Embers of Desire [Sequel to Lighting a Flame] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Embers of Desire [Sequel to Lighting a Flame] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 5

by Serenity Snow

  Danica moaned hungrily. Her body was a starving animal begging her to take things further. Her womb clenched and her clit pulsed while her juices flowed easily dampening her panties. Danica ground her clit against the hard ridge of his cock.

  “Don’t even think about coming,” he said, his voice a growl. “If I can’t you can’t.”

  “No one said you couldn’t.” She looked down at him. “All you have to do—”

  “I said no,” he growled. “Do not fucking come, Danica.”

  “Damn it,” she muttered. “I need to get out of here.”

  Tyler held her in place. “Not yet.”

  She whined. “I need—”

  “You need a little control,” he snapped and gave her a tap on her ass. “Kiss me. I haven’t had enough of you yet.” She glared at him and he nipped her bottom lip. “Come on, sweetheart. Take a sip of me.”

  She brushed his lips with hers keeping her eyes on his. The heat in them burned across her face leaving her scorched.

  “Slow and sweet, and keep your body still.”

  She claimed his mouth and her tongue dipped inside. She swept her tongue over his, massaged, dueled and sucked. He groaned roughly as his fingers pushed into her hair, pulled her head back. He was getting harder beneath her, and Danica kissed his jaw feeling a hint of stubble. She rubbed her cheek against it enjoying the abrasiveness.

  She kissed him again softly before lifting her head to look at him. His gaze was a blazing inferno of dark whiskey making her want to take another sip of him.

  “Now, I want you so bad, my zipper is a torture chamber,” he murmured. “Move.”

  She blinked. The man was a masochist. “Your dick is going to burst,” she murmured throatily as she rubbed her damp panties against his slacks-covered erection. “I can almost feel you inside me.”

  “How do I feel?”

  “Thick and long,” she murmured and shivered. Her cream eased from her, warm and wet. “Just the head inside of me made me want to scream.”

  He kissed her throat. “Your pussy is so tight, I almost came the second I was inside you,” he murmured. “Thinking about you, makes me want to fill you.”

  “Do it,” she urged.

  He chuckled. “No, baby. If you want some you’ll have to see me again.”

  “Tyler, you tease,” Danica muttered. “I need you now.”

  “We both need, Dani but that need can only be met if you see me tomorrow night.”

  “Let me up,” she said, feeling as if her insides were quivering. “I need to go.”

  “You need to say yes,” he said sliding his hands from her hips to cup her ass. “You need to take a chance.”

  “I need to clock you,” she said. “For getting me all wet and then leaving me wanting.” She struggled to get up and Tyler let her this time.

  “Dani.” He was on his feet. “Girl, stop running.”

  “Stop!” she snapped when he tried to touch her. “I need my shoes.”

  “I know.”

  “Why can’t you just want a few quick fucks like every other man.”

  He gave her an incredulous stare. “Are you serious? Women bitch about a man not being willing to commit or even consider it, and I’m begging you to see me exclusively.”

  She growled at him. “You are wrong for me, Tyler,” she muttered. “ God. You scare me.” She backed away from him breathing hard. “On the surface, you’re everything nice, but you’re just a man. You’ll do something incredibly stupid to hurt me if I give you a chance.”

  “Baby, I’m not perfect, so hell yeah, I’m going to do something stupid, but it won’t be to hurt you.”

  She closed her eyes and swallowed tightly. She had to go. She needed a good stiff drink and a vibrator. Danica turned and looked around for her shoes. Not finding them, she merely grabbed her purse from the floor next to the chair she’d been sitting in and sprinted for the door.

  “Danica! Fuck!”

  Shaking, she streaked down to the bank of elevators. She punched the button so hard she hurt her finger.

  “Danica! Don’t get on that elevator.”

  She glanced back and saw him sprinting toward her. Her heart pounded so hard it hurt. “Oh, God.” The doors opened and she leaped in and punched a button.

  “Danica, don’t!”

