Love Required (The Real Love Series)

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Love Required (The Real Love Series) Page 19

by Codina, Melanie

  She wrapped her hand around the finger he still had pressed against her lips and pulled it away. She cleared her throat and swept her tongue across her bottom lip before saying, “Yes, I love you very much.”

  Again, his chest tightened as her words washed over him. Never before had he felt so vulnerable at the hands of another. Yes, she’d said it before, but in the shadow of her fears, it had a more profound meaning to him. Leaning his forehead against hers, he sighed her name.

  “I love you, Tori. You and Lexi are mine, and I vow to do whatever is necessary to make you understand that. We can handle whatever the future—or your past—hurls at us. You understand that? You and Lexi are mine. Mine to protect. Mine to keep.”

  Another tear escaped when she nodded, her eyes holding his. “I understand … we’re yours.”


  JASON knew Logan would be arriving shortly. Standing up, he pulled Tori with him. After giving her another hug, he kissed her forehead, and said, “Why don’t you take a minute to freshen up before Logan gets here.”

  Her puffy eyes widened. “Oh, I must look terrible. I should just go home.” She wiped at her cheeks, blindly looking for evidence of her makeup.

  “Sorry, baby, but you’re not going home tonight. Until we know more details, you and Lexi are safer here,” Jason said, as sternly as he could. He didn’t want to come across as a controlling asshole, but there wasn’t going to be any give on this. She and Lexi were staying there, end of story. When she tried to speak up, he silenced her with a finger to her lips. “Don’t even try to argue with me about it. We have spent most nights together at your house, so now we’ll just spend them here. I’m not budging on this.”

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  “Now, I’d like to call that Mack guy back. Can I have your phone?” he asked, putting his hand out for it. She handed it to him without question. He was happy she was letting him take the lead on this. “Thank you. Go ahead and freshen up, take your time, and I’ll listen for Lexi.”

  She nodded and gave him a weak smile before turning and heading for the stairs. Jason closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to control the roll of emotions that were beating at his insides. He fell onto the couch, and his head dropped to his hands. Between the new information he got from Tori about her marriage and the actual threat of knowing her ex-husband was being released, he thought he might lose it. His heart hammered in his chest as he recalled her entire story. As if he didn’t already have a mountain of respect for Tori, it had increased exponentially with the new details.

  Jason also realized what a sadistic bastard Damien really was. He needed to come up with a game plan to make sure she wasn’t in any danger. He needed details.

  Dialing the last number that called her phone, it rang three times before a man’s voice came across the line. “Victoria, are you okay?”

  Jason didn’t like this guy calling her that. She was Tori. Not only was that the name of the woman he met and fell in love with, but Jason also knew she didn’t want to be called Victoria any longer. Without coming across as rude, he said, “Tori is fine. She’s a little upset, as I’m sure you can understand, but she’ll be all right.”

  “Who I am speaking with?” Mack asked.

  “My name is Jason Michaels. I’m the reason Tori isn’t alone anymore,” Jason said. He wasn’t sure why he said it like that, but just calling himself her ‘boyfriend’ didn’t seem to sound important enough. He felt like more, because she was more than a ‘girlfriend’ to him.

  “Good, I’m glad she isn’t alone. I was worried about calling her, but knew I had to find her. She didn’t leave any information with the officer that handled her case so I knew she wouldn’t have known otherwise,” Mack offered.

  Jason nodded to himself. This man seemed like a good guy, and Jason appreciated that he took the time to find her. “Thank you for tracking her down. She not only has to worry about herself, but her daughter, so I’m grateful you did.”

  “I couldn’t sleep thinking of her out there somewhere, unprotected. I was there when her ex went to court. I saw how he manipulated a deal out of them, saying she assaulted him in his own kitchen. Though I will say, I was pleased to see she’d permanently injured him.”

  Jason’s curiosity got the best of him. “Oh really. I don’t have all the details, and I know she didn’t see him after he was taken away. What did she do to him?”

