Forever Doon

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Forever Doon Page 26

by Carey Corp

  Once our kinsman was settled, Jamie demanded, “What happened?”

  “We were ambushed, m’Laird.” Fergus sank onto the log next to Alasdair. Other than a bleeding bite mark on his bicep, my dear friend seemed physically none too worse for wear. But I couldn’t help noticing the subtle tremor in his hand.

  “Where’s Fiona?” Mackenna asked as she and Queen Veronica settled across from the two injured men.

  Fergus blinked at her as if she were speaking another language. In the awkward silence that followed, Alasdair croaked, “She’s tendin’ to the wounded.”

  “Aye,” Fergus agreed. He shook his head as if to clear it of cobwebs. “She’s fine.”

  “But others are not?” Veronica probed. Her shrewd eyes narrowed in comprehension even before the words were spoken.

  “Nay, Your Highness.” Fergus offered the queen an account of what had transpired. In the darkness of the tent, shadows accentuated the angles of his face like the teller of a creepy story at a sleepover. “We were escorting the Destined back to camp when skellies attacked. There were too many of them and they were surrounded by evil magic, so’s that we couldna touch them. I sounded the alarm and our troops rushed to aid us. Even with the advantage of numbers, the skellies were unstoppable.”

  He rested his head in his hand and took a deep breath. “Then, quite unexpectedly, the magic around them failed. Suddenly, our broadswords could knock them inta pieces.”

  The queen’s startled eyes met mine before seeking Jamie’s. “I wonder if that’s when I threw the elixir on Addie?”

  Alasdair nodded gravely. “Mayhap, Yer Highness.”

  Veronica turned her attention back to our friend. “Then what happened, Fergus?”

  “We were having some impact against the skellies, our troops were taking over the fight so we could get the Destined out of the thick of things. Tha’s when the earth began to shake. All of a sudden, the skellies dropped their weapons and each took hold of a person.” Fergus trailed off, looking as if he were going to be sick. “Then they just disappeared.”

  Jamie’s alarmed eyes briefly met mine. He refused to comprehend what Fergus was trying to say. I felt the same way. There was a short pause as each of us struggled with our own desire to remain ignorant of the awful truth.

  Mackenna wrapped her arm around the queen’s shoulders. She looked around the room and then asked Fergus in a small voice, “The skellies just disappeared?”

  “Aye,” he replied. “With the people they were holdin’.”

  “How about the rest of the Destined?” Vee asked. Her eyes were riveted on him, willing herself to not fall apart.

  “Alive.” Fergus shook his arm, flinging little drops of blood across the floor. “Several are injured. They’re frightened but they’ll live.”

  “And our people?”

  Something closed behind Fergus’s eyes, a shutter blocking out his feelings like any veteran soldier would do when delivering horrific news. “Several casualties,” he replied matter-of-factly. “But considering that we’re fighting a war . . . we got off easy, Your Highness.”

  The flaps to the tent rustled, and I swung ’round with my sword at the ready. Fiona’s startled face saw the tip of my sword and she paused. “I’m lookin’ for Fergus,” she stated.

  Lowering my weapon, I nodded and she flew across the tent and onto her husband’s lap. Fergus and Fiona kissed as I averted my eyes and moved to stand behind Mackenna, resting a hand upon her shoulder. In light of what had transpired, I needed to feel her close to me.

  Jamie came to stand next to me, behind the queen. “How many people did they take?” he asked.

  Fiona swiveled in Fergus’s lap, but made no move to get up. “A hundred and forty-seven Destined. Thirty-one Doonians.”

  The image of Adelaide Blackmore Cadell as she’d looked with half her face in ruin and her magic faltering came back to haunt me. “She said she needed more souls.”

  The queen’s face turned to look up at my brother, horror and remorse emanating from her blue eyes. “We did this,” she whispered. “We provoked Addie and she took our people.”

  Jamie knelt and embraced her from behind. “This is war, love. There will be casualties.”

  Beneath my touch, I could feel Mackenna bristling. I reached down to take her hand, but she evaded my grasp. “We led them across the bridge like cows to a hamburger factory. They had no idea what they were facing.” Springing to her feet, she paced away.

