Love on the Rocks (Bar Tenders)

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Love on the Rocks (Bar Tenders) Page 11

by Melanie Tushmore

  He was actually sweating. Not great, especially after he’d had a rehearsal. Though he’d sprayed on enough deodorant to rival a perfume factory, he’d rather have been freshly clean. Cars sounded their horns on the main road as a rickshaw cut them up. Justin left them all behind, and slipped through a darker little alley. Late night take-aways and off-licenses lit the pavement.

  Stalling, Justin walked slowly. He took out his phone, not really expecting to have any messages.

  He stopped. There was one message. He was so focused on his phone, he almost walked into somebody. “Sorry,” he said, then plastered himself against the window of a shop. The message was from Yena.

  Yeah, working all night. How are you? Xx.

  Justin stared at the message. His heart gave a little jump. Yena was working. Which meant he was only a matter of paces away. Justin could go in, have a drink, say hi….

  God, then what? He felt like a crazy stalker.

  Make it a quick drink, he decided. The bar might be really busy anyway.

  Forcing himself to walk the remaining distance to Foxy’s took every ounce of courage he had. Justin suspected if it’d taken Yena so long to reply to his last message, there wasn’t much point sending another one. He rounded the corner of a building, and he’d arrived.

  Foxy’s outdoor smoking area was busy, full of well-dressed men, and a few women in loud dresses. Justin tried not to panic. Stay calm. He took a deep breath before he walked through the smoker’s pit and then marched on, reaching the door.

  No doormen tonight, so he let himself in. The bar itself wasn’t as busy inside. That was pretty typical; once punters had their drinks, lots of them went outside for a smoke if the weather allowed. The music was playing something funky, an R and B track Justin recognized but didn’t know the name of. A few suited gentlemen occupied the bar, likely still having their “one drink” after work, all in sharp suits and polished shoes.

  Justin hoped he didn’t look too scruffy in his street clothes and well-worn sneakers. He slowly approached the bar, eyes keenly searching for the familiar head of curly hair. There was a girl there, with short hair. And Eric.

  Damn. Not him.

  But no Yena. Justin hoped he wasn’t upstairs. Was there anything on upstairs tonight? He wouldn’t mind going up, as long as it wasn’t some poncy comedy.

  Almost at the bar, Justin spotted a figure in the Foxy’s black shirt, across the room collecting discarded glasses from tables. Yena. He was here. Justin’s heart resumed its pounding.

  Now what did he do? Run up and say hello? Yena had his hands full; one huge stack of glasses in one arm, and still picking up more. Justin could offer to help? Would that be too eager, or annoying? Especially in front of that Eric guy. Justin hadn’t forgotten how touchy Yena was about that.

  And, Justin wasn’t famed for his careful glass handling.

  Better wait at the bar.

  Except, when he got to the bar, Eric honed in on him straight away. Justin hadn’t even had time to glance at the menu before Eric filled his vision, flashing him a sly smile.

  Mmm, still yummy. But yummy or not, Justin wasn’t interested. His cock didn’t even stir.

  Okay, well, maybe the tiniest bit. But that was still pretty much nothing.

  “Hello, again,” Eric said smoothly. “And what can I get for you?”

  Justin smiled back, but he averted his eyes, the better not to maintain eye contact. He picked up a standing menu from the bar and pretended to read it. “I’m okay,” he said. “I’m just having a browse.”

  That was a dumb thing to say and he knew it, but he hadn’t wanted to state he was waiting for Yena. Not when he was unsure how welcome he’d be.

  Eric was not to be dissuaded. “I could happily recommend something,” he said, leaning in closer.

  Justin took a step back, erecting a barrier of menu between them. “No, really. I’m fine.”

  He hadn’t wanted to be rude, but the more Eric talked to him, the more Justin worried that Yena would—



  He turned to see Yena at his side, arms full of glasses. A surprised expression was on his pretty face. Justin’s heart hammered and his cock stirred with longing. He tried to remain calm as he answered. “Hi. I was… er… nearby, and thought… well, you said you were working, so if it’s not busy I could—” Lean over and kiss you. “—um, have a drink here?”

  Yena blinked, then smiled. “Sure, hang out. Want me to make you something?”

