It's Always Been You

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It's Always Been You Page 17

by Paige, Victoria

  “Interesting place,” Travis murmured above the din of chatter, clinking bottles, and laughter. His eyes were watchful. He was frowning at the group of bikers. More than a couple of them had turned their heads when she and Travis walked in.

  Their server stopped by and set glasses of water on the table. “Anything to drink besides water?”

  “What do you have on tap?”

  The waitress rattled off a couple of local brews, plus the standard fare of Bud and Heineken. Both of them ordered a pilsner. For dinner, Travis chose the grass-fed porterhouse steak, and Caitlin went with the lamb burger with tzatziki sauce. They were sitting side by side on the booth, Travis’s thighs rubbing languidly against hers. Caitlin ignored his underhanded tactic of seducing her to revert to the status quo. He was out of line earlier and he needed to apologize.

  They did make small talk over dinner. About how juicy the burger was, or how Travis still preferred the taste of corn-fed beef. But their tone was more as acquaintances. Caitlin made some inane comment about the interesting architecture of the bar. Travis mentioned the following day’s weather forecast and some of the activities they could do.

  “Do you want to head back to the inn? Or do you want to grab a couple of drinks?” Travis asked. He signaled for the check.

  “I’m not tired. We can hang out here for a couple of drinks.”

  “I’ll settle the bill for dinner, and we can move to the bar and open a new tab.”

  Caitlin nodded and motioned for Travis to get out of the booth. He frowned at her. “Where are you going?”

  “Ladies room.” She made to flounce off, but Travis caught her arm.

  “Wait a sec, I’ll go with you.”

  “Don’t be silly. See that line there?” Caitlin pointed to the far corner where a couple of women were texting on their phone or chatting with each other. “That’s the ladies room line.”

  She tried to pull her arm again. “Caitlin.” His voice was firm, his mask of indifference dissolving.

  Either it was the alcohol, or she was just plain exasperated at him. She yanked her arm out of his grasp and said not too quietly, “Jesus, Travis. It’s just the ladies room!”

  Their server appeared with their check distracting Travis enough so she could stomp off before he could stop her.

  The line seemed to move quickly, or it seemed some of the women changed their minds about using the restroom when five biker chicks appeared behind her. They were talking loudly, and were bumping against her. If Caitlin didn’t know better, she’d think they were doing it deliberately. When she entered the ladies room, the furthest of the three stalls was the one empty. Two of the biker chicks following in behind her became obnoxious as they pounded on the other two stalls to hurry up the occupants.

  Caitlin shook her head and did her business. There was a cackle of laughter that sent goose bumps of alarm up her arms. She suddenly didn’t have a good feeling about this. When she stepped out of her stall, biker chick #1 was sitting on the sink, eyeing her maliciously while biker chick #2 was leaning nonchalantly against the ladies room door, inspecting her hot pink acrylic nails.

  Caitlin walked over to the other sink. “There’s a line out the door,” Caitlin said as she washed her hands. “If you girls are not using the restroom, you might want to let the others in.”

  “Aw . . . isn’t she an upstanding citizen.” Biker chick #1 leaned over and peered at Caitlin. “Your man is hot, darling. And our own man Duke thinks you’re pretty cute. Although, he hasn’t seen your scar up close. Hey, Marnie, you think Duke will like this chick after all?”

  “All he wants is her cunt, Star.”

  The women laughed. Caitlin, having had enough, moved to the door. “Let me out.”

  Star jumped off from the sink and immediately yanked Caitlin’s hair. “We tell you when you can leave.” The woman hissed at her and released her hair.

  There was a rap on the door. Marnie opened it to a tall, blond biker. He was wearing only leather cuts over bare skin. He was exceedingly attractive in a sun-kissed surfer way. His muscular arms were covered with sleeve tattoos, and several chains adorned his neck.

  “They treat you all right, doll face?” the newcomer asked, surprisingly courteous.

  Caitlin pursed her lips mutinously.

  “Damn it, Star, Marnie. Did you bitches scare the poor thing?” blond biker guy snapped.