  I followed, attempting to be the voice of reason. “They were called ta Doon same as you and Veronica. They knew there were risks.”

  “How can you say that?” The pain in her eyes rent me in two. She raised a fist and struck my chest. Followed by a second strike. I offered no resistance, letting her pummel me back across the tent. Tears glistened in the corners of her eyes as her blows grew in force. She broke with a sob, and I gathered her into my arms.

  “I don’t get it,” she wailed. “I don’t get why the Protector doesn’t protect us. Why sometimes the Rings of Aontacht work and sometimes they don’t. If the Protector wanted, Vee and I could use the rings to turn the skellies into dust. This could all be over.”

  “It’s my fault,” Veronica added in a haunted voice. “I keep doubting that we—that I can really do this. My lack of belief is causing the rings not to work.”

  Alasdair cleared his throat. “Nay, lass. I mean, Your Highness. Some things need goin’ through. Tha’s simply the way life works.” Holding Mackenna, my face buried in her strawberry-scented hair, I couldn’t see Alasdair as he spoke, but his voice held an authority I’d never noticed before. “If I’ve learned anything from my millennia on earth, it’s that the human race gains nothin’ from takin’ the easy way out.

  “The Rings of Aontacht were created for unity across the portal. They were forged to protect the bearers, not as offensive weapons. They’re no’ like your culture’s mythical lightsabers.”

  I lifted my head and watched as Jamie helped the auld man to his feet. “You all are so young. And ye’ve lived so little o’ life. I canna explain to ye why things dinna always happen the way we want, or the easy way. But I kin attest that the Protector’s plan is a far better one than we could ever devise, and that, when this is all said and done, ye’ll be able ta look back and see the purpose in all o’ it.”

  Mackenna buried her face in my shirt. “If I don’t believe there’s a reason for all of this, I’m going to go crazy.” Then she straightened up. “So you better be right, Alasdair.”

  The auld man laid a gnarled hand on her arm. “I kin assure ye lass, I am.”

  Veronica, Jamie, Fiona, and Fergus all stepped in, surrounding us in something that was half hug, half rugby scrum. It was then, in the midst of this breakthrough, that I heard it. Click-clack. Click-clack. Click-clack.

  Like thousands—nay, millions of crickets. The sounds of the undead army swarmed the tent. Queen Veronica let out an exhausted sigh. “Sounds like the skellies are back.”

  Mackenna scrubbed at the tear tracks on her ruddy cheeks. Her face, leaner since she began training, bore the traits of a fierce warrior, unafraid and uncompromising. “Duncan, if there’s even a chance our people are still alive, someone has to go after them. Before Addie breaks them and strips them of their souls.”



  Like a thousand robotic dancers in an undead tap recital, the uniform click-clack of the skellies droned on until I thought I would scream. But breaking down was not an option for a queen. I had to remain calm as I waited at the fire circle for word of the army’s position. One by one, the scouts returned with the same report—skellies waited just outside our protective shield, hundreds of them on every side. We were surrounded.

  The camp was organized chaos as Doonians scrambled to locate weapons, to find their assigned squadron, and to tell their friends and family one last “I love you.”

  Fear thickened the air like a humid August morning. The skellies had been sto
pped by the bubble, but for how long? Why had the witch sent them here if there was no way for them to get in? I had a feeling I didn’t want to know the answer.

  Kenna had just spent the last thirty minutes arguing that a rescue team needed to go after the missing people. I’d asked her to leave me so I could think it through. Who could we spare? I’d experienced Addie’s version of the castle firsthand, and there were magical traps and supernaturally enhanced guards at every turn. How could I send a rescue party knowing the chances of them surviving the mission were marginal at best?

  I adjusted my thick leather breastplate and strapped my axe belt across my chest, then picked up the round shield Jamie had custom-made for me. Hefting its weight, I marveled at how he had managed to make it feel light and yet strong at the same time. Maybe not Captain America strong, but still, perfect for me.

  Fergus approached, his skin blotchy, his blue eyes swimming with emotion.

  “What is it?”

