The Club

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The Club Page 9

by Steele, Suzanne


  I bring Alexis with me to the booth when we enter the club. Tony cuts his eyes at me and I know if it was anyone but me bringing an uninvited guest to a meeting, he would make them leave. I’ll probably pay for it later but I don’t give a shit. I want her here for reinforcement.

  Boy, Alexis wasn’t kidding when she said this chick was beautiful. I sneak a peek at the woman named Stormy and she is stunning. She is beautiful but it’s in a sexy way. Her blonde hair is cut in long straight layers and she has the body of a model. She is dressed in a black leather mini skirt and a cropped black leather top with a collar. The guy she is with, Miller, looks like a college frat boy but I know his looks are deceiving. He has a reputation for being crazy but he’s spot on when he aims a gun and goes in for the kill. Antonio’s voice interrupts my musings.

  “You girls go with Roxanne, get a drink, and meet the other dancers. Oh, and Roxanne, don’t you dare so much as step one fucking foot outside of this club.”

  His eyes hold the promise of discipline if I disobey and I resist the urge to say something in retort because he has guests. I would be willing to bet that I’m already in trouble for bringing Alexis to a closed meeting and I really don’t want to push it.

  Antonio Wayne

  “What’s up, Antonio? It isn’t like you to call me in for a kill,” Miller asks me.

  “I’m fucking pissed about those Haitians taking my fucking boat and cargo. We had a peace treaty and they broke it when they started working with those fucking Dominicans with no thought of repercussions. It is very disrespectful for them to do this and I have every intention of sending a message to the rest of those pirating thieves. I want everyone dead and that includes the women working for the man who did this. I don’t want my heirs having to deal with this shit later on.”

  “You planning on having kids, Antonio?” Miller chuckles.

  I laugh before speaking, “Yeah, Roxanne just doesn’t know it yet.”

  Miller speaks again, addressing everyone at the table. The sinister look on his face lets us all know that what he is about to say isn’t open for debate. “My partner Stormy goes where I go.” He stares at the men at the table as if he is daring a rebuttal from any of us. I put his mind at ease.

  “From what I hear, she is a better shot than you are, Miller.”

  Miller chuckles and visibly relaxes. “That may be so, Antonio. Yes, that may very well be a true statement.”

  “I’m sending Diego in my stead, boys, and I expect when I wake up tomorrow to have this shit dealt with and my women brought home.” I lift my glass and decree a toast.


  “Yes, health to all of us,” Miller counters. He is well aware that this is a big job and we will need it.

  I’ll be much more at ease when this job is complete. I can plainly see that I need some stress relief. I hope my defiant little wife is up for the challenge. All I can say is that she better be because she’s going to answer for that little stunt of bringing Alexis into a closed meeting. I wonder about that girl sometimes. It’s like she stays in trouble. She must enjoy receiving my discipline. I do know one thing; I damn sure enjoy administering it.


  I jump at the crack of Tony’s whip. I’m strung up—literally. My toes barely touch the floor of the dungeon Tony had cleaned after the prisoner was taken from here. The smells of orange oil and leather bathe my senses. I breathe in the room and welcome the unknown that I will be venturing into tonight. I am getting the sense that there is something new on the horizon for us and, for some odd reason, I welcome it.

  The sting of just the tip of my husband’s whip making contact causes me to cry out in euphoric pain. Something is happening. A new sensory awareness is going off in my body. It’s as if every nerve in my body is on high alert. I raise my head as the next strike hits me and I can’t help but notice the precision with which my husband wields the whip.

  I cry out in pain as each strike hits a different part of my body. I gave into the pain long ago and now there is only the euphoric, drugged feeling of a woman who’s mind is swimming in dopamine and endorphins. I hear the whip hit the ground and his footsteps as he makes his way over to me. He picks up my head by a handful of hair and studies my face as I give him a faint smile.

  “Do you know what you’re experiencing?”

  “Heaven on earth,” I whisper.