  “Aw, Duke, she didn’t wanna wait for you,” Star whined.

  “My husband’s waiting for me,” Caitlin informed them bitingly.

  “Now, we know you’re lying, girl,” Duke said. “He’s got a wedding ring, you don’t. Something’s telling me your man is cheating on his wife with you. Don’t blame him, nice piece of ass you are. So, I’m here to be your savior.”

  What the fuck? The situation was too ridiculous for Caitlin to even contemplate.

  “I assure you, you all misunderstood, so you can save your Jesus complex for someone else,” Caitlin retorted. She had to walk around Duke to get to the door. She never got there. Her body went airborne, her butt landing on the sink bowl.

  “What are you doing?!” Caitlin screeched as her limbs flailed to regain purchase.

  Her skirt was shoved up her thighs. Ignoring her gasp of outrage, Duke wedged his hips between her legs, his face dangerously close. “I’m not going to force you, but I’ll give you a taste of my mouth and, if you like, my cock. They don’t call me Big Dick Duke for nothing.” He yanked her against his crotch as if to prove a point. “You’ll be begging for more—”

  Duke didn’t finish because Caitlin swung her right fist, connecting against his cheek. She might not have her adrenalin surge, but she wasn’t helpless without it.

  “Fuck!” Duke yelled, staggering back. Caitlin swung again, but this time he was ready for her and grabbed both her arms, slamming them to her sides.

  Caitlin reared back and head butted him.

  “Goddamnit!” he roared. He released her and grabbed his forehead. Caitlin scrambled down, a bit dizzy from cracking her forehead against him, but she was ready for Marnie and Star. She side kicked Star in the gut and sent her flying into one of the stalls. Marnie came at her with her nails. Caitlin blocked her claws and rammed her elbow into the other woman’s cheek, carefully avoiding her nose. Caitlin always felt guilty fighting with women.

  Caitlin’s hand was at the door when she was jerked up against Duke’s chest. Her feet were dangling, her arms locked to her sides by a massive arm.

  “Get the door,” Duke ordered. One of the women complied. Caitlin didn’t know which girl, because another hand covered her mouth and her nose, forcing her head to tilt up. She couldn’t breathe. He was hauling her toward the rear exit.

  Oh no! Travis!

  “You’re such a wildcat. I love it,” he muttered in her ear, pleased. “I’m claiming you, pretty girl.”

  Caitlin tried to bite his hand, but it seemed Duke was an expert with this tactic of abducting women. When he had her outside, he lowered her to her feet, and started dragging her to where a group of motorcycles was parked.

  “Are you crazy? This is kidnapping!”

  “Well, sweetheart, we’re outlaws around this town, so that’s a moot point.”

  Caitlin was beyond pissed. She twisted the arm holding her with all her might, surprising Duke, and with her free hand, she jabbed him in the throat, sending him to the ground choking.

  Star and Marnie, shocked to see Duke go down, could only stare at her. Caitlin took the opportunity to escape, but when she turned, she ran smack into an even bigger, scary-looking biker who grabbed her by the shoulders.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” he roared into her face.

  “Take your fucking hands off my wife before I break them,” a chillingly calm voice said.


  Travis’s eyes followed Caitlin to the ladies room as he handed his credit card to the server. As if on cue, the bikers dispersed from their table. He didn’t like this one bit. His eyes ret
urned to their server as he impatiently waited for her to finish running his card through her mobile payment device. Minutes ticked by until finally, he signed off the credit card receipt and handed the waitress a cash tip.

  He made for the ladies room, noting that Caitlin was no longer in line. A biker and biker chick blocked him.

  The woman stepped forward, her tits almost spilling out of her tank top. She had the confidence of a woman who knew she looked good. Unfortunately for her, Travis was not impressed, because although he still knew how to appreciate the female form, that was all it was, like an impersonal assessment of art.

  “What’s the rush, handsome,” the woman said. She flicked her mane of dirty blonde hair, batted her smoky eyes, and parted her pouty lips for full effect. “I’m Bella, and I can show you some fun around this small town.”

