Loving Link

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Loving Link Page 9

by T. D. Hassett

  When Darling had started saying something about her cell phone, her heart soared thinking perhaps Link had called. They'd exchanged a few text messages since the night earlier in the week when they’d crossed paths at the hospital, but everything had been light and casual, which is how she wanted it, wasn't it? His text messages had been flirty but not over the top, mostly stuff about a new band he heard or something he was writing. He’d invited her to a couple of clubs but she’d declined. He hinted about giving her another music lesson, and of course bragged about his high score on Sky Fox. For her part, she'd been texting back how busy the shop was and agreeing to a video game rematch but not just now. She wanted him to keep his distance, right? Yeah, right, Maddie, that’s why your pulse doubled when you thought he’d been the one to call, and you keep ogling the pictures of him at various nighttime hotspots.

  Madison had been shocked seeing him at the hospital. It was like Schneider’s painting of Icarus came alive and appeared at the door, all strong lines and gorgeous man. Once she recovered her brain she’d been terrified that he’d say something in front of Isabel, but he came through with the obvious explanation for their recent encounter. After the men left the room and Isabel's doctor gave the all clear on the baby, her sister began the inquisition. She pinned Madison with her best teacher look and simply said, “Spill it.” Madison explained about the tattoo and doing the detail work for her boss and even mentioned sharing a couple slices of pizza with Link. She waited for the inevitable warnings and groupie stories. But Isabel surprised her, saying how she thought Link was a lot more sensitive and lonely than most people knew. Maddie almost blurted out the rest of the details of what had been going on to her sister, but Isabel let out a chuckle and began an involved story about some movie actress tweeting all kinds of details about her recent night with Link Jacks. Perhaps not the best time to mention her current adventures.

  Madison came out of her room in a black mini dress and high heels. “How about we go out for a couple of hours, flirt, have a drink, and maybe dance?” she asked Darling, enjoying her roommate’s shocked expression.

  “Remember what happened last time you said we should live it up a little bit?” Darling got off the couch and examined her dress, tugging the hemline down an inch. “Damn though, you do look hot in that dress.” She smiled.

  “I know. I guess the idea of staying in just got to me. I feel suffocated. Robert wants me back but I don’t want him, and Link…Link is off limits.” Madison let out a sigh and adjusted her straps to better cover her bra. “So, want to go out for a while? I don’t have to be at work until late tomorrow.”

  Darling threw her hands up in the air and headed to her room.

  “Wear something cute!” Madison called.

  Chapter 25


  Nothing had gone right in the studio, and now he had to head out to a club and put in an appearance. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with people, but his manager was meeting him and dragging some other celebrities there. He would have a couple of beers, make sure he looked happy and high, and then head home. Enough was enough. His shares in the nightclubs had really just been a way to have a busy place to test market his beer brand and double as a business loss. Who would have thought old Mickey, his partner, would have been able to turn a profit on yet another trendy meat market?

  It was just before ten and Hell on Earth was already hopping busy. Jay kept the lines of people waiting to get in at arm’s length and the bouncer lifted the rope to let them slip in. He went to the back corner table set up on a small stage and kept roped off. The red velvet side curtains made it feel as if one was sitting right at the mouth of hell itself. The décor always amused Link: black leather chairs decorated with dull spikes, and mock torches that lit the room, albeit not much. It was a dark and sensuous place that rotated between live bands and thumping dance music.

  His table was packed tonight. Bethany, his manager, was there with Rangey Dog, a guitarist from an older rock band; Susie Sweet, bad girl movie star; and Peyton, the latest bleached blonde “it girl” of the modeling world. He didn’t know the rest of the group. Tonight they all looked like vampires waiting to suck his soul out of him.

  He joined the table and an assigned waiter took his beer order, reappearing frighteningly fast. Link gave his greetings and let the conversation resume around him. He nodded here and there, perfecting the look of a predator despite his ennui.

