Loralia & Bannack's Story (Uoria Mates IV Book 4)

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Loralia & Bannack's Story (Uoria Mates IV Book 4) Page 3

by Ruth Anne Scott

  Easing away from Loralia as carefully as he could so that he wouldn’t disturb her, Bannack crossed the room where they had slept and went to the emergency chamber where he knew that he would find Ty and Samira. Ty was sitting on the floor in the partial light of two lightsticks that had been positioned in opposite corners of the room to cut through the almost tangible darkness of the room. A box was on the floor between his legs and he was sifting through its contents, occasionally taking items out and putting them to either side of him. Bannack could hear faint whispers coming from Ty’s direction and realized that Samira was lying on the mat beside him, but was talking to him softly.

  Bannack approached them cautiously, not wanting to startle them. Ty looked up and saw him.

  “Hey,” he said, starting to stand up. “Is everything alright? What’s wrong?”

  Bannack held up his hand to disarm the other Denynso. Though Ty had been the nurturer of their clan since he was old enough to take on his role, over the last year he had experienced and changed so much that Bannack now couldn’t consider him as anything but another warrior. It was that warrior spirit that brought the tension into Ty’s shoulders and made his eyes wider with anticipation now. Bannack lowered down to sit with him.

  “Nothing’s wrong?” he said. “Don’t worry. There’s just something that I needed to talk to you about. Both of you, if that’s alright.”

  Bannack looked to his side and saw Samira sitting up. She nodded.

  “Of course,” she said. “What do you need?”

  “I’ve asked Loralia to have a tying ceremony with me,” he said. “It’s the Irisa version of getting married.”

  Samira’s eyes lit up and she grinned at him.

  “That’s wonderful!” she said. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Congratulations,” Ty said.

  “Thank you,” Bannack said. “But that’s not it.”

  “Alright,” Ty said. “What else?”

  “With everything that has happened, it has proven to me more than ever that we never know what tomorrow is going to bring. With all of the battles that I’ve faced in my life and the horrors that I’ve seen, I never thought of that. It took thinking that I could lose Loralia to really realize that life isn’t something that I am guaranteed. I can’t just look ahead into the future and know that I will be granted something that I want. Then I saw her with Azrael last night and it hit me that he missed her entire life. I don’t want to even begin to know what that’s like. I don’t want any more time to pass without giving her the union that her kind revered.” He took a breath. “But I also know that this visit was supposed to be about you getting married. Your wedding didn’t turn out the way that you wanted it to and you never even got a chance to celebrate your marriage. I want to have our ceremony when we leave here, on the ship before we get to Penthos. I know that not everyone will be together, but I don’t want to wait any longer. I needed to talk to you about it first, though.”

  Samira slid closer to Bannack and tilted her head to look into his eyes.

  “Our wedding is over, Bannack,” she said. “We are married. That’s why we came here. No, it didn’t turn out the way that we thought it would, but that doesn’t change that Ty is my husband, and that’s all that I care about. I can tell you how much it meant to me that Ty was willing to go through a human wedding when he had no idea about the traditions and it held no real meaning for him. He did it to please me and to make sure that I felt completely bonded to him. That is what you want to give Loralia. You want her to know that you love and respect her, and that it is not just the beliefs and traditions of your kind that matter. That is an amazing and wonderful thing. I would never ask you to wait even a second longer than you wanted to, to give that to her or to have that for yourself.”

  “Listen to me, Bannack,” Ty said. “I have known loss my entire life. There has never been a moment that I felt I was promised. That’s why I asked Samira to marry me and that’s why I’m telling you now that if you want to marry Loralia, in whatever way that means for her, that you shouldn’t wait. I would never ask you to not do what makes you happy for me. In fact, I can’t think of anything that would make me happier than to witness this with you. Ryan might have stolen some of our wedding from us, but you can’t let him take yours from you. He can’t have that power.”

  “Thank you,” Bannack said. “I can’t tell you how much that means to me.”

  “Is there anything that we can do to help you plan it?” Samira asked.

  Bannack nodded

  “I can use all the help I can get,” he said. “I don’t even know where to start.”


  “We should be safe, shouldn’t we?” Gyyx asked as they gathered at the door to the basement, readying to leave. “Now that we’ve uncovered the breeding facility and know that the hybrids were made as slaves and freed some of them, we shouldn’t be in any danger. They should recognize that we aren’t a threat and let us through.”

  Loralia saw the hybrid woman that stood close beside Rilex shake her head. She knew now that these people had no names and it created an ache of sadness inside her. It didn’t matter how or why they had come into existence. Everyone deserved a name.

  “What do you mean?” Pyra asked.

  The woman looked uncertainly up at Rilex, her face showing that she didn’t know if she should continue. Loralia understood exactly what the woman was experiencing. She remembered what it was like the first time that she saw the Denynso come down into her home beneath their compound, and then the first time that she had encountered Pyra. It was incredibly intimidating, and she hadn’t even posed a threat to them. The fact that this woman was standing amongst them, willing to speak at all, showed a courage and strength that was truly amazing.

