Forsaken (Ancients of Light #1)

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Forsaken (Ancients of Light #1) Page 3

by Heather Fleener

She shivered at the edge of longing behind his heated order. Dropping her gaze to his mouth, the tip of her tongue swept her lips hungrily. Cole did not think she was even aware that she was rotating her hips in a seductive demand for a very intimate kind of attention. His mouth opened over hers and he was greeted by the brush of her tongue to his. Cole growled a low encouragement against her lips, “That’s it, Ella.”

  Inspired by his praise, Ella repeated the motion. He allowed her time to grow sure and explore. Cole was aware of the level of her inexperience, but he did not expect that she would be so shy with her passion. The stupid humans she spent her time with obviously did not know how to claim a beauty such as this.

  Cole drew a harsh breath when her tongue danced across his fangs. In response to his aroused state, the sharp tips had begun to extend more fully. He feared her accidental touch might cause her to disengage, but to his surprise Ella did the opposite. Her hot moan was lost in his mouth and she returned for more, lingering over each with her tongue. Her impassioned reaction to the evidence of the very essence of his nature nearly broke the last bit of control he had.

  It would be disastrous to forget what he was about by losing himself in the Witch. Cognizant of the innate pull of his nature driving him to claim her, the near overwhelming instinct was a splash of cold water. Reminding himself that he had a few precious hours to waste on her before the sun drove him away, Cole pulled back with a groan.

  Raising his wine for a long sip, Cole sensed that Ella was confused by his sudden withdrawal and felt an unwelcome and surprising twinge of guilt. He shook it off. When he glanced over, she was obviously trying to regain her composure. He took pity and gave her a wink, “Ella, the sooner we finish this bottle, the sooner I can take you home.”

  His teasing tone told her that it was irrelevant to him whether they wasted the entire bottle of wine. It took her a minute to clear the cobwebs of lust from her brain and gain the meaning of his words, but when she did she was shaking her head at him. His abrupt end to their kissing had shoved her off the reality cliff, “No, I have friends…” Ella trailed off as she searched the crowd for them, mentally chastising herself for behaving so recklessly.

  Cole explained patiently, fingering the ends of her hair, “Ella, when they saw you giving me your...attention…a few moments ago, I waved them off. They know I intend to see you home.”

  The way in which she wanted him had her frazzled and it had little if nothing to do with the fact that he was a Vampire or a Dark. His brand of seduction was a threat to her well-being on any number of levels. The arrogance at sending her friends off pricked her though and coupled with her sense of self-preservation, it was enough to push her further out of the easy companionship she had found with him, “I can take a cab. Your services will not be needed.”

  As if to prove her point, Ella tossed back the remainder of her wine and shoved at his chest until he backed up enough that she could squeeze past him and out of the booth. Before she had straightened completely, Cole was infringing on her space from behind and his hand had settled on the curve of her waist. He adopted a mocking tone, “My services are exactly what you need.”

  Ella spun on him with a frown, knocking his hand away, “Thanks for the wine, Vamp.” Out of the quagmire of lust inspired by his touch, she was being swamped with shame. She did not have flings or indulge in very public displays of affection and most certainly not with a Vampire. It was not in her nature. Shaking on the inside, she was already beginning to lecture herself over her questionable judgment.

  Cole grabbed that slapping hand and jerked her into him lightning fast, a bit of darkness flashing in his eyes. When she started to protest, Cole pressed a finger to her lips and did not bother to lower his voice, “I intend to see you home so that I can do things to you that I would prefer not to continue with in a crowd of humans in a bar, Ella.”

  Before she could pull away or bite that pressing finger as she would have liked, Cole replaced it with his mouth and kissed her hotly. She knew at the first brush of his tongue to her lips that she was going to lose this battle. Her guilty conscious fell victim to a tidal wave of hunger. She had never encountered someone that could so expertly rob her of all thought, all care of anything beyond what he would do to her next. The Witch in her should be strenuously objecting to her playdate with a Vampire, but it had gone silent.