  “Only if you’re not busy.”

  He laughed, and Justin’s nerves melted a little. “Let me dump these glasses, I’ll be with you in a sec.”


  He gazed after Yena as he walked around the bar. It was only then that Justin noticed Eric giving him a strange look. Weird. Eric held his gaze as a smirk spread over his lips. Justin was about to ask him what his problem was, when Eric sauntered away.

  Good, piss off. Justin glared after him, his hackles bristling. Eric went to the other end of the bar to chat to some customers, and Justin hoped he’d stay down there.

  Pulling up a barstool, Justin took off his jacket, then tried his best to arrange himself in a casual yet attractive fashion. Damn barstools. Difficult to sit on one and not slouch. He opted to lean into the bar, stretching out his sore back muscles after a couple of hours stomping around in platforms.

  The female bartender buzzed in, asking Justin if he was waiting. He tripped over his own words as he tried to explain he was waiting for Yena. She gave him a knowing smile and flitted away again.

  Why did Justin’s face feel like it was on fire? When had he suddenly lost his cool?

  Get a grip, Justin.

  When Yena returned and stood in front of him, all Justin’s composure was lost again. He felt his face heat, and he couldn’t maintain eye contact.

  So much for cool.

  “Um”—Yena shifted. Seemed he was nervous too—“Did you decide what you want?”

  Justin glanced at him. He couldn’t help a smirk.

  Now Yena was blushing. “I meant to drink.”

  Despite nerves, they managed to exchange a smile. Justin thought that was good. “Actually,” he said, “can I just have a lime soda, or something? I don’t want to drink, I just….” Wanted to see you.

  He didn’t say it, but he thought Yena understood. He nodded, still blushing, and went to fix Justin his drink. Justin watched his movements behind the bar, expert and precise. If their positions had been reversed, Justin probably would’ve dropped the glass by now.

  “One lime soda.” Yena placed the large glass in front of him. When Justin went for his wallet, Yena waved a hand to say it was fine.

  Justin smiled at him. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome. It’s—” he swallowed, but kept eye contact with Justin “—it’s good to see you.”

  Oh hell. Now Justin was intensely horny. He couldn’t stop picturing Yena naked, on his back, crying out during sex. Mmm. Gorgeous. Justin wriggled in his seat, hoping his erection wasn’t too obvious.

  “It’s good to see you too,” he admitted. He stopped short of saying, I missed you. That would sound too lame, wouldn’t it? “So, er… how’s things?”

  Yena looked away, pulling a face. It was then Justin noticed the dark shadows under his eyes. Hadn’t he been sleeping? Concern flooded him.

  “Things could be… better,” Yena said. “I’m going to stay at my parents’ for a few days.”

  “Oh. When’s that?”


  “Ah.” Damn.

  “It’s been a nightmare trying to get the time off.”

  Justin nodded. “Yeah, that can be a pain.” Bartenders didn’t exactly get paid holiday.

  “No, it could’ve been a lot easier.” Yena shot a look down the bar and lowered his voice. “Eric’s just been super awkward about it. I can’t wait for him to leave already.”

  “Oh… right.” Eric again. Justin glanced d
own the bar, seeing Eric was still chatting up two suited guys simultaneously. Did the guy ever take a break from flirting? Truthfully, Justin would feel a lot better once Eric wasn’t in Yena’s workplace anymore. He knew from firsthand experience how awkward it was trying to work with someone you’d slept with.

  He pushed the thought of Yena sleeping with Eric out of his mind. “Um… so.” He flashed Yena a smile, hopefully conveying nothing of his paranoia or unease about the situation. “What’s going on at your folks? Something fun?”

  Yena blinked and looked away. “My dad’s not well.”

  “Oh.” Shit. “I’m really sorry. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing major,” Yena said quietly. He avoided looking at Justin now. “I’ll probably be there about four days. Sorry I haven’t…. Well, I know I haven’t been around much lately. This is my ninth day in a row working.”

  Justin almost toppled off his barstool. “Nine days? Shit. That… sucks.”

  “Don’t I know it.”

  “I should’ve brought you a coffee or something. I didn’t think.”

