Whitley's Monsters (Three Book Bundle) (Paranormal Monster Erotica)

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Whitley's Monsters (Three Book Bundle) (Paranormal Monster Erotica) Page 6

by Natasha Hunter

  Her eyes took on a knowing gaze, and she merely nodded. "You mated with them?"

  I made a gaspy noise in the back of my throat. "How did you guess?"

  "What else could color your cheeks so?" She gave a warm smile. "Don't be embarrassed. Things like this happen when you attract their kind. They are drawn to you, and once they are in your presence, they cannot help themselves. They need to possess you. It is a deep craving for them. And in return, they bring you under their spell. It is a rare thing, but it has happened before."


  She nodded. "Yes. To me."

  I widened my eyes as mouth parted with shock. "Really? Oh. Wow. I mean. I wouldn't have guessed by reading your book."

  "Well. That isn't something I would readily admit to. Like you, I've never told anyone except one other person. My husband."

  A thousand questions bounced around in my mind. "Are you serious? Your husband knows you had sex with a monster? He believes in monsters? Was it before or after you met him? Was he not angry? Do you still have sex with monsters?"

  She held up her hands. "Slow down," she said indulgently. "I will answer all of your questions, I promise."

  I nodded eagerly.

  "My experiences began when I was a little younger than you, barely out of high-school. I think it might've had something to do with all of those hormones racing through me. I saw my first Other when I was on a camping trip with my parents. He was something, I tell ya. Folks call them yetis, or bigfoots."

  My mouth popped open. Bigfoot was real!

  She glanced away, lost in reverie for a moment. "That was a long time ago."

  "Did you see it again?"

  "No. I never went back. But since then, I have seen other things, from a distance. And that is what started my research into the paranormal."

  "Have you..." I blushed. "Have you mated with anything else then?"

  She shook her head. "No. My husband keeps those urges under control." She grinned while winking.

  "Does he know about Bigfoot?"

  Isla nodded, "I told him everything before we married."

  "And he believed you? Just like that?"

  "He did. I don't think I could be with someone who didn't believe me."

  I nodded. "I had a boyfriend before... the first experience. We broke up shortly after."

  "You couldn't tell him the truth?"

  I shook my head no. "How could I? How does a person say those words out loud, you know? It was too upsetting. I can't bear to think of it, really. I cheated on him with a creature. A monster."

  "I doubt you were in control of the situation. Even if you think you were, their pheromones are incredibly powerful. Perhaps you should tell him, if nothing more than to ease your guilt."

  I chewed on my bottom lip thoughtfully. "I don't know. I wouldn't even know where to begin."

  She stood up, "Hold a moment. I think I have something that might help." She walked into her house and returned a few moments later with a leather-bound book. "I wrote this after it happened. It is my journal from then. No one has ever read it, but I trust you. Read it yourself, then perhaps show him. If he doesn't believe you, bring him here and I will speak to him for you."

  "Are you serious?" My eyes widened.

  "Yes, of course." She smiled graciously. "Just be careful with it. I wouldn't want it to get in the wrong hands. I don't think the world at large is ready for monsters."


  Back at the hotel, I texted Kym and told her I had a headache and was lying down, and that I would find her at dinner. Once I locked my doors and satisfied I wouldn't be interrupted, I took Isla's journal out onto the balcony and settled down onto one of the lounge chairs. I thumbed through the diary, glossing over the boring, mundane bits until I got to the entry about Bigfoot.

  Dear Diary,

  It's 6:00 a.m., and I've only just arrived back to the cabin. Everyone else is still asleep, and I doubt they ever realized that I was gone.

  I dare not sleep lest I wake up and convince myself that it was all a dream. I won't even bathe until I write the full account of what happened last night. I must put it on paper, all of it, every single detail of my encounter with a supernatural creature! My sexual encounter. I can still smell him on me. My thighs are sticky with his essence...his cum.

  It dazzles me to write that. To admit that I am sitting here in front of a picturesque window in the middle of the woods in a charming little cabin with my folks asleep upstairs- and they are lying there, unaware that their darling little girl is covered in monster jizz. My pussy still aches from the pounding he gave me. My entire body feels as if it has been through the most strenuous of exercises. Every part of me is slick with sweat and cum.