  Cole kept up the pressure on her mouth until she softened. The witch certainly conceded to his wishes when she was roused for him. He tucked that bit of knowledge away for later as he ended the kiss and whispered darkly, “Now Ella, if you prefer I lay you over that table…”

  The remainder of his speech was cut off by her hand over his mouth. Her cheeks were flaming when she hushed, “You will do no such thing.”

  He nodded and grabbed her other hand, tugging her in his wake, “You are right, Ella. I am taking you home…now.”

  By the time she regained her wits, the overbearing male had her outside and halfway across the parking lot. Ella finally found her voice and challenged him, “I agreed to a truce, not to hanging out with you indefinitely.”

  If she weren’t so deep in her cups, she might give him a run for his money with that sharp mind of hers. He shot her a wicked grin, enjoying the banter, not bothering to answer but instead opening the door and tucking her into a gleaming black sports car.

  Ella rolled her eyes at him, but readily gave him the address to their destination when he put the question to her. She refused to consider that it might be a bad idea, since she did have Myrrdyn’s spell protecting the place and no one could enter without her personal invitation. It had never even been an issue before since Myrrdyn had been the only immortal to ever come calling.

  Cole remained silent on the quick drive to her apartment though he felt her eyes searching his face frequently. He was focused on how best to finish the night with Ella, not on finding the way through the maze of streets to their destination as she might believe. He had a need for her. It was clawing at him, but regretfully he knew that the best approach with the Fire Starter would be to leave his needs unfulfilled. Taking the first open spot on the street in front of her apartments, Cole was out of the car and opening her door before Ella could reach for the handle. He gallantly offered his hand and when hers slid into his palm, he tugged her to her feet, deliberately stepping forward so that her body would graze against his.

  Ella could feel his steamy gaze while he held her steady before him. The look he gave her was hungry, and not in the I-want-to-suck-your-blood kind of way. The look she returned was filled with worry. Cole was not left to wonder long for the cause.

  Inclining her head to reference to their surroundings, her eyes were focused on his chin when she made the suggestion, “Perhaps you should just let me walk from here. It is not a good neighborhood for you to be leaving your car unattended.”

  Cole laughed warmly and tugged her into the fold of his arms, “And is the car more important than you, Ella? Should I leave you to fend for yourself, to make your way to your door?”

  She answered his last query matter-of-factly, “I am a Fire Witch…we’ve been known to hold our own.” Ella wished she could attribute his eagerness to see her to her door to some gentlemanly concern, but those extra-long pearly whites behind his upper lip made it impossible to believe there was anything gentlemanly about her escort. She went on with a wry grin, “It might be safer for me and your car if I make my own way from here.”

  A determined gleam had settled in his eyes and Cole only shook his head. Still smiling over her retort, he gave Ella a nudge to get her moving up the sidewalk, allowing her to lead him. When they reached her door, he stretched a hand forward and grazed it over her nape. Her hand shook when she tried to fit the key in the lock. He took advantage of the opening that her fumbling presented and pressed in against her back. Putting his hand atop hers, he guided the key home and allowed his lips to graze her ear, “I am going to make certain you are settled safely Ella.”

  She kne
w he intended more. Ella remained unmoving except for her slow nod, unable to find the motivation to break free from the warmth of him surrounding her. A glance down told her that he still had hold on her hand and his fingers had intertwined with hers. Closing her eyes, she released a slow breath to steady herself. This one was capable of getting past her defenses on many levels… the more he played the charming suitor, the more difficult it was for her to think of him as anything more than a man. It was a shame he was so much more than that because she could like him if he weren’t.

  Ella was fully cognizant of the danger inherent in letting such thoughts form and it was the same reason she had tried to leave him in the bar a short while before. This time she was considering a different course. It was only one night. She was an adult, she owned her fate and ultimately she was accountable to only herself and her Maker for her decisions. She was not part of the Realm. She would be damned if those pious Fire Casters were going to influence any aspect of her life. She had Cole’s vow to not harm her and she was not a defenseless human. Ella wanted to take a chance…and she wanted to give him one. It only took a split second more to settle the internal debate over the recklessness of her actions. Her voice dipped to a husky whisper when she offered him the invitation, “Please come in Cole.”


