The Ghost

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The Ghost Page 10

by H. Berkeley Rourke

  Jeanne looked at the charts and the lists of things they had amassed already and thought to herself they had made some progress. She could only hope the DNA would give them an identification or maybe he would make another mistake which would lead them to him before he killed again. Her thoughts about the DNA, she would discover the next day, were premature.

  he wrote on the guy's window...

  i am going to kill your wife...

  how do you like that asshole...

  but there was no one home...

  he went back to the campus...

  she came out of the library...

  she was by herself...

  when would they ever learn...

  he did everything the same...

  but one thing was not...

  this time he cut her carotid...

  it spurted like crazy...

  there was blood everywhere...

  so much fun to watch...

  her eyes dimmed, he laughed...

  she died, he loved seeing it...

  Her name was Billie James. She was a waif. She was just about five feet tall, weighed all of a hundred pounds on a bad day, had dark red hair, green eyes and she was loved by all who knew her. She was bubbly (and) cute, and fun to be around by all accounts. She was sweet and loving to her mother and father and her one sibling, a younger brother. At age eighteen, as a freshman in college attending Scalian on a full scholarship, she was dead.

  Her body was not discovered the night of her death; the campus police had not yet hired sufficient people to replace those who had been arrested. There were no night patrols. There were still no warnings from the administration or the campus police telling women to travel in groups.Billie had heard rumors of course, but she didn't think anything could happen to her. It made her vulnerable. The Ghost rapist made her dead.

  Her body was not discovered until nearly noon. It was hidden under some shrubbery near her dorm. The boy who found her called the campus police on his cell phone. Phoenix P.D. would be called eventually but the dispatch did not get the message to homicide right away. The campus police did the usual number with the boy. It failed.

  George and Jenny Adams both arrived at homicide near ten o' clock in the morning. They were given Creds as visitors and offered a guide to where they were going. George said, "I don't think a guide will be a necessity." The secretary that had offered flushed a little, thinking to herself she had insulted George Adams, former Captain of Homicide.

  George smiled at her as he declined the guide and said in a very kindly way, "It's all right young lady. I have been gone for a long time from this place. I do remember how to get to the conference room though. Not to worry." He and Jenny were buzzed into the interior of the office and headed right into the conference room. They found Tom and Jeanne there. They did not know Jeanne. Tom did the introductions. As Tom was doing so George began to look at the Perp and Victim information now exhibited on large poster boards on easels.

  Jenny joined him as he browsed through all the information. As he finished with the poster boards Jeanne handed him a copy of the list of pieces of evidence and the thoughts she had put down about what they knew about the killer. She also handed one to Jenny who sat down next to George at the conference table and read the information. George finished just before Jenny but waited for her to look up, acknowledged Jeanne by saying, "This is really excellent work Jeanne." Jenny nodded as George turned to Tom and grinned, saying "I know you had a hand in this but I suspect it is this young lady's creativity that is mostly involved."

  Tom looked a little sheepish as George grinned, and just nodded. Jeanne flushed a little as a result of receiving such nice compliments from a renowned man. Jenny, seeing Jeanne was a little flushed said, "Don't worry Jeanne, he is just as free with his criticisms as he is with his compliments." That broke the ice for all of them and they all shared a cold drink and just talked about life in general for a few minutes.

  George started the conversation about creating a profile by saying, "Well you know first of all this kind of killing is relatively rare. We tell every P.D. with whom we work they should do standard murder investigatory activities before they launch into the issue of a profile or serial murder investigation. I understand you already have quite a body of information on this guy. I also understand he is an arrogant and egotistical sort who wants publicity. We glean from his contacts with the Arizona Republic he wants to hear in the press of his exploits. It may be the source of how he is discovered by the way. Oft times when serial killers have contacted the press or even the police it has led to their being 'outed.' Jenny, why don't you continue."

  "Thank you honey," she said to George, and turning to Jeanne and Tom she said, "There is not much sense in us, George or I, or you folks, looking for causation here. There is no definitive set of circumstances that creates a serial killer. Sometimes they have been isolated a lot, perhaps punished in ways that are less than usual, or many other factors. But none of those, even if you add them together, seem to tell us for sure a serial killer is created out of a certain set of circumstances. There is no real generic profile we can give you. So let's start to look at your guy specifically. Jeanne what have you been able to create as to classifications?"

  "Well, he seems to be an organized killer. His activity, as to killing, also seems to have a sexually sadistic basis and the killing arises from his earlier rapes. So my research seems to indicate he is a hedonistic killer who achieves sexual gratification through his criminal acts, probably gets a thrill from the actual killing. I take the idea he enjoys the killing from the notion we have created of him, based on the neck bruising, sitting on the women to watch them die. To me it indicates power and control are two of his main objectives and motives. I have not been able to come up with anything more."

  Tom, not an expert on serial killing at all, and not having time as a "leader" in homicide to do the kind of research shown by Jeanne, was greatly impressed. His smile and look of admiration said more than words could ever describe about his admiration of Jeanne's work.

  George once more engaged and said "Then you would term him a process killer I assume?"

