Pure Elemental (Evelyn Storm Series Book 3)

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Pure Elemental (Evelyn Storm Series Book 3) Page 18

by Tamara White

  “I want you,” she says between breaths.

  That’s all I need to hear before my hands are roaming all over her body. I caress her breasts knowing how full they will feel but still not prepared for the full effect. She grabs my hand helping me trail it down until I reach her sweet spot when a screech fills my head.

  “What the fuck!” I shout grasping at my head. Evie climbs off the bed and the moment she’s away from me, it stops.

  “Christian, are you ok?” she asks concerned when I hear the sound of running feet.

  Raphael and Spencer burst in with the guys not far behind them.

  They see Evie dishevelled and rush to her while I try to compose myself. What the fuck just happened?

  “OK someone needs to tell me what happened before I put the house on lockdown,” Mike says glaring at me.

  Raphael seems to know something because he kicks everyone out but Evie and I. It takes the others a while and some reassuring from Evie but they do leave us alone in the end. I’m sure they aren’t far away though. They seemed all to curious to know what’s going on. Spencer said he’d keep them away but it’s highly doubtful he could keep them away for long.

  “Ok Christian let me guess what happened. Things got heated between you and Evie then something painful happened to get you to stop. Am I right?”

  “Yeah, how’d you know?” I ask him while Evie watches clearly confused.

  “Before I tell you, you need to tell Evie about what we told you earlier today. It’s relevant to what I’ll tell you,” he says to me.

  I don’t know what the point of this is, but I tell Evie everything that Raphael told me about being a descendant of the Creator. She takes it pretty well considering. Anyone else would be asking millions of questions but Evie just takes it all in her stride.

  “Ok well that’s doesn’t change anything for me but why was it important I know before you tell us what happened?”

  “The thing is, you won’t be able to bond with Christian until your other bonds have been formed. I’m not sure why but the Creator told me this when we were training Dane. The reason Christian was in pain when things got to far was because the Creator can feel when a bond is close to forming. Creepy I know but it’s his way of stopping unnecessary bonds from being formed,” Raphael says finishing his explanation and just leaves us, locking the door behind him.

  “Well, that sucks,” I say sinking into the bed beside Evie.

  I think we’re both pretty shocked by the news but if it’s true it would make sense why she bonded with Zach before me.

  “You know this is probably why a bond formed with Zach so soon. Maybe the Creator is trying to get your bonds formed so we can form our bond?”

  “Or maybe he’s just enjoying using us as puppets!” she says angrily.

  Pulling her into my side, I rub her back soothingly trying to calm her down. I know she’s upset but it makes me feel so much better knowing she cares for me as much as she does.

  “It’ll be ok but I’m sorry I’m descended from the Creator,” I say sighing as if it’s the biggest problem in the world.

  She laughs which is what I wanted. The last thing she needs is more stress. We’ll figure out how to deal with the bond together and even if we don’t form the bond anytime soon, at least we love each other.

  “So if we can’t bond yet, does that change your mind about me? You could probably bond with someone else if you wanted to,” she whispers staring down at the floor.

  I hate that she thinks that’s even an option for me. I couldn’t leave her if I tried.

  “Evie, even if I could bond with someone else, I wouldn’t want to. You mean everything to me. I’ve only had feelings for two girls in my life but only one of them has made me feel so complete.

  That’s you,” I tell her placing a kiss against her head.

  “That’s so sweet. I’m glad you don’t want to leave me. I don’t know if I could handle this without you.

  Do you mind if we I down for a bit? I’m exhausted,” she says yawning wide.

  Shit I should have realized she would be tired after the day she’s had.

  “Sure, come on let’s lay down together. I’ll tell the others we’re going to rest until dinner, just relax,” I tell her laying her back into my arms.

  She has trouble sleeping without one of us now which just makes it that much better for me. Once she’s comfortable and her breathing evens out, I contact the guys to let them know what’s going on.

  Hey so Evie and I are just having a break for a moment. We’ve both got some news about the bond but ask Raphael and he can tell you all about it. For right now, we’re just going to have a quick nap because Evie’s exhausted. Come grab us before dinner.

  I block my mind from the guys hoping they’ll just leave it alone and let us sleep.

  The next thing I know I’m being shaken from my side and open my eyes to see Evie smiling down at me.

  “Hey, sorry to wake you up but dinner’s ready. The guys started freaking out when they couldn’t contact you. Oh and they all know about you now,” she says softly.

  “It’s ok better Raphael tell them than me. I barely understand it all myself. Let’s go get you and those terrors some food. I can feel them kicking me,” I say with a laugh.

  Her babies are kicking in my side and it’s so adorable seeing her blush at their behaviour. You’d think she would be used to how they behave but she acts so embarrassed when they do something amusing.

  “Why do you do that?”

  “What?” she asks clearly confused.

  “Every time one of us says something about the babies, you either get really embarrassed or really defensive. I understand the being defensive when someone talks about your children, well depending on what is being said but you don’t need to be embarrassed.”

