Loving Link

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Loving Link Page 4

by T. D. Hassett

  Madison shook her head and held up the hand with the wipes. "No drugs, buddy. I got a text message that there's been a body piercing emergency backstage and they requested me. I’m needed to slip a ring and a plug through." She quickly flashed him the hand holding the makeshift ring/bobby pin and brought it lower to lie next to the case before he could take too close a look.

  "What? What body-piercing emergency?" Burly asked wide-eyed. His interest was piqued.

  "One of the guys was trying to do his own Prince Albert piercing back there and messed up. He's bleeding out his penis and needs someone with a bit more experience to patch him up.” She paused to shrug her shoulders. “Like, this is so not my idea of a good evening. I'm doing this as a freebie. So you either let me get back there and hook this guy up, or you can go help him with his problem." Maddie tapped her foot as if she was inpatient. Please let him take the bait. The bouncer stared at her incredulously, his mouth left slightly agape.

  "Jesus Christ. What the fuck is wrong with these people? Crazy-ass punks!” He muttered unintelligibly before continuing, “Sticking holes where no needle should ever go. Go on, go. Just don't tell me more about it. I don’t need to know anything about any guy’s dick." Bald and Burly practically shoved Madison into the hallway. She smiled to herself, knowing that men never wanted to talk about painful accidents involving their penis or women's menstrual issues. She threw her props back into her big bag and sashayed down the hall toward the back room. She was actually sorry Darling missed this performance; even she would've gotten a kick out of it. But now that she’d gotten past her first obstacle she had to figure out what the hell she was going to say to Link when she saw him. She jumped at the sudden sound of a guitar being tuned; a roadie was setting up the stage to her left. She gave herself the internal now-or-never shake and grabbed the handle of the door looming before her. She could hear a couple of voices through the thick wood, but wasn’t quite sure what they were saying. She turned the knob and heard a gentle click before pushing open the door. The voices fell silent and three pairs of eyes stared at her. Link was the first to actually speak.

  "Hi, there. Madison, right?" Link asked looking a bit wary.

  "Yeah. Um, you said I should come check out the show. It was great," Madison replied nervously. Maybe this was a huge mistake and she should just cut bait now and go home. His eyes were wide, and he clutched the arms of the couch tightly, appearing almost startled by her arrival. His expression was as hard to read as the Mona Lisa’s.

  "Oh, hey guys, this is Madison. She used to work with my buddy Tommy's wife or something; but…yeah,” Link said, recovering his manners.

  “Yo,” one of the other two guys called out and shrugged his shoulders in question at Link.

  Link shook his head and waved the other guys through the open door. “Go ahead, I’m not into that scene. I’m just gonna hang for a bit and then head out," Link explained as way of both introduction and dismissal.

  She recognized the other two guys from their time on stage a short while ago, but couldn't recall their names. They said good-byes and stumbled past her awkwardly, looking down the corridor as they made their way out of a back door into what was presumably an alley.

  "So you want a beer or something?" Link offered.

  "Yeah, umm, a beer sounds great, but I didn't mean to drive your friends away. Just wanted to tell you, you know, great show." Maddie shrugged. This was awkward. She should just leave; she’d gotten back here and had her chance to ogle him up close. Mission accomplished.

  "No worries. You didn't drive anyone away. They’re heading out to pick up an eight ball and that's not my scene, least not anymore," Link responded with a shrug and a shake of his beautiful head.

  “Mine either.” She paused, a bit nervous. “But I will take you up on that beer.” She knew he had a reputation for groupies and parties but didn't really know how into partying he was. She was all about a few beers and a good time. Other than a few puffs on a joint at a college party one time, she was pretty naive about drugs. Besides, her one experience hadn't been much fun, just left her feeling goofy and dizzy. Cocaine was a way more serious thing, so hearing Link turn it down was a relief.

  "Well, you must have a way with words if you got back here. Jay is pretty good at keeping people out," Link said, motioning her to have a seat by him on the couch. He reached into a cooler and grabbed a Killian's Red, showing her the label for her to inspect. Maddie nodded acceptance and reached for the offered bottle.

