Forsaken (Ancients of Light #1)

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Forsaken (Ancients of Light #1) Page 27

by Heather Fleener

  He witnessed gooseflesh on her skin and knelt on the bed. Rolling her, he drew her back up to his chest until her hips were cradled against his lap, “Too many months Princess…I have been lost without you.” Nicholas inhaled the perfumed scent of her hair while nuzzling his face against the side of her neck.

  Ella shivered at the longing behind his words. She let her head fall to the side, making an offering of her neck. Letting him catch her weight, she relaxed completely back into him and wound her arms up around behind her, weaving her fingers through the hair at his nape.

  His lips found the tender skin just at the base of her neck and he licked around to the side of her throat. Dragging his fangs across the skin, he breathed, “Ah Witch…you make me crazed…I burn for you in a way that can never be tamed.” Nicholas broke her skin slowly with the sharp tips, sealing his mouth over the wound while rocking his hips up into the press of her bottom. Ella groaned, arching her back as he moved his hands upwards from her waist and cupped her breasts through the satin corset.

  Taking only two small sips, he licked firmly at her skin and his thumbs matched pace, roughly rubbing across the material to tease her. Trailing his open mouth across the back of her neck to the other side, he pressed his hips up hard to her backside once more. In concert, his fangs breached her skin again.

  Ella moaned his name, bowing her back further to meet the teasing pluck of his fingertips. Her head found home against his chest while her hips began a slow grind down against his arousal. He took only two sips again and withdrew. Nicholas placed soft teasing nips up the back of her neck, realizing from the sensuous little dance her body was doing against his that she was lost in the sensations he was rousing in her. He drew one hand down over her abdomen and slipped it between her thighs.

  She parted easily for him, the movement of her hips against him increased in tempo, indicating her liking. His palm pressed more firmly into her before he cupped her heat. Continuing to explore with his other hand, he teasingly caressed the swell of flesh above the satin-edging of the corset. His fingers tightened around the bit of satin covering her below and tore it free with a hard pull. A hungry mewl formed in her throat and she was panting with need, alternately trying to rub back against his arousal but keep the pressure from his hand between her thighs.

  Nicholas slipped his hand down from her breasts, encircling her waist with his arm. He used the press of his chest against her back to bend her forward to her hands and knees. Rubbing his heat against the creamy curves of exposed flesh, he removed his hand from the juncture of her thighs and joined the other hand in yanking at the front closures of her corset. The fabric rent as the closures broke apart. He tossed it aside and then leaned back, pulling her into his lap once more. Returning each hand to its earlier position, he worked the dusky pebble of her breast between his fingertips. His mouth dropped to her ear and he licked the edge slowly, daring her to complain, “I ruined all your pretty clothes Ella…do you mind?”

  The sensation of her bareness sliding over his fully clothed form was tantalizing. Coupled with the expert touch of his hands, she was nearly over the edge already. Her body remembered all the delicious ways Nicholas could pleasure her and was holding nothing back. Her answer was a moan and barely formed words as she bucked against his hand, “No…Nicholas …more.”

  He slid a finger between her slick folds and ran a fingertip lightly around her nipple, not quite touching. Nicholas held her in place for his teasing, his laughter husky with arousal as he deliberately misunderstood, “You do not have anything else for me to remove…”

  Releasing her, he used both hands to turn her and leaned in to trace his tongue over the fullness of her lower lip. Her mouth parted with a shaky breath and he claimed it. The pressure of his lips parted hers more, his tongue thrusting inside to stroke. Ella grasped at his shoulders to hold herself steady, savoring the feel of his strength, reveling in his wild kiss. Matching his demand with her own, she drove her tongue up to meet his before slipping it past his lips to lick feverishly at his fangs. Ella pulled free, caught his gaze and whispered, “I want your bite again, Nicholas.” Not giving him time to respond, she opened her mouth against his and resumed the frantic strokes of her tongue against the elongated tips, trying to spur him into action by driving him mad with it.

