Embraceable You (Irish Hearts Series)

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Embraceable You (Irish Hearts Series) Page 13

by Mary Tate Engels

  "Oh, right," he mumbled. "Whatever."

  "But here," Zoey said, "customers can see our party atmosphere today and better yet, purchase a Heart's Desire pillow with one click."

  The Valentine party ladies "ooooed" and "ahhhhhed" as Zoey posted photos of the Heart's Desire pillows and Venus wearing her lacy attire.

  "Come on ladies, let's have a party so I can post more photos for our customers."

  And so the party began. Zoey posted the Lacy Ladies posing with their lace, giggling and teasing each other. She revealed the winners of each drawing and their prizes, lighthouse paperweights and lobster salt and peppers. And there were those naughty cookies in the shapes of panties and bras.

  While Siena and Zoey conducted the party, no one paid much attention to Claire and George, who had stepped to the side and sipped sangria and munched pretzels. And talked and laughed and had some more sangria. Of course Siena noticed, but pretended she didn't.

  But what she did notice was the computer tally of Heart's Desire pillow orders.

  "OMG, OMG!" Zoey shouted and waved everyone to gather around again. "One hundred seventy-eight – and counting!"

  "Sales?" Siena asked.

  "Yes, we've sold one hundred seventy-eight Heart's Desire pillows! So far."

  "And the party's not even over," Siena said, slowly calculating in her head.

  Claire stepped forward. "It's an Amazing Lace moment. An omen of good things to come."

  "Amazing, indeed." Siena wondered where in hell they were going to get a hundred and seventy-eight Heart's Desire pillows. They had about twenty in the bag on the floor.

  Chapter Twelve

  Zack absorbed Siena's beauty as they sat across the desk from each other in his office. Her eyes were brilliant, her hands expressive. He was so taken with her presence that he could barely hear what she was saying. Or barely comprehend.

  "Bras? Let me get this straight. You think you’re going to open a shop that sells bras and panties in Haven's Point? I don't want to rain on your parade, but think again, Siena."

  She lifted her chin and stood her ground. "Why not? Don’t you think the women here need support? You should have seen the crowd at my shop on Valentine's Day. They're all for it."

  "Um-hum. Support? Oh, that's a good one." He laughed, trying to show her the levity in the moment. It wasn't working. "I don't know. Never heard anything about such a need, from local committees or by public request. No one has claimed that we needed more and better underwear around here."

  "Lacy lingerie. Big difference."

  "The Town Council won't care."

  "That’s because the majority of people who come to your meetings are men. I thought you, of all people, would understand." She sat back and bridged her fingers into an A-frame while she composed her next thoughts.

  He took advantage of the pause and tried to soften the edges of their conversation. "Siena, honey, it's a very good business idea. Just not quite on track with the Haven's Point demographics."

  "Don't 'Siena honey' me. Why in hell am I trying to bargain with the devil? You only understand one thing. Your way."

  Zach took a deep breath and tried to ignore the tightness in his gut. She pushed him to the edge, in every way. But all he could think about when he was around her was getting her into bed. Her eyes, when they flashed anger like that, melted his heart. Every time they made love was transcending. And for the moment, he was having trouble staying on focus.

  "Not true. I care very much for... you and everyone in town."

  "That's so lame. Was that your campaign speech? Time for a change."

  He looked away to gather his thoughts. Maybe he should just go along with her wild notions about a business in town. That would keep her here longer. But, he hated to see her get hurt. Really. He couldn't say that now. It sounded too… lame.

  "Your offer to buy my property sucks," she said simply. "It’s way off base and extremely unfair. I’m making a counter. If I can make this work, make a success of my business, you’ll have to take your lighthouse mall somewhere else. If not, you can buy the property and I’ll – decide if there's anything in Haven's Point for me." Siena crossed her legs with authority and her short cashmere skirt revealed tan tights and long, forever legs and stiletto leather boots – oh God! He felt a little breathless.

  "Hello. Spaceship to earth. Are you there?"