  “The Destined are hurtin’, my queen. Fee’s doin’ her best to encourage them after the loss of their friends, but I think they need ta hear from you.”

  Shame washed over me until I was sure my face matched the color of my big friend’s mottled cheeks. He shouldn’t have had to tell me to speak to our newest Doonians. I’d talked to some of the Destined in passing, but I hadn’t even thought about how frightened they must be.

  “Fergus, did you know that I’ve always thought of you as my guardian angel?”

  His cheeks went from pink to flame-on. “No, Yer Majesty.”

  “From the moment I set foot in Doon, you’ve been watching out for me and Kenna. I thank you for that and for calling my attention to this matter. Please gather the people. I’d like to speak to them immediately.”

  Before he turned away, I grabbed his sleeve. “And thank you for being such a great friend.”

  He gave a quick nod, his eyes misty. “Always, Veronica.”

  A short time later, I balanced on a log and looked out over the crowd. Interspersed among the Doonians, hundreds of unfamiliar faces, those of teens and young adults, wearing modern clothes, some with piercings, tattoos, and dyed hair, stared back at me. Not soldiers, but ordinary, terrified people waiting for some great wisdom to spew out of my mouth and take away their pain and fear. Realizing that was impossible, I decided to speak from my heart.

  I raised my hand in greeting and projected my voice above the incessant clanking. “Hi. My name is Veronica Welling and I wasn’t always a queen. Like you, I’m not from Doon, but a small town in Indiana. And like many of you, before I was Called here, I lost the security of home and family. When Kenna and I first arrived here, the Doonians believed us in league with the witch and threw us in the dungeon.” There were a few incredulous laughs, and Fergus wandered up and shouted, “I’m not proud of it, but ’tis true!”

  I nodded. “It wasn’t exactly what I’d imagined my reception in Doon to be like. So I know how scared and confused you all must feel to have lost so many of your friends.”

  More Doonians began to gather round, many of them mingling with the crowd and taking a hand or putting an arm around one of the new Destined. Alasdair moved toward the front and clapped a hand on each of the African boys’ shoulders. I met his penetrating gaze and remembered something he’d said to me long ago.

  “A wise man once told me that what is seen as light will forever be coveted by the dark. And as I look out at your faces, all I see is blinding light. A light so brilliant that it cannot be quenched by the darkness. And in your eyes, I see hope. Hope for a better future, for the home that many of you have never had. If we each hold tight to that hope, there is no darkness strong enough to defeat it.”

  Trying to make eye contact with as many individuals as possible, I continued. “I’m not saying that we’ll all make it through this battle unscathed, but I do know that the Protector is faithful and he will be with us. I also know that if there’s anything in this world worth fighting for, it’s a place we can call home. You are part of that home.” Clarity struck and in that moment, I knew what I had to do. “And since we don’t give up on family, I’m asking for volunteers to send on a rescue mission.” Confusion and hope mingled on nearby faces. “I cannot believe the Protector would bring any of you here to feed the witch’s power. Our people who have been taken must be alive. It will be terribly dangerous, but I need volunteers to sneak into the castle and bring them back to us.”

  Hands flew into the air. Analisa, Sofia, Ewan, and a young Filipino girl who hopped up and down shouting, “Me, me, me!” I nodded to my friends as each one came forward and then turned to the Destined girl. “What’s your name?”

  “Cheska Ann Santos, and I’ve been training for this exact moment.”

  “How so?” I arched a brow. The girl couldn’t be more than fifteen.

  “I’m a gamer, Yer Majesty. I specialize in a war game that puts me in a position to strategize and spy on other groups.” Her voice grew higher as she spoke. “Sneaking into castles is what I do! I’ve dreamed of this moment!”

  My eyes shifted to Ana, who gave a barely perceptible nod. She would watch out for the girl. “All right then, you’re in.”

  She pumped a fist in the air as the brothers from Africa, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, stepped forward. “We’re going too.” Ezekiel lifted his chin and met my gaze with such confident determination that I didn’t question them further. Kenna had shared a bit of their horrifying and heroic past. These boys were perfect for the job.

