Raven's Revenge (The Pleasure Pros Book 2)

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Raven's Revenge (The Pleasure Pros Book 2) Page 4

by M T Stone

  “Ahh, some first class camping. That’s cool.”

  “Yeah, I want to take Hannah to some nice places. We haven’t been able to do much of that up until now. She’s growing up so fast,” she said with a sigh. “I would really like to get her out of this city.”

  “I remember going to Yosemite with my parents when I was a kid. My dad bitched about the high price of gas the whole time. Shit it was about a buck a gallon back then.”

  “Did you guys have a station wagon or something?” She teased.

  “I’m not that fuckin’ old. We did have a Suburban, though, so it was definitely a gas-guzzler. He would shit a brick now days with four dollar gas.”

  “My favorite trip was when my parents took my sister and me to Hawaii when I was a junior in high school. That was really a great time.” She sighed once again.

  “I didn’t even know you had a sister. You’ve always talked like you were an only child.”

  “No, that’s just wishful thinking. I have a sister who is a year older than I am. She’s just like Mom, so we don’t really get along all that well. She married a venture capitalist named Dirk, and they have a huge house on Tiburon,” she said with anguish in her voice.

  “Let me guess; she has the perfect life as a stay at home mom with 2.3 kids and she rubs your face in it every chance she gets.”

  “Nailed it!” She laughed. “Mom told me for years that all I had to do was find a successful guy like Julie did. Well, I took her advice and it didn’t work out so well.”

  “Money isn’t everything. I always thought that I would be happy once I made half of a million dollars a year. But that’s not the key to happiness from what I can tell.”

  “What is the key?”

  “Having someone special to share it with,” I replied honestly. “Without that, it’s really a pretty hollow victory.”

  “Well, at least you have Victoria Love,” she teased. “She seems like a pretty special girl.”

  “You’re hilarious. Tomorrow night I’m going to be with the only one who I find special.”

  “Good answer. I’ve been looking forward to it for weeks.”

  “I thought maybe you had forgotten about it, since you didn’t bring it up.”

  “No. It was just nice to have a normal conversation with you for once,” she replied.

  “I agree. By the way, I’m picking you up at your house tomorrow night at seven. There will be no more drinking and driving home after our shows.”

  “I have to drop Hannah off at Mom’s, though.”

  “That’s fine; we can drop her off together. I’ll drive the Ferrari.”

  “Sweet! That should get her off my back for at least a few days.”

  After hanging up with her, I sat back in my chair reflecting on everything that was going on around me. Through all of the chaos, my crazy schedule, and all of the naked young starlets coming and going, the only thing that made me smile was the thought of Raven. It had been nearly a year since I had taken a woman to level six and I had been looking forward to doing it with her since our very first night together.


  Friday Evening


  “Wow, this is a cool car!” Hannah beamed as she crawled onto my lap.

  “Yes it is, but this is highly illegal,” I told her, as I buckled the seat belt around both of us. Luckily, it was only six blocks through a residential neighborhood to get to Mom’s house.

  “Sorry, I don’t have a more kid friendly car,” Gunner said, giving Hannah a wink.

  “That’s okay, it’s really cool!” She beamed.

  “You’ll have to tell Grandma all about it,” I encouraged her, planting a seed.

  When we arrived at Mom’s house, he positioned the car to give her an unobstructed view of it when she answered the door. He got out and came around to open the door for us. What a gentleman. I felt a tingle as he reached for Hannah’s hand to help her from the car. Nothing is hotter than a gentleman in a classic Armani suit.

  “Hi, Mom, this is Dalton,” I greeted her as soon as she opened the door.

  “Dalton, hi, wow! Is that your car?” She fumbled trying to form a coherent sentence.

  “Yeah, I like to take this one out on weekends,” he replied, making her eyes widen even further.

  “Where are the two of you going?” she asked as she came out of her brief stupor.

  “I’m taking her to Don Giovanni’s out in Napa, then we are planning to visit an up and coming vineyard that some of my colleagues have been raving about.”

  “Oh, that sounds wonderful,” she replied with a hint of jealousy creeping into her tone.

  “If I keep her out too late, would you rather have her pick up Hannah in the morning?” he asked, much to my surprise.

  “Oh, yes, that would be fine. I don’t think I have anything on my calendar.” She squinted, trying to see the calendar on her fridge. “Oh, I’m sure it’s fine. You two have fun!”

  “Thank you, it was a pleasure meeting you Felicia,” he said, impressing her even more.

  “That was amazing, thank you!” I said after we got back into his car. “You totally blew her out of the water. I can’t believe she agreed to keep Hannah overnight, she would’ve never agreed to that if I had asked.”

