Worth Fighting For (Little Blue Book 1)

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Worth Fighting For (Little Blue Book 1) Page 12

by Tigertalez

  Tasid pulled her against his body and wrapped his guardian wings loosely around her. He kept them low enough so she was still able to see everyone around her, but at the same time, she felt the intimacy of it, and his warmth radiated around her. She suddenly felt happy and relaxed.


  Tasid tried to hide the rage that burned in his belly, when he saw the fear and pain in his mate’s eyes. Somewhere, there was a miscommunication that caused these females to fear that they would never see their friends or family again. That is going to be corrected as soon as possible.

  The smile she gave him when he reassured her made his knees feel wobbly. She was truly the most beautiful female he had ever seen. His heart warmed, and his belly flipped when he wrapped his wings around her and she relaxed against him. Her trust meant a lot to him.

  Tasid mentally shook his thoughts back to the present. Errim and Sharrow both stood before him. Sharrow and his mate were already dressed, but Errim wasn’t. He was carefully concealing his mate and himself. This meant his mate still needed to be seen by a medic.

  “Errim, thank you for staying with them. Go take care of your new mate, and then meet us over by my parents.”

  A physician stepped from the small exam room, as Errim made a hasty exit. Tasid introduced himself, then asked about the injured couple.

  The medic answered, “The flyer’s body absorbed most of the impact, so the female will be fine, just some bruises and a mild concussion. They were easily treated with our medical equipment.”

  “And Oduz?” Tasid asked him.

  “He won’t be able to use his wing to fly for a few days while the mending we did hardens sufficiently, but he will be fine. He chose well. His little mate refuses to leave his side,” the medic said with some bit of admiration.

  Tasid smiled when he heard that. “Good. He is a noble and honorable male, and he used considerable skill protecting her during extreme duress. He deserves a worthy mate.”

  The medic agreed, then excused himself, and Tasid turned to Sharrow, who happened to be mated to one of Juno’s sisters. That bit of news made him feel relieved, knowing that Juno would have two of her sisters living so close.

  “Sharrow, congratulations. I’m well pleased to see you caught a mate. Please introduce us.”

  Sharrow placed two of his hands on his mate’s shoulders. “This is my mate, Jeri. Jeri, this is my friend, and boss, Tasid.”

  Tasid smiled down at the dark skinned female. “Hi, Jeri. Looks like you and Juno will be living rather close to each other.”

  “Yes!” Both girls spoke at once and gave each other a high five, something that his crew was now doing all the time since they had learned about it.

  “Juno, this is Sharrow,” Tasid told her. “He’s my weapons specialist, and head of security. He will be in charge of your protection detail. He has already chosen males that I have already approved. You will meet them when we fly back to the ship.”

  Juno looked up at him with a surprised look on her face, before she started laughing. Tasid was confused.

  “What is so funny?” he asked her.

  “Providence, that’s what. Jeri is a security guard. She’s the one who saved me when I was being trampled, and she’s the one who saved another friend of ours, and her daughter, from some horrible fate during the riots.”

  Sharrow growled. “She will not be working anymore, especially not in security.”

  Both females let out an exasperated groan.

  “Testosterone killjoy,” Jeri grumbled.

  “Let me give you some advice, Sharrow,” Juno said. “Trust me when I say that you do not want to treat her with kid gloves, or you’ll kill the biggest part of her spirit that makes her special and happy.”

  Sharrow’s brows knitted. “What is ‘kid gloves’?”

  “It means to treat with extreme tact or gentleness,” Juno answered. “That means don’t hold anything back. Jeri responds best with brutal honesty. She isn’t afraid of making tough decisions, and when confronted with a fight-or-flight situation, she fights. I’m not saying not to protect her, but just don’t force her to be something she’s not.”

  Tasid could see the automatic refusal on Sharrow’s face. Their race deeply believed in defending their mates from all harm. It was part of their nature. In the Zori race, males were built for battle, with their battle and guardian wings to protect and provide, and the females were wingless, therefore vulnerable. To put a female in harm’s way went totally against their deepest beliefs. Males like Nerk were rare.