  She ignored his desperate order and prayed the doors closed before he reached them. She sighed in relief and prayed she beat him down. Her hand trembled as she knotted her fingers. She could not see him like this again. He was too much for her. He was a man and she wanted a woman. She really, really did.

  But he tasted like sin in a pair of pants. His hands were so right when he held her, and his domination of her was perfect. He gave her just enough room to—no. She was a dominant. Not a beta. Not a submissive. She was not going to give way to him. He just wanted to control her.

  The doors slid open, and she leaped out and ran for the exit. The night guard got to his feet and she slid across the floor as she tried to stop. Her momentum carried her forward and she let out a scream as the door open and she tumbled forward. An arm around her waist kept her from falling flat on her face.

  “Are you okay, Miss?” the guard asked.

  She shook him off and bolted out the door and down the sidewalk.

  * * * *

  “Damn it!” Tyler cried as he stepped into the lobby just in time to see Danica flying out the door. He should have gone straight for the garage.

  “Sir, is everything okay?” the tall blond man asked as Tyler ran past him.

  Tyler stepped outside in time to see Danica burning rubber out of the parking lot as if the devil himself were chasing her. “Shit.” He shook his head. What the hell was her problem? Was she conflicted about wanting a man?

  Hell, if she was really a lesbian masquerading as bi all she had to do was say so. He’d be the one running in the other damn direction so fast his dust would be grit in her eyes.

  He ran a hand through his hair and headed back inside. They were going to settle this once and for all tomorrow.

  Chapter Eight

  The next morning, Danica went in to work early. She wanted to get the rest of the designs finished so she wouldn’t have to deal with Tyler Quinn so much anymore. She stood in front of the window after an hour of work, and let the sun wash over her.

  She’d thought the past had faded to black years ago, but she guessed she was wrong. Her heart had been mauled by a very charming man who’d turned out to be married with two children. She’d thought he was going to marry her even after she’d found out about the wife and kids. He’d told her he was leaving his wife.

  Danica pressed her forehead to the window and the warmth from the sun kissed her lightly. A woman had never hurt her as bad as he had.

  “Hey, Dan, you’re here early,” Vinessa said from behind her after a brief knock on her door.


  “What’s wrong?” Vinessa asked.

  She sighed. “Tired.”

  “Tyler kept you up all night again,” she teased.

  “Vinessa,” she muttered in exasperation.

  “I called you last night, and you weren’t home. I wanted to know if you wanted to join us for dinner.”

  “I was out,” she said. “With someone.”


  “No,” she snapped. “He’s not worth my time.”

  Vinessa folded her arms across her chest. “Girl, what is your issue?”

  She jerked around glaring at her. “Get out of my—”

  “Oh hell. You really like him,” Vinessa exclaimed. “Well. Well. Well.”

  “Shut up!”

  “Dan, he’s a decent guy from what I can tell. He doesn’t have a wife and kids. According to Sid, he’s straight, so he doesn’t have a closet boyfriend either.”

  “That’s his business.”


  “So what?” Danica demanded rubbing her arms as if she was cold.

  “Why are you running fr
om him?”

  “Who are you to talk? You’re not into men either.”

  “I prefer women, but Lucas has an appeal that I can’t resist.”

  “You’re such a liar. You’re just keeping him around until you’re sure you’ve got Marika.”

  “I have her,” Vinessa replied evenly.

  “But she still wants him,” she snapped. “And you’re afraid he’ll take her from you.”

  “No.” She shook her head sadly. “I’m not good like you, Dan. I’m a son of a bitch. I’ll rip her heart out and his, too, before I just let him have her.”

  “You are such a bitch,” she whispered.

  Vinessa shrugged. “But when I see something that looks like it might be good to me, I go for it,” she said.

  “You never care who gets hurt,” Danica snapped.

  “I never used to, but I’m trying to change,” she retorted. “Are you? You want Tyler but you’re so fucking scared he’s going to hurt you, you won’t even go out with him.”

  “And you’re so reckless you rush headlong into things without thinking them through,” Danica screamed.