  “My pleasure,” he said leaning over to kiss me. After a lengthy kiss, I looked back and waved to Mom who was still lingering in the entryway.

  “She’s definitely stunned; she still hasn’t shut the door.” I laughed.

  “She has to realize what an incredible woman you are,” he said, looking truly puzzled.

  “I honestly don’t know what she thinks. She has always been kind of a mystery to me.”

  “If there is anything she doesn’t like about you, it’s probably your strength and independence. I’ll bet your sister is the opposite.”

  “That could be, my sister was always a follower. I’ve often wondered if she’s ever had a thought of her own.” I giggled.

  “Well I like a strong, independent woman.” He gave me a sexy smile and wrapped his hand around my thigh. “I have a similar relationship with my father.”

  “You don’t get along?”

  “No, we never have.” He sighed. “Mom finally explained why a few years ago.”

  “What’s his issue?”

  “Dad was working toward becoming a mathematician when he and Mom got married. When Mom got pregnant unexpectedly, however, he panicked and took a teaching job at the local high school in order to have health benefits. Three years later, my sister came along, and a couple of years after that, my little brother. Dad is still teaching at that same high school nearly thirty-seven years later. Somehow he correlates my birth with his failure to advance in his career,” he explained.

  “Wow, that’s totally unfair! As if you had any control over when you were born.” So he’s almost thirty-seven. Hmm, I would’ve guessed he was closer to my age.

  “I know. I honestly think it provided him with a convenient excuse to take a secure job and avoid any potential failures,” he speculated. “It’s also the reason why I ended up going into finance and investments. I think Dad saw me as his second chance.”

  “So you’re a math genius, too?”

  “I don’t know if I would use the word ‘genius,’ but yeah, I’m pretty good with numbers,” he said, downplaying it. “My real interest, though, was in psychology. I double majored in college.”

  “And you ended up being a porn star?” I teased. I knew that had to be a real area of conflict for him.

  “I’m probably one of the few in the industry who has a Mensa card.” He laughed. “You never know what type of curve life’s going to throw at you.”

  “You can say that again!” I sat back, reflecting on my own set of circumstances.

  By the time we reached the dungeon, it was obvious that our relationship was progressing to a new level. I still had a hard time reconciling the fact that he spent his days working with porn stars, but our relationshi
p was obviously evolving into something more than just a work relationship. After parking the car, he leaned over and gave me one more passionate kiss.

  “That was real,” he said, giving me another tender follow-up kiss. “But now we have to put on a great show for the members. I want you to be defiant, just like you were at the beginning of level five. They eat that shit up.”

  “I’ll give you defiance, you pansy-assed cocksucker,” I tossed back at him.

  “I love it!” He laughed giving me firm slap on my thigh.

  Bring it on Gunner.

  Chapter 5


  I was glad to see that Raven finally seemed to be ready to separate work from her emotions. If she could pull it off, it would be easier for me to do what needed to be done. The members tend to get more and more demanding once things move past level five. She knew that level six would involve intimate sexual contact, but other than that, I hadn’t disclosed any of the details. If we can put together a solid run for the next five shows, I will be released from my contract and life will be good.

  Raven had to start out the show in full rope bondage, so it took several minutes to get her into position before the cameras started to roll. I suspended her from the ceiling with a tie around her mid-section. I then hoisted each of her legs toward the ceiling as well, so they formed a perfect V. The goal was to have her torso level, so next I bound her wrists and tied the other end of each rope to her calves. Once complete, I slowly turned her to check the height.

  “Perfect.” I smiled, admiring the ties I had done.

  “Both ends are perfectly aligned at crotch level?” she asked with a sexy smile.

  “Exactly! You are ready to roll, baby,” I replied, slapping her hard on the ass. “That was just a little attitude adjustment.”

  “I’m going to have to talk to you about the shooting schedule after the show,” Carter said as he walked past us and took his usual spot.

  “Okay,” I replied finding his timing a bit odd. Normally, he wouldn’t bring up something like that when a live show was about to begin.

  “Let’s roll,” Carter yelled when I walked over to the table to pick up a cane. He had noticed that Raven was struggling to get comfortable with the ropes, and wanted the cameraman to film her fidgeting. It was the perfect way to start out the scene.

  “Having trouble getting comfortable?” I asked when I returned to her side.

  “These ropes suck!” She glared. “Could you make them any more annoying?”

  “Oh, I’m sure I could.” I tugged on the two that were attached to her calves causing them to bite into her skin.

  “Ouch! You fucker!” she yelled, with fire in her eyes.

  “Once a sub reaches level six, you would think they would have learned how to talk to their master,” I scolded while shedding my shirt. This is going to be good!