  This earned a smile. “Thanks. I’m okay for now. Me and Kathy usually make espresso martinis at midnight. They’re pretty good for staying awake.”

  “Ah, cool. Sounds yum.” Justin grinned, his heart fluttering. “Guess the problem is getting to sleep later?”

  Yena nodded. “Pretty much. Look, I’d better go do something before Eric flounces over and has a go at me. How long are you sticking around?”

  Again, Justin’s heart fluttered. “Oh, I’m not in a rush. I’ll hang here. Do what you need to do.”

  “Okay.” The smile he gave before flitting away had Justin’s cock straining against his zipper.

  God. This is torture.

  Chapter Twelve

  JUSTIN WAITED with the patience of a saint. Truthfully, he really didn’t mind sitting on his own at the bar, as long as Yena stayed within eyesight. Justin got a thrill from watching him work; he’d known that Yena could make drinks, but he hadn’t really paid close attention to his skill behind the bar. All the staff at Foxy’s were expert pourers, but he especially liked watching Yena. Staring at his hands as he poured and mixed reminded Justin of his hands on Justin’s cock.

  Mmm. Don’t go there.

  It was hard—very hard—not to get too carried away in daydreams. He longed to drag Yena away and kiss him senseless, grind their hips together, and feel how long it took him to grow hard.

  Why couldn’t Yena have some time off? It wasn’t fair. But, he reasoned, at least Yena had seemed pleased to see him. And he kept wandering back to where Justin sat, chatting in between customers and jobs, or just standing near him. Justin liked that. He felt relaxed and giddy all at once.

  The one fly in the ointment had been hearing about Yena’s father. Justin hoped it wasn’t anything bad. Was it selfish to hope that because he wanted Yena back with him as soon as possible?

  Yeah, maybe a bit selfish. Justin would keep that thought to himself.

  The girl behind the bar, Kathy, was friendly. She chatted to Justin as if he were a mate, which helped make him feel more welcome. Although it was hard trying to focus on her when his eyes kept searching for Yena.

  “We’re going to get the espressos to make espresso martinis soon,” Kathy told him. “Would you like one?”

  Justin frowned. “What’s in it, exactly?”

  “Well, the espresso. We get those from a restaurant down the road. Then it’s mixed with vodka, Kahlua, and milk.”

  Christ. Justin pulled a face. He’d probably gained a few pounds just hearing those ingredients. “Bit heavy for me, love. Besides, I shouldn’t drink coffee now. I’m doing a day shift tomorrow. Lucky me.”

  “Oh yeah, you’d want to sleep, in that case.” Kathy nodded.

  At her side, Yena smiled wearily. “Sleep would be amazing.”

  “Too right.” She gave him a smile in return, then glanced at Justin. “Yena, why don’t you get the espressos? It’s not busy. I’ll go tell HRH.”

  She strode off. Justin looked at Yena and asked, “HRH?”

  “His royal highness,” Yena said quietly. “It’s the nicest nickname we could come up with.”

  “Oh.” Justin understood, seeing Kathy talk to Eric at the other end of the bar. “Yeah, I bet. Hah.”

  “If you want, you could come with me?” Yena asked quietly.

  Justin wanted. “Yeah, I’ll come with. I should be heading off soon anyway, before I miss the last tube.”

  Yena took the till key from his pocket, and left it behind the bar. They made to leave, when Eric appeared. “Can you just serve that couple?” He jerked his head, indicating a man and woman along the bar, reading from the menu.

  Yena looked confused at the request. “I literally asked them a second ago, and they said they were still deciding. Kathy could serve them if—”

  “All the same,” Eric retorted, “wait and serve them, then you can go on the espresso run.” He shot a look at Justin—which seemed full of something—and marched off. He left the bar, making a hasty retreat into their back office.

  “Wow,” Justin said. “He really is a prick.”

  Yena’s expression looked even more weary. “Yep.” He retrieved his till key and hovered back at the bar, waiting for the couple to make up their minds.

  It was ridiculous, Justin reasoned. The bar wasn’t busy, and Kathy could’ve easily served them when they’d chosen. She must’ve overheard Eric’s request too, because when she caught Justin’s gaze, she rolled her eyes.

  Seemed Eric wasn’t terribly popular.

