Shit Kickers & Stilettos (Heiresses In Aprons)

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Shit Kickers & Stilettos (Heiresses In Aprons) Page 13

by Rita Sawyer

  Rosie looked over at Helks and Gennio, who were discussing the painting in low tones. “They seem to like it.”

  “I’m more concerned about whether or not you like it.”

  “Me?” Why would he care what she thought over the experts he was paying to tell them what they thought?

  “I bought it with you in mind.”

  “Me?” Damn she sounded like a broken record.

  “Well, you and me.”

  “I’m confused. You saw this painting,” She glanced at it again and then back to him. “And it made you think of you and me?”

  “I’ll explain later.” His lopsided grin pissed her off.

  What the heck was up with his new obsession with talking later? “You realize you’re going to have a lot of explaining to do, and don’t think I’m going to let you blow me off.”

  “I won’t. We need to clear up a few things.”

  Mr. Helks came over with the sheaf of papers that Dade had given him. Rosie assumed it was the bill of sale, and certificate of authenticity that Nicolette signed for every painting. There should also be the normal documents that the gallery included. Every piece that they sold, not just Nicolette’s, came with an independent appraisal. They wrote up three copies. One was given to the artist, one went with the buyer, and one stayed in the files at the gallery.

  “Other than the odd price everything seems to be in order. Though you paid five thousand and one dollars my niece and I agree that your insured price should be higher.”

  “Higher?” Rosie asked unable to keep the surprise from her voice.

  “Yes. Of all N.B. Harriet works we’ve appraised and others we are able to compare with this one, this painting holds something more.”

  “Such as?” Rosie was relieved that Dade asked so she didn’t have too, because she would have.

  “While Harriet has a reputation for technically superior work this shows more… feeling than anything I’ve seen to date. I’d recommend, for now, the least amount to insure for would be ten thousand dollars. However I would suggest reevaluating in a year to see if the market has changed.” He handed the papers along with his report to Dade.

  Rosie had to force herself to stay still, when she wanted to run to the phone and call Nicolette. This meeting had gone from confusing to incredibly informing. She listened to Dade and Mr. Helks talk. Within a few minutes the four of them headed for the door. They made their goodbyes and Rosie and Dade were once again left alone.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Dade closed the door and before he could say anything Rosie turned and walked away. He followed her into the living room. In a very rude and unladylike move she dropped into the chair and crossed her arms and legs. Her foot swung in a quick up and down motion, which probably came off as testy, but was more from nerves than anything else. Dade stayed on his feet. She watched him pace back and forth waiting for him to say something.

  He ran his hands through his hair. “You’re angry?”

  “Not angry, maybe a little irritated.” She shrugged.

  “About the painting?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I’m still a little confused about the painting, but I’m irritated about the way our earlier conversation ended.”

  “Okay. I’m going to start with the painting.”

  She never would have taken him for a coward, but she was thinking it now. “Fine.”

  “I’m not a coward.” Had her thoughts been that evident? “I just want to get it out of the way.”

  She gave him a little smirk. “I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.”

  “I’ll take that for now. Anyway I saw the painting and liked it. The more I looked at it something about it made me think of you. I figured we could hang it here somewhere and share it. So I bought it.” He shrugged as if it no longer mattered. “I’ve decided I want you to have it.”

  “Dade, I can’t take it.” She wanted to, but it wouldn’t be right.

  “Well I can’t keep it.” He sounded serious.

  That made no sense since he bought it. “Why not?”

  “Because it’s only going to remind me of you.” She noticed his grimace and frowned.

  She couldn’t help but ask? “And that’s a bad thing.”


  “Dade you’re not making any sense.” At least not to her.

  “When did things get so fucked up?” Dade rubbed the back of his neck.

  “I don’t know. Maybe you should sit down and try to explain it to me.”

  “When things went haywire?” He sounded as confused as she felt.

  She shrugged. “Or why you no longer want the painting.”

  Dade sat down and stared at her for about five heartbeats, before he shot back to his feet. “I just don’t think it would be healthy for me to keep it.”

  “If you’re going to talk in riddles can we go back to our earlier conversation in the kitchen? I might be able to follow that better.”

  “No. We need to talk about the painting then we can get back to that.”

  “You know up until this very moment you had me thinking you were probably the most rational level headed man I ever met. For the past five and half months I thought I finally understood why my uncle had put so much faith in you.” She paused and looked him in the eyes. “Are you having some kind of breakdown?”

  She figured it was possible. Not everyone processed grief in the same way or time frame. Maybe he’d been holding back his emotions and finally snapped.

  “Honey,” His voice took on the rough tone she’d only heard in the bedroom, or on the way there. “If I am it’s all your fault.”

  Rosie got to her feet and jammed her fists on her hips. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “It means with that face and body in those goddamn shoes and that fucking collection of frilly aprons you’re enough to drive any man to the funny farm.”

  She could have chosen to take that as an insult —like she figured he most likely meant it to be— instead she chose to take it as a compliment, since she managed to get him riled up. It was probably good for him to get this all off his chest. The naughty imp side of her that rarely saw the light of day pushed reason out of the way and decided it was okay to see if there was anything else he was holding back.

