Love on the Rocks (Bar Tenders)

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Love on the Rocks (Bar Tenders) Page 8

by Melanie Tushmore

  “A huge fucking spider!” Justin pointed to the corner where the beast lay. “I’m gonna get the bug spray.”

  Yena grabbed his arm. “Whoa, hang on. Bug spray?” He raised an eyebrow. “Spiders don’t hurt you. They eat flies.”

  “I don’t like spiders!” Justin flailed, overly dramatic.

  A grin formed on Yena’s face. “Clearly you don’t. All right, hold this.” He gave his cocktail to Justin. “Have a sip to calm your nerves.”

  “What?” Justin watched him leave the room. “Wh-Where are you going? Don’t leave me with it!”

  “I’m just going to get a cup,” Yena called back.

  Justin harrumphed and pressed himself against the far wall. His heart thudded inside his chest, and he took a swig of Yena’s drink to calm himself down.

  Bloody spider. Making a fool out of me.

  Yena came back with an empty cup and a postcard he must’ve swiped from the counter in the kitchen. Justin realized he meant to rescue the spider safely. “I hope to God you’ll be putting that beast outside of my flat,” Justin demanded.

  “If it stays still long enough for me to catch it, then yes,” Yena said.

  Justin pressed himself back even farther. When Yena crouched down in front of the TV, Justin took advantage of the view presented to him in tight black trousers. Cute butt. Mmm. Yena reached behind the DVDs with the cup, presumably trapping the spider. Then he slid the postcard underneath, and the menace was contained.

  He stood up, tipping the cup upside down with the postcard on top, to get a better look at the spider. “Oh, my God, Justin.” He laughed. “It’s tiny. Look.”

  “Tiny?” Justin squeaked. “It’s got thick black legs!”

  Yena shook his head as he carried the spider from the room. Justin cowered back against the wall. He heard the window open in the kitchen and close again. Then Yena returned, his hands empty. “All gone. You can relax now.”

  Justin leaped forward, flinging his free arm around Yena’s shoulders. “My savior!” He planted a kiss on his lips, intending it to be brief, but before he knew it they were kissing deep, tongues dueling. Justin wanted more, but when his fingers went slack and he almost dropped the glass he held, he pulled back, feeling a little self-conscious. “Um… hang on, let me put this down, before I spill another drink on my rug.”

  Yena laughed, that bubbly rich laugh Justin loved to hear. Yena’s fingers slid down his bare arm, found Justin’s fingers, and squeezed. “Get the film on, then. Let’s see what all the fuss is about.”

  Grinning, Justin did as he was told. “You’ll understand when you see Dominic Cooper rolling around on the beach in nothing but swim shorts. Mm-mmm.”

  “Who’s Dominic Cooper?”

  “What?” Justin laughed. “Yena, what’s the matter with you?” He put on the DVD, grabbed the remote, and headed for the bed. “Sit down, watch, and be educated.”

  They sank onto the low bed together, cushions slipping into place around them. “Be educated?” Yena took the drink from Justin in order to have a sip.

  “Yes.” Justin kicked off his flip-flops and settled back in his comfy bed as the movie credits rolled.

  “What’s the class, exactly?”

  “Um….” Justin glanced up at him and saw the look in the other man’s eyes. It distracted him, made his throat feel dry and his heart speed up. Justin was aware he hadn’t answered, and he cleared his throat gently. “Uh… whatever you want it to be.”

  Their gazes locked, and for a long moment neither of them spoke. Finally, Yena looked away. Justin noticed a flush bloom on his cheeks, and the knowledge he could affect Yena like that made him giddy.

  “Come here,” Justin said gently, patting the pillows beside him. “Let’s watch the film. I need to convince you how amazing ABBA are.”

  This brought a smile to Yena’s face, and he obligingly settled in beside Justin. They weren’t quite cuddling yet, but Justin could feel it wasn’t far off, almost like Yena was waiting for him to make a move.

  This was like being a teenager again, he thought. Although Justin couldn’t ever remember caring about someone else’s feelings this much. Before, he’d always been more concerned about getting his end away. Now? He honestly didn’t mind if all they did was hang out tonight. Even if he’d been carrying a semi since their first kiss in the kitchen.