  Eventually, after the dithering couple had been served, Yena was free to go. Kathy added, “Quick, before he finds something else for you to do.”

  Justin led the way, and they exited Foxy’s. The number of smokers outside had doubled, as far as Justin could make out. He’d expected Yena to light up as well, and was surprised when he didn’t.

  “Um, which tube are you going to?”

  “Tottenham Court Road,” Justin said. “It’s nearest.”

  “Okay. I’ll walk round with you, the restaurant I go to is pretty much opposite.”

  “Ah, it must be fate,” Justin quipped. Then he told himself to shut up.

  They walked away from Foxy’s, down a darker side alley. Justin felt the urge to fill the silence, but he was unsure what to go with. No more humor, Justin. He didn’t want Yena to think of him as a corny joker. Suddenly, things were more serious than that.

  Yena’s hand brushed against Justin’s. He wished he could reach out and grab it, hold hands with him, but he wasn’t sure how welcome that would be. He’d never felt such a strong urge to touch somebody before, to want to be with somebody. He felt sad already, knowing his time with Yena was coming to an end. Justin had no idea when he’d see him next, and after the news about his father, he didn’t feel he had a right to pester him about it.

  Too soon, they reached the end of the alley. Justin’s tube entrance was a few paces to their left, and Yena would cross the road for the Italian restaurant, no doubt.

  “So, I’ll see you soon,” Yena said quietly.

  God, Justin hoped so. He dared look at Yena, knowing that all the intense want he was feeling probably showed on his face. He couldn’t care about that. All he cared about was what the man in front of him was willing to give. Justin would take anything he was offering.

  Yena looked back at him. Neither said a word, and time seemed to slow down. Justin wasn’t entirely sure if it was wishful thinking, but he was pretty certain that the look on Yena’s face showed he wanted him too.

  Justin reached for Yena’s hand, locking their fingers together. Yena leaned forward, tilted his face, and Justin swooped in, pressing their lips together. His other hand rose to circle Yena’s waist, pulling them together as they kissed. It started out softly, a wet brush of lips and a meeting of tongues, and grew in urgency. Lust swirled through Justin, and he longed to do more.

  Yena pulled away
, and reluctantly, Justin let him. Yena drew in a deep breath. “Sorry, I….” He took a step back, lips twitching in a smile. “If you keep kissing me like that, I’ll be walking with a stiff one all night.”

  Justin chuckled. “Mmm, know the feeling.” It was on the tip of his tongue to suggest they nip into a quiet doorway together, but the request didn’t materialize. He didn’t want quick fumbles on the street; he wanted Yena at home with him, back in his bed. “I’ll, um, speak to you soon,” he managed to choke out. Damn, he was horny.

  “Yeah.” Yena smiled at him, edging away now. “See you, Justin.”

  One more smile, and Justin turned to hurry off. If he didn’t leave now, he never would.


  THE NEXT day seemed brighter, even though the weather wasn’t as sunny. Justin felt more hopeful after seeing Yena last night, and that kiss. He felt dreamy just thinking about it.

  When he was halfway through his shift, Justin’s phone vibrated under the bar, telling him he had a message.

  “Justin, was that your phone?” Simon asked. Justin was already hurrying to the end of the bar, where they kept their phones and chargers.

  “Yep!” He checked his phone, heart skipping when he saw the message was from Yena. Was it even possible to feel this giddy? He opened the message.

  Hey. It was good to see you last night. On my way to Croydon now. I’ll catch up with you soon. Xx.

  Hope burned even brighter in Justin. He texted back immediately, not wanting to wait around. It was a quiet shift, but you never knew when a whole load of punters would waltz in. Justin didn’t want to take any chances of not being able to text Yena back.

  Standing farther along the bar, in the corner between the sink and the lager pumps, Simon smirked at him. “Better not let Sam see you texting too much. He’ll be in soon.”

  “Mmf.” Justin relented, and after his message had sent, he hid his phone away again. “What else can I do? There’s no one to serve.”

  As soon as he’d grumbled about it, Justin realized he should’ve kept quiet. Simon produced a small pot containing soapy water and a cloth. “Go round and mop the whole bar. It’s looking pretty sticky.”


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