Pure Elemental (Evelyn Storm Series Book 3)

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Pure Elemental (Evelyn Storm Series Book 3) Page 3

by Tamara White

  ‘OK, don’t freak out, but Dane’s unconscious. He was the first to get to you while you were being taken, and he was stabbed. William has healed him, but he’s still unconscious. We haven’t been able to get him to wake up, and we’re not sure what to do with him when we come get you. When we come to get you, we want to bring all of us, but if Dane’s unconscious we’ll have to leave him behind,’ Ky’s sadness is palpable. I can tell he doesn’t think Dane will wake up.

  I can’t believe this. This is not fair. My father had Dane killed. That’s when I realize he’s no longer my father. If he comes near me, I’ll show him what happens when you mess with my bonded. I thought he was just sad and lonely from missing my mom, but he’s crossed a line. I thought I could get through to him, and maybe stop him from hurting us, but I see now he’s too far gone.

  “Evie, you need to calm down, you’re going to get hurt,” Zach pleads, bringing my focus back to the house shaking around me. I’m so angry. If anything happens to Dane, I’ll hate myself for trusting someone so vile to come into our lives.

  I slow my breathing, and my powers come under control. “Thanks Zach. Sorry but the guys told me Dane was stabbed, and he’s unconscious. They don’t know if he’ll wake up. I didn’t mean to let my powers go,” I say guiltily.

  “Don’t be sorry. Our powers don’t work in here. Your dad must have screwed up if you can use your powers in here,” Zach says, giving me hope. “Maybe you should try the door too? If he screwed up with your powers, maybe you can get out?”

  That’s a great idea in theory, but, even if I can get out, what about Zach and Christian? I can’t leave them here.

  “Ok, but, even if I can get out, I’m not leaving you behind,” I approach the door. I hesitate to open it scared what will happen, but I have to try. As my hand reaches the door handle someone turns it from the outside.

  I back up as my father enters the room, looking around to find me. “Ah, Evelyn, I trust you slept well?”

  “Why are you doing this?” I ask, angry that he’s acting like this.

  “Because, Evelyn, it’s your fault. Everything that has happened is all your fault! Your mother didn’t have to die, all she had to do was hand you over, and she’d be alive today. But no, she sacrificed herself for you. I hate you for that. Your mother was everything to me, and she sacrificed herself for a little brat who thinks she deserves to get happiness. Well, I made a deal in exchange for you. I get your mother back, Zeke gets Alyssa back, and Josie will get Christian back,” he says while I hear Christian gasp from the other side of the room.

  The girl with black hair and dark eyes, that was there when my powers released, is standing behind my father.

  “Josie? It can’t be! You’re dead.”


  My father is not what I expect. I expected someone tall and full of himself, but we look more alike than I care to admit. The only real difference is his build. While I’m lean and muscled from all my training in martial arts, Spencer is built like a pro wrestler. He looks strong enough to break my mother in half, not love her.

  I wait for him to say something, but he just stares at me. I can’t figure out the expression on his face except to know he looks happy. The Creator summons a third chair for him, which he takes and joins us at the table.

  I just stare at him, studying his profile noticing the similarities between the two of us. How could mom ever think William was my father?

  “This is a lot more awkward than I expected, so I’ll just leave you two alone to talk. Besides, I think I hear someone calling me,” the Creator says making excuses to leave.

  I appreciate him giving us the time to speak, rather than hanging around like an old mother hen. There are some things I’d like to know.

  “So, you’re my real dad?” I ask, hoping to kick off a conversation.

  “Yeah, I guess I am. How do you feel about that?” His voice is deeper than my own, but similar enough to frighten me.

  “I’m not sure how I feel. I only just found out my dad isn’t my real father. Then I find out that I have different powers than I thought. Then I was stabbed, and my bonded gets taken from me before I pass out from the pain. Now I’m here meeting you while I wonder what could be happening to my bonded.”

  Is it any wonder I’m angry and confused? This feels like what Evie must have gone through, and if she felt any of this, I’m definitely going to apologize for being harsh. This is the most overwhelmed I’ve felt in my life.