  "Not sure who Jay is, I just slipped back here." Shit, I hope I don’t get anyone in trouble. She reached across him again for the bottle opener and flung the cap into a nearby waste can.

  "Oh, Jay's with me. He does security at these things, especially situations where the regular staff might not be enough. He's a pretty no-nonsense guy. But, hey, I'm glad to see you, even if it means he slipped up."

  "Oh, you mean Bald and Burly is with you?"

  Link sputtered and his beer sprayed out. “You call him Bald and Burly? Not to his face, I hope.” He laughed and wiped his mouth on a nearby beverage napkin, recovering himself. "Yeah, Jay's been with me for three years now. This will have to be the first time a girl ever got past him, at least without my say-so," he finished with a good-natured wink and smile.

  That wink was too distracting for any woman’s sensibilities. It took her a moment to get words out. "Well, he was busy with a pretty big group." Maddie hid her anxious smile by taking another sip of beer. "So when did you get into the whole metal thing?" she asked.

  "I like all different types of music, and now that Becket is on break from touring, I get a chance to try different stuff." He sipped again and wiped some moisture from the cold bottle onto his black jeans.

  As the conversation went comfortably on to different types of music, the awkward feeling evaporated. They both dug an eclectic collection of contemporary artists, and Madison was impressed to discover that Link did the music for one of her favorite video games.

  "So, Madison. Where did that name come from?"

  "Gee, Link, funny you should ask about my name," she answered sarcastically before continuing. "Okay, here goes. My mom was a big fan of the movie Splash, and the mermaid in it picks out the name Madison while walking in New York City. It’s kind of corny, but I never could picture myself as a Stephanie or a Karen, so it works. What was your mom's excuse?”

  He laughed at her cheek in making fun of his name right on back. "Touché, Madison, touché. It's not exactly a secret; I just don't make a point of mentioning it much. But for you, I’ll come clean. My real name is Lionel Nicholas Jackowski." He waited with a wry smile for the inevitable response.

  Oh my. That was a horrible name. She could understand why he'd come up with a shortened version for a stage name. "I guess our mothers have some explaining to do to both of us," Maddie commented with a laugh. “So what’s the story behind this tat?” She traced the line of brightly colored ink forming the tale of a dragon. She could tell it was incomplete; the wings were only just lined in and all the scale work needed to be done. His skin felt warm as she ran her fingers across the bulging muscle and ligaments of his forearm and up to the cuff of his short-sleeve T-shirt. He certainly was in great shape. Oh, I wonder if the beast’s head has been inked onto his shoulder or back? Would he pull his shirt up and show me if I asked? Stop it Madison; you’re being an idiot. He caught her wandering hand and held it pressed against his shoulder.

  “It’s a Mesopotamian-era dragon. She represents the hero gods who the people needed to protect them against an unknown and often confusing world. When she’s done, hopefully she’ll protect me. Or so I hope. Do you have any tattoos?”

  “Actually, I’m a tattoo artist at All About Ink, but I…” Maddie stopped. She turned toward the shut door, hearing the MC announce the next band coming onto the stage. The half hour break between bands had already passed. Low bass chords strung over and over again blaring through the amplifiers and vibrating through her body. The reckle
ss guitar rhythms and throaty lyrics identified the next group as a speed metal outfit. Damn. She should get back to Darling.

  "Want to go check these guys out? I think they’re called Rat Core or something." Link asked with a strained nod toward the closed door.

  "Ahh, sure, but I’m not sure Rat Core’s sound is really my scene," Maddie answered. She got up off the couch quickly despite her lack of interest. What she really wanted was to melt into the space alone with Link. Touching him had been sweet torture, but she wouldn't push her luck. She feared staying too long and making a fool of herself. Besides, she should get back out to her friend. Maddie grabbed the door’s handle only to discover it locked. The knob was an entry lockset requiring a key both inside and outside the door.

  "It's stuck or locked." Maddie tossed the words over her shoulder.

  "Let me get it," Link offered as he got off the coach and crossed the few feet to the door. Maddie stepped aside so that he could work the handle only to watch him discern the door was truly locked, step back, and shake his head.

