Vow of Devotion: 2nd Novel Addition (One Urge, One Plea, Keep Me Trilogy)

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Vow of Devotion: 2nd Novel Addition (One Urge, One Plea, Keep Me Trilogy) Page 15

by Scarlet Wolfe

  “Ohhhhh, look how adorable she is, Damon,” I say after we approach Felicia. She’s holding her baby girl in her arms. She also looks completely wiped out.

  “How are you?” I ask, stroking her hair once.

  “I’m OK. It was rough but all worth it. Look at her. They said she’s healthy.”

  “She’s perfect, Felicia. Just perfect.”

  “Here, you can hold her.” Her arms lift toward me, so I take the sweet baby girl. I see that Damon is conversing with Seth’s father, so I enjoy my brief moment with her before Felicia’s mother is swiping her from me. I can’t blame her.

  “I’m sorry I bailed on you. I really thought something was wrong.”

  Felicia waves her had at me. “It’s fine, doll. Everything worked out. I have a new nickname for you now. Alayna Pee Pants. I think it’s catchy.”

  “You …” I almost say the “B” word, but I catch myself since we’re in the presence of her family. “I’ll get you back. Give me some time.”

  We both laugh, and I hug her lightly. It’s not long before I see Damon taking his turn at holding Felicity. I approach him and bask in the touching moment.

  I could watch a man holding a baby all day. If they only knew how sexy they look, they’d likely brave it more often.

  “You look like a natural.”

  “Well, I had a little practice with Isaac.” He gazes at her and plays with her tiny fingers.

  “I keep imagining holding our baby this way. I can’t believe it will be this small,” he adds.

  “I know. Crazy, huh?”

  “I’m ready, Alayna. I can’t wait to hold our little being that’s a part of you,” he says quietly.

  My guy is becoming a big softy. Once this baby comes, I better give him some time in the playroom.

  “What are you thinking?” he asks.

  “That you will want some time in the adult playroom when this is all over.”

  “You know me well.” He gives me a seductive look and takes the baby back to Felicia. Yep, I just flipped the switch.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Six Weeks Later


  “Turn on the television,” George says as he flies into my office.

  “No, I don’t need to see it.”

  “Oh, you know you want to. She’ll be on any minute.”

  I sigh and grab the remote to the small television hanging on the wall in my office.

  “Next up, we have Romance Authors Phillip Channing and Alexa Wynn to talk about their collaboration on the novel Surfer’s Light,” the morning anchorman says.

  “Oh, lord, do I really have to watch this? She’s about to pop any day with my baby, yet I guarantee he will be ogling her like she’s fresh meat.”

  George rolls his eyes. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about at this point.”

  It’s only moments when Alayna and Phillip appear on the screen. A female anchor, Faith is her name I think, joins the anchorman, Jeffrey.

  I watch as they ask lighthearted questions about the storyline and joke over how much sex is in the book, which is minimal compared to the clitorature I write. Yeah, I’m thinking of having that name trademarked.

  “So, have the two of you built a strong friendship after working together this long,” Faith asks, her shiny white teeth bare for us to see as she grins.

  “I knew they were going to pry,” I say through gritted teeth.

  “Of course, we’ve gotten to know each other well and have developed a friendship, but I want to go on record to state that a friendship is all Phillip Channing and I have. I’m happily married and expecting a child with my husband, Damon Lear.”

  “Yes, I recall rumors starting some time ago when you were spotted leaving a hospital in Malibu,” Jeffrey says.

  “Yes, that is correct. I was having a minor complication with the baby, and Phillip was simply helping me out by taking me to and from the hospital. Nothing more.”

  I laugh aloud as I watch Phillip squirm. I understand why he would find this uncomfortable. He was a big help to Alayna, but it was only after he made a pass at her. Had she not become pregnant, I don’t believe it would’ve stopped.

  “Mr. Channing, what is your take on this?”

  “Alayna gave an accurate account, so I don’t feel I need to add to it.”

  Alayna shifts in her seat and scrunches her forehead as her hand covers her large belly.

