Arranged Marriage

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Arranged Marriage Page 3

by P. Torres

  -Many gentlemen rejoice when is their time to marry, I am the exact opposite, if I could escape that link ...-he said haughtily. -I'd leave everything and everyone, to live my life, in freedom, do whatever I want. To have my own friends and not this bunch of men with ulterior motives. Look at the top.I want to know the women I want to ... The most audacious ones who want to have fun like me.

  -You're very young, that's why you think so.

  -You're young too, do you think so?

  -I think differently.

  -What are you thinking? Let me guess...

  He began to wrap his finger around his lips, looking at her fully, studying her face. He stopped in front of the young woman, as he had been before.

  -Ladies of your style tend to dream too much, imagine an eternal love, of those who, even after death, their poor souls will have time in heaven or hell.

  -I believe that love is even more of this, which you have just described, though I still do not know what love is ...

  What a fool! To think that love is worth more than anything in this life, which is a major component in the human being. Where is the reasoning of people? Where is the wisdom of men? Just me to be the smartest and not fall into this trap.

  -I never saw thoughts as cold as yours! I confess that I'm past ...

  -Give me a break! I always hear this from people, Mr. Zemalter Marques is the first.

  -If I could tell my father right now, I never want to marry you.

  -Do that! I can reward you for it. I'm a powerful man, I'll give you the money to ask.

  -Can you buy people?

  -Money have total power over a person!

  -What kind of a human being are you?

  -The smartest and most perfect on the face of the earth, the most normal, because these men are all crazy to think that love is everything. -He smiled wickedly.

  -This conversation is rather unpleasant! -She was indignant at such revelations.

  -And it's taking all my time! -He turned to leave the room, remembered something and came back again. -I see no way of getting rid of this intolerable marriage! Oh, man!

  He threw himself down in his chair with all hatred.

  Ebellaine was startled by such a reaction, moved away, avoiding him.

  -I want you to know that after this marriage is consummated, and the power is in my hands, I will live my life and you will live yours!

  He smirked.

  -I'll have all the women I want!

  He looked at her with disgust.

  -You're not my type!

  He left the room, slamming the door hard, for he was quite upset.

  Ebellaine blew up what had happened, to her aunt in her room, she was desperate. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She was nervous. About to burst at any moment.

  -I can’t marry him!" I can’t Auntie! Now that I know him well, I see he's a monster!

  She shook her head, dissatisfied with her fate.

  -After you love each other everything will change.

  Alva approached, flattening her niece's hair.

  -How can there be love between us? A monster does not love, and I will never love someone like him!

  She hugged her aunt.

  -There will never be love, I'll shiver at the thought of this marriage. I will never know what true love is, what it is to love a man if I marry him.

  She despaired and walked toward the bedroom door.

  -I'm going to talk to Dad, I'm going to say I'm not marrying Mr. Allen Jordan.

  -You can’t go against your father's will and against the will of the Jordan family. -She took her by the arm, preventing her from going to her father.

  -And me, how do I fit into this story? Tell me, aunt?

  Alva looked at the alarmed countenance of her beloved niece and smoothed one side of the girl's face.

  - Keep calm! Do not be driven by despair, you must conquer your space in the life of your future bridegroom.

  -I'd rather die than be meaningful to him.

  Ebellaine said, determined not to love her future spouse.

  Chapter V

  The Jordan family held a special dinner at the palace. An elegant and luxurious reception with several illustrious guests, including great highlights from the high society.

  Therefore a vast table and countless heads sitting around, chatting and savouring various dishes served by a menu chosen by Mr. Zemalter Marques. Some smiled, others chortled during the conversations that never ceased to arise during the banquet. Alva felt very happy for her niece and watched her carefully, sitting on the other side of the table, just in the direction of the girl.

  Ebellaine sat in a chair beside her future groom. She was forced to sit there. For both places had already been reserved, even before dinner had begun. Mr. Marques had arranged everything in the smallest detail and he had received the help of Mrs. Alva to establish that beautiful feast.

  Because of this she didn’t look sideways for a minute if she wanted, avoiding looking at her suitor. For he knew he was so close to her, and it kind of bothered her a little. However, she knew he was well dressed. Because the maiden's eyes froze on the host's image as he descended the central staircases in the living room and joined them. Allen was wearing dark pants, dark boots with long sleeves, a white shirt, a dark vest, and an emerald green velvet jacket.

  Purposely the young man, with straight black hair, leaned forward to say something. His voice was hoarse and low. The member Jordan hoped that only his future bride could hear him at that time.

  However, some curious guests looked toward the couple, but could not hear their lines.

  -It's still time for you to end this failed marriage, which is to come.

  But she ignored him. He kept looking forward as he politely drank his glass of water. Yet Allen's voice sounded toward the young woman's shoulder carrying a light pink dress on her body. Ornate with expensive lace, satin ribbons and beautiful flower embroidery. Her hair was adorned with a hair ornament at the side of her head, while she had her locks tied together by a tied braid, thrown forward of her right shoulder.

