick was ready to go home.

  Including me, we have a total of eight fighters. I didn’t like the odds, but we know the area and have some big guns. I figured that evened up the odds a little. There is only one road in and out of Pass-a-Grille. The problem is there are a lot of old buildings and places to hide. The last thing I wanted to do was go searching house to house because that’s a sure way to get killed.

  “Anyone got any ideas how we should hunt these guys down,” I asked the group.


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