Worth Fighting For (Little Blue Book 1)

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Worth Fighting For (Little Blue Book 1) Page 18

by Tigertalez

  “We arrived to see three males fighting with Jeri. She had already killed two, so we quickly dispatched the rest. Krog’s protective instincts kicked in a bit strong, and he won’t allow anyone but you to enter, until you say otherwise. Jeri is with her. She was unharmed, but the sight of this filth made Juno ill. That is why Zada is attempting to clean it up with the only thing available to him for the time being.”

  Sharrow roared and stomped towards the door to Tasid’s quarters. Krog reared up, and roared back. Tasid had known Sharrow for a long time, and knew just how formidable the male was, but no one crossed a Craigor in protective overload and won. Sharrow smartly backed up, but growled in frustration while doing so.

  “Move! I need to see my mate, and you can see Tasid is right here,” Sharrow growled out angrily.

  Tasid could see it peeved Sharrow off that Krog looked to him first, for permission. Tasid was just as anxious to see his mate, so he nodded his head, and Krog stepped aside. The door swished open. Juno looked up from where she was lying on the bed, and saw him as he entered.

  “Tasid!” Her voice sounded relieved, and she leaped up and ran to him. Tasid eagerly opened his arms and picked her up, burying his face in her neck.

  Tasid didn’t realize just how much he missed his mate until he had her in his arms. His breathing was labored, his chest ached, his eyes prickled with tears, and his muscles shook. He knew he needed to check her for injuries, but he was fighting hard enough not to fall onto the floor with relief now that she was safe in his arms.

  His ears picked up Juno’s muffled voice.

  “I’m so glad you are all right. I was so scared they went after you, too.”

  Tasid regained his senses, and the need to check her for injuries overcame him. He placed her down and squatted down in front of her. His eyes were wide open as he darted his head side to side, scanning her body, looking for any more injuries. He touched her on her shoulders, slightly lifted her arms, pulled at one side of her waist to turn her, and patted her down.

  “Are you hurt anywhere?” he asked. “Are you feeling any pain? Do you need a physician?”

  “No, I’m fine,” she answered quietly, but Tasid didn’t believe her.

  “Jeri is hurt,” Sharrow said angrily.

  “No, I’m fine. They’re just minor bruises,” Jeri insisted, giving him an irritated look.

  “We should take them both to medical,” Tasid told him.

  “Really, we’re fine,” Juno tried telling them, but Tasid wanted to be sure.

  “Hey! Put me down, you giant barbarian.” Jeri struggled in Sharrow’s arms as he picked her up.

  “I’ll lead the way,” Sharrow told him.

  Tasid ignored Juno’s irritated huff as he lifted her into his arms once again. He wrapped his guardian wings around her, as Sharrow did Jeri, and they both exited his quarters. Krog, Creeleek, and Zada followed directly behind.

  “Are they injured?” Zada asked, worry clear in his voice.

  “No,” Jeri answered.

  “Yes,” Sharrow answered at the same time Jeri did.

  “Maybe,” Tasid had said at the same time.

  Tasid bit back an agitated growl. It would have been comical, if the situation wasn’t so serious.

  “We’re taking them to medical to have them checked out to make certain. Have you seen Benny?” Tasid asked. “I promised Errim I would check on her.”

  Zada’s face turned from worry to remorse. He lightly cursed. “I’m sorry, I thought you knew. When Vessa and I took in Yewma, Benny was brought in shortly after. They were still working on her when I left. She was in serious condition, and they were concerned about losing her.”

  Tasid felt Juno still in his arms, and Jeri stopped struggling, too. Sick dread filled his gut, and it twisted tight.

  Tasid was careful where he stepped as they made their way through the halls. The ship was in worse shape than he thought. There were tubes and lines hanging down from panels that were blown out in the ceiling and from the walls. Some sparked, while others buzzed. Burn marks marred the panels in places, and there was debris in spots on the floor.

  “How is Yewma?” he asked.