  Oh jeeze! How could this have happened? My thoughts are still reeling. Deep breath! Okay. So here is how it started.

  I went for a walk last night a couple of hours after my parents went to sleep. I just couldn't get comfortable in my bed, having spent at least an hour tossing and turning. The cabin is too hot, for one. I mean, why would anyone want to stay in a cabin of all things without air conditioning, when we have the luxury of air conditioning at home? It is so archaic. Boggles my mind. But I digress. So, I slipped out of the cabin and followed a rock-lined path down to the lake I had seen earlier. The moon was full and bright, and I didn't even need a flashlight. Once I reached the water, I found a little wooden dock that jutted out into the lake.

  The place was completely empty and silent except for the incessant droning of insects. I could feel sweat rolling down my back. It was just so hot and humid! Anyhow, since I was all alone (or so I thought), I pulled off my clothes and shoes and sat down on the edge of the pier. I dropped my feet into the water, and it felt delicious. I swayed them back and forth, splashing myself a bit when I heard a howl of some sort.

  My heart raced as I looked around, thinking that it was a wolf or wild dog! As I looked around, the night settled into silence once more. Perhaps it ran off, I hoped. I waited for a little while, feeling a bit uneasy, but reluctant to head back to the insufferable cabin. Eventually, enough time passed, and I felt safe enough to jump into the water. I stood and stretched, then leaped into the lake with child-like abandon, remembering those late-night swims I used to take when we lived in Florida.

  The water was delicious and I was incredibly relaxed, lost in my own thoughts as I swam about undisturbed. After tiring myself out, I climbed up onto the pier and stretched out to dry off. As I gazed at the moon, I felt a strong gust of wind brush over me. I gasped and sat up, and that is when I laid eyes upon the strangest thing I have ever seen.

  There was a monster at the end of the dock, watching me. No joke. A creature I had only ever heard about in stories stood a mere couple of yards from me.

  He was tall, at least seven feet or so, and completely covered in light brown hair. His face was almost human, but it too, was covered in hair. His eyes were bright brown, his lips almost black. It was the scariest thing I have ever seen! It was a real, live, bigfoot, and he was closing the distance between us!

  I felt my breath leave my body at once. I was lightheaded, and on the verge of passing out when he neared me. I trembled as he knelt down in front of me, his knees at my feet. He grabbed me by the ankles and pushed my legs apart. The creature stared at my pussy for what felt like an eternity. My heart pounded. I was so afraid, too afraid to move. To breathe, almost.

  I dropped my gaze and then that is when I noticed it. His cock was protruding from his fur, inches swelling by the second. I was enraptured as I watched his dick grow, the color a dark brown. The tip was lighter, the head stretched and glistening with a milky white substance dripping from the slit in the center.

  I gasped, feeling as if I was hyperventilating as I watched him wrap a hand around his shaft. His furry fingers curled around his thick cock and began jerking back and forth. He grunted as he pleasured himself right there in front of me!

  All I could do was watch, utterly hypnotized. I was equal pa
rts repulsed, afraid, and turned on. I couldn't make sense of it, of how I was actually aroused by watching this creature, this animalistic half- man, stroking his cock. My pussy grew wet and I could smell my own arousal. At that moment, I knew that he could too.

  He held his head back and shuddered as he sprayed my body with his warm, sticky cum. Big droplets splashed across my naked skin, splattering across my throat to my toes. I felt it rolling down my sides and into the V of my thighs.

  He rolled his lecherous gaze down the length of my body, ogling it with delight. His mouth twisted up, as if he were amused by the sight of me covered in his cum.

  My fear became annoyance as I realized that this creature was more like a man than not. "Seriously? Did you just cum all over me?" I asked, unsure if it could even understand me. I wrinkled my nose. "You got it in my hair! Gross!"

  He made a noise, something like a laugh, then stretched his big, hairy hand to my pussy. I squealed as he shoved a finger into me harshly and wiggled it around. I tried to scoot away but couldn't get far. He grabbed me by the thigh and held me in place as he fingered me, pistoning his finger into my tight, wet pussy.