  He took her jabs on the chin without flinching. And he pretended not to notice how devastatingly fabulous she looked. "I’m listening, Siena. I wish I could help you. I'll try, but no promises."

  She narrowed her eyes. "I know where you’re coming from, Zach. You got sidetracked with this big money deal to save the city and God knows Haven’s Point needs something. I understand that you don’t want to lose face in the town by giving in to me. But Zach, I’ll make it, you’ll see. And others will, too. We just need your support."


  "Yes, other small business owners in town." She gestured broadly. "Give them a chance."

  "They’ve had their chances. And here we are, still a town that closes down all winter. And makes no revenue or impact, except for lobstering, which is what has always sustained us. But we've lost our sardines. Our fishing. Our boat-building."

  "Well, now we have other options for the sardines," she said seriously. "There are all these wonderful mermaids, works of art that people will come to see. And buy. We have some unique things to promote. Look at Newport, with L.L. Bean and now a hundred other outlets, including Starbucks have come to town. If we just create more places for people to stay, small hotels and B&B’s and such, we’ll have –"

  "Wait a minute. Slow down. You said you wanted to open a shop that sells bras. Now you're talking way over the top. B&B's and all this other stuff."

  "Not just bras. Panties. Thongs. Nightgowns. Shapewear. All lingerie that's needed for a female population. The bras will be specially fitted so they embrace the individual woman and lift her breasts completely and comfortably. This will help her to look and feel better. And they’ll all be made with love from the Lacy Ladies, with hand-made Irish lace."

  He grinned. "You're slick. Such pride and authority."

  "I am not joking." She folded her arms beneath her ample breasts. "I’m passionate because I know how important a sturdy, fitted bra is. I’ve done my research and I want to be an entrepreneur. This is my very own niche market. They’ll come from miles around to be fitted. And to buy. I just know they will."

  He clinched his jaw and looked away. Then back at her, his caramel eyes hard and penetrating. "You say your specialty bra shop for women will bring money to town and save us from pending disaster? How do you figure that? Women are only half the population."

  She nodded. "That’s a man’s take. My idea is that it’ll draw people in – and the people will save us. Men as well as women. And it may provide incentive for others to open different businesses."

  "No man is going to step inside a bra and panties store."

  "Of course they will. For gifts for their beloveds. Or gift certificates if they're too embarrassed. Then there are the mermaids…"

  "How are the mermaids going to save Haven’s Point? I told you everybody thinks they’re bad luck. It won’t work here. Maybe in a place like Boston." He waved a hand as if to dismiss the historic city.

  "Mermaids are not bad luck." She glared. "Do you honestly believe they are?"

  He leaned back in his chair and pursed his lips. She was pushing. And pushing. Damn it!

  "Well, do you?"

  "I, uh, believe you make your own luck, good or otherwise."

  She smiled with satisfaction. "Ah-ha, we agree on something. Look Zach, I’m making my good luck now, with plans for the mermaids and opportunity for the shapewear. I’m not giving up easily. I’m going to make it work."

  "Why are you doing this, Siena?" He leaned forward and tapped a finger on the desk.

  She shrugged. "I like Haven’s Point. Good vibes. Feels good here. I need this, Zach. I need
this business to be a success for the people, for the women in this town. It'll be good for you, too. You'll see."

  He shifted and propped his elbows on the desk. His voice cut through the air. "Look, Siena, you have no idea where I’m coming from. What I’m doing here in this job and why."

  "Try me. Does it have anything to do with my business?"

  He shook his head. "Let’s just say that I came back to Haven’s Point for my mom. And to prove that I can actually change things around here for the better. That I’m not like my father, the hot-headed drunk, or the troubled kid I used to be, the one who couldn’t wait to leave town. I care for you, Siena, and I want you to do well and stay here. But, I’m not going to let a shop of bras and panties get in my way of success. And as for the mermaids – " He stood abruptly. "Come with me. Just come."