  I paused for a few seconds waiting for her response, but there wasn’t one. Wow, she’s going all-out right from the start.

  “How do you address me, whore?” I demanded, giving her a crack with the cane.

  “Ouch! Fuck!” she yelled, refusing to address me as ‘Sir.’ Nice.

  “I can do this all day,” I said, giving her another crack of the cane on her inner thigh.

  “Ouch! Thank you, Sir,” she finally relented.

  “That’s better, but it took way too long.” I pushed on the side of her head causing her to spin. Then I began to tap her feet with the cane each time her toes passed by.

  “Ouch! Fuck! Ow! Jesus, Sir!” she yelled as I tapped on them using only modest force.

  “Those feet are tender aren’t they?” I asked after grabbing hold of her head to stop her.

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied with a distinct glimmer in her eyes.

  Cool. She’s actually enjoying this. “Do you know what else is tender like that?” I asked, exchanging the cane for a riding crop.

  “Lots of things,” she replied with a subtle smirk.

  “But what is the most tender?” I asked, tapping the crop between the legs.

  “My pussy, Sir?”

  “Ah, very good. You remembered to call it your pussy. I’m going to give you a little credit for that,” I praised her before giving her a whack directly across her pussy lips.

  “Oh fuck!” she screamed. “That really hurts, Sir.”

  “Thank you for addressing me properly.” I gave her another whack in the same exact spot.

  “Thank you, Sir,” she simply groaned the second time.

  “Impressive,” I praised her again before giving her one more good whack.

  “Thank you, Sir,” she replied, this time through clenched teeth.

  “Very good, Raven!” I turned her legs toward me. “Now for a little reward.”

  I leaned forward and slowly ran my tongue along the full length of her red, swollen lips.

  “Oh… thank you, Sir,” she cooed.

  She continued to thank me after each stroke of my tongue. After several strokes, I buried my tongue as deeply inside of her as possible.

  “Oh, Sir, that feels incredible.”

  We are just getting started baby. I spread her lips with my fingers and began to fuck her beautiful pussy with my tongue.

  “Oh fuck, Sir,” she murmured as my dick hardened to the point where it was ready to burst out of my jeans.

  “I need some, too,” I told her before spinning her around and ripping open my fly.

  “Yes, Sir,” she agreed, opening her mouth wide to receive me.

  I grabbed her hair, glad that she no longer wore a wig, and guided her to my throbbing cock. It felt so good to be back inside of her. I rocked her head back and forth, slowly working my dick deeper and deeper down her throat.


  I’m not sure why men are so turned on by the sight of a woman choking on a man’s dick. It’s something that I had seen as a recurring theme on the website, so I took it in stride and even threw in some extra gagging sounds to put on a good show. Gunner gave me a look of concern, so I tried to smile, but that’s not easy to do with a huge cock down your throat.

  After several minutes of oral play, he pulled back and spun me around one more time. He then grabbed hold of the main rope and lowered me to a mat that was on the floor beneath me. What a relief!

  “Thank you, Sir,” I said, truly appreciating the fact that ropes were no longer suspending me.

  “No problem,” he replied, immediately pulling my feet over my head and attaching them to something that looked like a railroad tie.

  He then untied the ropes that had bound my wrists to my calves and tied them down where my feet had been a moment earlier. It wasn’t the most comfortable position, but it sure beat hanging in the air.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this,” he said, kneeling down to kiss me.

  “I think I do, Sir.” I smiled back at him.

  He then picked up a smaller cane than the one he had earlier and began running it across the soles of my feet. Fuck… I can’t believe he is even thinking of doing that.

  “No, Sir,” I pleaded with him.

  “It’s level six, Raven. I can’t continue to go easy on you,” he said right before a stabbing pain shot through my left foot.

  “Ouch! God dammit! Sir!” I shouted, remembering to add ‘Sir’ at the end.

  “Good save.” He laughed before giving me another whack in the same exact spot.

  “Thank you, Sir,” I said this time even though the pain was absolutely excruciating. I began to think about what was going to come next because that little cane really fucking hurt.

  He hit me yet again in that same exact spot. “Thank you, Sir,” I said as calmly as possible. I think it was at that point that he began to realize that I had mentally checked out. He grabbed my foot and began to massage it.

  “Are you still with me?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  It was then that he crouched down between my legs and pushed his swollen head between my parted lips.
Oh fuck, he’s inside of me. My mind instantly converged with the present moment and I looked directly into his eyes.

  “There you are,” he smiled and began to rock his hips just slightly.

  “Oh fuck that feels good, Sir. Thank you, Sir.” After experiencing such searing pain, feeling him inside of me was like absolute heaven. I closed my eyes and savored the moment.


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