  “He should survive, but they were concerned about his head injury. I had Vessa stay with him, and I left before I learned anything more. I was still needed to help free Nahsee. They had him freed by the time I got there, but he was severely burned and unconscious. I couldn’t stay to see to his wellbeing. I sent the others on to medical with him, and I hurried to your quarters to check on Juno.”

  Tasid felt Juno’s body shake just a little. He heard her silent sobs. Tasid trilled to her and rubbed her back.

  “Calm, little mate, everything will turn out for the good.”

  They finally reached the level medical was on, but the halls were packed with the injured, and medics and volunteers helping them. Most of the volunteers were the females.

  Tasid recognized Kaycee handing out drinks to some of the patients. Her red, puffy eyes looked their way and spotted them. Her face crumpled, and tears fell down her cheeks. She left her things on the cart and ran towards them. Tasid let Juno down and opened his wings to let her out. Sharrow did the same, and the three females entangled their arms around each other.

  Tasid’s anxiety grew as he helplessly watched his mate cry. Each tear and sob tore at his heart. This is why mates are not taken off-planet. How can dignitaries who live off-world deal with this?

  Tasid hovered close behind, as did Sharrow. It was unusual to see the normally gruff male fretful. They listened as Kaycee began to tell them what had happened.

  “It’s all my fault. I told her to stay with me since Errim was going to be busy. I thought she would be safer,” Kaycee sobbed.

  Tasid saw Jeri wipe Kaycee’s tears off of her face.

  “It’s not your fault,” Jeri told her. “There was no reason to believe she wouldn’t be. How is she?” she asked.

  Kaycee shook her head. “I don’t know yet. Maggie said she’d let me know just as soon as she could. They let her in there because Yebiri is her mate. You should see Maggie. She’s been a huge help and comfort to everyone here. When anyone asks about a friend or something, she goes in to find out for them. Apparently they don’t do that normally, so it’s a huge morale booster for these guys that she does it, even if the news isn’t good. I’ve also seen her comfort others, guys and girls both.” Kaycee’s face crumpled again, and fresh tears fell down the sides of her cheeks.

  “Benny would be so proud,” Kaycee continued. “I can’t imagine what it is like for her. She and Benny have gotten real close, and I know she’s got to be just as sick with worry for her as we are, but yet she still puts it aside to help these guys. That’s why I’m helping.”

  Tasid looked around. “It doesn’t look like any of the medical personnel are available to look our mates over,” he told Sharrow.

  “Why would they need a doctor?” Kaycee asked. She began looking Juno and Jeri over.

  “We’re fine, really,” Jeri answered. “They’re just paranoid because Juno was attacked. Five guys tried to grab her.”

  Kaycee gasped, and Jeri continued. “No worries though, I killed two of them and kept the other three off her ass until the golem and tarantula got there. I would have been more concerned about the side effects from the concussion after the blast that hit us on our way back to her quarters, but I’ve kept my eye on her, and I think she’s fine. She suffered just some mild shock, but that’s gone now.”

  Tasid didn’t know what disturbed him more, what she said, or that she said it as if it were no big deal. Even Kaycee looked unnerved.

  Juno turned and looked up at him. It broke his heart to see her watery eyes and the pain within them.

  “Tasid, Errim should be here with Benny,” she told him.

  Tasid pulled her against him and held onto her as tight as he could, without harming her. “I don’t want to leave your side, my beautiful mate. I am sick about what has happened to you.”
  “What does that have to do with Errim being here for Benny?” she asked with a bewildered look on her face.

  “Because he’s running the ship right now. There’s a lot of things to do still. We aren’t out of danger yet.”

  He saw her look turn to one of comprehension, then one of remorse. “I’m fine, really. You should go and take over so Errim can be here for Benny. You would want that for me, if I was hurt. Please, Tasid, I promise to stay here. I want to stay close to Benny, too, and check on Yewma and Nahsee. I can also help, like Kaycee and Maggie.”

  Tasid knew it was the right thing to do, but he hesitated, not wanting to let go of his most precious treasure. Juno meant so much to him, and what amazed him most, was it had taken such a short amount of time. However, guilt ate at him, and he couldn’t deny her plea.