  Disengaging her hand from his, Ella stepped through the entrance. Cole did not let her get too far ahead, shoving the door shut behind him as she dropped her bag on the table in the center of the room. Rolling her head from one side to the next to ease the tension that had built in her shoulders, she created a fetching picture. Each movement stretched the column of her neck open and Cole felt the hard press of his fangs. He wanted every part of her, including the sweet essence that flowed beneath her delicate skin.

  His eyes flickered black before he shook himself to gain control of the urge. The darkness faded, leaving only smoldering topaz behind when she turned to face him. Her eyes were a bit wary when they raked over him, as though having him standing in her space caused her to be more mindful of the ramifications of her actions. Ella dropped into a chair, tugging at her boots.

  Inside the confines of her home, her rebellious attitude withered. It was not her norm to be unable to make a decision and remain firm in it. Ella thought that maybe too much alcohol, too many raging hormones, and too much magic surging in her veins was making her a mindless twit. On the other hand, as much as she wanted this male, maybe her Witch nature was not really going to let her easily dismiss the teachings of her Faction regarding the spawned-from-hell nature of the one studying her from across the room.

  Now she was just irritated with herself over her flip-flopping attitudes and sought to gain control over the situation, “Cole, I am safe. Perhaps we should just…I appreciate your…” Ella dropped the first boot, and pulled her eyes away from his as she made quick work of the second, asserting more assuredly this time, “It is best to call it a nice evening and part ways now.”

  She could not look at him when she spoke that last part, because he would see that she was weak. Ella had enjoyed him, but was now sober enough to realize that she would be unable to resist much more seduction. If she let him touch her as he had in the club, she would end up with more to regret in the morning than just a horrid hangover.

  His eyes shifted dark, this time with displeasure. He considered her words for all of ten seconds and then shadowed across distance separating them. Cole had dragged her up from the chair, tossed over his shoulder, and was making the trek to her bedroom before she could fight him. He countered evenly, “No deal, Ella.”

  Ella repeatedly thwacked him on the back with the flat of her palms while she squirmed, but the trip was so short that he was tossing her to the center of her bed before she could verbalize her disagreement. She was dizzy from the lingering effects of her overindulgence and her condition had not been aided by the swinging to and fro that he had just given her. She reactively clutched at her comforter as the room tilted. Shooting him a glare for it, she hissed, “Neanderthal.”

  He laughed loudly, inspecting his surroundings. Cole realized he could almost touch each wall in the tiny room if he stretched his arms out from his sides. Shaking his head, amazed that her living quarters were smaller than his wine cellar, he questioned, “Princess, how can you breathe in here?” Shifting his gaze down when she failed to respond, he noted that her eyes were closed tightly and that her breathing was painstakingly controlled.

  Obviously Ella had consumed a few more of the adult beverages than her norm. Taking pity when she remained unmoving, he inquired quietly, “Do you have aspirin somewhere in this box?” At her slow nod and lone finger pointed in the general direction of the door near the right edge of her bed, Cole took a single stride to enter the adjoining room. He rummaged through the cabinet over the sink with a frown.

  Witches were so weak in their immortality, he thought derisively as he shook three tablets into his palm. They were susceptible to too many of the ailments of humans. It was absurd that these were the supernatural beings tasked with ridding the world of the Vampire threat when they could be felled as easily by a headache as a sword. Divine intervention gone awry, apparently. Shoving the thought aside a snort of disgust, three strides later he was out of her room and crossing her sitting area into the kitchen.

  He had viewed her apartment from the outside countless times, but this was the first time he actually took notice of anything in it besides the Fire witch. His gaze swept over the décor in passing, surprised to find that he liked her cozy space. Cole knew she kept bottled water on hand in her fridge and he grabbed one before returning to her.