  -Beg, mourn, weep before all and say that you do not wish to marry me. Everyone will hear you and you will not be the proper person to marry me.

  He paused and looked around.

  -Remember that I can reward you very well for this, miss. You'll have more fortune than your father.

  After the message, he returned to sit upright in his seat.

  Ebellaine remained irreducible to the gentleman's comments. The girl, from a traditional family, thought it absurd to hear such proposals from her future bridegroom. He wanted to persuade her with money.

  However, she was a girl who had no ambition in life, had grown up in a wealthy family through fate. And even if she were a miser, a starving woman, she would never submit to such a bribe.

  At that moment she wanted to step on Mr. Jordan's foot and crush him with the fine heel of her shoe. Besides sending him to hell with all his fortune.

  But she couldn’t do that. She had been brought up to be a sweet woman and, above all, honoured.

  After the speeches made by Mr. Zemalter Marques and the father of the bride, the most important moment of dinner arrived.

  Mr. Zemalter stood and held a gold case in his white-gloved hands.

  -Sir Allen Jordan and Miss Ebellaine, please come forward.

  The man who had organized the ceremony said.

  The young man when he stood up looked at the future bride, who was confused looking up into his eyes and seeing that he was taking action to end that theatre in one go.

  It lacked the courage for the young woman to do what her suitor proposed to her seconds earlier.

  She looked at the countenance of everyone around the table and at last looked at her father and then at her Aunt Alva.

  Feeling unable to disappoint them, Ebellaine lowered her head for a moment and rose from her chair as well.

  Both young men walked up to Senhor Marques, who was waiting with a sincere smile
. The gentleman was dressed in gowns in the dark colour.

  The couple stood facing each other. Without contemplating themselves.

  Allen Jordan's eyes were thundering. He hated that whole situation. His wish was to send everyone to hell, and especially Mr. Zemalter Marques who was the author of all that sordid episode. He knew Ebellaine was as much a victim as he was. She had been forced to compromise with that arranged marriage just like him. Allen had power, too much power, however, not enough to go against a society that wished to see him married to a girl who was chosen without his consent.

  After all, he and Ebellaine had never seen each other before, not even by the ballrooms that were always offered in noble residences.

  Zemalter opened the box and nodded for Allen Jordan to take the shiny ring and offer it to his future wife.

  The young man did. Entirely upset.

  He looked at the little gem full of precious stones and thought for a moment.

  At that moment he imagined raising his hand and tossing the ring away, toward the table where the guests watched.

  -Come on, Miss Ebellaine! -Zemalter countered.

  She obeyed him. Taking a few steps toward them.

  The young man took her hand and looked into her eyes once again, giving her a calculating, blue look. With the intention of making her give up everything. His lips moved, he wanted to tell her something, but he gave up and put the ring on the girl's finger, with all the hatred that consumed him. He had not even noticed that the girl's hand was quivering and icy, after she had removed her 7/8 white glove from her right arm.

  After that, everyone applauded the scene ...

  Chapter VI

  After all that honourable reception and after all the guests had already gone to their homes, many pleased with the feast and also with the confirmation of the engagement, Ebellaine went to her room with her maid Joan, who helped her get dressed to rest.

  -Did you like the masquerade? -Joana asked.

  - I could never go to one.

  Ebellaine confessed, discouraged.

  -You're curious to know how a dance like that is?

  -Yes, I've always been curious.

  Come with me! I'm taking you to a ball like that.

  Ebellaine's eyes betrayed.

  -I can’t, if anyone finds out ...

  She went into despair.

  -No one will know, unless you tell someone.

  -I can’t. he said with concern.

  -I have a fancy dress for you.

  -A fancy dress? -She frowned and almost drew her eyebrows together.

  -Yes, it will be a peasant and putting on a mask, no one will recognize you.

  Still, she shook her head, assuring her. -I'm afraid.

  -Do not be afraid, it's going to be all right.

  -If my father finds out, he'll kill me!

  -If you come with me, you will not regret it, miss. -She took her by the arm and smiled at her. -If you do not go to the ball tonight, you will not have another chance.

  Minutes later, Joana was in the hallway of the palace, in the darkest part. There were no people there, only her and someone else. She was talking to Mr. Allen Jordan in secret. Both were talking in low, secret voices.

  - Did you do what I asked? She asked the young woman.

  -Yes ... Sir, she will be dressed as a peasant, wearing a white mask.

  -Great! -He kissed her lips immediately.

  Ebellaine and Joana walked through the deserted streets of the city, when someone appeared on the street, Ebellaine hid behind Joan, afraid that someone would recognize her and the next day he would hear in her father's eyes that she was wandering the streets in the company of a servant , late night.

  -This is crazy! -The young euphoric woman said, looking around.

  -You'll see how much it’ll be worth it! -Joana said, almost smiling.

  Arriving at the ball, Ebellaine clutched the servant's hand tightly, not accustomed to that sort of mood. There was much turmoil and bustle. Several drunken people. Joana walked down the dance floor with the young woman and led her into a corridor, where they climbed a narrow staircase.