  “All right, I’ll go.” He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. It would never be enough, but he finally pulled himself away. He turned a lethal eye on her three guards.

  “You don’t want to see the male I become should anything happen to her.”

  “She is our priority, sir,” Zada answered.

  Jeri looked up at Sharrow. “You should go, too.” She stopped him just as he was going to argue. “I’m fine, seriously. You will do the best good making the ship safe again, for us. We need that, you know. Go make us safe.”

  Tasid hid his smile. The female knew how to win an argument.

  Sharrow growled. “Will I ever win an argument with you?”

  “No, not unless you grow a vajayjay.”

  Tasid and the others looked at each other in confusion, as the three girls laughed. He and Sharrow walked away, headed back towards the command deck.

  “What is a vajayjay?” he asked.

  Tasid shrugged. “I don’t know, but the new ship will have three gardens. Maybe we can grow one for you then.”

  Tasid slowed as they neared the command deck. He really didn’t know how to inform his best friend about his mate.

  The door swished open. Sharrow went to his station, but Tasid motioned to Errim.

  “We need to talk in the conference room.” Tasid didn’t wait for a response. He quickly turned and marched to the indicated room. Errim entered right behind him. The door swished shut, and Tasid felt the silence in the room as if it was a great weight.

  “How’s Juno?” he asked Tasid. “I’m assuming she’s all right, since you’re here?”

  Tasid sighed. “She was attacked, but came to no harm. What happened is important, but I have something else I need to tell you that is an even bigger concern for you.” He couldn’t hide the remorse in his tone. He turned to face his friend. “Benny was injured severely. You need to go to medical and be with her.”

  Errim looked in shock. Then Tasid could see the strength leave his friend. He caught him before Errim fell to the floor.

  “I know how you feel Errim. After what I heard what had just happened to Juno, for that brief moment before I saw her for myself, I knew enough to understand exactly how you must be feeling, but you must pull it together. She needs you to be strong right now.”

  Errim took a moment to collect himself, then nodded. “How bad is it?”

  “I’m not certain. I wasn’t able to get in to see her. Juno and the other sisters are there now. Kaycee was the one who told us, and she said she hasn’t heard any update yet.”

  Errim silently nodded, and turned and left. Tasid sat down heavily on a nearby chair and held his face in his upper hands. That was one of the hardest things he had ever had to do. His wrist beeped. Oh, we finally have personal coms back up, he thought, and opened the link. It was Burren.

  “Sir, Ambassador Jurresh wants to speak with you.”

  Shit, correction, telling my father and mother about Benny is going to be the hardest thing I have ever done.

  “Put it through in here.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Immediately a holo-screen popped up over the table, and his father’s fierce face greeted him. “I have some disturbing news. We were fortunate that there was a cruiser from the CROWN near one of the ships, and they were able to overtake it right away. They found humans on board, both male and female.”

  Tasid’s face must not have shown enough of an emotion, because his father’s face grew angrier.

  “Did you hear what I said? Human females!”

  “I heard, Father. I was concerned that was what they were doing, and that was why I sacrificed so many of my flyers to tag the ships.”

  Jurresh’s face only softened the barest amount. “I understand the losses can be difficult, but it was smart on your part, and it was a noble sacrifice. You need to focus. The CROWN is in an uproar and has responded as fiercely as our own alliance has. The Oblivions just declared war on our two alliances, and I have word that the Torch is joining the rescue efforts.”

  Tasid’s gut twisted, a lump forming in his throat. He tried to say something, but would have to stop when he felt himself losing control over his emotions. He coughed a couple of times before he was able to finally speak.

  “Juno was attacked, and even though she’s all right for now, Benny was hurt seriously. I just sent Errim down to be with her.”

  His father’s face fell, and he could see his fight and anger decompress from his body. Jurresh’s face began to show an emotion Tasid had never seen before. He looked like he was about to cry. Suddenly his mother was there.