  “I came in to see if you were okay since you didn’t return my calls last night. I can see you aren’t. Call me if you need to talk, get drunk or box it out.” She walked out of the room. “Tyler, what are you doing here?”

  Danica cringed at Vinessa’s words and her breath began to come in hurried gasps. She closed her eyes and struggled to get her breathing under control as she prayed Tyler hadn’t overheard their fight. She couldn’t stand having him know just how scared she was. Then, she heard him laugh.

  Before a panic attack could fully take her over, the soft chime of her cell phone on her desk dragged her mind from the grip of anxiety. She went to pick it up and saw a strange number on the display. “Hello?”

  There was silence for ten seconds and then, “Hi, Dani.”

  She exhaled roughly and dropped a hand to her desk and leaned on it. “Kaela.”

  “I know I don’t have any right calling you, but I’d really like to see you.”

  Her brows drew together. She paced to the window to stare out unseeing at the traffic rolling steadily by. “I—you expect me to fly to Europe?” she asked angrily.

  “Course not, I’m at home,” she answered with a little laugh. “Sid asked me to work the Merchant Jeans campaign.”

  Of course. Sid thought Kaela had the perfect look. “I don’t know, Kaela,” she said confusion and anger battling inside her.

  Danica ran a hand through her hair and Kaela said into her ear in her warm voice, “I’m not asking for anything, Dani. I just want to see you. Please?”

  She exhaled roughly and some of the tension in her shoulders leached away. Maybe a roll in the hay with Kaela was exactly what she needed to tear her out of this lust-filled haze Tyler had her caught in. “When?”

  “When can you get away?”

  “Not until tonight,” she said. She did have meetings and things to do all day, but she could’ve spared time for lunch. “Fantasy Club. Seven, my room.” She expected Kaela to refuse because that was where they’d last met. Fantasy Club was where they’d first met, where they’d broken up, and it was where she’d collared Kaela.

  Many of the significant moments of their relationship had happened there, so it was natural that their first meeting after the break-up took place there, too.

  “I’ll be there.”

  Danica disconnected and held the phone at her side as she continued to stare out the window. She wouldn’t take Kaela back. Her career was important to her, and Kaela would always put it first. She would never get in the way of her dreams. She knew how important it was to try to make them come true.

  “Hello, Danica.”

  Tyler’s voice was a soothing caress despite the knots that instantly formed in her stomach. She willed herself to face him and found him standing inside with his back against her closed door. “Why did you close the door? And why are you here?” Her voice held a sting she didn’t mean for it to.

  He held up her shoes. “You forgot your glass heels, but lucky for you your car didn’t turn into a pumpkin.”

  “You can just put them by the door,” she said. “I have work to do, so can you see yourself out?”

  “Why don’t we have dinner tonight,” he said. “We can talk about—” His cell’s ring interrupted him midsentence. He sighed and yanked it from its holster at his hip. He glanced at the display. “Damn it. I have to go. I’ll call you.” He was out the door before she could speak.

  Danica sighed at the temporary reprieve. They would have to talk soon, and she’d have to tell him in the harshest possible way that there could never be anything between them.

  * * * *

  Tyler hurried out to his car. He hated to leave things at loose ends with Danica, but there was no other choice right now. Business was important, but he’d heard every word of her conversation and he intended to stop in at Fantasy Club tonight. They could talk and then he could take a flogger to her and make her scream his name in pure unadulterated pleasure.

  * * * *

  Later that evening, Kaela knocked on Danica’s door, excitement heating her skin. She was glad Danica had agreed to see her. She missed her, but she wasn’t interested in getting emotionally involved with her again right now. Their relationship had good, but Danica had never really let her in. She’d kept her on the fringe her heart when Kaela wanted more.

  She supposed her career was the problem and that wasn’t going to change anytime soon.

  The door opened and her eyes collided with Danica’s honey brown stare and her stomach clenched. Butterflies fluttered inside, and her breath caught. It was almost like the first time they’d met.