  “Get out of my way,” Travis said through gritted teeth.

  Bella laid a hand on his arm. She leaned into his personal space, her breasts almost flush with his chest. “You look like a man who could use a proper fuck.”

  Travis gripped the woman by her shoulders and set her firmly aside. “Not interested.”

  The biker dude stepped up. “I wouldn’t do that, man.”

  “I just did. Fuck off.” The biker was a couple of inches shorter than Travis, and the last thing he wanted to do was start a bar fight, but he was quickly losing his temper.

  The bartender leaned across the bar and said, “Bella. Damn it. Are you and Duke up to your old tricks again? Stop harassing the tourists or I’m calling your father.”

  “Duke?” Travis narrowed his eyes.

  “My brother,” Bella said furtively.

  Not waiting a second longer, Travis shouldered past the biker.

  “Prospect, don’t just stand there, or Duke will have your head,” Bella screeched at the biker with her.

  A hand clamped down on Travis’s shoulder, but he quickly turned and grabbed the hand holding him. Before the biker was able to figure out what was going on, Travis had twisted the man’s arm and swept the guy off his feet, forcing him to land flat on his back.

  Some of the patrons started clapping and hooting. Travis sprinted to the hallway by the restrooms where there appeared to be a commotion.

  “Caitlin!” Travis yelled, fear spiking in his throat.

  He was about to barge into the ladies room when one of the hipster women said, “If you’re looking for the blonde in a dress, a biker just hauled her outside.” She pointed to the rear exit.

  Pure fury flooded his system, not only at the idea that someone was once again stealing his woman, but also because of the possibility Caitlin was hurt.

  Bursting out the exit, he heard the sounds of a scuffle and a screech that was clearly Caitlin’s voice.

  He made it to the parking area where a group of bikes was huddled. A behemoth of a man, maybe two inches taller than Travis and twice as wide, had Caitlin by the shoulders and was shaking her.

  Travis’s killer instinct broke free.


  Caitlin didn’t think she’d be seeing scary Travis any time soon, and yet, here he was again. Even the big guy who held her turned rock solid. His one mistake—he didn’t release her immediately.

  Duke was picking himself off the ground, not having learned his lesson, and the words out of his mouth only made matters worse. “He’s lying. Doll face over here is not his wife.” His voice was raspy after that blow she delivered to his throat. “Back of my bike, girl. Stop fighting me.”

  He tried to wrench her away from his cohort.

  “Hold on, Duke,” the big guy snapped. Caitlin was in the middle of a tug o’ war.

  An angry growl from Travis indicated that he had lost patience. The bikers never saw him coming. Travis struck the big man first with a solid elbow to the jaw. The man howled in pain, releasing Caitlin who was now left with Duke. She rolled her eyes. Duke was a masochist to an idiotic degree. She hauled back and kneed him in the groin. Caitlin didn’t even get to relish her legwork because Travis yanked and shoved her behind him. He slowly backed away with her. His arms were cocked in a fighting stance, daring the gathering crowd of bikers.

  “You have a death wish, city boy?” The big guy Travis struck launched straight for him.

  Travis pushed her out of the way and quickly planted his shoulder against the oncoming threat, throwing the big man over, forcing him to land flat on his back. A bald biker came at Travis and managed to strike him on the cheek, splitting the skin open with the rings on his finger. Caitlin hated the sound of flesh against flesh.

  Travis blocked a second hit and planted a solid punch to the other man’s gut. By this time, the guy on the ground had recovered and rejoined the fray. Travis had his eye on him and was able to block a kidney blow; however, the bald biker kicked him right in the gut. The big guy took advantage of a hunched over Travis and locked him in a full nelson and the bald one was setting up to beat on her guy.

  Oh, no, they don’t, Caitlin thought furiously as she did a running jump on top of bald biker’s back, ignoring Travis’s shout to stay out of it. The bald man growled, but she crushed his windpipe with her forearm. She was pried away from him and subdued by yet another biker.

  “Caitlin!” Travis yelled furiously. “Don’t fucking touch her!” Travis broke out of the full nelson, twisted and kneed the big guy twice in the gut, and knocked him to his knees by hammering his back with linked hands.