  I was so annoyed, feeling betrayed by my own body. "Stop it!" I yelled out as I tried to shove his hand away. My fingers wrapped around his wrist. He grabbed my hand with his other and shoved it above my head, then continued his digital assault.

  I growled low in the back of my throat, equal parts pissed off and aroused. But, I couldn't help it. His finger felt delicious, thick, long, and powerful, and almost as round as a normal guy's cock. He shoved another into me and my pussy grew wetter, soaking his hairy fingers. He made a strange sound of approval as I bucked my hip forward, riding his hand. He curled the rest of his fingers around my pussy, one brushed against my clit, the other trying to slide lower towards my ass.

  "Ohhhh," I groaned so loud, my voice echoed across the water. I could feel it building deep in my belly, this hot, intense pool of desire. I was close to cumming, and he knew it. He leaned down and licked my lower belly, just above my pussy, as he fingered me. I exploded as I felt his tongue slathering across my skin. My body jerked wildly as my orgasm tore through me, heating my body from the inside out.

  As I caught my breath I looked up at him with wonder. He didn't give me time to recover, instead, he jerked me closer to him, pulled me into his lap so that his cock was pressing against my slit. I could feel it growing harder, stiffer, as he rubbed himself against me.

  I placed my hands against his broad, hairy shoulders and held onto him as he held me by the hips. He wiggled my body against his thickness, forcing my pussy lips to part as he sought out my little hole. He grunted as he shoved me hard by the hips onto his dick. I screamed out as his huge cock forced its way into my cunt.

  Bigfoot licked my neck and collarbone as my pussy stretched to accommodate his girth. I felt like I was being split open, but at the same time, the pain was exquisite. I bounced in his lap slowly, trying to get used to the feeling of him inside of me.

  As pleasure rippled through my body, I stuck my tongue out and lapped at his. His mouth tasted like nature, a mixture of lemongrass and something else indefinable. I wiggled my tongue against his as he tried to push it into my mouth. Gasping, I pulled my head back, trying to keep him from smothering me with it.

  I leaned my head against his and concentrated on nothing but the feel of his enormous, magnificent cock pounding into me. It was sublime, surreal. I couldn't believe it was happening to me, and at the same time, I didn't even care. It was like I was under some sort of spell. Bewitched by the monster. All I could think of was how great he felt in me, how nice and tingly he was making me feel from the tip of my toes to the top of my head. Every part of my body tingled with sublime pleasure.

  He pulled his mouth from mine and clamped his lips to my shoulder. I could feel his tongue twirling around, followed by his teeth slightly grazing my skin. I shuddered as I realized he could actually bite me, and probably kill me. As I thought the words, I could hear his voice inside of my head as he mentally uttered one single word. 'Safe.'

  It was amazing, this connection between us. He could read my thoughts, and I could feel that he wouldn't hurt me. I tipped my head back and he lapped the flat of his tongue along my neck, writhing it into the hollow of my throat.

  "I'm..." I gasped. "I'm going to cum!" I told him. My body trembled, an explosion of sensation swirling through me as my orgasm pushed me over the edge of bliss. "Ohhh," I moaned and groaned as I rode out the euphoric waves of pleasure.

  As I came, Bigfoot spurted his gooey white cum deep inside of me. I could feel its warmth spreading into my womb, coating my insides. I dropped my head against his shoulder while trying to catch my breath.

  He picked me up- still naked and dripping with him- and carried me back to my cabin, then set me down right in front of the door. He then turned and walked off into the forest.


  I closed the diary and glanced to the sky, noting the drooping sun. It would be dark soon, and I had promised Kym we would hit the bars. I took the diary into my room and tucked it into my suitcase, then picked out a slinky dress to wear later.

  As I took a shower, I obsessed over the diary entry, then texted Kym, begging off for the night, telling her I met someone and that I would text her tomorrow. I hated to lie to her, but I knew she wouldn't mind too much. Connor and the guys were there, so she'd have plenty of people to keep her company.

  I knew what I had to do. I had to know the truth. I had to go where Isla had been with Bigfoot all those years ago, and see him for myself.

  ...and possibly have him for myself.