  “She flung a pan full of boiling sauce over her shoulder and into his face. Pretty sure she was burned on the back of her shoulder in the process. Last time I saw him, it looked mighty painful. One whole side of his face was scarred,” Mack said with satisfaction. It made Jason like the guy even more.

  “Well, considering I’ve never seen the man before, it’s good to know he has identifiable marks. Should make it easier to spot him should he show up here.” Jason made a mental note to examine her shoulder later in bed.

  “It certainly should,” Mack agreed. Jason set about asking Mack questions, in order to get the information he needed. What he knew about Damien. What he was told when he got the call informing him about Damien’s release. He asked for whatever information he could think of, knowing he would get together with Sean and figure out how best to ensure Tori and Lexi were protected. Before getting off the phone, he asked Mack if he could keep an eye on the house. Jason wanted to know if Damien was there on a daily basis, because if he was in Idaho, there was no way he could be a threat to Tori in San Diego.

  He knew it was probably a lot to ask a man who really didn’t have any obligation to Tori. But the fact that he tracked her down, gave Jason hope. Before they hung up, Jason made sure they both had all the information they needed to contact each other, then agreed to check in daily via text. It was a bit extreme, but Jason didn’t care; he had to do what he could and felt he had an ally with Mack.

  Standing from the couch, he was making his way toward the stairs to check on Tori when Logan walked in. Holding up the six-pack he was carrying, he said, “Sorry I’m late, but I come bearing gifts.”

  Jason’s mood must have been obvious because Logan’s smile instantly faded. “What’s wrong man?”

  “A lot. I’ll explain in little while, but can you do me a favor and call Sean. It’s important that I talk with him. Tori and I need his advice,” Jason explained. His mood was somber but determined.

  “Sean doesn’t like me too much, but I’m sure he’ll come over. You need him now?” Logan asked, pulling out his phone to dial.

  “Yeah, we need him now,” Jason said as he turned to climb the stairs. Tori had been upstairs for too long, and he needed to see she was okay. Taking the stairs two at a time, he was in his room seconds later. When he found it empty, he had a moment of panic before finding her in the room where Lexi was sleeping. He used the room when any of his nieces or nephews stayed with him so there was a playpen, a bed, and a couch. There were toys piled in a basket, sporting equipment standing in a corner and a gaming system set up opposite the bed.

  Tori was sitting on the couch, her legs stretched across the length of it, with Lexi asleep on her chest. Her eyes were closed so he approached with caution in case she didn’t know he was there. Whether she knew she needed him or not, she had him, and he was going to make sure she realized it. Positioning his hip on the edge of the couch beside her legs, he rested one hand on Lexi and the other stroked Tori’s tear-streaked cheek. She opened her eyes, and another tear escaped. He caught it with his thumb and wiped it away. Taking in a shaky breath, she whispered words that gutted him to his core. "He can’t know about her. I’ll do whatever I have to, but he will never get his hands on my daughter.”

  TORI watched as anger washed over Jason’s face. “You’re fucking right he’ll never lay his hands on her. I told you, she’s mine, and I’d kill for her.”

  She believed him; there was no way she couldn’t. The look on his face said it all. Lexi deserved to have a man like Jason caring for her. Tilting her head and giving h
im a knowing smile, she agreed, “I know you would, and I’m beyond grateful for that.”

  Lexi stirred in her arms but didn’t wake up. When Tori came upstairs to freshen up, she gravitated to Lexi immediately. Holding her daughter infused her with peace, almost making her feel stronger than she was. She was terrified of the fact Damien was being set out in the world again. Whether his sights would be set on finding her, or on another woman, she didn’t know. But she knew she wasn’t his victim anymore, and just like the day she got away from him, she had more to fight for than herself.

  With a kiss to Lexi’s head, she stood before placing her gently back in the playpen. Smiling, she took in how big Lexi was getting and couldn’t help but marvel at the fact that her first birthday was only a week away. Standing over her, she felt Jason’s arms wrap around her from behind and his chin rest on her shoulder. He, too, gave her strength, and she leaned into him, seeking more of it.

  After a few silent moments, Jason said, “I called Sean over to talk. He can help us figure out how best to protect you and Lexi. I’m not taking any chances knowing that bastard is out there.”

