Chasing Charity

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Chasing Charity Page 18

by Marcia Gruver

  When she didn’t retreat from his advance or react to his nearness, he let eager arms encircle her waist. She tensed up a bit but didn’t pull away. Too far gone to control himself, he buried his face in her hair and drew in her scent while he had the chance. When his lips brushed the soft skin of her neck, she withdrew, alarm in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry, honey.” He took an unsteady breath. “I’ve just missed you so. I’ve gone mad thinking of you.”

  She nodded then looked around his shoulder toward the house.

  He followed her gaze. “Don’t fret about Mama. She’s not at home. Besides, I don’t care anymore what she thinks.”

  Charity closed her eyes and reached trembling fingers to his face. “You really mean that?”

  He clutched her hand and drew it to his lips. “I never meant anything more in my life. I want you for my wife, Charity. I want to be with you forever.”

  She sagged against the horse, but Daniel caught her and pulled her close, laughing as he held her. “Oh, sugar, I know. You’re as relieved as I am. We’re together again now, and I promise to do everything in my power to make it up to you.”

  “Anything, Daniel?”

  With her face pressed so tightly against his chest, Daniel barely heard the muffled question. He rested his cheek against her head, thanking his lucky stars for such good fortune.

  “Anything, sugar. Anything at all.”


  Charity rode away from Daniel’s house with shattered emotions. It amazed her how easily she had deceived him, how effortlessly she’d slipped into the role of a jezebel. At the same time, it frightened her how natural it felt. Mother Dane’s long-held hope that Charity’s behavior would rub off on Emmy may have worked in reverse. Emily Dane herself couldn’t have carried out what Charity had just accomplished.

  It was settled. She and Daniel would marry in three days’ time.

  “The sooner the better,” he had said.

  Yet how hard it had been to embrace him, to let him hold her. She’d had to close her eyes and imagine Buddy standing there, Buddy’s arms around her, Buddy’s cheek beneath her fingers. A brazen device, still it would get her through the coming days. After the wedding, she’d have to put such faithless thoughts out of her mind, and Buddy out of her heart forever.

  Daniel had balked when Charity asked him to keep their plans a secret, insisting no one could know there was a wedding afoot until they were officially husband and wife. He believed she feared his mama would stop the marriage. She let him think what he wanted, so long as he complied with her wishes.

  I did it, Mama. Now everything will be fine. Just like I promised.

  She knew her mama wouldn’t be happy at first. It would require some fancy talking to get her to go along with the scheme. Charity would just have to convince her there was no other way. In the end, she’d come around to Charity’s way of thinking. She had no choice.


  “You done what!” Mama slammed the brush on the dressing table and whirled on Charity, her face so red with rage that Charity expected fire to blast from her nostrils.

  “Mama, just listen for a minute.”

  “I ain’t having it, Charity. Do you hear me? I’ll go to my grave poor and homeless before I’ll see you married to that uppity, no-account scalawag.”

  Charity tried to stay calm, but hysteria crept into her voice. “Surely you see this is the only way?”

  “To have you marry a lying, cheating fool? The only way for what? To ruin your life? I won’t let you do that for me.”

  “After all you’ve done for me? It would be an honor to ruin my life for you, but that’s not what I’m doing. I’m saving us.”

  Mama’s eyes flashed. “I already got me a Savior, daughter. He don’t need no help from you.”

  “You know what I mean. It’ll save our home. Besides, Daniel loves me. He really does. I can feel it.”

  Mama’s eyes became slits, and she grunted. “Then what was that foolishness with Emmy?”

  Charity flicked her hand, as if the gesture or her next words could ever take the sting out of what those two had done. “Emmy turned his head for a bit, that’s all. You know Emmy can do that to a man. But Daniel’s in his right mind now. He knows what he wants, and it’s me.”

  “You don’t say? And what do you want?”

  She averted her eyes. “I almost married him once, with your blessing. It must be my fate.” Daniel had used the same word. Now it rang hollow in her ears.

  “A fate worse than death.” Mama spat the bitter epitaph and scowled like she could taste it.

  “My goodness. Straighten that terrible face.” Charity wrapped her arms around her mama’s waist and whirled her around the room. “Come on now. Just think of it. I’ll be all set. A proper married lady. Plus it will keep Shamus Pike’s conniving hands off of our land. It’s a perfect plan, and you know it.”

