Too Close To The Fire/Too Hot To Handle (Montana Men 3)

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Too Close To The Fire/Too Hot To Handle (Montana Men 3) Page 8

by Jaydyn Chelcee

  Dianna turned onto her side away from him and let the tears silently fall. “You are the biggest asshole I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet.”

  “And you’re a spoiled bitch. You wanna be fucked, but you don’t want to shoulder responsibility. You’d throw me to your brothers without a word and walk away. You’d tell them I took advantage of you while you were injured. It’s not going to be like that, Dianna.”

  Dianna sniffed. “You’re wrong.”

  He snorted.

  She wasn’t the one who’d walk away. He would. Anything between them was a recipe for a total disaster. How could he be so ruthless? Leave her wanting like this? How could he taunt her, stuff his dick inside her, then pull it out like he had no feelings at all? Did he have ice water in his veins?

  She curled into a knot of misery and stayed well away from him, on her side of the hut, so the whole two feet spanned between them like a yawning black hole. Dianna swallowed hard. She knew he’d ditched his shorts when he’d turned his back to her, so he was lying there stark naked. She heard his ragged breaths.

  He’d tossed both her thong and her bra aside. There was no way she could locate them in the dark, but at least her skirt offered her a small amount of modesty. She patted the clothes until she found a T-shirt and jerked it on. Like him, she wanted to rip off her clothing. She wondered if it was for the same reasons.

  Dianna sniffed and ignored the heat pulsing between her thighs, the scalding need, the way her skin felt so sensitive she could barely tolerate her clothes. She tried to forget the precious moment of him filling her. The bastard. He’d deliberately worked her into a heated frenzy, then left her wanting. She still felt the solid touch of the thick head of his penis inside her. Felt the inner muscles stretching to accommodate his size.

  How could he have such rigid control?

  Her nether lips felt swollen and sensitive. Her body throbbed, urgent and wild. She clenched her fingers. What she really wanted to do was choke him. Dianna deliberately forced her thoughts to what was happening outside their shelter. She was so ready for it to stop raining. The ice chest was full and spilling over for the time being. Water! Yep. They had more than their share for now. The poorly constructed shelter had held together so far.

  Even though she was dry, the tropical downpour made everything feel damp. She wondered if they were going to survive their first night in the Kimberly, their first night alone, together.

  Even the birds complained. Dianna huffed and wiggled. The gulf between Taylor and her irritated her. She jumped when a cockatoo let out a particularly hair-raising screech. It sounded as if they’d camped in the middle of a freaking zoo! She didn’t think she’d ever heard such loud parrots, cockatiels or so many assorted bird sounds.

  Everything was bigger, louder, and closer. The continuous downpour and noisy squawks deafened. Damn, couldn’t the flippin’ birds find a nest to shelter in somewhere else? The dark grew deeper, murkier. It smothered with its complete denseness. She pressed her hands over her ears and let her tears slide soundlessly down her face. Camping in the rainforest sucked almost as much as liver.

  Suddenly realization punched her in the gut. Her blood chilled. Terror crept through every blood vessel and vein like a slow-moving, slimy snail. She gasped back the horror, but it filled her insides, twisting into something ugly. They weren’t going to survive. How could they?

  Too many unknowns factored into everything, food, shelter, most importantly, water, and treating their cuts and wounds. No antibiotics, except for a half empty tube of antibiotic ointment.

  Earlier, she’d taken a look at the gash on Taylor’s back. It had finally stopped bleeding once he allowed her to clean and stitch it, but it had looked awful, red and swollen. The burn on his chest was an ugly cluster of blisters and broken blisters. She’d used over half of the ointment. He had to feel as miserable as she did, but he’d refused another pain pill when they’d turned in for the night. He was still on his kick about not letting let her take one.

  She must have dozed, because the next thing Dianna knew Taylor was shaking her.

  “Wake up!”

  “I’m awake,” she snapped.

  “Good. Now go back to sleep.”

  “I really, strongly dislike you,” she grouched.

  “Yeah, well, the feeling’s mutual, honey.”

  Dianna huffed and drifted into a deep sleep.