  Peyton was doing her best to keep brushing her hands against his thigh, her breasts against his arm. Each time he would languidly remove her offending body parts and gaze back out to the nightclub. He really hoped she’d move her attention to Rangey Dog or one of the other guys. The more she drank, the more annoying her ploys became. He needed to get away from Peyton before he pushed her right out of her chair. If she got any bolder he was going to have to leave. She’d already tried dropping her napkin onto his lap and fetching it with her teeth. The table at large had thought her stunt great fun, but it left Link pissed off. Her blood red nails raked against his bicep as he got up to use the men’s room.

  Jay followed him through the club and kept people back. Link didn’t like to use public restrooms at clubs because overzealous fans often tried to sell or give him drugs in bathrooms. He just didn’t need that shit. Thankfully, Jay was good at discouraging urinal visitors. He welcomed the space and comparative silence of the tiled room. He checked his phone, hoping for some witty comeback to the text he’d sent Madison earlier. Nothing but a voice mail from his dad nagging him about music. Damn it.

  Link splashed some water on his face and braced himself to go back out to his table. He’d buy his table another round and head out before he said something unforgivable to that blonde model-turned-octopus. He patted his face dry with a towel, straightened the hoop running through his eyebrow, and let the Link Jacks mask fall back in place.

  Link shoved open the door, ready to make a beeline to his table, only to stop dead in his tracks just outside the door. She was there, standing at the main bar with a small group. It looked like she and another girl were trying to order drinks, and a small pack of guys were chatting them up. What the hell was Madison doing here? Maybe she was looking for him? He pushed the hopeful thought aside.

  He walked over, working hard not to scowl. She was wearing some sort of small black napkin posing as a dress; it barely covered her butt. If she sneezed, her tits were certain to pop out. Link cracked his knuckles and pushed himself boldly between Madison and the dickhead who was talking to her. How dare he look at her like that; the man was practically wiping the drool from his spray-tanned face. “So, Madison, what brings you here?” His voice was smooth as velvet.

  “Oh, hey Link. Darling and I decided to get out and do some dancing, you know, fun stuff. What about you?” Madison answered cheerfully, smiling as if she couldn’t see the storm clouds in his dark eyes.

  He turned around briefly to glare at the man behind him, eyeing his sandy-colored hair with disdain. “Who’d you come here with?” he bit out, returning his attention to Madison.

  “Oh, Link, you’ve never met my roommate, Darling. Darling, this is Link.” She indicated the blonde girl next to her whose eyes were flashing back and forth between him and Madison.

  He gave her friend a polite nod of greeting, not wanting to be distracted. Didn’t Maddie know she looked like easy pickings with all that exposed skin and those bright blue eyes? It was doubtful Mr. Spray Tan was inquiring about her tattoo skills or her knowledge of the classical art world.

  “Madison, you shouldn’t be here. This place isn’t for you.” He crossed his arms over his chest and waited. She really needed to get out of here before the wrong man tried to pick her up. The wrong man being any man other than me. He pushed the errant thought away.

  Spray Tan man behind him skittered forward to stand by Madison. “So your name’s Madison? That’s such a pretty name. How about I buy you a drink and we can—” The man was cut off by Peyton’s overly bright arrival.
  “Link baby, what’s taking you so long? I ordered oysters for the table and wanted to share them with you.” Peyton purred her words, clinging to his arm. She rocked a bit, tipsy on her stiletto heels.

  Madison snickered and rolled her eyes. “I think this might be the perfect place for me. So many friendly people to meet.” She turned and whispered something to her girlfriend and then took the arm of the stranger. “I’d love a drink. Why don’t we try and get a table upstairs?” They walked away from the crowded bar and spoke to the upstairs hostess. Link wanted to grab her and drag her away from that guy and his lust-filled eyes. Shit.

  Link helped Peyton back to the table. She was either really drunk or faking it so she’d have an excuse to lean into him and act foolish. He dropped her in her chair and told everyone else that their drinks and food would be on him for the night, but he had to go. Bethany tried to talk him into staying, but he looked over at Peyton and then back to her and shook his head. For once his overbearing manager shut up and sat down. Even Peyton kept quiet. Maybe the lasers he was mentally shooting out his eyes worked a little bit.