  His growl rumbled low in his chest. Her want of his bite had always heightened his desire for her, but now, as his mate, it made his instincts go berserk. He was consumed by the inborn need to take her both body and her throat. Nicholas pushed her down to the bed before standing to remove his clothing. She studied him as closely as he was studying her. Suddenly he grinned, for the briefest moment, carefree rather than consumed with his lust for her. His voice was reverent, “You are amazingly beautiful, Ella…perfect.”

  She smiled up at him, having formed an identical opinion when he removed his shirt. As quickly as he had changed moods, her hotly aroused lover returned and the amber in his eyes swarmed with sensual hunger. The complimentary words stuck in her throat and Ella could not manage to keep her body still. His hot gaze roving possessively over every bare inch of her was nearly as arousing as his touch.

  Captivated by the ripple of his muscle across his shoulders and arms when he tossed his shirt down, her eyes trailed the long scar down his side before she returned her gaze to his. Nicholas smiled at her, bemused, noting that her eyes remained pointedly fixed on his as he removed the rest of his clothes. A blush crept into her cheeks. This witch had definitely spent too much time with the humans. One so gorgeous as her would have long ago been claimed and taught the ways of passion if she had remained in the Realm. Easing down next to her he brushed his hand from the hollow of her throat down to her abdomen slowly, “Ella, all the things I have done to you…yet you still blush.”

  He was shaking his head at her in amazement as she pressed a palm to his chest and then nuzzled her face there as well, “All the things you have done to me…not things I have done to you…with you…yet.” Her whisper held an ounce of embarrassment. “Except for that first night, when I was a touch drunk, you have never even removed any of your clothing.”

  Nicholas tossed back his head and laughed at her reluctant confession, “I very much remember that you were sloshed, Witch.” He grasped her chin in his fingertips and turned her face so that he could see it, “You were made to be loved.” That earned him a modest smile, “And I am going to very much enjoy teaching you how to play.” That brought a brighter flush to her cheeks.

  Boldly though, she still kept her eyes on his and whispered, “Make me yours Nicholas.”

  His jaw tightened and he rolled on top of her, his voice strained with emotion, “You are mine Ella.” Her sweet plea made him ravenous for her. Settling his mouth to hers once more, he gave her a slow and deep kiss, touching her in no other way than with the press of his body and his lips to hers. It was a tease for them both, and he kept it up for many minutes until she was writhing beneath him. Finally, driving his hips languidly, he matched the thrust of his tongue into her mouth. Ella raised her hips upwards in demand and whimpered against his lips.

  He lifted slightly and shook his head, “Not yet Witch… there is so much more.”

  She gave him an incredulous look and responded earnestly, reminding him of her earlier boast, “You look mad…you most certainly do.”

  He only shook his head in answer over his silly little witch. A devilish glint in his eye, he dropped his mouth to her breast while pushing his palm up to the other. He gave her the press of his hips back. His fingertips grazed lightly, in rhythm with the pull of his lips on the other, all the while he rotated his arousal against her center. Thirty seconds of that erotic torture had Ella mumbling his name, intermingled with indecipherable witch-speak. She began shifting her hips in an instinctive attempt to bring the pressure from his hardened length to her core.

  Realizing her goal, he smoothed his hand down her body and sought her heat, mumbling against her skin, “Is this what you need, Ella
?” Thrusting two fingers deep, he nipped at her breast, letting his fangs mar her skin. She cried out her answer, nothing but pleasure in it. Nicholas allowed her to set her pace against his hand while he continued with his attentions, his light nibbles at the hard buds a contrast to the sharp press of his fangs against her soft flesh.

  He could tell as she began quickening the thrust of her hips to his hand that she was nearing release, so he withdrew, taking no small amount of delight in her agonized groan. Nicholas fixed her with his blackened gaze, allowing her to see the full extension of his fangs, “Are you mad for me Ella?”

  She groaned in pleasurable anguish and smacked him on the shoulder, “I am driving you mad…try to keep it straight, Nicholas.” Ella was panting so quickly with her passion he had to listen closely to catch those last six words. He held back another moment, her frustration visibly rising. He was near crazed with his lust for her, but he loved keeping her on edge.