  Turning in the circle of his arms, she wrapped her own around him. Pressing her face into his chest, she inhaled his scent. As it washed over her, she calmed a little before placing a kiss there. Looking up, she captured his lips for soft kiss and said, “Let’s go talk then.”


  It was several hours, a couple six-packs, and two pizzas later before Sean and Logan left. Tori was mentally exhausted, and though she knew they were helping, she was ready to stop talking about her drama for the night. Lexi’s bedtime was approaching, and a bath was in order. Jason returned from walking the guys out, Lexi in his arms, as Tori was cleaning up the remnants of dinner. When she went to take her from him, he pulled Tori into his embrace.

  Kissing her on the forehead, he said, “Why don’t you go take a bath and relax. I’ll take care of Lex.”

  A bath did sound like a great idea. With all the tension coursing through her body, she could use a little relaxation. Hugging the two of them, she asked, “You don’t mind?”

  “Not at all. Do you have another change of clothes for both of you?” he asked. She nodded and he added, “Good. Tomorrow we’ll make sure to grab more stuff for you to bring here.”

  He must’ve seen the reluctance in her eyes because he pushed on, “It’s not up for discussion, Tori. You and Lexi are not safe at your place. This house has an alarm, and not to mention, me. It’s better for you to be here, and you know that, so you should just accept it.”

  She sighed and dropped her gaze to his chest, hesitant to say what she was thinking. “I know, but I just don’t want you to get sick of me. I hate the thought that we’re being pushed on you out of obligation.”

  Jason let out an exasperated sigh. “You’re gonna have to stop saying stupid shit like that, Tori. It really pisses me off.”

  Surprised, she met his gaze. “It’s not stupid; it’s true.”

  Jason let go of her and walked over to where Lexi’s playpen now sat. Setting her down, she voiced her disappointment but was easily distracted by a toy. Tori watched as Jason strode toward her, determination set in his eyes. When he reached her, one arm wrapped around her back and the other gripped the hair at the back of her neck. Pulling her forcibly against him, he angled her head so she had no choice but to meet his eyes. At another time, with another person, his actions might’ve scared her. But with Jason, it set her emotionally strung-out body on fire as arousal began to spread—awakening her.

  “I’m really not sure how else to make you understand this. Maybe you’re not used to the idea of being loved by me yet. Maybe you’re not used to the idea of having someone strong enough for you to lean on. But you should know something about me. I don’t do anything out of obligation. Every single thing I do, I do by choice. I chose you to be mine. My heart chose you to fill an empty spot I had no idea existed until I laid eyes on you. It knew you were mine before I did.” Jason’s voice was strong and steady. It didn’t waver as he told her exactly what he wanted her to hear.

  “And you are not being pushed on me. I’m taking what I want … you. Having you close to me isn’t just necessary because I don’t think your place is safe. It’s necessary because I’m a selfish bastard and prefer to have you here.”

  She watched him watching her, absorbing his words. When her hands went to his face, he pulled her lips to his. He took what he just claimed was his. And she handed it right over.


  TORI figured she’d soaked in the tub long enough. After letting the water drain, she stood and dried off. Feeling marginally better, she took in her still slightly puffy eyes and sighed. Not much she could do about them at the moment. It was nothing a good night sleep wouldn’t fix. Wrapping her hair in a towel, she slipped on Jason’s shirt. When she walked out of the bathroom, she was surprised to not find Jason waiting for her in the bedroom. Moving to the hallway, she heard the shower running and felt bad he was using the guest bathroom. She was also a little disappointed he hadn’t joined her.

  On her way to kiss Lexi goodnight, she walked past the bathroom door, which wasn’t all the way closed, and could hear him singing. She smiled at the thought of him singing in the shower. Her smile only grew when she realized what he was singing. Quietly, she opened the door and caught sight of his body looming behind the fogged class. Fully entering the bathroom and angling herself so she could see him better, the tears she’d thought were all gone made another appearance. But this time, they were happy tears, because seeing Jason in the shower with Lexi, singing The Itsy Bitsy Spider, was one of the sweetest things she’d ever seen. Dropping her gaze, she took in his body and couldn’t control the giggle that escaped her.