  “Subspace… welcome to my world, baby. You’re experiencing subspace for the first time and it’s by my hand. You have had a lot of firsts with me and there will be many more.”

  He lowers me down, releasing me from the chain, and I fall into his arms. He gently carries me to the bed in the dungeon and lowers me down.

  I look into his face as he talks and his voice is like a faraway call, beckoning me to join him in a sacred, unknown place of unity.

  “You’re so wet. You’re so responsive to this lifestyle. You fit me like a hand in a glove, girl.”

  I watch as he raises his body over mine, careful not to touch my tender skin. His thick, hard member slides into me with ease and I can’t ever remember being this wet, this turned on, or this high from the act of sex. This is more than sex, though; this is the joining of two kindred souls.

  He taunts me with his cock, rotating his hips so that each entrance and exit graces over my clit just enough to tease me with an orgasm.

  “Oh, you like that big, thick cock filling you up. Don’t you, girl? That’s it, baby. Take it,” he whispers as I pull my legs back to get more of his girth in me. I want him as deeply as I can stand.

  His thrusts become more violent as he feels the beginnings of an orgasm coming on. “Fuck, you’re so damn tight, girl. You feel so fucking good.”

  He grinds down in me, forcing me to climax.

  “This fucking pussy belongs to me. It’s mine,” he growls. “I’m putting a fucking chip in you tonight. There is no way I’m even taking a chance on losing you. I don’t give a damn if you’re broken and you can’t love. I’m broken too and I can’t help but love you. I’m so broken that I’m obsessed, crazy, and rabid for a woman who is not only my captive, but my wife.”

  His whole body shudders as he explodes within me and I lie there like a ragdoll, sated and taken. I have never been so high… I have never been so satisfied… I have never felt so loved…

  He takes a moment to recoup and makes his way into the bathroom. He returns with a tray of items that I don’t have the energy to investigate or look at. He gently cleans me up and rubs me down with a mint lotion, taking care to administer what I now know as aftercare. When he has completed the act of making sure my wounds are tended, he raises me up and I feel a sting in my right shoulder blade. I know he has done what he threatened to do and implanted a chip in me. His words confirm what I already know to be my truth.

  “I will track you to the ends of the earth if you ever leave me. You’re property—my property. Don’t ever make the mistake of running away; you have no right to steal what is mine. You. Are. Mine.”


  I’ve got a bad feeling about this. Our run of good luck has been going strong since the night of Stormy’s first kill. I shake off the thoughts forming in my head before they bring on an emotion I just can’t entertain—fear.

  Diego is too fucking antsy. This isn’t the same Diego in our brotherhood who runs a strip club in Louisville, Kentucky. This is a different guy from Guatemala and he’s one of Ricardo’s men. It isn’t that I don’t trust the guy; it’s just that he’s too fucking ready to kill. He is bloodthirsty and though that isn’t always a bad thing, there is something about the glint in his eye that is making me nervous. I feel like he is rushing in without care. I’m all for catching an enemy off their guard, but I’m not for rushing in without being careful.

  I look over and mouth the words are you okay? Stormy smiles and furrows her brow at the same time like she’s wondering why I’m asking. She then nods her head and I smile back, hiding my reservation so she
won’t worry. I don’t want her distracted; distracted people get killed. I would die without her. I literally would be a dead man walking. I push it from my head right when Diego crashes through the metal door like it’s made of paper.

  Immediately, the whole place erupts in mass confusion and I send Stormy to gather all the women together. They all belong to Antonio Wayne except for one. According to our Intel, Rosalie is too far gone to be saved and despite the fact that she originally came over with all the other women, she’s been helping Eduardo for a long while. Stormy disappears to do as I ask while Diego and I search for Eduardo to kill him. I’m grateful for the fact that these are disorganized criminals. If they had any sense at all, they never would have taken Antonio’s cargo.