  "Of course," said Jeanne and Tom almost simultaneously.

  "Good," then both of you have done some profiling and some research. Your independent work helps us a lot in the process of communication and reaching conclusions. As you know process killers take their time and enjoy or seem to enjoy the death of their victims. Often they are torturers but we have not seen torture, other than as it relates to the rape, from this individual, have we?"

  "No," answered Tom, and then added quickly, "I want to admit here George 99% of this work has been done by Jeanne. It would be presumptuous of me to say he does not torture though, George. The beating the Cummings girl and some of the others took who were not killed was pretty significant and long lasting."

  "All right then," Jenny added, nodding, "we have a male, hedonistic and power seeking killer who enjoys what he is doing for reasons of lust or thrill. He is organized. There is no really significant indication at this time showing he is a sociopath or he is psychopathic. He fits any definition of the term serial killer we have been able to glean from our travels and studies. His acts are spaced out. There are multiple acts. It is pretty much evident it is the same guy doing those acts. From your point of view Jeanne, the evidence is conclusive. From the negative point of view for a moment we know for sure with the remainder of semen left on the one victim it is not a woman doing this. We also can surmise for the moment it is a white man doing this since his voice is reported both by victims and by the reporter to have no accents, no street language, nothing to indicate otherwise. Of course the one victim did see what appeared to be white skin. So we are a long way toward starting a really good profile here folks."

  George followed Jenny's comment by telling Jeanne and Tom, "This is, as you know already, a white male, between the age of roughly eighteen and thirty. He is a smallish man without a lot of innate body power. He
probably is no more than about five feet ten inches tall and weighs somewhere less than one hundred fifty pounds. My estimation would be that he is in the one hundred twenty-five-pound range. I tend to the conclusion he is a student or maybe a young teacher. I think it is likely he is extremely sexually frustrated for a variety of reasons. It might mean he is not a particularly good looking man or he may have some form of acne or other skin disease which decreases his attractiveness in his own mind. I think he probably does not date much if ever. I think it is likely he lives at home with his parents. I think it is likely his parents do not have a clue what he is doing but I may be wrong. This has been going on long enough the parents may have an inkling. If it is true he has done these rapes for a while, then they are just simply in denial.Since most of this is done in the late night hours his parents may be older. therefore, he may be an adopted child who was adopted by older parents after their own children left the home, or they never had children of their own. How am I doing so far honey?" he said, turning to Jenny.

  "I really don't think there is a lot I can add to your thoughts George. One thing no one has indicated to be true but which would have bearing on the profile is whether he was doing any staging of his victims. Have you seen any staging of the victims?"

  Jeanne responded to the question, just saying "No."

  "It is clear then, catching him is going to depend in large part on the Modus Operandi or the signature he uses and some mistake on his part in either of those. What would you call his signature Jeanne?"

  Jeanne was confused for a moment but then said, "I think it is either the rape itself or the usage of the plastic bag and twist ties." Tom nodded his head in agreement as did George.

  Jenny picked up on Jeanne's comment and said "I think you are spot on about the plastic bag and twist ties. Those are the signature items he uses at every crime. And he maintains those in place until he completes the killing process. So I believe we have gone about as far as we can go at the moment. But I must say there is a lot of information already."

  As they finished their conversation another sergeant from Tom's squad poked his head in the door, looked directly at Jeanne and said, "Sorry to interrupt. Jeanne there has been another one. It is on Scalian Campus where we have more or less taken control of the police function for now. Apparently it is a bad one, a very young girl, a freshman. You have been requested.”

  Jeanne made her apologies to George and Jenny and left the meeting to go to Scalian. When she got there she found the Phoenix P.D. forensics unit deeply engaged in their work on the body of a tiny waif of a girl. Jenny could hardly bear to look at the poor little thing. The girl looked to be about fifteen but in reality was eighteen, as it turned out. Jeanne asked if her name was known. Billie James was the name which was on the driver's license still in her backpack.Jeanne asked if anyone from Campus Police was present. She was told that a captain, brand new and named Jesse Horning was somewhere on the perimeter where he had been told to stay. Jeanne found him talking on his cell phone.

  As she walked up to Horning Jeanne held out her badge identifying her and said "Please get off the telephone." Horning did so. She then asked, "With whom were you talking Captain Horning?" It was not a question, it was an accusation. Horning knew she was angry and accusatory.

  "The Vice President of the University Ms. de Leon," he answered. He had heard how she had responded to lies by other Campus officers which had been on the job there before him.

  "And who would that be, by name please?"

  "Why James Preston of course."

  "And did Mr. Preston tell you where he was currently located?"

  "Yes, Ms. de Leon. He also told me you can expect him to come to the homicide offices tomorrow morning to surrender himself. He will be represented by his attorney of course. But if you must know he told me he is in the town of Sedona at the moment." Horning was a little bit angry himself. He felt as though he was being put in the middle of a bad situation. He was about to find out just how right he was.

  "Mr. Horning when did you last attend a police academy, sir?"

  "Well I would have to admit it has been some time ago. But I am the acting Chief of the Department. Why are you and your people shutting me out of this crime scene?"