  The radio did little to distract me as I drove along the back roads of Louisiana. I kept thinking about Isla's diary and what she had experienced. I knew that I shouldn't be out alone in the middle of the night, but I couldn't help it. I wanted to see it for myself, I wanted to see Bigfoot with my every own eyes.

  Ghostly moss hung from the trees, swaying in the night breeze as I drove towards the camping lodge that Isla had stayed at all those years ago. Before I left, I called to see if it was still in operation. To my delight, they had an empty cabin available near the lake. I wondered if it'd be the same one Isla had stayed in with her parents?

  I almost felt bad about lying to Kym about where I was going, but since she was hooking up with Connor, I figured she'd be fine without me for a little while. Anyhow, what could I say to her? 'Oh by the way Kym, I'm going to go search for Bigfoot because I have an inkling that he is real and I want to see if I can find him.' Sure, that'd go over great.

  After I checked in, I pulled my car in front of the log cabin, then carried my overnight bag onto the porch. I sat it by the door and fumbled around with the lock, then pushed the door open. It smelled somewhat musty, but I wasn't bothered by the aroma. I dumped my bag onto the bed, then slid the key into my back pocket before locking the cabin back up and heading for the lake.

  I turned on the flashlight app on my phone and swayed it across the path that lead down to the water. With every step, I could feel something pulling me towards the dock, an invisible hand tugging me away civilization. Once at the water, I glanced around, noting that the place was eerily quiet except for the sound of my thudding heart. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

  A warm breeze rushed across me, tugging at my blonde hair. My awareness stretched around me, and instinctively I knew that he was close by. I felt his energy seeking my own. Something inside of me thrilled as I realized that he was coming towards me...coming for me.

  Isla was right. Everything she said was true. Somehow, I was a beacon for the supernatural, and as they became aware of me, something primal inside of me ignited. Some sexual part of me came alive and every human barrier I possessed evaporated. My sexual inner goddess took control of my body.

  I turned towards Bigfoot and my eyes sought his. He was staring at me inquisitively, as if he were trying to figure me out. Slowly, I lifted my tee up
over my head and let it fall from my fingers to the dock. I kept my eyes locked with his as I pulled my bra off and dropped it on top of my shirt. I ran my small hands across my breasts slowly, tempting him as I lapped at my lower lip. I could feel my arousal brewing; my pussy was already moist and tingling. I slipped a hand down my front and unzipped my shorts, then slid my fingers into my panties. I rubbed my clit while keeping my eyes wide, locked with his. "Mmm."

  I had never seen anything like him! He was very tall and broad, his shoulders thick with sinewy, muscle. He had the body of a human, but his head wasn't quite human, more wolfish than man.

  He took a step closer to me, and I could feel the heat of his breath as he leaned his head to my shoulder, inhaling my scent. My own breath was ragged and my body was trembling, but I wasn't afraid. Well, not horribly so. Some part of me realized he could rip me into tiny little pieces, but I doubted he would. I could sense he wanted to mate with me as much as I was craving him.

  I shuddered at the thought. I wanted to fuck this thing, this...this creature. I deliberately brought myself here and put myself into the position to be taken by Bigfoot. To have Bigfoot's dick shoved deep into my tight little pussy.

  He darted his thick tongue out and lapped it across my collarbone. He licked my throat, and then my mouth. I could feel his erection jutting from his furry body and pressing against my torso. His pre-cum leaked onto my bare skin, and he started to rub his dick around my belly, pleasuring himself.

  I reached for him and curled my small hands around his big, thick cock and began to stroke him. He grunted and grabbed my head, forcing me to lean over. I knew what he wanted and without hesitation, I opened my mouth and began to lick and nibble on his dick. He tasted earthy and slightly salty. I stretched my lips wide and tried to wrap it around the tip of his cock. A bit of his pre-cum squirted into my mouth.

  Bigfoot grabbed me by the hair and lifted my head. My lips were swollen and flushed, slick with his essence. He pressed his black lips to mine and shoved his tongue into my mouth. I could feel his hands tugging at my shorts and I helped him unbutton them. I shimmied out of them, the denim fabric pooled at my feet. He then yanked my panties off, shredding them.


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