Raven's Revenge (The Pleasure Pros Book 2)

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Raven's Revenge (The Pleasure Pros Book 2) Page 11

by M T Stone

  “Please don’t stop, Sir. Please don’t stop.” Her head was thrashing back and forth in frustration. “Don’t stop.”

  “Are you telling me what to do?” I asked, tapping the nipple clamps with the end of the cane.

  “NO, Sir! Ouch!”

  “That’s good, because I’m in control here. You take what I give you,” I said tapping them one last time. “You got it?”

  “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir,” she whimpered.


  My god, he did it again. Just when I thought that my body couldn’t possibly get any more aroused, he switched things up. It was as if my nervous system was being completely overtaxed at both extremes of the pain and pleasure spectrum. I couldn’t imagine how he could possibly increase the intensity any further. Then I felt his rigid cock between my legs. Please fuck me hard, Sir.

  “Thank you, Sir,” I murmured as his firm head squeezed in between my drenched folds.

  The second that he entered me, I felt a shudder through my entire body. He pulled back on my hips in an attempt to hit me just right and slowly began to move back and forth within me. It felt like a fucking slice of heaven had just landed between my thighs. Oh fuck me, Sir.

  In spite of the brutal weights that were still swaying from my nipples, the only thing that I could focus on was his cock and the way it was moving inside of me. It wasn’t the hard, fast fucking that I had been expecting. Instead, there was tenderness in the way he was moving, and it continued to fuel my desire. I tried to arch my back, but I was already as flexed as the restraints would allow. Sensing my plight, Gunner shifted just slightly and began to stroke me harder and deeper. Oh fuck that’s incredible!

  The feeling of his hands gripping my hips, the weights pulling on my nipples, and his full manhood buried deep within me, continued to stoke the raging fire within me. Each stroke was so incredibly pleasurable that I couldn’t help but moan loudly. It no longer mattered whether or not we were on a rooftop or in a public street or floating in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. All that mattered was that the man who had taunted me and teased me for the past several weeks was fucking me in a way that I hadn’t been fucked in years.

  There had been a few tender moments at the end of level six, but this was the fucking that I had been in search of since day one. I felt his hands abandon my hips and resurface on my breasts. My hopes of him removing the weights were dashed as he slipped the nipple clamps between his fingers and squeezed my breasts. Once again, the pain and pleasure had gone to extremes as he delivered stroke after deep stroke, while those damn weights bounced back and forth off his fingers in unison.

  Determined to orgasm before Gunner, I focused solely on the feeling of him surging in and out of me. I specifically honed in on the feeling of fullness he was giving me at the top of each thrust. No one had ever fucked me so deeply and it was a feeling that I had quickly grown to love. I felt my legs giving way, so the restraints began to bite at my wrists. It didn’t matter; the only thing that mattered was that I was about to come all over Gunner’s incredible cock. He groaned deeply as he squeezed my breasts and began to thrust as if he was on the home stretch.

  I have to come first, I thought as I squeezed my pussy muscles as tight as I could. The extra stimulation caused both of us to moan instantly. He thrust deeply just a few more times and at the last possible second, I felt those now familiar floodgates open.

  “I’m coming!” Just as the words left my mouth, Gunner simultaneously pulled both nipple clamps off my breasts. “OUCH! FUCK!”

  The pain of having them pulled off was even more excruciating than having them on. The intensity immediately squelched my orgasm once again. I don’t think he wants me to come. He began rolling my tormented nipples between his fingers while continuing with one powerful stroke after the other. Once again, I could tell we were both building toward a powerful release when I felt him grab hold of the back of my blindfolds.

  With one arm around my waist and the other using the blindfolds like a pair of reins, we were fucking like two wild animals. He was every bit as overcharged as I was. I could hear every moan and jagged breath that emanated from him. I have never been fucked like this in my life, was my final thought as he finally drove me straight into oblivion.

  He yanked my blindfolds off me just as I had my release. I opened my eyes to the eager faces of at least one hundred people who were gathered in front of us. My body convulsed and Gunner joined me in complete and utter orgasm.

  Once again my mind was blown as I realized I had just experienced the greatest orgasm of my life in front of a live audience. As my eyes and mind adjusted to the moment, it was the strangest and most perplexing feeling that I had ever felt. Part of me was absolutely shocked to see all of these people, while another part of me had expected something along those lines.

  I still hadn’t quite come to grips with the idea of people watching my intimate moments on their computer screens, but now they burst into applause right in front of me.

  “That’s a wrap! Thank you everyone,” Carter yelled, signaling the cameraman to cut the recording.