  "Huh, it's locked. One of the roadies must have thought I’d left with the Zombie Punch guys. I guess we’re stuck in here until the band gets off stage. I don't think with the volume out there Jay would hear me pounding on the door." Link returned to the couch and offered Madison another beer.

  Did some god hear my wish? She returned to her seat but declined the offered beer. If she was going to be stuck in here for an unknown length of time she didn’t want to have to pee in a bucket or something from too much beer. Besides, being around Link was intoxicating enough.

  Chapter 12


  Link had been more than surprised by Madison’s appearance in the storage room. He studied her curvy silhouette in the doorway and flushed. Damn, he had jacked off to this girl’s image in the shower the day before and here she was in the flesh. The fantasy of her full mouth taking him in had him hard again, and he had to pause before he could get himself under control and speak. He’d felt stupid catching himself looking for her out in the crowd before. He hadn’t seen her while onstage, although there’d been quite a few girls hovering around the stage area and the lights made seeing beyond a few rows of people near impossible.

  Now they were sitting and talking music, art, and gaming. He even told her a little bit about his microbrewery venture. He felt like he had known her for years.

  Link shifted uncomfortably in his jeans. This little slip of a girl was driving him crazy. He kept thinking about the rising tension of Stravinsky’s “Rite of Spring,” sensing her quickening heartbeat. He could imagine how her sighs of pleasure would build in a similar tempo. The wide-eyed way she was studying the outlines of his tattoo in progress was distracting. Her fingertip gently brushed some of the early fine-line work down his forearm, and it sent a shiver through his body. He’d tried like fuck to break things up. The sound of the next band hitting the stage gave him a chance. He’d offered to take her to check out Rat Core’s performance, but the fucking door was locked. Some employee must have thought the room was empty after the other dudes left and locked up. He was fucked. He wanted to swear off women, and a woman like Madison stroking his skin and gazing at him with huge blue eyes was not helping. He was sick of quick flings with models and attention-seeking party girls, not that this girl seemed the type. But oh, fuck him: she was doing that thing again. Her tongue would slip out and gently stroke her full lower lip before darting back inside her full mouth. He shifted in his seat again.

  He couldn't take it anymore. He’d been avoiding women for the last few months, and he was plain-ass horny for this girl. He brushed a long loose lock of her dark hair to the side of her face and pulled her head closer. His dark eyes searched her clear blue eyes, begging silent permission to proceed. He tipped her chin up and took her lips with his. A warm jolt of electricity went through his body. Before he could think too much about it he deepened the kiss, gently easing his tongue into her warm, sweet depths. She kissed him back eagerly, her tongue stroking over his. The little groan she released had him straining even more in his jeans. She pulled away from him briefly and he sucked in a deep breath of air, trying to clear his befuddled senses. Her eyes studied his face, and she settled in to drop light kisses along his jaw and to his ear. Her warm mouth caressed his pierced lobe and traced a scorching path around his lips. He released a growl, tightened his hold on the back of her head with one arm, and snuck the other one round to cup her full breast. He felt her nipple pebble hard against his palm, but that was just a reassuring tease. He had to get underneath the cloth and feel her skin with his. He took her mouth again in another deep kiss and carefully unbuttoned her blouse. He was clumsy with so many buttons and silently damned each one to hell. Finally he was through them all, and he parted her blouse, breaking the kiss and glancing down to examine his prize.

  "Oh, God," he muttered, new waves of desire shooting through his veins. The hard nipple he’d teasingly cupped a moment ago was straining and peaking just over the black cups of her bra. He used both hands to pull the lacy fabric down a bit more and fondled each nipple; rolling them roughly against his calloused fingers. She threw her head back, her eyes drifting shut, and whimpered.

  Fingers on her skin would not be enough for him now that he’d seen her bounty. Her swollen, rose-colored nipples on high, ripe breasts tempted him as little else ever had. Deft fingers unhooked her front-clasp bra and slid it quickly open letting the straps dangle from her shoulders. He feasted on each perky nipple in turn.