  “Hey!” Juno said excitedly. “She could be on my security detail.”

  “That would be cool,” Jeri responded, smiling.

  Sharrow began to growl and the look on his face darkened, but the girls didn’t back down. Tasid knew he was in trouble when Juno looked up at him with hope written on her face.

  “It’s brilliant really,” she told him. “I am a female, and she’s family, so then who best to know what some of my needs are?”

  Just by looking into her eyes, Tasid was horrified that he was actually contemplating their idea. He wanted Juno happy, and valid points weren’t helping his resolve.

  “And,” Jeri added, “I can go places with her that your detail couldn’t, or at least shouldn’t. Can you imagine them following her into the ladies’ room?”

  “That’s right!” Juno said. “Also, who would guess a female would be a bodyguard? She’ll have the element of surprise. And it wouldn’t be like she would be all alone. You are still going to assign a security detail, right?”

  Tasid was compelled to agree, which disturbed him. “How about we discuss this another time? I would very much like to introduce you to my parents, and we can’t wait too long, if we are going to go see some of the other ceremonies.”

  The females looked unhappy, but Tasid couldn’t remember a time when Sharrow had ever looked more relieved.

  Looking down at their little mates, Tasid had to wonder, What have I gotten myself into?


  Juno was a bit put-out by their idea being brushed off, but she didn’t let it get to her. He did say they would talk about it another time, which may give him time to make up a better defensive argument, but the flip side to that was it gave her more time to make up her own arguments. Besides, she could see this wasn’t the time or place to make those kinds of decisions.

  Sharrow and Jeri followed as Tasid led them all over to the stands and up to a Zori couple. The couple stopped talking and turned to face them. Juno suddenly got a terrible bout of nerves. Though the female looked kind, she was much taller than herself, and the male—well, what wasn’t intimidating about him? He was as tall as Tasid and oozed confidence and power.

  “Juno, I present to you my father, Ambassador Jurresh, of the United Planetary Alliance League, and his mate, and my mother, Adonna. Father, Mother, this is my mate, Juno.”

  Yup, I’m intimidated all right.

  The ambassador smiled a genuinely friendly smile at her. “You can call me Jurresh, or Father,” he told her pleasantly.

  Before she could respond, the tall woman wrapped her arms around her.

  “I have waited so long for a daughter. I’m so happy to meet you.” She pulled back and looked down at Juno. “And you are so beautiful,” she continued. “Would you just look at those eyes? Jurresh, look, they are so mesmerizing. They look like polished sky jewels.”

  Adonna returned to stand beside Jurresh, who promptly wrapped his two left arms around her.

  Juno felt herself flush with embarrassment, just a little. “Uh, thank you.”

  Tasid motioned behind him, and Sharrow moved up beside them, pulling Jeri close to his side. “Father, Mother, you remember Sharrow, my weapons specialist and head of security. That is his mate, Jeri, who is a sister to my mate, Juno.”

  Juno didn’t expect for Tasid to introduce them as sisters, but she wasn’t about to correct him. The girls did feel as though they were as close as sisters, and if Tasid saw it that
way, then it was just more of a power point for their husbands to allow them to all keep in close touch with one another.

  Adonna’s face lit up, and she gasped. “I have two daughters!”

  Juno held back her snicker—but not her wide grin—as Adonna hurried over to wrap her arms around Jeri. Jeri looked like she felt even more awkward than Juno had felt.

  “Actually, Mother, you have more,” Tasid said, dipping his head in the direction of an approaching couple.

  Juno turned her head and squealed, running to embrace Benny, with Jeri right behind. They were gently pulled back by their mates, so she could be introduced.

  Errim looked proud as he introduced her. “Ambassador Jurresh, Adonna, this is my mate, Benny.”

  Jurresh smiled broadly but seemed to be staying quiet as his mate enthusiastically greeted Benny. Juno was really starting to like this female.

  “Oh, look at you, you are so small. Errim, you be careful not to crush her,” she said, giving him a warning look.