  “You know, except from you, I’ve never had any complaints about my shoes or aprons.” Of course other than her friends and uncle he was the only person to see that particular fashion statement from her.

  The animalistic growl Dade let out sent a surprising little thrill throughout her whole body. “Rosie now is not the time for games. Please, just say you’ll take the painting.”

  “No.” She delivered her refusal calmly and with a smile.

  “Fine. I’ll toss it in the fire place.” Dade took a step toward the couch where it still sat and Rosie moved right in front of him blocking his path.

  She slapped her hand to his chest and pressed hard enough to keep him from going forward without pushing her. “Why did the picture remind you of me? Be completely honest, because I really want and need to know.”

  “I guess the way she’s standing or something. Or the way her head is tipped toward the sunlight. You do that sometimes.” At Rosie’s laughter he stepped back and her hand fell. “I don’t know why you made me explain if you’re just going to laugh. I never took you for the type to enjoy making someone feel like a fool.”

  “Wait. I’m sorry.” As he started to walk away she grabbed his arm and pulled him to a stop. “Really I’m not trying to make you feel like a fool. It’s just there’s something I need to tell you about the painting.”

  “You don’t like it?” His tone suggested she’d be crazy if that were true.

  “That’s not the problem. I love it.” She needed to explain without giving Nicolette’s secret away.

  “Then what is it?”

  “Me,” she said.

  “What about you?”

  “It is,” She pointed at the painting t
hen herself. “Me.”

  “You.” He walked around her to the couch.

  Dade stood there and stared at the painting. She gave him a few minutes to process what she’d just told him. His eyes widened as he saw it for himself. Then as he turned to her his eye narrowed almost with menacing glint.

  “You posed for this?” There was a distinct tinge of anger in his tone.

  Rosie wasn’t sure why, but she didn’t think he had a reason to be. “Yes.”

  “So you know the artist?”

  “I do.” Hopefully someday she’d be able to explain how.

  “How well?”

  Rosie instantly realized he might not be angry. It could have been jealousy that she’d heard. That would be a damn good sign. She could work with jealousy. A man in that condition was close enough to love that the fall was practically imminent, whether they knew it or not.

  “Very well. We’ve spent a lot of time together.” Rosie smiled when she saw the way his jaw tightened.

  “Then you should definitely have the painting to remind you of that time since you won’t be doing it ever again.”

  It took her a few seconds to come up with an elegant response. “Excuse me?”

  “You won’t be posing again.” Dade straightened his shoulders and looked down at her.

  “What makes you think that?” He might as well learn now that she didn’t cave to intimidation. “If asked I would instantly say yes.”

  “No you won’t.” He tossed out confidently.

  “Really why is that?” She asked pushing him to explain.

  * * * *

  “Because I fucking said so,” he said.

  “Well let me remind you that I don’t have to do as you say.” She had no idea how close he was to proving just how wrong she was.

  Dade decided to take the easiest route. “Unless you want me to hunt down the elusive artist and out him or her you will agree.”

  She sputtered a little then snapped her mouth shut. Her glare told him this wasn’t over yet. Dade hadn’t expected the conversation to go so awry. For about two minutes, before Helks showed up, he’d thought there might have been a damn good chance to salvage and repair their relationship. Giving her the painting was supposed to be a gift to bridge things. His threat to burn it was just that a goddamn threat, but now he was really considering it. No it held too many questions to just destroy something so beautiful.

  How intimately did she know this artist? Were they just friends, or had they slept together? Dade wanted to go with the friend option, but he saw intricacies that the artist picked up on. They had to be really close friends for someone to notice them. He liked being the one to know those details about her. Knowing that someone else had been able to get that close a connection to her really bothered him.

  Did whoever it was also know that she made a cooing noise when she snuggled after mind blowing sex? Hell did they know she liked to cuddle? He needed to not think like that. And he seriously needed to bury the thought so deep it never came out of his mouth.

  Rosie cleared her throat and her toes started tapping. She expected an answer and soon, but the one he wanted to give her was harsh. He knew saying ‘because he fucking said so’ would certainly push her into a confrontational position, but asking her to promise would make him sound weak. Dade decided since he’d already made a bundle of mistakes he might as well go all the way.

  “Do you love me?” He knew his question put her on the spot, but in the end it would be worth it.

  She opened her mouth then closed it and took a visibly deep breath. “I don’t see what that has to do with this.”

  “Damn it, it has everything to do with the whole situation we’ve managed to mire ourselves in. So please answer the question.”

  “You first,” she countered.

  Dade wanted to tell her that of course he loved her, but would she believe him if he said it now? Really wouldn’t it seem a little forced? He groaned realizing he was stalling. Still he was unable to say the words just yet.

  There was only one thing he could do. In a not so smooth move he reached out and wrapped his hand around her wrist. With a tug she squealed and wobbled on her spiked heels. She fell against him and Dade slid his arms around her to keep her from falling and escaping too. He didn’t give her time to get away or realize what he was about to do.