  Jason stopped singing to look over his shoulder at her. Her hand covered her mouth in a failed attempt at holding back more laughter. Jason smiled and shrugged as he said, “I was going to use the bathtub but then realized how unsafe it is. This was the better option.”

  Tori dropped her hand and gestured to his body. “Did you forget to take off your clothes before getting in, or do you usually shower in shorts and a t-shirt?” She couldn’t help but laugh again, as he seemed to be a little embarrassed by it.

  He shrugged again. “I couldn’t shower naked; that just wouldn’t be right.”

  Lexi let out a squeal as she splashed her hands against the wet shirt covering Jason’s chest. He closed his eyes to block the water, and when she stopped, he looked at Tori. “She does that when I stop singing.”

  Tori picked up a towel and moved to the shower. When she opened the towel, Jason handed Lexi over. Once Lexi was wrapped up, Tori turned to leave but took one more glance at Jason and said, “Just so you know, you are so getting lucky tonight.”

  His eyebrows lifted and a grin spread across his face. “Yeah I am.”

  She laughed and shook her head as Jason began removing his wet clothes. Tori left the bathroom, saying, “Not even one yet and I catch you showering with a man.” Lexi reached up and started tugging on the towel wrapped around Tori’s head. It fell over them, and she laughed. Her daughter’s laughter helped relax whatever the bath had not.

  Tori got her dried off and dressed for bed before sitting down and reading her a story. A short while later, Lexi was asleep in her playpen and Tori was sneaking out of the room. Closing the door quietly, she came in contact with a warm body and smiled. When Jason moved her hair to the side, he kissed her neck. “Is she asleep already?”

  She turned to him and nodded. “She was exhausted—busy day for her. First, the playdate in the morning with Ella, then she flirted with Sean and Logan for a few hours. And then she topped it off by showering with a man.”

  Jason pulled her to him. He only had a towel wrapped around his waist, but his skin was already dry. “Don’t say it like that … ‘a man’ makes it sound creepy.”

  Even though she was only joking, she didn’t want to belittle what h
e did for her. So she gave him a serious face and apologized, “You’re right. I’m sorry … forgive me?”

  Standing up on tiptoes, she placed a quick kiss to his lips. He squeezed her to him and lifted. As he carried her toward the bedroom, he said, “I can think of a few ways you could earn my forgiveness.”

  Dropping her lips to his neck, she bit him gently. “I bet you could.”

  She felt his body shudder against hers as he walked them to the bed. Setting her down before him, he took her lips in a demanding kiss. His tongue swept in and stroked her own, seeking her attention. Responding to his actions, she gave as good as she got. Their tongues caressed each other as his hands found the hem of her shirt and lifted. They separated for a breathless moment, before his lips were back on hers. Her hands dropped in search of the towel, needing to feel him, searching for his heat.

  Jason’s hands stopped her pursuit and she voiced her displeasure. He chuckled as he broke the kiss. Finding her gaze, he said, “Hang on, baby, you’ll get what you want soon. But there’s something I need to do first.”

  Confused, she waited for some indication as to what he needed to do. His hands rested on her bare hips, and he used his grip to turn her body away from him. She wasn’t sure what was going on, but she enjoyed his hands on her skin nonetheless. His right hand slid up her side and moved to her back, a fingertip stopping over her shoulder blade. When it slowly traced a pattern, she realized what he was doing.

  Trying to turn toward him, he halted her movements before placing his lips on the scarred skin. Then he moved his lips and began to kiss every spot that she’d damaged when trying to flee from Damien. Each press of his lips released the tension that had formed in her shoulders. She stood quietly, letting him do what he needed to do.

  JASON didn’t know how he’d never noticed them before. Small, irregular-shaped patches of skin were spread across her shoulder blade. Some were bigger than others and had a bit of a raised texture to them, but they were subtle enough to remain unseen. When looking closely, they reminded him of the spots on a cheetah. He made sure to kiss each and every one of them, cataloged them, and committed them to memory.


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