  “Tasid! Tasid? What happened? How are they?” Without waiting for an answer, she turned to Jurresh. “You turn this ship around and take me to my daughters right this instant. You hear me, Jurresh? Right this instant!”

  Tasid couldn’t remember when he had ever seen his mother so agitated.

  He heard his father’s near watery reply more than he saw, because his mother was standing mostly in the way. “I hear you, my love, and I agree. They’re my daughters, too.” His father’s head appeared from around his mother. “We’re on our way back. I’ll have the captain fly us at his top speed. When you get a moment, I would like to hear about this attack on Juno, and please keep us updated on Benny’s condition.”

  “I will do what I can.”

  The screen disappeared as the call disconnected, and the room was silent once again. It felt too silent for him, so he got up and headed back to the command deck. No doubt there was plenty there for him to do to keep him busy.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Juno’s eyes felt like they had sand in them, but she refused to stop doing what she was doing. She understood now why Maggie continued to help people, even though she had to have been just as concerned for Benny as the rest of them. The simple act of helping someone else, even if it were to just give them water or a friendly pat, gave her a sense of purpose. She also witnessed several things that touched and inspired her, filling her with strength to carry on without falling into a puddle of grief and worry.

  She noticed Errim as soon as he arrived. He looked panicked and pale. She rushed over to him, to try to give him support and comfort.

  “How is she?” he asked her in a rough and worry filled voice.

  “She’s still in surgery,” she answered. Maggie had appeared right as Tasid had left, and updated them on her condition, and on Yewma’s and Nahsee’s.

  Errim leaned against a wall and slid down it until he was sitting on the floor. He placed his face in his hands. Juno knelt down beside him, and rubbed his shoulder.

  Errim looked up at her with sorrow-filled eyes. “What if they can’t fix her? What am I going to do without her, Juno? She’s my whole life, already.”

  “You guys have better medical care than we do on Earth. I have confidence that everything, and more, is being done for her,” she said.

  Errim leaned his head against the wall. His battle wings were pinned behind him, but his guardian wings were wrapped around his front. Jeri and Kaycee joined them on the floor. Errim only glanced at them.

  “It usually takes males some little time to bond with their ma
tes—some longer than others,” he told them. “But with Benny, it was instant, and more powerful than I ever thought possible. She’s so beautiful, and full of life and love.”

  Juno could see the love in his eyes, as he stared up at the ceiling, as if picturing her.

  Just then, Maggie came out of the room, looked around until she spotted them, and hurried over. Her eyes were wet with fresh tears, but her face expressed joy.

  “She’s out, guys. She made it through. Come on.”

  Errim leaped up and was halfway towards the door before Maggie finished helping Juno up. The girls hurried after him, and caught up with him just inside the door as he tried scanning the room for her. Maggie pulled on his hand, and they all followed where she led.

  Benny was in a separate room, all by herself. The lights were low, but even so, her skin looked extra pale against large dark bruising. Bags of fluids dripped down tubing that was connected to her arm. As Juno approached, she could see the right side of Benny’s face was swollen, scratched, and bruised. She wore a gown made of a shiny metallic looking material, and a blanket, made of the same material only a different shade, was lying atop her. Her black hair was wet and combed back. Above the bed was a large display that showed vitals, and other information, as well as a live 3D view of her lungs and beating heart.

  Errim sank to his knees beside her and gently lifted her hand. He held it against his cheek as his other hands reached out to touch her leg and arm.

  Yebiri walked into the small room. Everyone looked up at him expectantly. He smiled at them as he checked the readings on the display.

  Juno turned and questioned him. “You guys have all this tech, so why did it take so long in surgery?”

  Yebiri nodded at her. “We do, however she was riddled with shrapnel, and her injuries were extensive. We are still learning human anatomy and its physiology, and we were having a difficult time controlling the bleeding.” He stopped and gave Errim a slight smile. “She’s a tough female,” he told him. “I am optimistic that she will recover.” His smile died as he looked around at them, settling his sights back on Errim.


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