  “We have our group then.” Catching Cheska’s enthusiasm, I threw a fist into the air and shouted, “Today, we will take back what is ours! Today, we fight for Doon!”

  Fists flew up around the group as they shouted in unity, “Fight for Doon!” The chant grew so loud, it drowned out the skellies’ clanking.

  My chest burned as I yelled along with them, the mantra echoing from all corners of the camp as Doonians joined in. After several moments, the people began to disperse to their duties, some still chanting. Now that I was alone, the tears I’d held in splashed down on my cheeks.

  A hand extended in front of me and I looked down to see Ewan Murray. Perhaps not so alone. Accepting his help, I grasped his fingers and hopped down.

  “Tha’ was inspiring, Yer Majesty.”

  He handed me a clean handkerchief, and after I’d wiped my nose and eyes, I turned back to him. “Thank you for volunteering, Ewan.”

  He plunked his shield into the dirt at his feet and turned to face me. “Of course. I’m takin’ point since I know that castle best. And I know how to get around the witch’s protection spell.”

  “Watch out for Sofia. I know she’s desperate to help, and feels like she would be useless in a battle, but this will be just as dangerous.” As I finished speaking, his summer-green eyes drilled into mine. He’d avoided me since the handfasting. I knew there were unresolved feelings between us, but I’d had too much on my mind to seek him out.

  “Veronica, please forgive me.”

  I started, not expecting those words to come out of his mouth. “For what?”

  “Ye have a Calling with Prince Jamie and I disrespected that.” He swiped a hand over his fiery hair, but it flopped back down over his right eye as he let out a deep sigh. “When we thought he’d passed on, I couldna bear to see ye so sad and alone. I determined to help any way that I could. I didna expect ta fall for ye.”

  I opened my mouth, but he kept talking.

  “The Laird is a good man and the perfect one ta lead by your side.”

  As I searched his sweet face, a realization struck me—this reckless boy had been my friend when I needed one most, and despite Jamie’s doubts, I wanted Ewan in my life. “Thank you for that. Your support means a lot to me. When this is all over, I’d like to ask that you join my royal guard.”

  His eyes sparkled with excitement and I knew I’d said the right thing. “Aye, Yer Majesty! It would be an honor.”

  “Murray!” Ana called from nearby. “Get your scrawn
y hide over here!”

  “I will protect the others and bring the Destined back no matter what it takes. I swear it!” Ewan dropped into a quick bow, picked up his shield, and ran to join Ana and the others. He would leap headfirst into danger, but I knew he would do everything in his power to keep his promise to me.

  “Verranica!” I turned to find Jamie jogging up, metal breastplate catching the sun, and in one quick glance I memorized the way he looked in that moment—black boots laced tight, daggers strapped to both strong calves exposed below his blue-and-green kilt, metal braces on both of his wide forearms, a bow strung across his chest, a sword swinging at his side. One word entered my mind: Powerful. My eyes landed on his face and I had to swallow a sudden blast of terror. I could not lose him again.

  “There’s something ye need to see, love.” He linked his fingers through mine and we set off at a quick pace. “I told my brother and Mackenna to meet us there.”

  “Are the bombs set up?”

  “Aye. Oliver created a trippin’ mechanism, so if the skeletons cross they’ll detonate within thirty seconds.”

  “How many?”

  “At least six. We’re keepin’ our squads away from those areas. We also have the Crew divided. They wound the tape that Duncan brought from Alloway through the brush and now they’re waitin’ in trees with animal nets in the east and west. Tha’ should slow the bags o’bones down a bit.”

  “And the trenches?” I asked as we climbed a grassy hill.

  “Coming along nicely, but we’ll need at least an hour to get them deep enough. And I dinna think we’ll have it.”

  We rounded the top of the knoll and my breath stopped. Hundreds of skellies, in perfect formation, spread out below us, their legs pumping in unison like wind-up toys. Beyond, approximately two football fields away, Addie sat astride something that looked like a horse, but its size made her appear the size of a doll on its monstrous back. Black with snow-white hair on its legs, the animal stomped the ground and shook its massive head. “Is that a . . .”


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