  Ella could hardly bear the wait and her eyes locked on his, imploring. The green depths were sparkling brightly with magic and heat. She pressed her hips up, seeking to create contact with his hand again, “Please Nicholas…I need to be yours.”

  That broke his last bit of restraint. Nicholas brushed her hair aside and then put both of his forearms under her back to raise her slightly. His hands cupped over her shoulders, holding her still. He stroked his arousal along her wetness, demanding fiercely, “Tell me Ella.”

  She could barely focus on his voice, but her eyes never left his and finally she managed, “Yours, Nicholas…now and always…only yours.” He groaned but it was muffled because he bit hard into her skin, where the curve of her neck met shoulder. His fangs were already deep when he sank into her molten center. He groaned again over the feel of her silky wet heat surrounding him.

  Ella gasped at the duality of the sensations. Her eyes fell closed with the intensity of it when he began to drink. His thrusts set a slow rhythm in and out, but he kept his mouth firm against her neck. Her arms wound around his shoulders, a hand pressing to the back of his head to keep him at her throat. He wasn’t even sure she was aware when she admitted, “I love your bite, Nicholas…I crave it.”

  Nicholas took his fill, as he had needed to do for so many months. Slipping his arms from beneath her, he let her back sink into the bed. He maintained a slow and deep drive into her. Cupping a breast in each palm, he kneaded the creamy flesh. His touch had her trying to quicken the pace by rocking up into him. Finally he withdrew his bite, but stayed at her neck to lick sensuously at the wound while it healed. Dropping his hands to her hips to hold them still, he wanted to continue his tortuously slow pace for a while more.

  When he lifted over her, Ella’s eyes immediately sought his. They were heavy lidded and hazy with their passion and he grinned arrogantly down at her. Pressing deeply, he demanded, “Do you like this, Ella?” She gave him a throaty sigh and lifted her finger to stroke gently down his cheek before her slight nod. His smile deepened as he dropped his hand between them and found the little bud within her folds. Pressing his thumb firmly down, he questioned again, “And this?”

  Ella lost her languid enjoyment as sharp heat shot through her and then settled with a heavy clenching throb deep in her abdomen. Her hips bucked beneath his hand when she gasped, “Nicholas…please.”

  He increased the pressure there and quickened the pace of his thrusts, his eyes never leaving hers, the demand in them not allowing her to shy away. He wanted to witness the sparkle in them when she came apart. Keeping himself elevated above her on his arm, he took pleasure in watching her head drop back and the rapid pulse in her neck as she arched beneath him. Ella raked her nails up his arms before finding his shoulders and digging in there. He purposefully slowed his pace again, but drove hard into her each time.

  She was mindless, needing her release, and he was holding back enough to keep her from going over the edge. Tossing her head to the side, she nuzzled her face against his wrist there where his hand met the bed. Lifting her eyes to his with a wicked and determined look, Ella turned her head back and gave his wrist a hard nip.

  Nicholas groaned harshly, his own breath catching in his throat. His blackened eyes narrowed and he eased his body down. His chest created a delightful friction against her breasts, his weight pressing her down into the bed when he bit the lobe of her ear and whispered hotly, “You want my blood, Witchling?”

  Ella nodded, rubbing her cheek to his. The pace of his hips quickened, frenzied. Raising his arm, he made a slight wound in the wrist and bent to press it against her mouth. Her taking the blood from him, her lips locking over the wound and her gentle suckling at it, had him struggling to maintain any control. He drove harder, faster as he watched her licking.

  A few moments later, he dragged his arm away. Her green eyes were sparkling magically when they found his and she parted her lips, silently begging for his. His growl rumbled over her, his hands tangling in her hair and he took hard possession of her mouth. Ella’s hips matched his in a harried pace. He kept her still with his tight hold, rocking her body with a demanding rhythm while he ravaged her mouth.