  “I’m sorry. I never wanted you to find out like this. Though if it makes you feel any better I’m terrified to tell your mother. She’s going to be so angry I didn’t come back once I knew you were mine. If your reaction is anything to go by, I may not have nuts when she’s finished with me,” he says smiling softly.

  He must have been close with my mother because he knows exactly what she’s like. She may be soft hearted, but she can rip you a new one if you piss her off. Once she finds out that he’s known and didn’t tell her, she’s going to beat him within an inch of his life. Well, not literally although if she’s mad enough, it’s a possibility.

  “I need to know something. Did you love her? Or did you just hang around until your next mission came up?”

  I know what the Creator said about him having time off and coming back sooner than expected, but it doesn’t make sense. If Evie asked me to leave her alone because she loved one of the others more, I’d question her until I was blue in the face. I also wouldn’t leave so easily. I’d fight to keep us all together.

  He sighs looking down at the table, fiddling with his hands, “Yes, I loved her. I still do, but she loved William more. Barry, Grant, and I were never going to be enough for her when William came along. I thought we would all work, but, when it came down to it, she chose him over us.”

  “Are you kidding me? Do you honestly believe that? My mother loved you. She told me about her bonds when I was younger. I caught her crying over the loss of her bonds many times and she even kept secret photos of all of you in my room so my father wouldn’t find them. She’s devastated. She didn’t choose my dad over you, he gave her an ultimatum. He told her I was his son, and, if she continued the bond with the others, then he would take me when I was born, or they could stay together as a couple and raise me as a family. So, she did what she thought was best for me.

  The only time she was happy was when she was looking through photo albums of you and the others. She tried to pretend it didn’t matter, but I could see the pain she carried with her.” I point at him, “You need to talk to the others and go back to her. Screw what my dad wanted! My mother deserves to be happy.”

  My mother deserves to have a happy life with all of her bonds and if my dad doesn’t want to share, then that’s on him.

  “Really? You’re telling me this whole time I’ve left her alone, she’s been suffering? I watched her once I found out you were mine, and she looked so happy. I didn’t want to make her sad by interfering in her life. Why would she pretend to be happy when she wasn’t? God, I’m such an idiot.”

  “Yeah, man, you are. Guess we’re both alike in that regard. You’ve been pretty stupid,” I sighed, “but at least you haven’t caused your bonded to be taken from you.”

  “What do you mean?” he asks.

  “Well, there was this big secret Raphael had passed on from Destiny. Basically, it was a warning someone was going to betray my bonded, but not who, or why. I was told to keep it to myself or it could change the way things play out, and, in a moment of anger, I not only told everyone, but I blamed Raphael for betraying her. Turns out it was her father that was going to betray her, and now he’s taken her. I was stabbed and couldn’t save her. She’s going to hate me for not saving her.”

  The guilt I feel is consuming me. If it wasn’t for me and my big mouth, maybe she wouldn’t have been taken.

  “So, this isn’t really my area of expertise, but you should stop blaming yourself. My guess is Destiny told you knowing it would come out sooner or l
ater. Destiny is very manipulative. She may have passed the message on to get things to play out the way she wanted. She helps the Creator determine the events that need to happen, but she can only control so much. Free will exists, and without it, the world would just be a big game being controlled by the Creator.

  My guess is she was going to be taken regardless of what you said, but Destiny knew the events that would go into play, and told you what she needed to, to make it go her way.

  She can be a manipulative bitch, so I wouldn’t trust her too much. Just because she works with the Creator doesn’t mean she has the same agenda.”

  You’ve got to be kidding me? Another angel messing with shit? Why can’t we just be left alone?

  “Whoa, that sucks. I thought the Creator controlled all the angels?” I ask, still reeling.

  “No, I don’t control them. I give them missions that better the world, but, as Spencer says, free will still exists. I can guide them on the right path, but if they follow the path of darkness, then there’s nothing I can do but banish them,” the Creator says appearing from thin air. As much as it scares the crap out of me when he does that, it’s so cool!