  Chapter 13


  When the scene ended, Raven seemed to be completely overwhelmed by her senses. As if the extremes of pleasure and pain weren’t enough, she had one of her famous squirting orgasms live in front of more than a hundred people. But what happened next was even more unnerving. In fact, it was completely over the line.

  After cutting the scene, Carter removed his mask, which queued everyone else to do the same. I watched the expression on Raven’s face as she saw who had been in attendance.

  “Oh my god, Margaret Henning is here and Chuck Walters,” she whispered while I released her wrist restraints. “Bill Spenser? This is unreal.”

  It was basically a who’s who of area business owners and socialites. “It’s no wonder he uses a non-disclosure agreement,” she added, sounding more coherent than she should’ve been.

  Once his mask came down, it immediately became obvious that Carter was either high or drunk. Maybe both. He grabbed Chuck and pulled him by the arm over to us.

  “Isn’t she amazing?” he slurred, running his hand along her thigh.

  “That was quite a performance ma’am,” Chuck said graciously, reaching out to shake Raven’s hand.

  “Seriously? You don’t know who this is?” Carter taunted. “I know you dealt with her on the…” I cut him short by grabbing his throat.

  “I used to do catering,” Raven quickly interjected. “I served at your daughter, Joan’s, wedding.”

  “Well, you must look different now,” Chuck replied with flushed cheeks. “Otherwise I certainly would’ve remembered you.”

  “She’s one of those late bloomers,” I added, releasing my grip on Carter’s neck.

  “No… picture her with brown hair,” Carter picked up right where he left off.

  “Knock it off.” I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him toward the elevator. “What is wrong with you? She has held up her part of the bargain.”

  “She’s nothing but a dirty whore,” he slurred. “Everyone here should know it.”

  “If you blow her cover, I guarantee you will regret it!” I stood there glaring down at him while blocking his exit.

  “I’m calling that SEC agent and telling him that I made a mistake. It hasn’t been seven years, they can still prosecute,” he threatened, pulling his phone out of his jacket pocket.

  “No, you’re not.” I grabbed the phone from his hand and threw it over the side of the building.

  “You son of a bitch!” He staggered forward as if he was going to hit me.

  “What’s going on over here?” Suzanne yelled, completely startled by how Carter was acting. “You have over a hundred high profile guests and you are acting completely crazy!”

  “I’m sorry.” Carter slumped, looking like a scolded schoolboy.

  “What’s wrong with him?” Raven joined us, now wrapped in a plush robe. “Why is he trying to
ruin everything at this point?”

  “I think he’s losing it,” Suzanne whispered back.

  The minute we turned our backs, Carter sprung right back into action. “Come back tomorrow night everyone! Eight o’clock will be the level ten show with Raven here. Chuck, John… I know you both want to tap that!” He staggered off into the crowd, asking everyone if they wanted a piece of Raven.

  She simply stood there in her robe, trembling and looking mortified.


  If I would have had access to a gun at that moment, I honestly think I would have shot him dead. I watched helplessly as he staggered from one VIP to the next, not sure what he was going to say next. He better not blow my cover. That would be the final blow.

  Tears began to stream down my cheeks as I thought back to all of the pain that I had endured because of that asshole. And for what? All because I wouldn’t sleep with him? It was something that never made any sense to me.

  “What’s wrong with him?” I asked Suzanne. “Why does he still treat me like this after ten fucking years?”

  “Because he’s a sociopath,” she answered flatly. “There is no other explanation for most of the things he has done. He wants what he wants and if you don’t give it to him, he’ll go to any length to hurt you.”

  “I can’t take any more of this. I feel like I’m losing my mind.” I buried my face in my hands.

  “Come with me,” Suzanne said soothingly. “Let’s go talk in my office. You might want to grab your clothes, too, before you lose them.”

  “Yeah, I’m never driving home in one of Gunner’s shirts again.”


  “Tomorrow night is going to be one that you will never forget,” she shared as we entered her office.

  “Are we actually doing level ten tomorrow night, like he said?”

  “We are; however, there is going to be some major twists in Carter’s plan,” she replied. “In fact, I’m going to dub it Raven’s Revenge.”

  “I like the sound of that. How will I get my revenge?”

  “You’ll see tomorrow night.” She smiled. “Gunner, Blade, Sapphire, and J.O will all be part of it. I just have to let everyone know that it’s going down tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, Amber was supposed to have the prime spot tomorrow night.”

  “That was until Carter blew it for her.” She rolled her eyes and smiled. “I’ll let her know that she’s been pre-empted for a week.”

  “What are you two plotting?” Gunner asked, crashing our conversation.

  “I was just telling Raven that tomorrow night will be her chance for revenge.”

  “Damn, I wanted it to be a surprise.” Gunner shook his head with disappointment.

