Coyote America

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Coyote America Page 29

by Dan Flores

  Predatory Animal and Rodent Control (PARC), 124, 138, 156, 161

  budget, 147

  pressure on, 142

  problem-solving abilities, 18

  Progressive Era, 98

  Project Coyote, 178–180, 182–185, 189

  public domain policies, 89–90

  public-lands system, 118

  Grinnell, J., on, 120

  Pueblo Gods and Myths (Tyler), 28

  Pueblos, 44

  coyote rock art, 50

  Puff (gray wolf), 131

  rabies, 191

  Rabon, David, 224

  Ragged Tail (gray wolf), 131

  Rags (gray wolf), 113

  Reagan, Ronald, 170–171

  Red Mars (Robinson), 245

  red wolf, 214, 219–220

  captive breeding program, 222

  Fish and Wildlife Service on extinction of, 222–223

  genome of, 217–218

  hybridization with coyotes, 214, 219–222, 224–225

  Nowak on, 215, 221

  range of, 216

  recovery, 216–217

  Wang on, 217

  Wayne on, 214, 217–218, 226

  See also Canis rufus; wolves

  Red Wolf Recovery Program, 222, 224–225

  Redington, Paul, 124

  religions, 27, 42

  See also Coyotism

  Rick Creek coyote, 114

  See also coyotes

  Riley, Seth, 193

  Robinson, Kim Stanley, 244–245

  Rocky Mountain National Park, 148

  Roosevelt, Teddy, 90–91, 118

  Roughing It (Twain), 76–77, 117, 140, 151, 238

  Russell, Osborne, 49, 139

  Ruxton, George Frederick, 72

  on coyote pelts, 85

  on Indians and coyotes, 73

  on mountain men name for coyotes, 73

  Sabin, Edwin, 78

  Salish, 25, 37

  A Sand County Almanac (Leopold), 154–155, 165

  Santa Fe National Forest, 94

  sarcoptic mange, 205

  among wolves in Yellowstone, 131

  as coyote control in Glacier, 100

  Montana introduction of, 88

  Say, Thomas, 61, 65

  on C. latrans, 58–60

  on fission-fusion, 59

  journal entries of, 59–60

  trapping techniques of, 198

  Woodhouse and, 66–68

  Schlickeisen, Rodger, 179

  science, federal policy and, 116

  scientists, as public relations failures, 144

  selfish gene hypothesis, 39

  Seton, Ernest Thompson, 51, 92, 103, 116, 179

  on coyotes, 104

  sexual fitness, 39


  coyotes and, 143

  declining numbers of in America, 173


  on coyote control, 102, 142–143

  on coyotes, 87

  Wildlife Services and, 173, 179

  Shelford, Victor, 117

  Sierra Club, 116

  Silent Spring (Carson, R.), 156–159

  Silko, Leslie Marmon, 236

  Sitgreaves, Lorenzo, 66

  Smail, Daniel Lord, 40

  Smith, Doug, 133

  accomplishments of, 126

  on coyotes, 107, 126–128

  Snyder, Gary, 235

  on Coyote, 236

  Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 92, 192

  sodium fluoroacetate, 156–157, 170

  approval of, 145

  ban on, 166

  effectiveness of, 146

  overreach of, 161

  See also poison

  Sonoran desert, 4

  species cleansing, 115

  species recognition, 225–226

  sport hunting, 97–98

  standard of living, 155

  sterilization costs, 175–177

  stockmen, 113

  Storer, Tracy, on predators, 121–122

  strychnine, 99, 145–146

  availability of, 88

  ban on, 166

  effectiveness of, 85–86, 98

  production of, 85

  See also poison

  synanthropic species, 193

  Taylor, Edward, 135

  Taylor Grazing Act, 135

  Teller, Henry, 99

  Tenochtitlan, 9–10

  Ten-Year Bill, 109

  Teton Game Reserve, 173

  Texas land ownership history, 147–148

  thallium sulfate

  approval of, 145

  ban on, 166

  effects of, 146

  time release action of, 145–146

  See also poison

  theory of mind, 91–93

  Thoreau, Henry David, on nature, 115

  Three-Toes (gray wolf), 113, 121

  Tisdale, Arthur, 94–95

  “Tito: The Story of the Coyote That Learned How” (Seton), 104

  Toelken, Barre, 49

  totem animals, 19

  Townsend, John Kirk, 63

  trappers, 113

  Travels (Bartram), 214