  Juno nibbled worriedly on her lip and hoped she wasn’t out of line, but she wanted to tell her about Kaycee. “Uh, Adonna?”

  She turned and answered, “Yes, little one.”

  “Me, Jeri, and Benny have been all each other’s got, for a long time. We consider ourselves to be family, sisters even. Well, if you want to know, there’s one more, but, uh, she’s not here right now.”

  Adonna’s eyes widened. “I’ve gone from no daughters to four, all in one day. Oh! Could a mother be happier?” Her hands covered her mouth, and Juno’s eyes misted again. Adonna’s blind acceptance was warming.

  Jurresh finally spoke up. “Where is she?”

  Tasid answered for her. “She is to be mated in one of the Nanstrahi ceremonies, but I am not certain if it will be in today’s or later.”

  Jurresh nodded. “Let me make a few inquiries and see if I can find out where she is. What is her name?”

  Juno froze in shock. She heard Jeri answer. “Her name is Kaycee Evens.”

  “All right, give me a moment.” Jurresh turned away as he used some sort of holo-device.

  Adonna’s smile beamed brightly at them. “Just think of all the babies I will get to spoil and enjoy.”

  “Babies?” Jeri asked. She felt shocked and just a little bit frightened.

  “Already?” Juno asked, a bit nervously.

  Benny jumped up and punched the air. “Yes! Now you’re talkin’. Lots and lots of babies. And they get a grandma. I never thought my kids would be able to grow up with a grandma. You rock, Adonna.”

  Adonna looked well pleased, but as Juno looked over at Benny’s mate, she thought his dark purple skin grew several shades lighter. The look on his face was definitely one of fear.

  Jurresh rejoined them. “I believe I have found her. She is scheduled for one of today’s ceremonies not too far from here. If we leave now, we could probably make it. Shall we?” he asked, holding his arms out to his mate.

  “Yes, thank you,” Adonna answered, and the group exited the stands.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Juno listened to Tasid as he was quietly explaining the traditions and protocols for the Nanstrahi ceremony they were waiting to see.

  “Where the Zori males use their strength, skill, and endurance to win a mate, Nanstrahi males use their charms and looks.”

  Juno frowned. “That’s horrible to judge someone based on their appearance.”

  “Not for them, it isn’t. Zori males focus on protection for their mates, and though the Nanstrahi are formidable, they focus on their mate’s pleasure. That is why the female chooses, based mainly on their appearance. His looks need to please her.”

  “But what if he’s injured in a battle or something? It doesn’t make him less of a mate,” Juno said, giving him a disapproving look.

  “No, it doesn’t, and if he is already mated, he will stay mated, of course. Their females aren’t as callous as you are thinking. There are those who have been scarred or had other imperfections who have been chosen. The female is the one who chooses who she wants. Some females like scars. Others like the courage they display for trying, even though their chances might be less. And a male’s personality isn’t unnoticed. As I said, looks and charm. If the female doesn’t like any of the males displayed, she can continue to participate in the ceremonies, until one is found.”

  “What if the female is a real bitch? That’s a really bad person,” she explained. “Can he refuse her?”

  “That gets a bit more complicated. He can, but only with a genuine claim against her, not just a male who is disappointed in who has chosen him. He can’t decline her for being of a more humble family line or for her appearance, but there have been cases where a female had been accused of being abusive towards others or a thief even. An investigation is made and then judgment is dealt based on their findings.”

  Juno tilted her head and leaned it against Tasid. She enjoyed his constant touch, and his natural body odor smelt like a pine tree. No need to go Christmas tree shopping. I’ve got my own … complete with ornaments. She smirked at her private joke.

  She sat forward when the males, completely naked, walked out onto the field of a football stadium. There had to have been hundreds of males, all brightly colored.

  “Kaycee said that if more than one female wants to choose the same male, that he gets to choose between those females. Is that true?” she asked him.

  “Yes. Though it doesn’t happen a lot. There are always more males presented than females choosing. This is to give the female as many options as possible for her happiness.”

  “Huh, that sounds kind of similar to the Zori ritual,” she mumbled distractedly as her eyes scanned the males.