  Passing the drink between them, Justin tried to concentrate on the film. He didn’t want to screw this up and, truthfully, he was more than a bit nervous. The only way Justin could think to deal with it was by singing along to the songs, trying to make Yena laugh. That was easy enough, and Justin did love to see Yena smile. He wouldn’t join in the singing, no matter how much Justin tried to persuade him.

  “C’mon,” Justin urged, enthused with the music of Dancing Queen. “Everyone knows this one.” He held Yena’s hands and tried to move them in a bid to make him join in, but Yena curled in on the cushions, laughing.

  “I am not singing! I can’t sing.”

  “Doesn’t matter. Just join in.” Justin heaved him up, thinking he’d won, then Yena’s arms wound around his neck, pulling him down. Justin braced his hands on the bed to stop himself from crushing the man, but Yena was more focused on locking his lips with Justin’s, kissing him furiously.

  Justin closed his eyes and kissed back. His hard-on returned with a vengeance, pushing at the fabric of his jeans. Before things got out of hand, he pulled back, looking into Yena’s dark eyes. He gasped for breath. “Is… is this where you tell me what you want, Yena? You said you were going to tell me.”

  Yena pressed his lips together; they were shiny from kissing. He searched Justin’s face, although for what, Justin wasn’t entirely sure. Then his arms tightened around Justin, pulling him close.

  “This,” he said quietly. “This is good.”

  He kissed Justin softly, pulling his body against him. Justin hummed his assent, lowering himself to grind into the hard, willing body beneath him. If this was what Yena wanted tonight, Justin wasn’t about to say no.

  Chapter Eight

  “YOU’RE SO gorgeous,” Justin told him between kisses. He deftly undid buttons and slipped inside Yena’s shirt, sliding over smooth skin. Yena’s breathing hitched when Justin’s thumb found and then circled a nipple.

  “Look who’s talking,” he murmured in reply. His hands delved under Justin’s t-shirt, traveling up the sides of his body. A tremor broke over Justin’s skin.

  “Oh?” He pulled back with a smile. “Are you saying I’m gorgeous?”

  Yena looked up at him, breathing hard. Justin moved his hand, undoing the rest of the shirt buttons as he waited. “You know you are,” he said softly.

  “Mmm.” Justin pushed off the shirt. Yena had to let go of Justin for him to do so. “But it’s nice to hear it once in a while.”

  Yena smiled, his hands tugging at Justin’s t-shirt again. “I’m sure you hear it more than that, Justin.”

  Raising his arms, Justin pulled off his top, flinging it across the room. He liked the way Yena’s eyes raked over his body and the way his warm hands settled on his waist. “Okay, fine,” Justin admitted, leaning over him. “I want to hear it from you.”

  “All right.” Yena smiled, though his eyes flickered away shyly. “Justin. I think you’re gorgeous.”

  “Oh, stop,” Justin teased.

  “Make me.”

  He fastened his mouth over Yena’s and kissed him soundly. Their hands bumped together as they both hurried to undo belts and zippers. Justin wanted nothing more than to feel Yena’s soft skin against his own. He pulled back enough to shove and wriggle from his jeans and helped Yena get rid of his trousers.

  The first time they’d been together, Justin had been far too drunk to appreciate everything. He remembered Yena’s soft skin the color of caramel, dark hairs between his legs, and a sweet, manly musk, but not much beyond that. Now, only a little tipsy, he made sure he paid attention, drinking in his fill of the man in his bed, panting
and waiting for him.

  Justin leaned on his elbow for balance, using his free hand to stroke up and down Yena’s side, then over his arm. He didn’t have a gym-toned body, but he was slim and gorgeous. His arms were toned, likely from working in bars. In turn, Yena seemed entranced by Justin’s chest and stomach, running his hands over the hard dips and planes. Justin knew he had a fit body; he’d been dancing and doing sports since he was little, but most of it was also good genes, from being tall and lean. He wasn’t obsessed by it, unlike some people he’d known before, but he was pleased to see his partner now seemed to like him.

  Justin nudged his hips forward, seeking to grind his erection on Yena’s groin. The thin material of their briefs added to the friction; Justin felt the hard length of Yena’s cock against his, and hissed through his teeth. Yena held on to Justin’s waist, pulling him closer. He let out a sharp moan, and the sound almost did Justin in.