  I know I’m being harsh but she shouldn’t treat her children as an embarrassment. My life was horrible growing up being treated as the dirty secret in the family, I definitely don’t want Evie’s children suffering through the same thing.

  “Sorry, it’s just a bit of a sore subject for me,” I say with a sigh.

  “I’m not embarrassed, it’s just still not fully real for me. Eight weeks ago I met the guys and felt an overwhelming need to be with them.

  Now it’s seven weeks later, I’m pregnant and due to give birth anytime over the next three or four weeks. I’m bonded to five guys already with three more waiting and I have no idea what I’m supposed to do.

  I’m apparently some saviour that has to stop the demons from being able to come onto the earth but how do I do that? And how am I meant to raise two children, who may or may not, grow faster than normal?

  Then after the world is saved I still have to deal with juggling a relationship with everyone in my bond, all while being a parent. And now you’re on me for my reactions with the babies?! Well, I’m so fucking sorry!”

  By the end of her rant she has reached the door and walks out slamming it behind her. I have no choice but to follow her and explain what I meant before the others see her so pissed.

  I use the bond to find her and walk into her room. Thankfully luck is on my side and none of the others have felt her anger and frustration yet.

  “Evie, I never meant it like that. I’m sorry if it sounded that way but I would never judge you for your choices.

  Your right that everything has happened so soon and you’re still getting accustomed to the changes so it’s not my place to interfere but you’re not alone.

  You talked about what to do but part of being in a bond means we’re all here to help you through this. I have no idea what will happen for you to send the demons back, or even when it will happen, but I know if you’ve had the babies, then two of us will always be here.

  Then you also have your grandfather here too. He’s do anything for you and if that meant helping with your babies, he’d do that too.

  Please don’t ever doubt us. We’re all here for you, well I’m not sure where Je
remy fits in, but the rest of us will do anything to keep you happy and safe.”

  She sighs slumping on the bed and I feel the fight leave her.


  My hormones are running all over the place and I’m a little scared. I’m angry, frustrated, irritated all at the same time.

  No one trusts Jeremy. I do, Zeke does a little and Christian says he does but I don’t think he does. Their feelings are pretty clear through the bonds and it’s not trust I’m sensing more apprehension.

  There’s so much going on in my life and I’m feeling overwhelmed with everything. I have no idea what I’m supposed to do. Christian’s offering me all the answers I need but it’s not enough. I need to fix the barrier before it’s too late.

  “Where the hell have you two been? We’ve been looking everywhere for you,” Teddy says from the doorway.

  I bottle up my emotions and decide I’ll have to find a way to deal with the barrier another day. I know that we should deal with it together but I don’t think any of them has an idea of what the next step is. How can they help me if they have no idea what to do?

  “Sorry, I got upset and Christian was just comforting me. Let’s go get something to eat, I’m starving,” I say forcing a smile.

  Dinner is a pretty quiet event. Everyone’s lost in their own thoughts including myself. I have a plan to stop the barrier but I need to talk to Zeke and Jeremy first. They’re the only ones that will be able to help with this plan. If the others knew they’d try to stop me or worse lovk me away to keep me safe.

  It’s not a foolproof plan but it’s the only one I’ve got so far. Besides if it doesn’t work then at least I can say I tried.


  Evie and I are supposed to be working on trying to get a vision but she’s been so quiet, that I don’t want to bring it up. Everything that happened between her and Christian has really brought her down. The bond usually has love and joy in it but now it’s defeat.

  Raphael told us all about what he told them. The fact that Evie and Christian can’t bond until all other bonds have been formed must be hard on both of them. I just hope for her sake that no more bonds pop up because it’s hard enough to deal with this many.

  Jeremy though is a different matter. I’m not sure I believe that he’s her bonded, more that it’s an infatuation.

  She probably hasn’t been feeling appreciated with being pregnant and in walks a new hot guy that shows her his undivided attention and bam love at first sight.

  That’s all it is, plain and simple infatuation. She can’t be bonded to eight guys. Or can she? Eight seems like an abnormally large number. The highest number of bonds I’d heard of before now was six. I guess Evie’s bonds are more for power than anything but we all still have feelings for her.

  “Hey Mike, do you still want to try work on getting a vision tonight? I might not be up for too much but I’d still like to try,” Evie says surprising me out of my thoughts.

  I thought she had forgotten all about it but I’m still up for trying.

  “Sure, just let me know when you’re ready. If you get tired and want to stop though, just tell me. I don’t want to make you tired or sick by forcing a vision.”

  Chapter 19


  The good thing about going back to the underworld is I can sleep for days. Time here travels a lot differently to the earth but I’m not complaining. For every hour that goes by on earth, almost 12 hours go by in the underworld.

  The last time I was down here, I was here for five days but had only been gone from earth for about ten hours. Some would say it’s bad but now I can sleep for the next few days. Every time I travel back here, I’m exhausted for days and need to sleep for a couple of days to get my energy back but every time I go back to the earth I’m energized.

  I find my room ready to settle in for the night, doing the best I can to block out the conversation from earlier. My father was none too pleased that I didn’t bring Evelyn back with me.