  “Oh, that’s understandable, I guess. How do you know which ones choose darkness?” I turn to him curiously. It’s only then that I notice the other person with him. Why does he look so familiar? Where do I know him from?

  “Son of a bitch!” I lunge at him. He’s one of the bastards that took Evie. “I’ll kill you!” I begin punching him in the face.

  Spencer hauls me off him, while the Creator lifts him to his feet. What the hell? Why are they treating him as if he’s the victim?

  “What’s wrong with you? He’s the one who helped Max take Evie!” I am infuriated that they’re helping him.

  “If you would wait and hear him out, then you’d find out he’s here to help you. This is Zeke, he used to be an angel, but he’s now fallen. He came to me for advice, and I told him you would be reasonable enough to hear him out,” the Creator looks disappointed, but, you know what, I don’t care. That bastard took Evie!

  “Look, I’m grateful you want to help, but that doesn’t take away from the fact you helped take her in the first place. My bonded is pregnant and needs to take it easy. She’s been kidnapped and is probably stressing herself out trying to escape,” I say, staring at Zeke.

  I’ve calmed down enough that my father has let go of me but I can’t help but pace to contain my anger. I don’t know who to trust anymore. Why bring this guy to me? Why not send him to the others?

  “I’m sorry. But I want to save her,” he seems sincere.

  “Why should I believe you? And if you wanted to save her, why didn’t you just take her back?”

  “Because I can’t take her from the barriers. Only Max can. I want to help her because we have a connection. I think she’s my bonded. Max told me she has multiple bonds already, but I didn’t believe she would be mine.

  I was involved with a human whose soul was taken by a demon. Max approached me with the promise of getting her back. All we had to do was find an elemental powerful enough to trade her soul for. He told me about her, but I didn’t know about the babies, I swear. I didn’t know she was his daughter either. He lied to me. As much as I want to see Alyssa again, I don’t want Evie and her babies to die for her. Alyssa would hate me if she knew that’s how she came back.”

  He looks sad enough about his human girlfriend, but why would he change his mind so suddenly even if she’s his bonded?

  “Why aren’t you as sad about not seeing your human girlfriend?” I ask curious to see whether he lies or not.

  “I’ve agreed to let him see Alyssa in exchange for his help. This way Zeke will get the closure he needs to develop a bond with Evelyn. Zeke deserves to find happiness just as much as you do.”

  The Creator offered him a deal to help? That’s low. Would he still be helping us if the Creator hadn’t let him see his old girlfriend? Or, would he resurrect her despite the fact that he’d have to sacrifice Evie?

  Chapter 3


  Dane’s healed, but he’s still unconscious. William has no idea when, or if, Dane will wake up. Now we can finally freak out.

  Zach’s not at his place, Dane’s unconscious, and Evie’s miles away. Dad has been a pain in my ass since we got the ok that Dane was healed. He thinks that we should focus on Dane first and not Evie. Like hell! We left Dane in the room with William while we talk.

  “Dad, I don’t care what you think, we are not leaving Evie to suffer, while we stay here and look after Dane. If Dane was awake right now, he’d be saying the same thing. And I sure as hell don’t want to be the one to tell him, when he wakes up, that we stuck around instead of getting Evie.”

  “You’re being so unreasonable. I’m not saying we leave her, I’m saying some of us need to stay behind,” he says clearly frustrated.

  Ugh, I can’t believe this.

  “Look, we’ll discuss this after we’ve talked to the others. It’s not up to me to make the decisions for all of us.”

  We run into Mike just as we are heading down the stairs “Hey, we were just coming to find you. Any news?” I ask.

  “Yeah, she’s in the Cleveland Nature Preserve in an old ranger’s cabin but guess what? Christian isn’t the only one there. Zach is too,” he says watching our reactions.

  “Where’s Jimmy?” he asks looking around for him.

  Does he think Jimmy’s involved? Jimmy was the one to tell us Zach had messaged him, but he was also the one to tell us he was missing.