  He lowered down, kissing up Yena’s jawline as he ground his pelvis against the other man’s. “Remember last time?” he asked, breathless. “You practically begged me to fuck you. That was so hot.”

  Yena gasped in his ear and clung to him tighter. Justin’s cock leaked, making his underwear sticky. He longed to take this to the next step, to bury himself inside this man.

  “You gonna ask me again?” He bit down on Yena’s neck, drawing a cry.

  “Oh, God.” Yena’s hips pushed up at him, his body radiating heat. “I want you to, so much. Please.”

  “Mmm. Anything you say.” Justin maneuvered off, though it pained him to separate their bodies. He had to get supplies. Leaning over to the small box of toiletries by his bed, he picked out a condom and a small tube of lubricant. Then he knelt on the bed, dropping the items on the comforter beside Yena. Justin grinned. “Better get naked, then, gorgeous.” His thumbs hooked under the waistband of his own underwear, pulling them down his hips. “I can’t do what I‘ve got in mind with those cute pants on.”

  Yena didn’t seem to hear him at first, staring in wonder as Justin’s cock sprang free, pointing directly at him. Justin sank down slowly on his side, all the better to work his underwear off and kick them away. He knew he presented an attractive image as he did so.

  Yena still hadn’t moved. “Hey.” Justin nudged Yena’s arm with his finger. “You okay?”

  Yena blinked at him. “Um, yes.” His gaze dropped as he fumbled to get his own pants off. “You’re… really big. I must’ve been very drunk not to notice last time.”

  “Ah….” Justin was confused. “Is that good or bad?” He stared hungrily at Yena’s now naked body, at his hard cock and balls framed by a dark thatch of hair. Justin remembered the feel of that cock in his mouth, and he longed to taste it again, savor it.

  “Um, just go slow, okay?” Yena asked quietly, like he was almost afraid to voice it.

  Justin’s ardor cooled slightly, concern replacing it. He scooted closer, enough to kiss his partner softly on the mouth and reassure him. “Baby, I’d never hurt you. Are you sure you wanna do this?”

  “Yes,” he said firmly, breath fanning over Justin’s mouth. “I… I haven’t done this for a while. Go easy on me.”

  “You’re in control,” Justin promised. He smiled, planting one more kiss on Yena’s lips before he reached for the lube. “I want to make you feel good.”

  Yena smiled back at him. “You do that anyway,” he said softly.

  So soft, Justin almost missed it, but as the words hit his ears, warmth bloomed in his chest, expanding until he felt the heat spread to his face. A witty comeback didn’t materialize in his mind, so Justin opted to get down to business. Good wasn’t good enough, suddenly. He wanted to make Yena feel amazing, fantastic.

  Justin liberally coated his fingers with lube and edged down the bed so he could kneel in front of him. Yena spread himself out, giving Justin the room he needed. He looked beautiful, offering himself like that. Justin had to snap himself to attention before lowering his face to Yena’s waiting cock.

  A whimper escaped his lips when Justin licked him, one long lick from root to tip. Justin’s fingers, wet with lube, sought out his entrance. Yena’s hole flexed in anticipation, and Justin’s fingers probed the muscle in soothing circles. The whimper became a soft moan as Justin pushed one finger in, at the same time fitting his mouth over the head of Yena’s cock. His tongue twirled, lapping at the slit, as his finger pushed in and out.

  Justin loved giving oral. Loved it even more when the guy was responsive. Yena had to be the most sensitive he’d been with yet. Justin loved that too. It felt like he’d barely gotten two fingers inside him before Yena was shuddering, his body tensing up in that telltale way.

  “Mmm, you like this.” Justin hooked his fingers, touching Yena’s prostate.

  “Ah!” Yena arched back on the bed, legs drawing up. “If you touch me there, I’m gonna come.”

  Justin circled that sweet spot with his fingers, loving the reactions Yena gave him. “I want you to come. I’ll make you come again after this one, I promise. Give me all you got.” He tightened his other hand around Yena’s shaft, swiping the precome over the skin. He worked his fist up and down. At the same time he pressed harder with his fingers, the internal massage causing Yena to shake and shudder.

  “Oh,” Yena moaned loudly. “Oh, fuck!” His hips thrust up, and Justin lowered his head as the first spurts of release shot forth. He opened his mouth, fitting his lips around Yena’s cockhead, drinking him down. Justin knew how to draw it out, and his fingers kept working internally to prolong the orgasm. He drank from him until there was nothing left, his body spent and quivering.