  Link made his way to the manager’s office, Jay following tight on his heels. “Mickey, I need a favor,” he said, walking right into the tiny cluttered room.

  The club manger, Mickey Randolph, jerked his bald head in response, startled by the unexpected intrusion.

  “Link, buddy, whatcha need?” he enthused, hopping up to shake Link’s hand.

  “I just need to get a guy outta here.” Link pointed to Mr. Spray Tan on one of the security monitors suspended on the office wall.

  “Why, what’s he doing? He selling drugs or something?” Mickey shook a smoke free from his pack and lit up.

  “Nope, he just needs to go. Tell him his ID looks fake or that his credit card was declined, whatever. Just get him out for me. I’d consider it a huge personal…” Link watched Mickey through the haze of smoke.

  “Okay, Link, anything for you buddy.” Mickey nodded and walked Link out the door patting his arm like he was offering reassurance. “You want the guy gone, he’s gone, but…you know, normally we want to keep the customers here.”

  “Thanks man, I’ll owe you one. By the way, comp everything for my table tonight, I’m outta here.” Link peaked at Madison on the monitor one more time, shook his head, and joined up with Jay to leave.

  Chapter 26


  Sasha shifted in her seat and slowly crossed and uncrossed her long legs in hopes of attracting Jimmy Snow’s gaze to her crotch. She was pulling her best “Basic Instinct” maneuver in hopes the television producer got a quick glimpse of her shaved snatch. So far he’d been all business and cool courtesy in his position at the head of the conference table just to her right.

  Jimmy Snow was a cable television producer. He was older, a heavy-set man with jowls like a bulldog and a bad comb-over. He wore a cheap wedding band and an expensive watch. She’d pulled her chair away from the table and swiveled it to the side as a preface to her show.

  It had been hard enough to shake Francisco’s clinging presence and come to this meeting on time. She’d hold off on completely dropping him for now. Just in case. He hadn’t wanted to be brushed aside, but he’d outlasted his usefulness. Besides, she didn’t want to leave any opportunity untried.

  Sasha knew that men wanted to fuck her; she’d known that since she was twelve and her father started coming into her bed and making her feel so special. He loved her more than her frumpy mother; she was the only one who offered him the comfort he needed. He would tell her exactly how to make him feel better. It was a little painful, but worth it to have him tell her how pretty she was, and how the whole world would fall at her feet.

  And for a while, the world did fall at her feet. She wanted that feeling again, to be desired by men and women, to be treated like a superstar again. Restaurant owners comp’ing her bill just to have her pictured in their establishment; designers making her free clothes and begging her to be seen in their frocks. She’d had a small taste of all that when she’d been a supermodel married to a rock star, but that had faded bit by bit after her divorce and subsequent legal troubles. But she was on her way back.

  Jimmy Snow wouldn’t have taken her calls two days ago, but now that she had delivered the sex tape of all sex tapes he was all ears to her future plans. If this meeting went as planned she’d soon dump Francisco. He wasn’t useful anymore, not unless she wanted to be in a bunch of campy porn movies shot by his loser friends. She had bigger things in mind, and Jimmy could help her with them all.

  “So, Mr. Snow,” Sasha purred.

  “Please, call me Jimmy,” Mr. Snow smoothly interjected, placing his thick hand on top of her knee and patting it in a fatherly fashion.

  “Certainly, Jimmy. What do you think about us spending some more time together planning our next move? I mean, I think that Link Jack’s celebrity tape was only the beginning, and I’ve proved myself very capable with it.” Sasha put her hand on his and slid it halfway up her thigh. She knew by the tenting in his pants that his hand on her knee had not been so innocent.

  “I’d love to spend more time working with you, Sasha. I’m certain we can come to a mutually beneficial arrangement.” Jimmy slipped his hand under her miniskirt and poked at the bare lips of her pussy.