  What’s going on, baby?

  Her brow furrows farther. Shit, something’s up. She’s rubbing her stomach, and I detect the panicked expression on her face. Luckily, Faith, the anchorwoman, picks up on it, too, and goes to a commercial break.

  “Did you see that, Damon?”

  “Yes. Something is wrong, or she’s in labor.” I grab my phone from my desk, and it rings in my hand.

  “Tell me what’s going on,” I say as soon as I click the answer button.

  “I’m most certainly in labor.”

  “How do you know this time?”

  “Trust me, Damon, I’m in labor! I didn’t feel this kind of pain with the false contractions.”

  “OK, I’ll call Roger to pick me up.”

  “I can’t wait for you to come here. I need to go to the hospital. I’ll have Phillip drive me in his rental car.”

  “Just great.”

  “Shut up, and meet me at the hospital,” she spews.

  “Yes, precious.”

  “I take it this isn’t a false alarm,” George says.

  “No, and she’s pissed off already. It’s going to be a long ass day, but we’re having a baby.” I grin at him before I call Roger to pick me up ASAP.


  “Look, you’re going to have to tell me where to go,” Phillip says nervously.

  “Turn right,” I say through a panting breath.

  “Wonderful, it looks like a news truck is following us. Traders. The people who are supposedly trying to help your career are the same ones hoping to get dirt on you to ruin it.”

  “I don’t care, Phillip,” I say in a drawn out, high pitched tone. “Just get me to the damn hospital.”

  He glides a hand through his brown hair. “Now, they’re really going to think I’m messing with a married woman, or better yet, that you’re carrying my love child. I’ll never get laid.”

  I look over and glare at him. “Seriously? I doubt this is going to hurt your womanizing one bit. Please, just get me there.”

  “Geez, are all women this cranky when in labor?”

  I ignore his remark and direct him to the hospital, praying that I get there before another contraction sets in.


  Quickly, I’m taken to a room and hooked up to monitors I’m now familiar with. It’s no time before Damon is flying into the room, wide eyed and sweating.

  “Hi, are you OK?”

  “I’m in labor. What do you think?”

  “Baby, I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say because so far today, every word has been wrong.”

  I acknowledge he’s right. “I’m sorry. I’m in pain, and I’m scared. I will attempt to be nicer.” I squeeze his hand. He squeezes back and then pulls free to remove his cream colored tie.

  “Quinn is bringing me something to change into. He’s also bringing Cameron. Marcus is coming, too, to keep him company.”

  “Oh, good. I didn’t want him home alone all day and night. This could take a while. Oh, no, no, no.” I grab Damon’s hand and grip it hard as another contraction hits.

  “When was the last one?”

  “About five minutes ago.”

  “They’re that close together?” he asks, sounding surprised.

  “Yes, now don’t ask me anything else, so I can breathe.” Throwing my head back against the pillow after, I pant, trying to calm back down. These contractions are a bitch.


  I do all that Alayna asks besides feel the pain myself. I rub her back, put a washcloth on her forehead, and help her onto her hands and knees f
or a bit.

  Felicia arrives, and I’m relieved. Alayna needs a distraction from her pain. Quinn has already been here, so I take time to change into a tan t-shirt and dark brown cargo shorts before I go out to the waiting room to check on Cameron and Marcus.

  “Hey, guys.”

  “Hi, Damon,” Marcus says.

  “How’s Alayna?” Cameron asks, barely glancing up from his portable PlayStation.

  “She’s in pain but moving along.” I glance between them. For once, I’m glad they are playing their game systems. They’ve been on them too much since school let out, but today, they will need something to keep them busy.

  “I better get back there with Alayna.” I pull a fifty from my wallet. “Here, Cameron. Take this to get you both lunch in the cafeteria.”


  “Yeah, thanks, Damon,” Marcus says.

  I stride back to Alayna’s room.

  “Oh, I’m glad you’re back.” Felicia is standing by the restroom door, pointing. “She had a contraction in there. She also thinks her water broke for real this time. No more Alayna Pee Pants.”