  Pulling his mouth free, his eyes centered on hers once more. Ella never looked away when she cried his name with her release. He watched in amazement as the glittering veil of green took her eyes and then he took her once again in a bruising kiss. Nicholas kept the same pace in and out, his fingers easing between them to do a teasing caress from one pleasure spot to the next even as the spasms rolled over her. She tore her mouth from his, dropping her head back to scream his name again when he took her into a deeper wave of pleasure. He drove the last time hard, spilling himself into her while her spasms gripped him. Nicholas was shaking with the intensity of it.

  His body remained taught over hers; he could feel her body begin to relax as he regained his breath. Nicholas took her in a slow lingering kiss when he let the weight of his body settle fully against hers. Not breaking loose, he eased to the side and pulled her tightly against him. Sliding his hands up to cup the back of her head, he dragged his lips over hers until they were both gasping for breath once more.

  When he released her, she rubbed against him with a little purr of contentment and nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck. Nicholas continued sliding his hands in gentle caresses over every part of her. He was reeling over the intensity of the feelings he experienced while mating with her. He had also experienced no small amount of relief. Ella was finally, completely his.

  Shifting, moving them both up further on the bed, Nicholas dropped against the pillows and arranged her on top of him. He kept up his light touches, unable to stop, as though solidifying his right. Ella dropped a kiss to his chest, stacking her hands there to rest her chin on them. Gazing up at him with a sweet smile, that mysterious wash of color was gone and he could see the curiosity in her look. She stretched her long, lean form completely atop his before she revealed the cause, “Why is it so arousing for you to give me your blood, Nicholas?” Her gaze shifted meaningfully to his wrist.

  Nicholas barely managed to hold back his laughter… of all the thousands of things she could have said, “Instinct, Ella.” Her brow quirked at him in question, and he continued, “I forget that my kind is still a mystery to you, Princess. Mated males prefer to feed their females. It is our way of caring for them.” He tousled her hair, “You are not Vampire, Ella, but the instinct is still there, driving me to share my blood with you.” Ella nodded. He could tell she was digesting this piece of information in that smart brain and he winked at her, “Lucky for me, you seem to like it well enough.”

  She winked back, playfully, “Lucky for me, you don’t taste like an eight-hundred year old parasitic as…”

  Her last word was cut off by his finger to her lips. He dragged her up his chest so that her face was just inches above his, “We are going to have to do something about that naughty mouth of yours.”

  Ella nodded slowly, her gaze becoming so heated that he had no doubt that the direction
of her thoughts matched his. She questioned anyway, “Do you have any ideas?”

  Nicholas’s gaze dropped to her mouth, eyes flickering black before lifting. He whispered, husky, “A few…” Rolling her and trapping her beneath him, Nicholas smiled over her delighted laughter.

  Ella raised her hand to cup his cheek, eyes suddenly serious with the thought that occurred. Her voice was tinged with a bit of upset, “Nicholas, you gave me your blood our first night…” She frowned, her spirits somewhat dampened, “You mean the feeding of the blood is part of Vampire sex, not just part of being Mated.”

  He shook his head at her and dropped his lips down, kissing at the hollow of her throat. His voice was firm, “No Ella, I said what I meant.”

  She pinched his shoulder. He was distracting her with his tongue tracing over that sensitive area. Her breath was already beginning to quicken, her hips shifting against his. She struggled against her desire, “Our first night…when you were…you fed me…”

  He continued licking, “Instinct Ella. On some level, I had identified you as my Mate, even if consciously I had not yet. I would not have been moved to feed you otherwise… when I was touching you that first night, Ella, pushing you over the edge…do you remember how I pleasured you that night…” Nicholas pressed his hips hard at hers and felt her shiver.

  His eyes had a cocky gleam in them when he lifted them to hers, “I don’t share my blood with every little drunk witch that drags me to her bed, but I needed to see you drink from me when I gave you your pleasure that first time.” He nodded solemnly, to let her know that the last of his words were actually a confession, that he was not toying with her.

  Ella grinned, relief filling her. It was special to her that this was something that was between them alone and she was reeling with the significance of what transpired that first night in light of this new information, “Perhaps they needed to be drunk, so as to tolerate you.”


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