  I had no choice but to tell him she was at school today because he has spies everywhere and knew she was coming back. I wish I could hide her away from my family but I don’t think that’s possible.

  My father wants her. He believes that if he can control her, she will do what he wants and never repair the barrier.

  From what he’s told me, Evelyn will be able to control when the barrier opens and closes. At the moment, it’s just a small break that allows myself and other demons to get through. It’s also the reason why they can’t break through in corporeal form.

  I stay in my original body because technically I’m not pure demon. If I was, I would need to possess someone on earth to be able to walk around but I’m one of the lucky few. My father however still can’t break through because the barrier is too strong from him. Let’s hope it stays that way.

  If he was to ever get through the barriers, the humans and elementals would die. My father would destroy any one that was in his way or had slighted him in the past.


  What the hell? I look around my room for the source of the noise wondering who would be in here? My father never allows servants in our quarters for fear of his plans being heard.

  “Over here you idiot! Is it all clear?” Zeke whispers from behind my curtain.

  He looks absolutely absurd hiding behind the curtain like in a goddamn cartoon. He did an amazing job though because I didn’t even notice him before I face planted on my bed.

  “Get out of there! What are you doing here? How did you even get here without alerting my father?”

  He waltzes from behind the curtain as if he belongs here and it drives me insane. If I’m caught with a fallen angel in my room, who knows what my father will do to me?

  “I followed you,” he states dropping into the chair by the bed.

  “Do you know what will happen if my father senses your presence? Or what he’ll do to me? Well I don’t want to find out so you need to leave,” I say getting up and sneaking a look into the hall. My father sometimes sends the servants to spy on me and I wouldn’t put it past him to get them to eavesdrop on me to see if I was talking to anyone. It didn’t help with how defiant I was at dinner over bringing Evie here. He’s probably extremely suspicious of my behaviour now.

  “Whoa! I’ll leave in two minutes, I just want you know. Why didn’t you tell me the truth?

  I thought we were friends and then I find you, holding a knife at her throat. You slit her throat and left her to die! I was in shock and I tried to save her but she died instantly. Why didn’t you tell me before you killed her? I could’ve helped,” he asks demanding answers that I can’t give him.

  Truth was Alyssa asked for my help and she requested I not tell him. She already felt weak not being able to control the demon, that she didn’t want Zeke to feel sorry for her.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you but I couldn’t. Alyssa asked me not to and I had to respect her wishes. You may have loved her but she was my sister. I barely knew her but I wanted to do what was right by her. And even if I had of told you, what would you have done? Would you have stopped her from killing herself and let her keep killing humans? Because that’s what would have happened.

  I caught her when her demon was hunting and the slaughter was too much for even my father. I had pictures sent to him after she died and all he said was she was a monster and he was right.

  Her demon may not have been fully in control but any longer and she would have been. We were such a rarity that my father was an idiot for separating the halves of her soul but he knows now that he couldn’t force it.

  Alyssa should have bonded with at least one person before the demon was unleashed but it didn’t happen. She tried to tell him then that the Creator wouldn’t allow someone like her to be the one responsible for the barriers and to give up his pointless crusade but he wouldn’t leave it alone.

  I think that’s why she chased down our mother to undo the protection over her demon half. She knew nothing she did woul
d make her good enough in the Creators eyes so she went to college and found you.

  After that you know what happened. Now you can live with that and move on or keep wondering what you could have changed, either way I don’t care anymore.”

  “Ok I understand why you did what you did but it’s not the only reason I’m here. I know you’re on a mission for your father and that you don’t want to follow through on it but if you hurt Evie, I’ll kill you the same way you did Alyssa.

  If your part of her bond, you’ll find a way to get away from here and come back with us. I know Evie would love to have you close to her but if you want to be with us, you have to leave your father behind.

  You can’t be in contact with someone who wants to hurt her. The others won’t tolerate that but if you left him for her, they would be willing to let you stay with us.

  Just something for you to think about,” he says walking out the door closing it softly behind him.


  I gave Jeremy the benefit of the doubt and told him I’d move on but it’s hard. He killed Alyssa in front of me. She bled out before I could save her and it’s haunted me ever since.

  Evie worry’s I’ll be super protective of her because of my past and she’s not wrong. Seeing that makes you want to never leave your bonded away from your sight. The only reason she gets some semblance of privacy now is that I trust all of the others to be looking out for her when I’m not around.

  “Hey, where’ve you been?” Spencer asks me from the side. He must have been hiding in the kitchen waiting for me.

  “I followed Jeremy. We had to talk,” I tell him bluntly.

  “What?! Are you crazy? Jeez Zeke what were you thinking? How the hell did you get back?”

  “Calm down. Don’t wake the house up,” I say grabbing us some glasses from the cupboard and pouring us a scotch from the bottle I have stashed away.

  “Getting in was surprisingly easy but getting out took a lot of energy. Jeremy seems pretty sincere in his intentions with Evie and is terrified of her seeing his father.


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