  "First of all, Mr. Horning, have you ever trained as a forensics specialist?"


  "Then you have no business on a murder scene and you should know for sure. Do you know that sir?"

  "This is my jurisdiction after all."

  "No sir. By court order after the arrest of your entire police department a while back the Superior Court of Maricopa County ordered the Phoenix Police Department to take jurisdiction over this campus until further orders are issued. None have been issued. By the way Mr. Horning, do you know what harboring a fugitive means?"

  "Yes," he said, flushing heavily when she asked that question.

  "So you are aware by talking to Mr. Preston and protecting his whereabouts from the Phoenix Police Department you could possibly be charged with the felony of harboring a fugitive."

  "Why the hell are you busting my chops, Ms. de Leon?" the Captain asked.

  "If you don't already know, you arrogant ass, I could never explain to you why in a million words. There have been multiple rapes concealed by the administration of this institution and an arrest warrant is outstanding for Mr. Preston. The first of what is now four murders occurred by the same rapist on this campus and your buddy Mr. Preston, and his superior, along with other friends, including the police department members of your now defunct Campus Police tried to hide the fact of the rape of Marilyn Cummings. The rape of Marilyn Cummings turned into the murder of Marilyn in no insubstantial part due to the cover up attempt. Do you have any understanding now Mister? Or is it necessary that I offer you additional instruction on what has occurred here as well as the issue of harboring a fugitive. Can you say rape? Can you see the levels on which rape has taken place in this circumstance and on which it continues? Or are you too dense? Do I have to teach you more?"

  Horning, now sheepishly smiling at Jeanne, and feeling very stupid, said, "No, you don't have to tell me anything more." Jesus, Mary and Joseph, he thought. She is tough. She is also knowledgeable. I better just keep my mouth shut I think.

  "I'm glad we have communicated at least enough so you understand your position, Mister. Here is one more indication of how seriously I take this whole case for you, Mister. If Preston does not surrender himself tomorrow morning at the homicide office as you have indicated he will, and damned early, I will be back here tomorrow afternoon with an arrest warrant for you. Have I made myself quite, and completely clear to you Mister?"


  "Now what if anything can you tell me about the current victim, Billie James, or have you sought any information on her yet at all?"

  Horning knew this was a slur at him. If he had not, it would be a strong indicator of incompetence or of the continuing attempt to downplay and hide out the murders taking place on Scalian. He had not done much yet but he did have a little information."I don't have much. Her dorm is the same as the Cummings girl was in. She was an A student I guess. Her professors, at least the several of them I have contacted said she was a wonderful student. She was well thought of by her roommate who is here in my patrol car. Her roommate said Billie was very popular in general."

  "Fine," Jeanne said. "Get the girl. And what is her name?"

  "Norma Williams."

  "Get her now please." Horning left her to go and get Norma Williams and bring her to talk with Jeanne. It didn't take long but while he was doing so Jeanne took another look at the body just to make sure. The bruise was there on the neck, not well developed, but evident. There were several petechiae in one eye and one, possibly two in the other.She didn't expect to see many since the manner of creating death was the same as the Manners woman, that being ex-sanguination, or bleeding to death. The restraint marks on her wrists were very evident and her tiny little wrists were heavily bruised wher
e it was very clear she had struggled to free herself.

  As before a very quick examination of the vaginal area showed tears and bruising but no sign of semen. Her pants and panties were still around her ankles though she was covered with blanket. She left the girl as Norma Williams was brought to her. Billie would be taken to the coroner's office soon. Jeanne would see her there again and would talk with the post doc. For now, it was very important to take time with Norma.

  Norma Williams had been crying a lot. Jeanne walked her into the dorm and up to the room Norma and Billie had shared. When they started toward the dorm Horning started to follow. Jeanne put her hand up to him and looked at him as if to say "Stay boy, stay, that's a good doggie."

  As she was walking with Norma, neither of them talking, Jeanne received a text message from Jim Wilson. The message was short, said, "He wrote a message on the windows of my house saying he is going to kill my wife. What should I do?" She stopped for a moment, stopping Norma with her and pointed at her cell phone.

  Jeanne sent a text to Jim, saying, "Don't do anything with the message. I will send someone from forensics to deal with it. We are finished here almost and I can pull one of our people and send him or her to your place. She walked back to the murder scene and asked for one of the specialists to go to Jim Wilson’s house. She sent the text before she and Norma Williams walked into the dorm. As they walked into the dorm Jeanne said to Norma, "I am so sorry for the loss of your friend and roommate. She was such a cute young woman. Is there anything you can tell me which will help with catching her killer?"

  Norma began to sob, leaning against Jeanne as they went up the stairs to the second floor where Norma and Billie's room was located. She sobbed out, "No, oh God I wish I had gone to the library with her last night. I was supposed to but I got a call from my boyfriend so she left by herself. When I was done with my call I went to sleep. The next thing I know the Campus Cop was waking me up, telling me Billie was dead. I was supposed to go with her." She broke down, Jeanne holding her, telling Norma it would be all right, trying her best to get the girl to take control and come out of the moment of extreme grief.


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