  We find Eduardo huddled in a corner and hiding like a little bitch. I make my way over to him, place my gun at his forehead, and blow the top of his head off. I want to hurry up and get the fuck out of here.

  Shots ring out and I hear Stormy screaming, confirming my earlier fears that something was going to go wrong. Diego takes off running, with me on his heels, and I hear another gun shot blast. I enter the room and Diego is standing over Rosalie’s dead body as he speaks, “You no bother Missy.”

  “Fucking bitch shot me,” Stormy groans as blood pours from a wound in her arm. I grab her up and yell out to Diego that we’ll be back at the club. He tells us to go to the castle and calls Antonio to get a doctor there.

  “I’ll be fine. You guys go… My men and I are going to enjoy blowing this mother fucker up.” He reveals his gold tooth as he smiles. I know he’s right. He has his crew here and they can more than handle it. I rush to the SUV, placing Stormy in the back because she can’t sit up, and I take off. I’m grateful I know my way around New York. I knew I felt like something was going to go wrong. I’ve learned to always trust my gut.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Antonio Wayne

  Though the element of surprise was on our side, a woman still got shot on my watch and I’m not happy about it at all. When I hear the news, I immediately call the doctor we use for these types of situations. The problem with going to a hospital is that gunshot wounds have to be reported by law. I don’t operate under the law. How I do operate is flying under the radar.

  I take a minute to call my brother. My staff will get Stormy and Miller situated with the doctor and then I’ll go see her. The last thing she is going to want is an audience as a bullet is being extracted from her arm. I thank God it’s not a fatal wound. That bitch Rosalie who shot her was probably high and couldn’t aim straight.

  I dial my brother’s number and I can feel my heart beginning to race. There are very few people that I’m afraid of and my brother is at the top of the list; the Russians, Glazov and Novak, would be next and that’s pretty much it as far as my fear factor.

  “Habla!” Speak.

  Shit… I can tell he already knows and he’s pissed. Fucking Diego is such a kiss ass; he must have called him.

  “You get this fucking shit taken care of, little brother!”

  That’s all he says before the phone goes dead. Yeah, he’s pissed. I don’t even have a chance to say anything. My brother has a terrible temper and the fact that it was a woman who got shot isn’t sitting well with him at all. Call it old school if you like, but women shouldn’t be in situations where they can get shot. Neither of us would ever consider having a woman on the payroll. That’s Miller’s problem, not mine. My problem is getting this girl taken care of and keeping her and Miller hidden. If that fucking FBI agent gets wind of them being here, he is going to put two and two together and figure out that Ricardo and I were involved in this hit. If that happens, my brother is going to be beyond pissed and it will be my ass getting served up on a silver platter—never going to happen. It’s time to go check on Stormy…


  I already know that my boss, Ricardo, is going to be pissed about that woman getting shot. I’m going to make damn sure this job gets done right and I’m also making sure I notify him of what has transpired. I care for both the brothers and I don’t want to see Ricardo’s wrath unleashed on Antonio. Ricardo’s temper is explosive and I don’t want to be subjected to it either. Antonio Wayne isn’t normally in the habit of killing women but he did say to kill Rosalie. He said she was damaged goods, damaged by Eduardo. His exact words had been, “Kill them all so that none can come back to exact vengeance later.” So kill them all we did.

  I’m certain Ricardo has taken care of the Haitians in Haiti and the Dominican Republic and Antonio Wayne and I are taking care of the Dominicans that they partnered up with here in New York. By morning, the word will be out and the reputation of the brothers will be solidified. The message sent to the masses will be loud and clear. If you fuck the Ramirez brothers over, you will pay.

  In one night, The Refugees have been taken out. Ricardo and Antonio Wayne have gained quite a reputation over the years. They simply do not play! After all, a peace treaty has been broken and the offenders need to be seen making recompense or the Ramirez brothers will be perceived as weak. In the business they are in, that can’t happen.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I took Alexis and went to the club this morning. It feels like there is a heavy cloud hanging over everyone at the castle and it’s making me worry. Anything to get my mind off the fact that my husband could be in danger or in trouble with the law is a good thing right now.