  Stopping in the doorway, he almost laughed. Ella had not moved a muscle. Her eyes were closed firmly and remained so even when he lowered himself to her side. Raising his fingers to her lips, he commanded simply, “Open.” She complied, letting him place the medicine on her tongue before he twisted the lid and nudged her lips with the edge of the bottle.

  Ella roused then, raising a hand to pull the water from him. Turning it up, she swallowed the pills and continued to drink until only half of the liquid remained. She peeked up at him from beneath her lashes and smiled weakly in gratitude. Scooting back and deliberately distancing herself from him, her head dropped onto the pillows. She reminded him of her decision, “Cole, I very much appreciate your assistance, but it is time for you find a batcave, or coffin, or whatever...”

  He only shook his head. Her answering frown grew fierce when he pushed her over and made himself at home by stretching out beside her. Settling in, with his head propped on his hand, he disagreed again, “No Princess, I think I should make certain you are on the mend before I leave you.”

  Ella could tell by his expression that there would be no changing his mind and she was too weary to argue with the stubborn mule. His reason was flimsy, but he seemed determined to remain at her side. Her beleaguered sigh told him of her acquiescence. The quick lowering of her lids told him also, quite plainly, that she intended to ignore him.

  Cole was having none of that. He studied her face intently as he raised his free hand and gave her sweater a tug, just at her shoulder. There was a teasing lilt to his words, “This cannot be comfortable. Do you need some help removing it?”

  Ella could hear the wolfish grin; she didn’t need to see his face. She did not even offer him a worded response - just a small shooing motion with her hand and the stubborn press of her lips together in that lingering frown. Unfortunate for him, her inhibitions had returned with a vengeance. If the ache in her temples was any indication, at this very moment they were jumping up and down in protest of her earlier behavior.

  Cole was certain it was only a matter of time before he had her back in her earlier spirits. He was determined and she lacked the experience to counter his. He also knew he had the same devastating effect on her as she did on him. Tapping her lightly on the nose, he continued on with his easy banter, “Funny, Witch, because you are looking rather uncomfortable...”

  Her frown turned into a scowl. He pressed a cool palm to her forehead and then slid it on down around to cup her cheek. Cole was silent as minutes ticked past. When he lifted it away, Ella thought he was finished and giving up. To her shock, his hand instead settled low on her abdomen and began to glide upwards, dragging the material of her sweater along with it.

  That raised the reaction he wanted. Her eyes flew open and she smacked his wrist. Cole ignored the abuse and kept his hand positioned firmly, pulling up the material. Once he had bared her stomach, he captured her resisting hand in his own and rolled up into a sitting position. His hip pressed tightly against hers, effectively capturing her immobile left arm between them. He dragged her right hand over and pushed it back down firmly against the mattress while his gaze swept her entire body. Grinning at the purple glitter painting her toes, he winked and whispered, “You’re adorable all the way down to your little feet, Ella.”

  She almost laughed, but stifled it rather than encourage him. The wicked vampire could make even his playful taunts sound sinfully seductive. Adorable feet indeed…he was dangerous. Mindful of it, she attempted to tug her hand free.

  Cole kept his fingers locked tightly around her wrist, keeping it in place with little effort. His eyes clashed with hers, hot and gleaming. He raised a brow at her in challenge when his free hand resumed the upward pull on the hem of her shirt. When no objection was issued, his fingertips dragged lightly over her bare skin and continued up. While he had known she would be fine, he realized with each bit more revealed, that he had vastly underestimated just how gorgeous a creature she was. Cole took great delight in watching the muscles of her abdomen quiver in response to the graze of his fingers. His touch affected her the same way her teasing exploration had him in the bar.

  Ella finally uttered an unintelligible objection, but it was weak and they both knew it. Cole shook his head at her in silent reprimand. They locked gazes for long moments. His voice was much gentler than his look when he finally spoke, “Do not lie to me Ella. Tell me you are afraid of me…tell me you want me to go no further…I will not disregard any limits you set, but be honest with me and with yourself.”


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