  Sasha knew the drill on this routine and played her part as expected. She leaned back in the leather chair and parted her legs for his ministrations. As he poked his pudgy fingers in her pussy she let her head fall back farther and released a low moan. She would keep it realistic and not go all porn-star screamer on him. The trick to handling the Mr. Snow’s of the world was to convince them that you liked what they were doing to you despite it being coerced. Sort of like a hooker who’s able to convince the client he’s such a good lover that she’d give him a free fuck, except “Oh darn, if I don’t bring back the money my pimp will beat me.” Too much acting ruins the illusion. She’d keep her volume under control, start rubbing her nipples through her blouse and contract her cunt enough to convince him his lame finger fucking had gotten her off. By then he’d be so hot for her that a few pumps on his middle-aged prick would have him calling her a goddess and offering up the contract she coveted. If you wanted fame in this world you had to be willing to go Jersey Shore all the way. If only she’d had a little more coke before heading into this meeting, the whole thing would have been easier.

  Chapter 27


  It was after eleven o'clock and Madison just wanted to listen to some music and read for a while, to decompress after a tough day at work. Last night’s disaster at Hell on Earth was still fresh in her mind. She’d been enjoying her night out until Link walked up. He was just so masculine and hot, totally the rock star with sizzling eyes and cocky half smile. He clearly hadn’t wanted her to be at the club, and his drunken date was obviously the reason why.

  Madison had immediately recognized the model Link had draped around him and was disgusted with herself for ever crushing on him. Men like him might talk a good game, but in the end they would always chase the next shiny new plaything and leave you all alone. Lucky for her there was a cute guy willing to buy her a drink and let her make a dignified exit. She was clinging to her pride with grasping fingers, trying to walk away from Link and his floosy without betraying her feelings.

  The guy offering her a drink had seemed nice enough, but a flustered hostess showed up at their table with a bouncer in tow and tossed him out, claiming he was using a stolen credit card. After some embarrassed parting words he bolted out the door, and Madison found Darling and decided to just call it a night. Her heart wasn’t in to dancing anymore, and she certainly didn’t want to hang out and watch Link with a model draped over him all night.

  Damn it, she needed to stop thinking about Link and go to bed. She had just pulled back the covers when Darling called frantically from the other room, "Madd! Maddie, get in here, you're on TV."

  "Ha ha. Don't tell me that horr
ible tampon commercial with the actress that looks like me is on again. Once was funny, every time it comes on is annoying," Maddie called back.

  "No Maddie, I'm serious. Hollywood Wire is showing a slightly blurry video of you and Link Jacks getting it on."

  Maddie stumbled into the living room fully expecting this to be one of Darling’s little pranks, but it wasn't a joke this time. There on the big-screen TV was footage of her with her head tipped back against the wall, fingernails dug into Link’s neck, and him obviously thrusting into her. One of his hands held her hips. It was definitely the storeroom of The Mission. The network had blurred out her breasts and his ass, however it was still obvious what they were doing.

  The entertainment-show host sat behind a flashy desk and made a quip about the tape.

  The TV reporter began his patter, “Link Jacks is once again back in the news for his bad-boy ways, only this time he’s upped the ante. Guess he’s no longer satisfied being seen hooking up with every party girl on the New York club scene, now he’s filming his adventures for his fans. Hollywood Wire received exclusive tape of Link doing the deed with none other than his Becket bandmate, Thomas Morgan’s sister-in-law, Madison Clark. Viewers would be well advised that this is hot stuff.”

  The male news anchor commented, making ribald jokes about Link’s fingers strumming more than guitar strings at the famous Mission nightclub. The story further mentioned that she was employed at All About Ink tattoo studio in Times Square.

  Maddie gaped open mouthed at the TV wondering how this could be happening to her. How could somebody have gotten video when they’d been locked in the room alone together? She crumbled down to the couch next to Darling and dropped her head into her hands. She was Phryne from Gerome’s painting come to life, judged naked before the masses.


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