  An hour later, he shook her. “Wake up.”

  “Damn it, Taylor. Leave me alone and let me sleep.”

  “Are you always a grouch when you first wake up?”

  “I am when someone repeatedly disturbs my sleep. Leave me alone.”

  “No can do, sweetheart.”

  Swear to God, he possessed some kind of freaking internal alarm clock. He slept for an hour, woke up just to wake her up, then closed his eyes and fell instantly to sleep.

  She, on the other hand, couldn’t go back to sleep that fast. By the time she did, the hour was up, and Taylor woke her again. He was driving her crazy! She was tired, hungry, and sleep deprived. She needed to pee, and the rain, the damn rain, beat down, beat down, and beat down. Her temper grew shorter every time Taylor shook her awake.

  “Leave me alone!”

  “No. Go to sleep.”

  “I swear to God if you tell me to go sleep just once more, I’ll—”

  “You’ll what?”

  “I’ll wait until you’re good and asleep, and I’ll break your dick!”

  His soft snickers filled the darkness, filled the hut with an intimacy only the two of them shared.

  “Hell, that’s about the only thing I haven’t had broken, princess.”

  Dianna fumed. How could he make a joke about it?

  “Jesus, Dianna.” He dragged her into his arms and settled her head on his chest for the second time that night. “I’m a light sleeper, so keep your hands out of my shorts or else, sweetheart, be ready to say the magic words.”

  “Ha, like you’re wearing them.”

  She heard his grin.

  “I didn’t think you noticed, but since you did, no touching the merchandise. You break, you buy.”

  Like she had an interest in touching his dick again? Never! “Put on your undies.”



  “Just leave it be, Dianna, and it will leave you be.”

  Taylor was snoring in seconds. She slid her arms around his lean waist and closed her eyes.

  “No touching my ass,” he muttered drowsily.

  Dianna fumed. He hadn’t even noticed her breasts were pressed against skin. She was careful to keep her hands above his waist. Taylor grunted and turned onto his side.

  She sighed and spooned against his back. Then the rain came! Worse than before. It beat on their tiny roof like a wild drummer. Her eyes popped open. Dear God, she’d only thought it was raining hard before. Rain-Rain-Rain. An endless deluge.

  She hadn’t known so much water could pour from the sky. It surged on top of the makeshift roof like a waterfall from heaven, beating on the little canopy of plane wings. It sounded like hail beating on an old tin roof.

  Taylor twisted around to face her. “We’re safe in here,” he said gently. He slid his arm around her waist and held her close. “At the risk of getting my dick broken, go to sleep.”

  She laughed and closed her eyes. “My head hurts. Can I—”

  “No, you can’t have one.”

  Chills racked her body. She moaned. Taylor grunted with annoyance. She wiggled closer. He squirmed away.

  “Christ, Dianna, would you keep still and get off me? I’m as far back as I can go.” Irritation threaded his voice.

  “I’m cold.”

  “I’m hot!”

  “How can you be hot? It’s raining.”

  “Hell, I don’t know, honey, maybe I’m hot because you keep rubbing your breasts against my chest, my back, then you crawl into my space and spoon your ass against my crotch.”

  “I do not!
Besides, how can you feel my breasts when according to you I don’t have any?”

  “You don’t, but I have blisters, and you keep rubbing your nipples against them. It hurts. You do have a fine ass though.”

  “You’re such a–a…I can’t even think of a name bad enough to call you!”

  “Yeah, well you’re a worm. A wiggle worm. Come here.”

  He tugged her close, settled his mouth on top of hers and took his time kissing her. Taylor lingered, nibbled, sucked on her bottom lip. He traced his tongue along the rim of her upper lip, and suckled on her lower lip.

  Dianna moaned as he slowly released her. She licked her tongue along his rough jaw, toyed with his hard nipples buried in his chest hair. Taylor turned her gently away from him, hiked up her skirt, nudged her thighs apart, and in an instant, he was there.

  Not inside her, but simply nestled between her legs—and God it felt good. He moved, rubbing his cock along her clit. She clenched her thighs when she felt his arms glide around her waist and his fingers part her throbbing channel. “Open wider for me,” he whispered.