  “I think he went downstairs. Do you think he had something to do with it?” Ky asks, coming down behind me.

  “No, I doubt he was involved. I just figured since Dane’s unconscious we need to have someone to stay with him while we go get Evie,” Mike explains.

  Well, I guess we’re leaving Dane behind then. It makes sense. We can’t take him with us if he’s unconscious, but it would be stupid to leave him here without someone to keep watch over him. But who would watch him?

  “Oh, I guess that’s a good idea, but do we really want to leave him here without one of us? Maybe one of us should stay behind and Jimmy can go with the others? After everything, I just don’t want to leave one of us unattended without one of us protecting him,” Ky says spoiling Mike’s plans.

  He’s right. We can’t leave him alone without one of us watching him. If we did, and something happened while we rescued Evie, she would never forgive us. I Don’t think it’s safe for us to trust anyone other than each other until we get some stuff sorted out.

  “Sorry, dad, but Ky’s right. We can’t trust anyone that isn’t in our bond right now. You can help us but we’re all spent on trust right now.”

  My dad sighs looking between the three of us before giving up and walking away.


  “Ok. You’re right, but who’s going to stay?” Mike asks once Richard’s out of earshot.

  I know I’m right. If we left him alone and something happened to him, Evie would kill us. She may not say it out loud, but her bond with Dane is a lot stronger than ours. Yes, she loves us just as much. But the connection between her and Dane is undeniable.

  “I’ll stay,” I say volunteering myself. Who better to watch him than me? Besides, Zach and Christian can both pick up the slack for Dane and me when they rescue her. They don’t need two Fire elementals there. From what we had heard about Christian, his Fire elements are as strong as my own.

  “Are you sure?” Teddy asks me, while Mike stares at a blank spot on the wall.

  “Of course I’m sure. Who better to protect him then me? My power is probably the strongest and best to protect him. At least while you save Evie,” I’m certain I’m the right choice.

  While I’m thinking about the ways to protect Dane, I feel our bond flare open. Evie’s voice flows into our minds, and a feeling of relief sweeps through all of us.

  I feel so much better knowing Evie’s safe with Zach and Chr
istian. Yes, she’s trapped, but at least she has two of her bonded to protect her. She has gotten so much better at communicating with us telepathically, that she only has to think things before they’re sent to our minds. I only hope Dane knows how lucky he is to have her love. She’s very emotional about Dane. I can’t blame her for feeling his loss when none of us know if he’ll wake up.

  The only time an elemental loses consciousness is when they’ve been drugged, so the fact that he’s healed and still unconscious is not good.


  Thank god she’s safe. I’ve been worried sick since she was taken, and while I saw a vision of her relatively unharmed, it’s not the same as hearing her say she’s ok. She goes silent while processing the news about Dane.

  I feel horrible that we have to tell her at all, but we can’t keep it from her in case she expects him when we come for her. She would be sad and depressed if he didn’t show, which would make it hard for her to concentrate on herself.

  She’s going to need to deal with her father, and it’s going to be hard enough. The last thing she needs is to focus on both Dane and her father. Maybe now that she knows about Dane she might be able to focus on getting herself and the babies out of there safely.

  ‘Evie? Are you still there?’ I ask. She shouldn’t be taking this long to answer us. I wonder what’s going on? I hope she’s safe.

  ‘Hey guys’ so some stuff is happening on this end that has Christian a little spooked. Frankly, Zach and I are having a little trouble comprehending it ourselves.’

  ‘What’s going on?’ Ky and Teddy ask at the same time. It’s kind of comical hearing their voices at the same time.

  ‘I don’t know if you know this, but Christian thought he killed his wife a couple years ago when he blew up his house. Well, his wife is here. She’s the chick who tried to attack me when my powers released. So yeah, Christian’s wife is alive and possessed.’

  Wow. Talk about a shock. Christian must be freaked out.

  What’s he going to do? Is Evie going to get rid of the demon? What will it mean for their bond?


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