  “Not all of the hybrid army are slaves,” she said. “Some of us were born here and have no identities outside of what Ryan made us into. Others were stolen and manipulated with his experiments to turn them into the hybrid creatures that they are now. There are others, though, who believe in the same things that he does. They think that he is the savior of the universe and the ultimate leader who will bring them to an existence of glory and power. They gave themselves willingly to the program and allowed Ryan to transform them. They are not slaves. They fight because they want to destroy. They stand with the Valdicians and believe wholly and completely everything that they or Ryan says. They might not use them or even remember them, but they have names. They are extremely dangerous. Even more now that you have found and freed us.”

  Pyra straightened and Loralia saw his jaw tighten. He gave a single nod and lifted his head slightly as if looking out over the rest of the group.

  “When we get outside, everyone needs to move as quickly as possible,” Pyra instructed. “Warriors, carry what women you can. Those of you who are in the worst condition will be traveling in Jonah’s vehicle, go with Oro and Azrael. That is closer to here and will be easier to get to. Everyone else, come with me. We need to get to the transportation bay before anyone finds us. If you encounter anyone who puts up a threat, be ready to fight. We’ll come back together on Penthos.”

  Loralia gripped Bannack’s hand tightly beside her. They had been anticipating this moment, but now that it was here, it was more frightening than she had thought it would be. Though the basement was not the most comfortable or ideal of lodging places, it had proved safe and now they were leaving it and making themselves completely vulnerable again. The hybrid woman’s words were chilling, but Loralia couldn’t push them out of her mind. There had been a brief moment of reassurance when they learned of Eden and the men rescuing the hybrids and the human women. It had seemed that maybe they weren’t in the danger that they thought they were, and perhaps they could get out of the laboratory and to Penthos without incident. Once there, they might even be able to resolve the situation quickly. Now, though, she knew that this wasn’t the case. The hybrid army was just as dangerous as they originally thought, perhaps even more so. Soldiers
who fight because they are forced to will never be as fearsome as those who fight because their heart and mind are in the fight.

  Pyra said goodbye to Jonah, and Loralia gave the man one more look before starting toward the exit. She was worried about him staying behind without the assistance of the rest of them, but she knew that it was the right thing for him. He had to understand why his file was still in that examination room, and what it meant for them. He had already been through dangerous, stressful times, and she knew that if there was anyone outside of the warriors who was prepared to handle this challenge, it would be Jonah.

  She was lifting one of the bags of supplies that she would carry when she felt a hand touch her back. She looked up to see Azrael standing behind her.

  “I am going to travel in the shuttle with the rest of you,” he said.

  “Shouldn’t you be in the vehicle that you came in?” Loralia asked.

  Azrael shook his head.

  “That needs to be for those who are in the most need. I’m fine. I can make it to the transportation bay. Oro knows how to use the vehicle and will make sure that they get to Penthos safely.”

  Loralia nodded.

  “You’re right,” she said. She paused for a moment, unsure of how to express what she was feeling. “Thank you,” she said.

  “For what?” Azrael asked.

  “For being here,” she said.

  “I had to come,” he said. “I have fought alongside Creia before. As soon as I learned that they knew you, though, I knew that there was nothing that would keep me from this conflict. I thought I had lost you before, and when I learned that I hadn’t, I wasn’t going to put myself in the position of possibly losing you again. I haven’t had the opportunity to be your father, but I have always loved you and wanted to be there for you. This is my way of taking care of you, and all those who have helped you, now that I can.”

  Pyra stepped up to the front of the group and looked out over them. His eyes touched each of them as if he were taking inventory of those he had with them so that he could make sure that they all got to their destination safely. Without another word, he opened the door to the stairwell and they started up through the levels of the abandoned medical wing and toward the world beyond.

  The building was still and quiet as they made their way through it. Loralia could feel the tension of everyone around her. They were filled with anticipation, ready for more of the hybrid army to ambush them. There were hints of distrust in the air around her and Loralia knew that there were some of their number who were not as willing as others to simply believe that the hybrids were held against their will and didn’t want to fight. It would take time for them to relent and Loralia only hoped that it wouldn’t influence their power against Ryan.

  It seemed like hours had passed before they got back into the hallway where they had fought just days before. There were still streaks of blood on the floor and walls, but their color had darkened as they dried, making it easier for her to overlook them as they passed by. The doors were ahead. All they had to do was get down the hallway and past those doors, and they would be on their way, beyond the maze where Ryan had tried to imprison them, and another step closer to reuniting with the others.

  Bannack squeezed her hand and Loralia returned the squeeze. They gave and received comfort through the touch even though they didn’t speak, and knowing that Azrael was nearby made her feel even more secure. The entire group moved down the hallway as a single unit. They stayed vigilant as they moved through the aftermath of the battle in the near-darkness of the hallway toward the darker outline of the doors ahead. When they finally reached them, Pyra, Oro, and Ty stood shoulder-to-shoulder across them. They paused only for a moment before crashing through the doors and bursting out into the night.