  She felt helpless to do anything except what he commanded. He slid two fingers inside, worked them deeper and rubbed her aching channel. He toyed and teased her clit, and the entire tire, he slid his cock back and forth between her legs. The dragging pressure along her wet channel from his swollen cock made squirm with urgent need.

  Dianna pumped her hips desperately. She moaned and clawed her fingers into his wrist. He thrust his fingers faster and faster, paused to toy with her clit. Dianna screamed with pleasure, bucked harder. Her body shook like a giant oak about to be felled. She shuddered and rode out every aftershock of her orgasm. “Oh, God,” she cried breathlessly.

  Tiny explosions rippled through her again and again until finally she relaxed in his arms. Her breasts rose and fell with each ragged breath she drew.

  “Now then,” he said hoarsely, “go to sleep. If you wiggle again, you get no more warnings. I’ll be inside you, and I won’t leave until I’m good and ready.”

  Dianna stilled. “What about you?” she whispered. “I cou–could…uh, you know, use my hands?” My mouth?

  He didn’t answer. Dianna blew out a long, relieved sigh and relaxed. He’d fallen asleep in that sudden way he had of dropping off. She lay there with her eyes open, her breath lodged in her throat and his cock shoved tight between her thighs. The blunt tip occasionally bumped her inner thigh, as if seeking the path inside her.

  Oh, God, sooner or later, he was going to stop fooling around and take her. She had a feeling she’d welcome him with open arms. She also knew he wasn’t seriously interested in her.

  He’d use her and leave her.

  What was it about this man that ground her pride into dirt? She blinked back the tears that stung her eyelids, and lay there listening to the pounding rain and his soft snores for the rest of the night.

  Chapter Eight

  Love is the answer—but while you’re waiting for the answer sex raises some pretty good questions.

  ~Woody Allen

  North Western Australia

  The Kimberly

  February 8, Sunday

  Taylor opened his eyes and huffed a resigned sound of impatience into the damp, murky darkness surrounding them. Dianna was wrapped around him like a limp kitten—again. He’d never spent such a long, miserable, wonderful night, and it was still at least three hours until dawn.

  Swear to God, if she pressed her lips against his chest, touched her tongue to his nipples or curled her hot fingers around his cock once more, he’d explode in her hand.

  How a female could be so aggressively sexual in her sleep was beyond him. He’d slept with a few women in his time, even took one or two camping as Dianna had accused, but he’d never had a woman who plastered herself like a wet noodle all over him the entire night or one who wouldn’t stop touching him.

  It didn’t matter he’d been the one to initiate the foreplay earlier. He’d done it for her, but damn, he couldn’t take much more of Dianna’s limpet routine. He hurt. His cock was so damn hard it throbbed intermittently between his thighs, a restless beast ready to howl. His balls had surely turned blue by now, they were so freakin’ tight.

  He clenched his teeth. Damn it, his dick just did another tango toward Dianna’s glory hole.

  Hell yes, bop away little fellow! Go ahead, get us in trouble.

  And it did. It headed straight for trouble. It danced, jumped and did its best to penetrate, because it was smarter than he was. It knew what it wanted, knew where heaven’s portal lay.

  Actually, he knew where it lay, and what he wanted, too. He growled low in his throat. “You aren’t getting any until she says Fuck me, without slurring the words and looking half dazed. So settle down and suffer quietly and stop that damn dance!”

  When they first went to bed, Dianna had been as restless as a cat coming into heat. She’d driven him nutty with her constant wiggling and rubbing against his dick. She needed sex. He’d known exactly what was wrong, because he had the same problem.

  Surviving the crash left them with the need to reaffirm they were alive. Besides, the scene was a magnet for sex. Alone together. Steamy rainforest. Intimate sleeping arrangements. Two sexually healthy people. Male. Female. Neither wearing much. Neither had had sex in a long time.

  Who could ask for a better setting?

  Giving her temporary relief had satisfied her enough so she’d fallen asleep, but then he’d lain awake, his cock jabbed between her legs and her sweet ass flush against his balls. He was a glutton for punishment—he hadn’t changed positions all night. Hell, his cock was still crammed between her thighs. Every time it began to soften, she moved, and back it rose, rising like some kind of majestic dragon ready to plunder and burn paradise.