  “I heard that!” Alayna shouts from the restroom.

  Felicia grins. “She’s touchy today.”

  “Yeah, and I recall a woman who was no different not too long ago.”

  “I can’t argue there, Mr. Gladiator.”

  Alayna waddles out with her hand on her back.

  “I need to get into bed. I’m pretty sure my water broke, and that mucus plug thingy came out.”

  “Oh, great to hear,” I say sarcastically. My girl shoots me a look, and I need to shut it. Another contraction hits her as soon as she’s in bed.

  “Three minutes. That’s all I get between these mother fuckers.” Alayna groans loudly and pulls her knees up. Shit, she must be close, and I don’t think she should be doing that until a doctor is in here.

  A nurse comes strolling into the room and looks at a printout on the fetal monitor. “Getting close. Let me check you.” Felicia and I step aside, so the nurse can examine Alayna. “Time to call the doc. This is moving fast for your first baby.”

  Alayna smiles mischievously and looks to Felicia.

  “This is my payback for your pee pants comments. I get a shorter labor.”

  I chuckle. “I love your feistiness, baby. I’m glad you can find some humor right now.”

  “OK, try not to push. Dr. Marks is in the building. I’ll page her to come up.”

  It’s almost show time. Am I ready for this? I don’t know, but I’m sure as hell ready to hold my baby and find out if it’s a girl or boy.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Ten minutes and a few grueling contractions later, Dr. Marks enters the room. I can see that she’s dressed to the nines under her lab jacket.

  Her dark hair is cascading over her shoulders, and I might have to suggest in the survey that the doctors look less like supermodels so pregnant women can feel a little better about themselves.

  OK, that’s not a rational thought, but like I can be rational at a moment like this. My life is about to change forever.

  “It’s time to push, Alayna. The next contraction is about to happen, and I need you to push hard.”

  “What was I thinking? Why did I want to do this naturally?”

  “You can’t have pain medication now. It’s too late, but you can do this,” Dr. Marks says as she takes a seat on a stool at the end of the bed.

  “Are you sure you want me to leave?” Felicia asks.

  I glance to Damon. We agreed to do this alone, but I think he recognizes the panic and fear in my eyes. I need my best friend, too, if I’m doing this without drugs.

  “You can stay,” he says to Felicia.

  “I want you to stay,” I add swiftly. She smiles as both of them take a hand and stand on each side of me.

  The first push begins, and I feel like I have no clue what I’m doing. I only know the desire to push and get the baby out is intense.

  “OK, stop,” Dr. Marks commands. “I want you to lean your head over and tuck your chin. Let’s pull those knees up farther and push hard, Alayna.”

  I do as she says, pushing with all my might on the next contraction.

  “That’s it. The baby’s head is crowning now.” I can barely make out her words as I scream loudly from the burning pain of my baby’s head. “Get it out!”

  “In due time, Mrs. Lear.”

  Due time my ass. What century is this?

  “Breathe, Alayna,” Damon says as he puts a cold cloth across the back of my neck. My red hair is piled on top of my head, and I gasp for breaths between my cries of pain. This is excruciating, and I don’t ever want to do it again!

  “I have to push,” I say through a groan as I tuck my chin and bear down.

  “OK, let’s get this baby out. One big push.”

  I strain and push, holding my breath as I bear down as hard and long as possible. The relief of my baby coming out is overwhelming. Gasping loudly, I then exhale a long breath and close my eyes. It’s at this point I discover how tightly I’m squeezing Damon and Felicia’s hands.

  I let up on them as I feel something else coming out of me. I’m guessing the placenta. The complete relief I feel is like no other. There is a lot of commotion at the end of the bed, so I open my eyes. Dr. Marks holds up our baby.

  “You have a boy, Mr. and Mrs. Lear. Give us a minute, and you’ll have him in your arms.”

  I glance to Damon. There are tears trickling down his cheeks. I can’t believe it, but he’s crying and doesn’t seem to care. He looks the happiest I’ve ever seen him. I shift my gaze to Felicia, and she’s crying, too. My eyes are drawn downward when I spot her white blouse that is wet over her breasts.