  The air rushed over Loralia and she filled her lungs with it, thankful for the freshness and the cool touch that was a refreshing and reassuring contrast to the conditions of the basement. Just as Pyra had ordered, as soon as they got out of the building, they started running. It felt like chaos for a few seconds, everyone trying to understand where to go. They all moved around the corner of the building toward where Oro had told them the vehicle waited. They were nearly at the back of the building when Loralia suddenly felt Azrael stop beside her. His hand reached out for her and she felt a pain shoot through her chest as she felt what she knew he was feeling. There was anger and vengeance in the air around them that she knew wasn’t coming from any of their group.

  “Stop them,” she said to Bannack. “Make them all stop and get up against the building.”

  Without questioning the command, Bannack spread it to the people in front of them and start guiding the group toward the stone wall of the building. Soon they were all crowded in the deeper shadows and Pyra made his way toward Loralia.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  Azrael lifted a hand to quiet him.

  “They’re here,” he said. “I can feel them.”

  “Where are they?” Pyra asked.

  Azrael shook his head.

  “I don’t know, but they’re close. We need to be careful.”

  “What do we do?” Pyra asked.

  Azrael’s wings twitched and he looked toward where Ariella stood close by Oro. He gestured at her to come closer.

  “We need to try to find the army,” he said. “They are somewhere close by here.”

  “Are your wings strong enough?” Ariella asked.

  “Yes,” Azrael said. “You stay close to here, I’ll go further in each direction.” Ariella nodded and Loralia saw Azrael turn toward Pyra again. “Everyone needs to turn off all of their light sources. Stay as close to the building as possible until we get back.”

  “Where are you going?” Loralia asked.

  “We’re going to see if we can identify where they are.” He looked around to each of the people standing close by. “Be ready,” he said. “Have your weapons in hand. They could be only steps from here, and if they are, they could be here in moments.”

  Loralia stepped back to let Azrael and Ariella walk out of the shadows close to the building. In an instant, they rose up off the ground, their wings lifting them above the building so that they could scan the ground. Loralia watched their silhouettes against the starlight. They moved gracefully and silently, occasionally disappearing out of view as they moved further over the buildings. After a few moments, Azrael lowered to just above them.

  “I can see them,” he said. “Those who are going in the vehicle with Oro, come to the front and follow me. The rest of you, stay here until we get back. They are all gathered on the other side of the building, but they could move at any moment.”

  Part of the group separated from the rest and Azrael rose up into the sky again to guide them toward the vehicle that was waiting. A nervous silence settled into the group as all seemed to be listening for any sign that the hybrids or Valdicians might be coming closer. The time passed slowly until finally they heard the roar of an engine and above them a flash of light streaking across the sky told them that the vehicle was safely off the ground and on its way toward Penthos. A few gasps and laughs of relief broke through the silence and Loralia felt hope rise in her chest, but then Azrael and Ariella appeared above them again.

  “They’re coming,” Azrael said. “They heard the vehicle and they are on their way. We’re going to have to hurry.”

  “Which direction?” Pyra asked.

  Ariella gestured in the other direction.

  “If you go that way, you are less likely to encounter them,” she said.

  “That’s the opposite direction as the transportation bay,” George protested. “We’d have to pass by five more buildings and through an open courtyard.”

  “The army is coming this way,” Azrael said. “You can go the longer way, but there is no way of guaranteeing that they won’t change direction, or that there aren’t more waiting for you in other areas of the compound. The shorter direction will bring you right into the path of the a
rmy, but it will get you to the transportation bay faster. Make your choice, but make it quickly.”

  An argument rose throughout the group, but Pyra quickly stopped it.

  “We go the short way,” he said. “Prepare to fight.”

  Chapter Four

  The journey from the doors of the building to the transportation bay changed from controlled to chaotic in seconds. They were moving through a small courtyard behind the laboratory building when several of the hooded creatures stepped out of the shadows and came toward them. In an instant the group fractured, spreading out across the open space to fight. Bannack looked up and saw Azrael soaring in the air above them. He reached into his bag and pulled out a blade.

  “Azrael!” he yelled.

  The Eteri man looked down at him and Bannack tossed the weapon up into the air. Azrael dipped down and caught it before swooping back up so that he could evaluate what was happening below. He dove down suddenly, bringing the blade back and burying it in the back of one of the hooded beings. The creature fell instantly, his arms falling away from where they gripped Ty. The Denynso drove his own blade into the creature’s throat, finishing him, and kicked the body aside. Bannack took his own weapon into his hand and surged forward into the fray, forcing himself between the creatures and smaller members of the group that they were attacking. He heard a scream behind him and turned to see the hybrid woman who had told Pyra she would come with them, being dragged away by one of the other hooded creatures.

  Rilex seemed to see the situation in the same moment and they both ran for the woman. Bannack leapt toward the hooded person, knocking the creature to the ground as Rilex swept the woman into his arms and pulled her away. Bannack could hear the woman’s frantic breaths, but when he looked at her, there were no tears on her face.


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