  No longer am I concerned with trying to escape. Now I’m plagued with thoughts of how to not lose my husband to the violent life he lives. I can’t stand the thought of being without him. I just needed to get away from the gloom hovering over everyone at the castle. I’m also concerned about these new women who have been brought in. I can’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy. I keep wondering if Antonio’s obsession will wane with time and I hate myself for feeling weak.

  I read most of the day, when I could focus, and now Alexis and I are upstairs getting ready. She is my best friend here and pretty much stays glued to my side. What she says next shocks me. She bends down in front of me and looks at me with tears in her eyes as she speaks.

  “Roxanne, I have something to tell you and I don’t want you to be mad. I just feel so guilty.”

  “Tell me, Alexis.” I brace myself for what I know isn’t going to be good news.

  “I told Antonio when Juanita called you and you were going to run away.” She begins talking rapidly before I have a chance to respond.

  “Please don’t be mad. I just couldn’t stand the thought of you leaving. Tony isn’t the only one who loves you. I don’t have any friends here; the dancers are all so competitive.”

  I pat her hand, “It’s fine. I understand but quit blabbing everything to him. You let him intimidate you too much and you’re too damn worried about what he thinks. Now, get me ready and make me look really hot.”

  “Are you worried about the new girls?”

  “Yes,” I answer, not even trying to lie about it.

  When she finishes with my make-up, she dresses me in a deep wine colored, velvet, mini dress that clings in all the right places. The dress has little splashes of silver sparkle and I’m wearing a garter, black hose, and five-inch stilettos. Though the dress looks sexy, it still oozes class.

  As I make my way down the steps, Alexis is behind me, wringing her hands as she says, “Oh dear, you are always in trouble.” I guess she is thinking that because we snuck out and came here to the club. Once again, she is worried about making Antonio mad. Poor girl, it must be ingrained in her head to try and please the guy. For me… not so much.

  Antonio Wayne

  That damn woman of mine snuck out and there are only a couple of reasons she would have done so. I’ll get a better read on her when I talk to her. Between the shooting and the shit she pulls, I’m beyond pissed.

  I enter the bar, not dressed in my standard suit, but in a crisp white shirt, blue jeans, and cowboy boots. Judging by the way the women are checki
ng me out, it works. The only woman I have on my mind right now is the very woman who plagues my thoughts every moment of every day. I swear the woman makes me nuts. I never know what the hell she is going to do next. She causes me more problems than the rest of my women combined. I have never been around a woman who tries me the way she does. She is dead set and determined to undermine me.

  When I enter the club, I stand at the door to get a feel for the room and I notice my wife is sitting with Alexis and a customer. I listen to the conversation to get the Intel I’ll need for later when I address her actions. For me, everything is about control and that means knowing what is going on at all times. Sometimes that means I have to consider the simplest things to be covert operations. What can I say? I’m a control freak. After I put that chip in my little troublemaker’s shoulder last night, I hooked up an app on my phone that monitors her every move. Like I said, I’m all about control. The customer has been buying them drinks and I can hear him telling my fucking wife how beautiful she is. She and Alexis are sitting there giggling, totally clueless to the fact I’m behind them listening. If I know those two, they’ve already been into the pain pills and Patron. I’m certain after last night’s session with the tip of my whip, she has got to be sore. She is going to be hurting even more than she already is after this little stunt. She really can’t seem to help herself. Roxanne just stays in trouble.

  I stalk up behind her, startling her as I growl in her ear.

  “Get your fucking ass up right now and follow me.”

  I overhear the women talking as I make my way through the dressing room but, right now, I only have one thing on the brain.

  “The man just plain looks good!” I hear one of the dancers remark. I can see Roxanne has been into the pill bottle, the Patron bottle, and whatever else she could find, just as I already suspected. Something is bugging her and I have every intention of finding out what it is.


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