  “It is, but ours is to bring out our strongest competitive nature so that only the fittest of us succeeds. That is why the Zori male must choose and catch the female, where the Nanstrahi allow the female to choose, thereby giving her many options.”

  The males were lined up, and the girls were let loose on the field. Some were running; some walked. The males fanned out their wings and fluttered them in an impressive display of brilliant colors. They turned, and flexed, and smiled widely at them. She couldn’t hear what was said, but from the tones, she believed they were flirting with the girls.

  Juno kept her eyes open for Kaycee. Luckily they had VIP seats. Being mated to the Advocate of Earth had its privileges.

  “I do not see your communications officer. Is he participating in a different event, elsewhere?” Jurresh asked.

  Tasid shook his head. “No, not today. Many of my officers and crew all have different reasons for not participating, but one of the most agreed upon reasons is that we have so little room for mates. They sacrificed today’s opportunities, for others who desired a mate the greatest. Once we get the new ship, most will be considering taking a mate in the very next set of ceremonies.”

  “Oh, look, look! There she is!” Benny hopped in her seat and pointed.

  Juno tilted and angled her head around until she saw her. “I see her! Wow, is she really just in jeans and a t-shirt?”

  “The Nanstrahi females are plain looking,” Jurresh told her. “So they decided to have the girls wear some of their everyday clothes.”

  “Oh, so she can be comfortable while she chooses her mate, while I had my lady parts exposed to the galaxy. Where’s the justice in that?” Her tone was sarcastic, but there was a hint of bitterness to it.

  “Hey, you’re mated to the Advocate of Earth, whose father is an ambassador in the galaxy’s biggest alliance.” Jeri’s tone was light, but Juno took it to heart.

  Benny piped up. “And don’t forget he has the most perfect mother.”

  “Oh!” Adonna gushed at the compliment, but Tasid frowned down at Juno, and suddenly she felt guilty for her thoughtless comment.

  “I’m sorry, Tasid,” Juno said remorsefully. “I meant no offense.”

  “I understand that your culture is easily uncomfortable, and some even offende
d by nudity, but we had to insist we keep that part of the tradition.”

  Tasid’s tone was gentle, but Juno believed she’d really hurt his feelings.

  “I understand, I really do. They explained it during orientation. It’s the only reason why I didn’t put up a bigger fuss. I was almost going to demand they let me choose the other race, but I’m really drawn to yours, for some reason, and when they explained the reasons for the naked part, I stopped fighting it. Who knew so little could mean so much? It was just traumatizing, and sometimes I get sarcastic as a defense mechanism, to help me cope. And I don’t know what traumatized me the most, the naked part or the falling part. You’re lucky I didn’t throw up all over you.”

  “Don’t worry, little one,” Adonna cut in. “Everything is so new for all of you. Suddenly, a whole galaxy has opened up to you. It’s going to take time for everyone to adjust. You’ll be all right, just you wait. You’ll see.”

  Adonna’s friendly smile helped to ease her worries just a bit. Between the riots, the aliens, and being suddenly thrown into a lifelong commitment to a stranger all at once, it was true Juno had suffered several extreme shocks, in a relatively short amount of time, but it wasn’t an excuse. She needed to be more careful about what she said.

  “My mother’s right,” Tasid said. When Juno looked up at him, she saw remorse on his face. “You have gone through many extreme shocks recently, one which caused you great physical harm. I am sorry for making you feel like you had to defend yourself.”

  “Physical harm?” Jurresh’s harsh tone almost made Juno jump. She looked up at him and saw a thunderous look on his face, but fortunately it wasn’t directed at her. It was, however, directed at Tasid.

  “It was during the riots,” Tasid answered.

  Juno leaned into Tasid when the look on Jurresh’s face amazingly enough got even more thunderous.

  “You mean the riots that you are responsible for?”

  “Jurresh, stop, you’re scaring my daughter,” Adonna said with irritation.

  Jurresh looked down at Juno and gave her an apologetic look. “Forgive me, Juno.”


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