  Dade lowered his head crushing her lips under his. With a stroke of his tongue across her lips she opened for his assault. The kiss was rough and hot. Their tongues invaded and danced around each other. Of all the kisses they’d shared Dade was amazed that this one held so much more emotion and heat that it put all the rest to shame. When he felt that his lungs might burst from lack of air he started to pull back.

  Letting her go was the last thing he wanted to do. Lucky for him Rosie refused to let go, though she did lift her lips from his long enough to take a quick breath. He took her reluctance as a sign she wanted more. His lips went from her mouth to cheek. Dade left a trail of kisses down her neck to the spot where it dipped before her collar bone. He nibbled and she giggled squirming against him.

  Dade wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass him by. He scooped Rosie up into his arms. She flung her arms around his neck and clung to him as he headed for the staircase. If the painting hadn’t been on the couch he would’ve just taken her there, which wouldn’t have been the first time. Dade was glad it was in the way, because he wanted her in his bed where she belonged. He didn’t care how long it took he was going to prove to her that it was the right place for her to be.

  If she didn’t stop nibbling on his earlobe and playing with his hair for just a few seconds the minute it normally took to walk up the steps to his bedroom was going to take ten. He needed to put his mind on the task at hand so he wouldn’t miss a step, which would send them both to the bottom. He wanted to tangle his limbs with hers, but he’d prefer neither of them be broken. That would really put a damper on his plans. He finally hit the top stair and spun toward his room.

  One of her shoes fell to the floor with a clunk. “Grab that.”

  “It’ll be there later.” Dade kept going.

  Instead of arguing —like he expected— she surprised him by laughing and kicking the other one off. She was barely on her feet when she started tugging at his clothes. Dade understood her eagerness and he was thrilled that it matched his own. It was hard but he forced himself to go slower and be a little more gentle than she was. It was torture when all he wanted to do was rip her clothes off. Thankfully there was much for him to remove. One tug of the zipper at her hip and her skirt fell to the floor. The feel of her soft skin pushed him past the limit of his control. Seconds later they were both naked and he was laying her on the bed. Dade followed her down his body covering hers.

  Her hands stroked his back as he eased into her. Dade’s groan was filled with pleasure and torment. The words I love you were on the tip of his tongue, but any man with half a brain knew that the first time you told a woman that shouldn’t be while making love. He wanted to be with her for the rest of his life. Rosie lifted her hips meeting his thrust. In and out of bed they were perfect for each other. Why couldn’t she see that? Dade shut his mind off and focused on making Rosie feel how much he wanted her.

  Every move he made Rosie met or countered with one of her own bringing him deeper. Her hands stroked up his sides, and then she raked her nails down his back. She grabbed his ass and pulled him to her. Normally Dade wouldn’t give up control so easily, but he wanted her satisfied and ready to talk. If she was so worn out that she didn’t have the energy to run that would just be an added bonus.

  Dade ignored Rosie’s whimpers as he withdrew completely from her welcoming heat. He rolled them over stopping with her on top of him. Rosie brought her knees to his hips and pushed herself up so she was straddling him. Dade’s hands were on her hips holding her steady while she got comfortable.

  “Show me how bad you want it.” He yielded control over to her.

smiled as she lifted herself until he was perfectly aligned with her. She lowered herself much too slowly until he was lodged as deep as he could get. Rosie did it a few more times and Dade thought he was going to lose it. Then she settled on his shaft and started to rock her hips. She was a little slow, but Dade bit back a curse as he waited for her to find a rhythm that suited them both. His finger dug into her flesh and Dade had to focus on not marring her delicate skin.

  He slid his hands from her hips up her sides to her breasts. Rosie arched her back pressing her breasts harder into his hands. Dade squeezed her mounds as he ran his thumbs back and forth across her lust hardened nipples. Rosie picked up her speed and moaned. She moved faster and he sensed she was getting closer. He let go of her breasts and brought his hands around her back.

  He clasped them over her shoulders. Dade pulled her down hard as he pushed his hips up. Rosie rocked even faster her hands were braced on his chest and her nails dug into his skin. She screamed his name and collapsed on his chest. Not done yet Dade held her tight and kept pushing into her. As he moved she made a little noise against his neck. She tightened around him as he pushed himself inside her as deep and fast as he could. He let out a satisfying grunt as she moaned his name again and began to tremble. He rolled them onto their sides still holding her. They both laid there panting neither of them able to talk, which Dade figured was a damn good thing.

  Chapter Fourteen

  They had spent most of the afternoon in bed. Every time she tried to get out he pulled her back in and made love to her again. Neither of them had said much unless you counted the moans, grunts, and shouting of each other’s names. Still Rosie wasn’t really in a rush to leave. Lying in his arms she felt content, which was totally at odds with the urge raging through her to jump his bones again. The problem was that she was starting to get a bit hungry.

  “You’re thinking about bolting again.” It wasn’t a question, more like he was reading her mind.


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