  Justin removed his mouth with a wet pop, and carefully extracted his fingers. He was close to the edge just watching that. He couldn’t remember being so horny in… well, ever.

  Settling half on top of Yena, Justin pressed his erection against his body. “Hold me, baby. I’m so close.”

  Yena’s hands wrapped around him, and Justin gratefully thrust into the hot tunnel they created. It wasn’t perfect, but it would do. Barely a few thrusts, and Justin’s orgasm crested. He came hard, groaning loudly. His seed spattered between them, coating Yena’s belly, chest, and arms. The sight was such a turn-on.

  “Mmm, sorry,” he murmured, leaning down for a kiss. “I couldn’t wait.”

  Yena kissed him back, his hands giving Justin’s cock one last squeeze. “’S okay.”

  They were both pretty sticky. Justin rolled away and said, “Let me clean you up.” From the same toiletry box, he pulled out a packet of wet wipes. “I’m like a Boy Scout. Always prepared.”

  Yena chuckled at him as Justin wiped them both down. “Why, thank you so much.”

  “You’re very welcome.” Justin discarded everything from the bed, then grinned at Yena. “Where’s my reward?”

  Yena reached for him and they kissed, deep and languid. Justin’s ears picked up another song, as the film had kept going unnoticed. He couldn’t be distracted from Yena, too eager to sink his cock deep inside him. God, he wanted that. He was going to do this carefully, take it slow. Make Yena want to sleep with no one else but him.

  Whoa, slow down.

  Justin fretted he was in over his head already, but his cock was eager to go again. Everything else got pushed out of his mind. The only thing that mattered was what they were about to do.

  Justin took his time. Their kisses were long and languid. They enjoyed a mutual groping session, their cocks growing hard and slick with precome. Justin learned that Yena really liked his balls being played with, while Yena learned that the skin on Justin’s inner thighs was so ticklish it almost brought a halt to their foreplay from so much giggling.

  Dark secret discovered, they moved past Justin’s ticklish thighs. Another series of kisses had them both panting, and Justin was near shaking with want. He found the lube and coated his fingers. He made himself go slow, taking the time to insert his fingers one by one, stretching his partner’s channel carefully. Yena clung to
him as they kissed, messy and desperate. Justin knew he was nearly ready, could read it in his body.

  He’d been careful not to touch Yena’s prostate, not wanting to send him over the edge too fast. Clearly he was very sensitive. Justin decided to brave a simple press against it, to gauge how close his partner was. Yena’s head fell back, mouth separating from Justin’s as he cried out. His entire body tensed, and Justin loved watching him.

  When he withdrew his fingers, Yena looked up at him, his eyes dark and glittering. “Justin, please,” he whispered. “Give it to me.”

  “Anything you want, gorgeous.” Justin opened a condom and rolled it onto his cock. Coating his shaft in lube, he shifted on the bed. Yena lay back, ready for him with his legs drawn up. Justin moved closer, running a hand down the underside of one caramel-colored thigh. He really did think Yena was beautiful, and the sight of him laid open short-circuited his brain. Justin’s gaze dropped to the small puckered entrance displayed for him. He couldn’t wait any longer and surged forward to press his cockhead against Yena’s hole.

  He eased in, but it was tight. Yena tensed as the breath hissed out of him. “You’re so big.”

  “Breathe, baby.” Justin reached for Yena’s cock, gripping the shaft in hand; its hardness had receded, but after a few skillful strokes it was firm again. Justin worked Yena’s cock, hoping to distract him some from the penetration. He slipped inside a little more, pushing in inch by agonizing inch. It was killing him to go this slowly, but he’d promised not to hurt Yena, and he was determined not to.

  Sweat broke over Yena’s skin. Justin felt beads of sweat on himself, and swiped at his upper lip with his tongue. “Mmm. Feels so good. You okay with this?”

  “Yes,” Yena groaned. “Keep going. Fuck.” He shifted, and his body opened more, drawing Justin that final bit inside. It felt incredible. Fully seated, Justin maneuvered his hips under Yena’s for leverage. He braced his hands on the mattress and breathed hard.

  “You still want it, Yena?” He rolled his hips gently, barely moving, but Yena gasped from it.


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