  Jesus, he had to have some relief.

  Gently, he tweaked her nipples until they poked up like little soldiers ready to march. He squeezed her plump breasts. God, he loved her tits. He’d die before he told her that, but they were firm as peaches, nicely rounded, and they filled his palms to perfection. He rubbed his fingertips over her extended nipples. She moaned with pleasure and wiggled her ass against his crotch.

  “Sssh. Don’t move,” he whispered. “Just lie there and let me touch you.”

  God, he wanted inside her so badly. Instead, he kissed her nape, licked the side of her neck and whispered her name. “Dianna. You feel good, sweetheart. I want to gobble you up.”

  “Taylor?” she said in a drowsy voice.


  “Touch me again. Like before?”

  “You mean like this?” He slid a finger inside her, teased her clit with long, soft strokes.

  “Yes,” she said breathlessly. “Like that, only faster. Inside me. Deeper.” She drew a sharp breath. “Yesss! Mmmm. Like that.” Sexually aroused, she moaned. Breathless. Drowsy.

  Taylor worked his hips, rubbing his cock back and forth while he tormented her clit with tender tweaks. He didn’t stop the sweet torment until she climaxed twice. Slowly, he slid his finger nearly out of her, then plunged deeply.

  “I can’t do it again,” she said breathlessly.

  “Do what?” he whispered.


  “I can,” Taylor grunted and started all over again, except this time, he thrust his hips. His cock nudged her hot channel seeking entrance. Once, the tip of his penis penetrated her and he started to back out.

  She grabbed his hand. “No. Stay right there and fuck me like that.”

  “God, honey, I’ll come.”

  “I know,” she whispered.

  He worked his hips, teasing her entrance with shallow penetrations. She groaned and wiggled her hips, trying to take him deeper. Taylor gritted his teeth and pulled out of her.

  “I can’t stay inside you like that.”

  She moaned her disappointment, then screamed her frustration.

  “I’ll take care of you,” he whispered. “Open for me.”

>   Gently, he inserted two fingers inside her. The velvet pull of her inner muscles clamped snug around his fingers. Inside she felt as soft, wet and warm as a freshly baked chocolate cookie. He liked the heat that surrounded his fingers. Her body quivered. His cock jumped like crazy, desperate to be back inside her, even if it was a scant inch. When she screamed her release, Taylor eased out of her, content that he’d pleasured her.

  He would have gone back to sleep again, but she wasn’t having any of it. Dianna crawled on top of him. He didn’t know how he kept his cock out of her with her astride it and him wanting inside her so desperately. She leaned over him. Her curtain of thick, black hair fell around them.

  “My turn,” she whispered and slid her tongue down his throat.

  “No. I’m fine.”

  Dianna ignored him, searching for and capturing his nipples. “You aren’t fine. This isn’t going to be only about my needs, Taylor.”

  She lapped at the hard, flat discs, swiped her tongue around them, nipped gently, then moved down his chest, pausing to nibble at his hard midriff. She kissed the blunt tip of his cock. Slowly, Dianna closed her lips around the smooth head and nibbled. She laved it with her tongue, tormenting it the way he’d tormented her clit.

  Taylor bucked beneath her and groaned. Fine. If she wanted to suck him off, who was he to argue? God knew he needed the release. “Jesus, Dianna. Stop teasing me and do it!”

  His stomach muscles clenched as she glided her tongue up and down the solid length of his shaft. Her fingers fluttered around his balls, and she gently squeezed the spongy sacs.

  He moaned. “You’re killing me, baby.”

  She laughed softly. “I intend to.”

  Dianna laved the tip of his cock with tiny, kittenish licks and nips until he squirmed like something wild and bucked madly. At long last, she settled her mouth hungrily around the broad head and sucked it like it was an all-day sucker.

  Taylor dug his fingers in the bedding, thrust urgently, and let her have her wicked way with him. In seconds, he groaned, thrust hard and erupted like a geyser filled with hot steam.


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