  Siena grabbed her parka and Zach took her hand, leading her out the back door of his office. He revved the motor of his snowmobile and patted the seat behind him. She swung her leg over the vehicle and slid in close to his hips. He tightened his belly when she wrapped her arms around him, low. He thought of her long legs exposed. Of her long legs around him. And he took off, fast.

  Zach gunned the engine. He loved feeling the shape of her along his body. Her breasts pressed against him, her legs following his, her crotch near his ass. They took off in a spray of snow.

  First he drove to the lake’s edge and stopped by the frozen surface, cutting the motor so they could talk. This place held so much emotional baggage for him that it seemed alive with images. Old, desperate images of unhappier times. Youthful images of unsupervised fun when as kids, they played their own wild versions of hockey and other games in the snow. And then, the day Monique almost drowned. How could he explain these events that were so connected to his deepest feelings when he barely acknowledged them to himself? How could Siena possibly understand?

  He had tried, but his comments came out sounding flat, unemotional. Maybe that’s the only way he could deal with them. He pointed to a distant area on the far side of the frozen lake. "Back there is where we used to have lake parties – loud music and smoking and drinking. Remember?"

  "I didn't go. You never took me there."

  "No, I guess I didn’t." He offered no excuse. "That was the Zach who hated everyone and everything. And the one everyone blamed. I was out there drinking my fool head off the afternoon my father died at sea."

  "I remember hearing about it. You didn’t want to talk about it when we . . . hooked up."

  "Still don’t. But I’ll tell you that when I recovered from my well-deserved headache that next day, the guilt drove me crazy. I wasn’t there for him that day. Or for my family."

  "It wasn’t your fault. You were just a kid."

  "Sixteen is old enough. I hated myself, my dad, everybody but . . . but you that summer. Hell, I couldn’t wait to get out of this town. I thought the hockey scholarship was my ticket."

  "You went to Yale, right?"

  "One year. Life was great until the knee injury. And I lost the scholarship. Had to drop out and get a real job. So, this damned frozen lake is significant in my history. Then, the deal with Monique . . ."

  "What happened that day, Zach?"

  "Let's just say I was glad we, my buddies and I, were there. I had help, you know."

  "You must be proud of that. Honestly, I can understand her appreciation. You saved her life. You are a hero. Her hero."

  He shook his head. "We won't even go there. I wasn't the only one pulling her out. Shawn was there. He and I pushed an old kayak out onto the ice and I just happened to be the one who grabbed her first. And Beck, strong as an ox, pulled us all onto dry land. That whole thing about me saving her single-handedly got blown out of proportion." He took Siena's arm. "Let’s go. There's more I want to show you."

  They took off again. Zach gripped the handles with white knuckles. He was filled with the urge to kiss Siena, to drown in her eyes, to feel her hot body next to his. To sink into her. She was his only escape from all these mental demons.

  He had always felt strangely contented around Siena. Maybe it was simply her acceptance of him, just the way he was. No judgment about his family or blame for him. And he still felt that way around her. However, she deserved to know more about him, things he was just discovering and understanding. Like how he felt about making your own luck. What made her ask that?

  Actually, he was amazed that now, with her, he felt something – anything – for the first time in years. He’d been driven to make hockey work for him, to finish college and "make something" of himself. Then came the knee injury. And surgery. And losing his athletic scholarship. And pursuing anything to make money and finish college. And then, constantly pursuing a better job. Making more money.

  He had thought that coming back to Haven’s Point would give him some personal satisfaction, but with the burden of Monique’s rescue, and the weight of the town as mayor, he hadn’t felt anything except heavy responsibility, all of which increased his drive to make something good of all those awful, wasted years.

  He’d hoped to find a nice relationship with Monique, but it had all been forced. Not real. For both of them, although she wouldn’t admit it right now. She wanted more of him than he could offer. And she didn’t satisfy any of his desires, even sexually.

  Only weeks ago, Siena had entered his life and knocked him off balance. She was doing the same thing with the town. Thinking outside the box, throwing them off balance. She was such a fiery spirit, he’d been drawn to her from the beginning, unable or unwilling to resist her when they were young -- and now that they had some years of experience, he found her even more irresistible.