  -Where are we going? -Ebellaine asked, feeling uncomfortable with the direction they were taking.

  - Trust me!

  They were in a dark and gloomy room, where there was an open window, a strong window, and the red curtain danced from side to side.

  Stunned, Ebellaine narrowed her eyes.

  -But there's nothing here. -She said.

  -Wait here, I'll see how things are down there. Every now and then, fights break out.

  -You didn’t tell me that fights usually happen? -It made her even more frightened.

  - Keep calm! You'll be safe here.

  Joanna advised her and left without a trace. The young woman became uneasy, went to the huge window, which was open. She had sensed a noise and was checking what this might be. She looked out the window and found that it was nothing. She saw only darkness and a starry sky.

  It was just the curtain moving with the force because of the wind coming from outside.

  Then Ebellaine went to the room where Joanna disappeared. She was walking with her hand on the wall, still haunted. She wanted to find Joanna and return to Jordan's palace. She was sorry she had gone to that place.

  Suddenly a figure appeared in front of her, all in black.

  He pushed her brutally against the wall. Placing himself in front of her, preventing her from dodging.

  The young girl was shaking all the time and the sound of her gasping breath took the place of the noise reflected by the mess that came from the ball.

  Ebellaine was sobbing, afraid the worst might happen to her. She did not know what that unknown figure wanted from her.

  The black figure took the mask off with only a tug and dropped it on the floor. She was terrified of tears. The masquerade wore a black mask with navy blue details and wore a black tunic.

  He was unrecognizable.

  Ebellaine glanced at him and saw only the colour of the masked man's eyes, then lowered his head, unable to face him for long.

  -For ... Please ... Do not bother me ... ... ... -She begged in a low voice.

  The figure caressed one side of her face.

  Ebellaine did not understand the reaction of the masked man, what he wanted from her. Surprised, her dark eyes lifted upward and met the stranger's covered face.

  -What do you want ...?

  The masked man interrupted her with a savage kiss that lasted only a few seconds. But the emotions in the girl's body could last an eternity after this enthralling act.

  After the kiss, the young woman stared at him with the intention of seeing his face clearly. At that moment, she could see that he had blue eyes and golden hair.

  - Please, take off the mask! -She begged.

  She put her hand on the stranger’s mask in order to unveil his face and his identity, but the gentleman did not let the young woman do so, then held her by the wrist.

  -I need to know who you are. -she insisted.

  -Do not marry Lord Allen Jordan, I'll be waiting for you!

  -He pleaded close to the peasant's ear.

  And then disappeared.

  Ebellaine went after the figure, trying to reach him, but the unknown disappeared among the dark corridors. However, she returned to the place where she was kissed, stooped to get her mask that was lying on the floor.

  After a few minutes, the maid returned to the place where the young woman was.

  -We'd better go. The servant advised.

  -Why did you take so long?

  -It's awful to walk downstairs. -She noticed that Ebellaine was strange, a little distant, and her face was discoloured. -Are you all right?"

  -I am.

  -Come on, let's go! -she took her arm and pulled her toward her.

  -Yes let's go. -Ebellaine stared at the place where she had been kissed. She wished she would never leave again, live there forever, in the company of such a masquerade.

p; Chapter VII

  The next morning, Ebellaine had told her aunt, who had gone to her room as soon as she got up. Alva had put on her body a beautiful satin dress, ornamented with ribbons and English lace. At that moment, she was sitting in the comfortable chair next to her niece's bed. Ebellaine had not yet taken off her long nightgown.

  Her mind was still parked at the secret ball the night before. The good feelings of the kiss still ran through her body. She could think of nothing but the kiss and the masquerade that had stolen her sleep, peace, and perhaps judgment.

  -I never thought you had the courage to go to a masquerade, my niece! - Answered the aunt, indignant with Ebellaine.

  Not a little bothered by her aunt's disapproval, Ebellaine soon confessed, imagining she had done nothing wrong. She had just fulfilled a hidden longing.

  -Ever since I was little I wanted to know what it was like to be at a ball like that.

  Alva asked another question, looking into the unpainted face of her niece. Ebellaine's countenance was reminiscent of fine features of the pillow. -Did you?

  -No ... it was all so fast ... She put her fingers to her hair and set them behind her ears. - It sounded like a dream!

  -You're different, there's a sparkle in your eyes.

  She tried to gauge the young woman's countenance more accurately. She noticed that the skin on Ebellaine's face was blushing.

  -Did you? -She stared at his aunt and almost smiled at her.

  -Tell me! What are you?

  -I'm in love.

  -With your fiancé?


  Her eyes widened.

  What was Ebellaine saying then?

  She was just about to be Allen Jordan's legitimate wife and that statement was not coinciding with that.

  -Do you love another man?


  Alva adjusted her hairstyle nervously and sighed before questioning her again. The woman wanted to be sure what her niece was saying that morning that she had everything to be pleasant.

  But Jordan's fiancée was starting to ruin everything with her absurd confession.

  -Then tell me who ... Is ...?


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