  Travels in the Interior of North America (Maximilian), 66

  Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, 66

  Trickster Makes This World (Hyde), 28

  Twain, Mark, 20, 51, 117, 151, 238

  on coyotes, 76–78

  Tyler, Hamilton, 28

  Udall, Stewart, 159–160, 162–163

  Ultimate Cause god, 37

  Unaweap (gray wolf), 113

  United States Geological Survey, 90

  urban coyotes, 13–14, 153, 227

  in American cities, 10–11

  in Arizona, 11

  attitude changes toward, 201–202

  Breck on, 203–204

  car accident percentages, 195

  cat-killer legend, 197–198

  in Chicago, 194–195, 202

  colonization mechanisms for, 191–193, 205

  Davis on, 200–201

  in Denver, 11, 203

  diet of, 197–198

  diseases of, 205

  ecology, 2–3

  Gehrt on, 2, 189, 194–195, 202

  Hal (coyote), 12

  hazing, 190

  in Indian America, 10

  individuality in, 194–195

  urban coyotes

  intelligence of, 195

  in Los Angeles, 11, 192–193, 195, 198–201

  in New York City, 11–13, 192

  Otis (coyote), 11–12, 199

  phenomenon of, 8–9

  as population control, 198

  pup survival rates, 197

  as symbols of disorder, 199–200

  territory establishment by, 195–196

  tolerance of, 204

  See also coyote

  Van Valkenburgh, Blaire, 214

  “The Varmint Question” (Leopold), 154

  The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America (Audubon), 75

  The Voice of the Coyote (Dobie), 141

  Walker’s Mammals of the World (Nowak), 216

  Wang, Xiaoming, 30–31, 217

  fossil interpretation by, 32

  on red wolf, 217

  Wasco, 25

  Wayne, Robert, 214, 226

  comparative genetic studies by, 217

  on hybridization dating, 218–219

  on wolf evolution, 225

  Weckel, Mark, 12

  Western coyote, 77

  Whalen, Philip, 236

  Whitehouse, Joseph, 55

  Whitey (gray wolf), 113

  Wichitas, 25

  wild canines, 227

  debates about, 213

  eastward migration of, 219–220

  humans and, 92

  nuanced ideas about, 153

  See also canines

  wild creature appreciation, Yale poll on, 15–16

  Wilderness Act, 162

  Wilderness Society, 142

  Wilson, Edward O., on human nature
, 38–39

  Wilson, Paul, 225–226

  “Winyan-shan Upside-Down” (Sioux), 42–44

  Wisconsin Ice Age, 28, 48

  The Wolf Hunter’s Guide (Corbin), 92


  in Asia, 24

  bounties on, 87–88, 96

  coyotes and, 113–114, 126–130, 133–134, 215

  extirpation of, 6, 36, 88, 101, 125, 127, 162

  Fish and Wildlife taxonomy of, 216

  genetic analysis of, 26–27

  Goldman and, 123, 216

  in 1920s, 114

  observations of, 62

  pursuit of, 114

  sociality of, 36

  Wayne on, 225

  in Yellowstone National Park, 126–130

  See also Canis rufus; Crystal Creek pack; Druid pack; gray wolves; Junction Butte wolf pack; Puff; Ragged Tail; red wolf

  Wolves in Relation to Stock, Game, and the National Forest Reserves (Bailey), 96

  The Wolves of North America (Young, S., and Goldman), 118

  Woodhouse, Samuel Washington

  observations of, 66

  on prairie wolf, 67

  Say and, 66–68

  Woodruff, Israel, 66

  World War II (WWII)

  advanced industrial societies after, 155

  chemical knowledge following, 116, 146, 156

  coyote control during, 145

  DDT and, 158

  Yanas, 45

  Yellowstone Gray Wolf Restoration Project, 126

  Yellowstone National Park, 99–100, 114, 125, 207, 213

  coyotes in, 127–130, 139–140, 148

  predator control in, 100

  wolves in, 126–130

  See also Lamar Valley

  Yellowstone Wolf Project, 126

  Yosemite National Park, 121

  Young, Julie, 172–173, 226

  on coyote control, 174–175

  on individual variation, 177–178

  Young, Stanley, 19, 118, 124

  as coyote hunter, 99

  on gray wolves, 216

  success of, 99

  Yukon River, 5

  Zion National Park, 148




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