  “STOP! What the fuck?” A loud voice boomed and all the bikers froze.

  Caitlin was immediately released and she wasted no time flying straight into Travis. Strong arms crushed her in a protective embrace.

  “You okay?” he whispered. Though his tone was laden with worry, his face remained harsh, his eyes alert.

  Caitlin could only nod, guilt-ridden and flabbergasted at how disaster seemed to follow her every wake.

  “Prez,” the big biker acknowledged the newcomer.

  “Ashe, what in Jesus Christ is happening here?” A man of about fifty, decked out in a leather cut, faded jeans, and silver chains stepped out of the shadows. “I get a call from the bar that my kids are causing trouble again, and I walk into a parking lot brawl? We’re supposed to be keeping the peace in this town, goddamnit, not breaking it!” His eyes sliced to Travis. “Who are you?”

  “The name’s Bennett.”

  Irritated at the succinct response, the Prez threw up his hands and said, “Is someone going to tell me what the fuck’s going on?”

  “Duke wanted his woman,” the big guy, who Caitlin now knew as Ashe nodded to her and Travis.

  “My wife,” Travis snarled.

  “Bullshit, she ain’t got no ring,” Duke whined, still hunched over from the knee-to-the-balls Caitlin gave him.

  Travis cursed beside her. “Doesn’t mean you can just go grab a woman and take off with her.”

  “It was Bella’s idea,” Duke added. “She wanted you for herself.”

  “My fucking kids, don’t know how the fucking fuck I’ve gone wrong raising ‘em,” the Prez muttered. He then glared at Ashe. “You’re my VP, Ashe. Why are you in the middle of this and not shutting this shit down?”

  “This moron hit me.”

  “I warned you to let my wife go,” Travis growled. “No one lays their hands on what’s mine and gets away with it.”

  It was then that the Prez took a good look at Travis, walking closer and stopping just in front of them. He extended his hand. “I’m Nicholas Crane. President of the Iron Skulls Motorcycle Club.”

  There was an uncomfortable pause, where Travis just stared into the eyes of Crane. Then he shook hands with the MC president and said, “Travis Bennett. This is my wife, Caitlin.”

  “Damn, Ashe, this guy’s got ex-military written all over him,” Crane guffawed a belly laugh. He eyed Travis critically. “And not regular infantry. What are you? Ranger? Special Forces?”

  Travis shook his head. “If you’ll excuse me, I think my wife and I have had
enough excitement for tonight. Come on, Caitlin.”

  He nodded to Crane and turned around.


  Caitlin’s steps faltered, but Travis kept on moving, his arms tight around her.

  When they were a distance away, she heard Crane say loudly, “I’ll be damned, Ashe, you just tangled with a fucking frogman.”


  Though he had turned his back away from the Iron Skulls MC, Travis still had all his senses engaged. They passed the entrance of the bar where a group of spectators observed the fight from a safe distance. One of them was Bella. She didn’t look pleased and was staring daggers at Caitlin safely ensconced in Travis’s arms.


  Closing his eyes in resignation, he turned around to face the MC’s VP.

  Ashe caught up with him. “Sorry for the misunderstanding.”

  “Misunderstanding?” Travis scoffed. “Try attempted kidnapping.”

  “Duke has a misguided notion of being an outlaw,” Ashe explained. “The MC is not that way.” He nodded to Bella, who had tensed. “Prez is a good man, but he spoiled his kids after the tragic death of his old lady at the hands of a rival MC. We keep on cleaning up their messes. I wasn’t going to give your woman to him.”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “We don’t want you to leave town.”

  “Too late for that.”

  “This town needs the tourists. Folks like you are probably staying at old Betty’s place. She needs the money.”

  Travis sighed, remembering how they snagged their suite via a cancellation. “Well, maybe you guys need to rein in the crazies in your town.”

  Bella gasped and huffed away in indignation.

  “We’ll take care of it. If you want, Prez can send Duke away for the duration of your stay.”


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