  She was smart and sassy with a giant heap of confidence. He just couldn’t stay away from her, even when a loud voice in his head kept saying she was trouble, that she would upset his well-planned world. But, he would risk it. And that was another strange feeling for him to have. He’d always been so careful and driven by his own stubborn ego. He would not be like his aggressive father or his long-suffering mother. He would take his own stand in the middle.

  Zach drove down by the far side of the bay, beyond the old fish warehouse. The walls of the buildings creaked noisily in the wind and the shutters were long gone. The dock was unstable and unsafe, and a few boards dangled by a nail or two, ready to drop with the next storm. It occurred to him that the structure probably should be torn down, for safety’s sake. He’d have to check on the ownership and get that process going.

  The wrecks of several old fishing boats lay grounded with one side exposed. There was a special one. Wrecks. Relics. Remnants of abandoned lives, he thought.

  He stopped, cut the motor, sat there for a scant moment, wondering if this was the right thing to do or if it would ruin everything between him and Siena. But they were here and he needed her to know, to understand him. So he got off the seat and helped Siena get her footing in the snow. Why had she worn those freakin’ high-heeled boots?

  They walked along the shore and stopped by the oldest, most timeworn wreck. He looked at it for a long time. "That’s my dad’s boat. It washed ashore empty, and we knew we’d lost him because he’d never leave it. Never. And here you can see why so many people won’t accept those damn mermaids as anything but bad." On the bow of the wrecked boat was the faded and chipped carving of a mermaid. Barely visible was the name, Sea Siren.

  Siena wrapped her arms around him and buried her face against his chest. "Oh Zach, I’m so sorry. That he lived his life this way and that you lost him so young. But it wasn’t anyone’s fault. Certainly not yours. And not… the mermaid's."

  "Yeah, I know." His words came slowly, thoughtfully. "He was drunk. Always drunk. That's why I should have been with him. Afterward, we all needed someone to blame. This damned mermaid was right there, guiding him. He was the only fisherman to have a freakin' mermaid on the bow. The men laughed and teased him. It was stupid, like he was defying fate."

  "It wasn't your job to save him. You w
ere just a kid. Let go of it, Zach. He was your father, but he isn’t you. Let him go."

  He shuddered, loving what she said. Loving her. But resisting everything. "Oh God, Siena, I just can’t."

  Chapter Thirteen

  Siena returned home understanding more than ever about this man who had always thrilled and intrigued her. Now there was even more mystique about him. He was trapped by his huge ugly past. It seemed that he had devoted his life to compensating for his father’s sins. But she knew he couldn’t fix the past and it would destroy him if he didn’t let go. She tried to tell him, but he wouldn't listen.

  Zach dropped her off at Amazing Lace saying he had business out of town. He’d see her later. She felt it was another put-off, to avoid further clashing with her.

  "Let's keep it like this, Siena. Just you and me, like always. And don't talk about this again. You can't possibly know what I'm going through."

  "I can try. Do you understand where I'm coming from? My dilemma?"

  "I just don't want you to get hurt. Going against the establishment here is brutal."

  "Is that why you don't?"

  "I see both sides. And how to get things done."

  "For you. But not for me."

  He paused and kissed her lightly on the lips and whispered, "Love," and he was gone, roaring down the road, spraying snow.

  Siena touched her lips. They tingled where he'd kissed her. Actually, her whole body tingled when he'd whispered love. Did he really mean that? Did she?

  After he left, she sat cross-legged on the shop counter, talking to Venus. "I probably don’t have a chance in hell." She paused when the curious cats joined her, probably hoping for more lobster treats. "I just can’t stop now. Zach has to fight his battles and I have mine.

  "Damn it – I want to do this, want to have my own business. I need it. Everyone does, at one point or another. I’ll go down fighting, even without Zach’s support. He didn’t like my little plan. He thinks I’m crazy. It's clear that he won't support salvaging the mermaids. But they’re not the biggest problem. What happened with his father was terrible. And he hasn’t come to terms with it yet. In all these many years. It's still holding him back."


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