  “I’m just glad that we get to skip the real level nine and ten.” The realization lifted a huge burden off my shoulders. “I would still like to know how I’m getting my revenge, though.”

  “You’re going to improvise, just like you did tonight.” Gunner grinned. “You played me perfectly.”

  “Thanks. I’m going to head home and think about what I want to do to Carter,” I told both of them. “I’ll have to watch a few of Sapphire’s videos for ideas.”

  “You go girl,” Suzanne replied with a definite sparkle in her eye. “I might have to join you and get in a few licks of my own.”

  “I’m staying out of it!” Gunner said decisively.


  Raven had a brand new attitude by the time she left the dungeon that night. It was good to see her feisty side. After she left, Suzanne called Blade and Sapphire into her office to fill them in on what was going down. She left me in charge of getting in touch with Renegade and Sable.

  “I have no idea how to get ahold of Renegade, but I’ll try Sable’s phone.” I stepped out of the room to see if I could reach her. It went directly to voicemail, but at least hers was still working. I left her a detailed message regarding Saturday night and followed up with a text. If either message reached her, they would both be there to get in on the action.

  I returned to the roof to get a little air. I couldn’t help thinking about how messed up Carter had been earlier. It was so out of character for him to show up like that. His business reputation had always meant everything to him, so it was strange that he had made such an ass of himself in front of all of his friends. I glanced over the edge of the building to see if I could spot his phone. Hopefully it landed on the concrete.

  Tomorrow night, all of his friends will learn about Carter’s dirty little secrets, was my last thought as I shut off the lights and got back into the elevator. I knew it would be the end of an era and I felt very thankful.


  I was so excited by the time I got into my car that I literally raced home. I’m free!

  I had never been so glad to be on the path back to a more mundane existence. Thank God I didn’t have to do anything creepy with Carter and his friends. I didn’t even have to do a three way with two guys. Whew… I had the distinct feeling that I had gotten off easy.

  Pulling into my parking spot, I thought about the fact that this would also be the last weekend that I would have to be apart from my little girl. Gunner was right; everything that I focused on is coming together. Amazing! I literally ran up the back stairway to my apartment.

  “Raven!” I heard Tom yell just as I reached my door.

  “Good evening, Thomas,” I replied with my British accent.

  “Oh cut the shit, Jillian, I’m not stupid. I did a little research on Raven St. Claire,” he replied, staggering toward me.

  “Have you been drinking?” I asked. He instantly made me feel uncomfortable.

  “Yeah, so?”

  “I was just wondering because you don’t seem like yourself.” I turned the key to unlock my door.

  “Me? You’re the twisted fuck, Jill. I can’t believe the things you let Gunner do to that sweet little body of yours.”

  “Really? Who are you to judge me?” I could feel my temper flaring.

  “I’m not judging… I want in!” he declared, slamming his hand against my doorframe.

  “What do you mean, ‘you want in’?”

  “I want some of this.” He reached out to grab my ass.

  “If you want some of ‘this,’ you will have to visit the dungeon,” I replied, looking him straight in the eyes.

  He didn’t say a word, but stood there nodding his head, seemingly in agreement. Then contradicted his actions when he said, “I would hate for the world to find out who ‘Raven’ really is.”

  By this time, my adrenaline was really pumping. Within two seconds of his threat, I had him up against the wall by the throat.

  “Don’t you ever threaten me!” I added some emphasis by giving him a sharp knee to the balls. “If you think that hurt, just wait ‘til I tell Gunner and Blade about your threat.”

  “I won’t say a word. I promise.” He pulled away from my grip and gave me a wounded look.

  “You are welcome to come to the dungeon anytime, Tom, but if anyone finds out who I really am, I’m holding you personally responsible. It’s something you will deeply regret,” I said through clenched teeth.

  “I won’t say a word, Jill.” He slinked back toward his door.

  “I’ll let it go…this time. But I’m serious about you not saying anything. You know Gunner and Blade would seriously fuck you up!”

  “I know… not a word,” he replied, ducking into his doorway.

  “Goodnight, Thomas,” I said using my British accent once again.

  After going inside, I fell back against the door. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. A smile crept onto my face as I thought about how his eyes had nearly popped out of his head when I kneed him in the balls.

  I’m back, I thought as I stripped down and stepped into a hot shower. The old ass kicking, ball busting me is finally coming back!

  Chapter 14


  When my phone buzzed at three am, I instinctively knew that it was Reneg
ade. No one else was inconsiderate enough to wake me in the middle of the night, unless it’s an emergency. I pushed the sleep out my eyes and grabbed my phone.

  Renegade: It’s me, but I’m using Sable’s phone.

  Me: Figured that.

  Renegade: I’ve been hiding out in the high desert.

  Me: Why?

  Renegade: He’s got a contract out on me.


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