  Danica had cut her hair. The wispy russet strands framed her face in a short gamine with longer layers on top. The cut emphasized the clean smooth lines of her face and put all the focus on her beautiful eyes and the sensual curve of her lips.


  “Hello, Kaela,” Danica greeted her calmly. “Come in.”

  She moved inside giving her a smile.

  “How have you been?” Danica asked closing the door and putting a hand on it as Kaela leaned back against it.

  “Busy,” she said.

  Danica shrugged. “How is everything going?”

  “Good. I have contracts coming out of my ass, but I’m not complaining,” she answered with a shrug. “How are things going with you?”

  Danica nodded. “Good. I’m doing some designs for Merchant Jeans.”

  “Sid mentioned that,” she said with a smile. “I’m excited to see what you’ve come up with.”

  “Yeah. Well, what did you call for? Why did you want to meet?”

  “I just wanted to see you.” She leaned toward Danica. “I know you’re probably seeing someone else and seeing me is sort of a reminder of something you’d rather forget,” she said quickly.

  “It’s not really like that,” Danica said. “I’m just surprised you called.”

  “I didn’t mean to screw up your evening,” Kaela said quietly. “I better go before your girlfriend gets here and thinks you’re having an illicit booty call or something.” She flashed her a nervous smile.

  “Kae.” Danica swayed toward her and her hand snaked out to cup Kaela’s hip. Her lips brushed Kaela’s. Danica moved closer to her as Kaela’s lips parted beneath hers.

  The kiss was a soft caress of tongues that turned explosive in the time it took the needy moan to escape Kaela. Her arms went around Danica’s neck as she was crushed against the door, and Danica’s tongue greedily stroked into her mouth.

  “Dani.” A breathless plea was torn from her as Danica broke the kiss.

  Breathing hard, Danica backed away from her and Kaela closed her eyes and sagged against the door.


  Kaela met her gaze. “Yes, Mistress.” She watched Danica’s throat work as she swallowed convulsively.

  Danica was in front of
her again taking her mouth with a ferocity that drew a moan from Kaela. Heat and desire coursed through her, tilted her head back when Danica’s lips left hers to trail kisses down her throat. Her hands skimmed Kaela’s sides before gliding down to her hips. She tugged the skirt up and pushed her hand beneath as her mouth plundered Kaela’s anew.

  Her tongue moved slowly in and out of her mouth, turning her blood to liquid heat. Danica’s fingers cupped her pussy, she creamed and moaned tightly.

  “I want you, Mistress,” Kaela said softly. It was probably a mistake, but sexual chemistry had never been a problem between them. And she was lonely, needy

  Danica backed away from her again and captured Kaela’s hand and tugged her with her as she backed up. Once they reached the sofa, Danica released her. “Undress sub,” she commanded.

  Kaela did as she was commanded taking her time and caressing her body as she did so. She watched the heat in Danica’s eyes intensify and felt her power as a desired sub rise. She’d missed being wanted like this.

  Danica removed her pants and panties but left her boots on as she dropped onto a cushion. “Straddle me,” she ordered.

  Kaela did just that holding Danica’s gaze. Danica’s fingers skated up her back, and she lowered her head to kiss Kaela’s neck. She trailed kisses down to the top of her breast.

  She placed a kiss between the valley of Kaela’s breast before licking over one fleshy mound and swirling her tongue around the nipple. Danica sucked at the tight bud before laving over it and turning her attention to the other.

  Kaela moaned softly. “Oh God, I want you,” she crooned. Danica pinched one of her nipples and Kaela hissed. Danica gave her breast a slap, Kaela drew in a sharp breath savoring the sting of pain.

  Danica’s hands slid down her back, nails lightly raking her soft skin. Kaela arched enjoying the sensation. Danica’s hands glided over the firm curves of her ass and gripped. She thrust up and their clits ground together.

  “Dani.” Kaela moaned. She stroked the back of Danica’s neck as their bodies moved together in slow rocking unison. Damp pussy lips brushed, engorged clits rubbed against each other creating delicious sensations, and their mouths met for a slow kiss.


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