  “Shit, my milk let down from seeing this,” she spouts before she smiles again, covering her wet chest in embarrassment.

  I finally can lie back, and our baby is placed on top of my chest. Damon is checking his arms and legs, fingers and toes, and every other inch of him that he can see.

  “Our baby, Alayna. You did awesome.”

  Our heads lean against each other’s as we admire our own bundle of joy. “I knew he was a boy. Please, Damon, can we name him Reed?”


  Felicia and I hurry to the waiting room, which is now full with our family and friends. Fred and Judy, my parents, George, Debra, and her kids have joined Cameron and Marcus. All eyes spring my way.

  “It’s a boy. Seven pounds and nine ounces. Eighteen and a half inches long.”

  Everyone is smiling and happy. Even Cameron grins, and that pleases me immensely.

  “Well, son, what is his name going to be?” my father asks.

  “Reed Andrew Golding Lear.”

  I look to my mother, and she smiles broadly. Approaching me, she touches my cheek. “That’s absolutely perfect, dear.”

  Mia stands and crosses her arms before scowling my direction. “Uncle Reed, I told you I wanted a baby girl cousin.”

  “I know, Mia. Maybe the next one will be a girl.”

  “Another baby cousin? Oh, brother,” she says dramatically before plopping back down in her chair.

  “Alayna is doing well, and Reed seems healthy. They’re checking him out more thoroughly as we speak.”


  While Alayna rests in the evening and Reed sleeps in his crib, I catch up on email on my phone. There’s a knock on the door and Curtis enters. He’s holding his suit jacket and has loosened his silver tie.

  “Hi, man,” he says.

  “Hello.” I feel my guard go up instantly. We’ve seen each other only briefly on a few occasions since the incident with the gun. It seemed so long ago until he walked into this room where almost all of my world exists. A world I’ll protect at all cost.

  Cameron is the only one missing, and he and Marcus have gone home with my sister, Debra. “How are you?” I ask.

  “Good. Sorry I wasn’t here today. I couldn’t leave work. How ar
e they?” he asks.

  “Great. Today was hard on them as you can see.”

  Curtis smiles as he approaches Reed. “He’s a cute one, isn’t he?”

  “Of course, I think so.”

  “Is that red hair I spot curling around the bottom of his cap?”

  “Yes, and I hope it stays red like Alayna and Cameron’s.”

  Curtis sighs and turns toward me. “Listen, man. I’m sorry again for what happened last year. I also hadn’t had a chance to thank you for that lead on a job. I appreciate it, and I’m really happy at the accounting firm.”

  “Thank you, and I’m glad to hear it, Curtis. I’m thrilled life is turning around for you.”

  “I can tell you mean that. I wish I could take back the past, but all I can do is apologize to those I’ve wronged and move forward, so I’m trying hard to do that. I hope one day you will let me spend time alone with this little guy.”

  “One day.”

  “I’m going to head out. Will you please tell Alayna I was here tonight?”

  “Of course, I will let her know. Bye, Curtis.”

  I stand and reach my hand out to shake his. We’ve come a long way since he was pointing a gun at me, but he’s done the work to get well.

  “See ya, Damon, and thanks again–for everything.”

  It’s not long before Reed is crying, wanting to be fed. Alayna’s eyes snap open immediately.

  “The baby.”

  “Yes, he wants his mother,” I say before I pick him up and pull him close. I take him to her, and she swaddles him in her arms.

  “I love him so much already,” she says. “He’s so dang cute.”

  “I know. I never dreamed I could feel what I do for our family. I swear I thought our wedding day was the happiest I could be, but today sure surpassed that. Curtis was here earlier.”

  “Oh, I missed him.” Reed’s cry picks up from fussy to full-blown pissed. The kid is hungry. “I better call for someone to help me nurse him.”

  It’s not long before Alayna is feeding the little guy like a champ, and I’m quickly realizing I now have to share her boobs. I chuckle lightly to myself and shake my head. Who would’ve thought I would come this far in such a short time?


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