  Link eased her back down onto the couch, supporting her head in his hand as they reclined. He took a break to kiss her mouth again, and she grabbed at the bottom of his T-shirt, hefting it up over his body until it was hooked up on his shoulders. Sensing her need, he pulled the fabric over his shoulders and flung it to the floor like the unwanted garment it had become. Her eyes widened at the sight of his pierced nipples and tribal black tattoos covering most of his chest. She chased the designs and gently tugged on his nipple rings, working a groan out of him. She arched up to take the other nipple in her mouth, licking the tip and ring with her pointy tongue. He ground his denim-encased cock into her sex, contemplating how long it would take to get her out of her jeans. He prayed she would let him; he needed to plant himself deep inside of her more than he needed to take his next breath. What had come over him?

  A few more kisses, another light roll of her swollen nipples, and she was grinding against him in return. She scored her nails gently down his ribs and across his flat stomach to undo the five buttons holding his jeans up. His cock sprung free, and he smiled at the appreciative "oh" she uttered upon taking his length into her slim hand. Her soft fingers stroked his thick length, and he swelled larger than he thought possible.

  If she kept this up, rubbing him and sucking at his pierced nipples, he was going to spend himself in her hand like a teenage boy. He pulled her fingers out of his pants. His skin felt hot and fevered. He kissed her again, quickly undoing her jean button and zipper. She lifted her hips so he could slide her pants on down and off her ankles. Unlike him she wore underwear, lacy black ones that matched her bra. He leaned over her, using his fingertips to gently fondle her creamy skin. She moaned as he traced the line of her panties between her thighs. He lay back down almost on top of her, supporting much of his weight with his elbow. He licked and sucked at the pulse point of her neck.

  "Please, please, Link," she whispered breathlessly.

  "Hush," Link assured her, and then slipped his fingers under her panties to stroke the liquid heat trickling from her pussy. She was soaking wet and creamy for him. His wide fingers stroked through her folds, and he slipped one digit inside her. Her hips bucked at this new invasion, rocking back and forth to try and take in more. She sucked in a full breath of air before letting it hiss out between clenched teeth. Link’s large hand ripped the crotch of wispy fabric. “I hope these weren’t a favorite pair,” he uttered before pushing another finger in and circling her swollen clitoris w
ith his calloused thumb. He was finger fucking her and moving his engorged cock against her thigh. The noises she was making and the way she was clutching at his shoulders was sending him beyond sanity. He had no more sense than an animal in heat. She started to tighten around his fingers. He couldn't help himself anymore. Link shifted his undone jeans lower on his hips and smeared some of her wetness on the head of his dick. He kissed her mouth hard and shifted himself between her legs. Madison gripped his shoulders and arched her hips to rub her heat against him. He pushed aside the ripped, lacy thong and rammed his cock into her tight, wet pussy. She gasped at his intrusion and softened around him. Link stilled to give her body time to adjust and to keep himself from coming too fast. Once settled, he ground his pelvis against her clit, feeling her orgasm build. She was making a loud keening noise as she peaked, biting and sucking his shoulder. The sting of her teeth in his skin made him thrust deeper in her. She was grinding her pelvis and clawing at his back. He arched so he could bend down and take one of her straining nipples into his mouth and sucked hard. “Come for me baby, I wanna feel your pussy melt all over my cock,” he encouraged. He bit her swollen nipple and she moaned, calling out his name in her orgasm.

  “Link, I’m coming, you’re making me come,” she panted. He pushed in again and again wringing every last little contraction out of her until he finally came. He heaved his cock out, still exploding all over her pussy lips.

  He let out a ragged curse. “Holy fuck.” His heart hammered and his breath came in gasps. “I never forget to use a condom. Shit, we better get you cleaned up.” He reached for some beverage napkins on the storage shelf, leaving her warm body. His legs were still encased in his tight jeans, making movement awkward. He started to wipe his come from her body and apologize. “I’m sorry, but don’t worry, I am clean, I just—”

  She hushed him with a delicate finger placed across his lips. “It’s okay, I’m on the pill and clean. Oh, fuck though. I don’t do this kind of thing,” Maddie stuttered.


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