  Mama broke free and backed away. “I asked you a question, Charity.”

  Busying herself at the dressing table, she shrugged. “What question?”

  “I asked what you want, except I reckon I already know the answer. There’s a bigger, better man in your thoughts than that dirty scum of a Clark boy. A real man, one worthy of you.”

  Charity turned her face away, but Mama took hold of her arms and shook her. “I’m dead right,” she cried. “I can see it right there in the mirror. You’re in love with Buddy Pierce. How can you think of marrying anyone else?”

  She fought the tears. That would be all it took to have Mama forbid her. Forcing a smile instead, she measured her words. “Like I said, it’s my fate to marry Daniel.”

  “Honey, no! Why not just marry the man you love?”

  Charity turned from the mirror and pulled her mama close. “Because he’s never asked me, that’s why.” She bit her lip hard to hold back a sob. “Anyway,” she said, staring across the top of Mama’s head through brimming eyes. “Buddy’s not here right now, is he?”


  Emmy paused to wipe her feet on the tattered rug at the back door. Mama said it would stop Nash from tracking in half the barnyard, and it worked when he remembered to use it. Emmy had a good share of the outdoors on her own shoes, so she took care to wipe them well.

  Easing the door open, she slipped through to the kitchen, ears alert. She didn’t relish another confrontation with her mama and avoided her whenever she could. Things hadn’t gone well between them since the day Emmy climbed out of the window in her nightdress.

  Mama had listened to her claim that she’d been in the barn tending Rebel. She even sat quietly through Nash’s version, but it was clear she wasn’t convinced. She’d cast long, suspicious looks at the conspirators before sending Nash outside to work and Emmy to her room. And for the first time in her life, Emmy felt bad about telling a lie.

  The events of that day had strained their relationship more than ever, to say the least. It vexed Emmy to no end and caused an ache in the pit of her stomach. The only bright spot of late had come in the form of a telegram from Papa. Urgent business held him up north for six more months at least. So he never needed to see what she’d done to his horse, and Mama wouldn’t tell. Despite her reprieve, Emmy faithfully took care of Rebel, though it was Nash’s job. She felt it was the least she could do, and the old horse seemed pleased by the arrangement.

  Commotion from the parlor caused her to pause midstride. She recognized Auntie Bert’s voice, and she sounded upset, so Emmy tiptoed to the door and listened.

  “What am I to do, Magda? I cain’t let her throw her life away on that boy. It just ain’t right. Especially now that she loves someone else.”

  Emmy’s heartbeat quickened. Were they discussing Charity? Charity in love with someone besides Daniel? Impossible! If so, on what boy was she about to throw away her life?

  The way she saw things, this could only work to her advantage. She eased closer and pressed her ear to the door.

  “When did all this come about, honey?” Her
mama’s voice was low and soothing, in that tone she only used with Aunt Bert.

  “This morning. Charity broke it to me over at the hotel not an hour ago. Poor little thing, acting so cheerful for my sake when I know her heart is breaking.”

  Was Aunt Bertha crying? Emmy’s pounding heart lurched. She’d never heard her cry before. Mama said she cried buckets when Uncle Thad passed, but Emmy never saw it.

  She suddenly wailed from behind the door, dispelling any doubts and sending a chill through Emmy’s veins. “I had to get out of there. I couldn’t stay in that room another second and watch her put on a brave face. I know she’s doing it for me, and I cain’t stand it.”

  “Don’t let her do it, Bert.”

  “I don’t want her to. You know that. I tried my best to sway her, but that stubborn girl’s mind is set like flint. She says after Shamus takes our place, we’ll lose the oil company money, too, and then we won’t be able to afford the hotel. We’ll have nowhere to go.”

  “You and Charity ain’t at the mercy of Shamus Pike. You can live with me. You know I would take care of you both ’til the day I died.”

  After a lengthy silence and a sniff, Aunt Bert finally answered. “I know you would, honey, but that ain’t right, neither. And with things turned inside out between our girls, it won’t work. Charity’s not about to stay here, and this time I won’t stay without her.”

  “So what, then?”

  Aunt Bert sighed before she answered. “I guess I can see it clear now as bad as it tastes in my mouth. We got no choice. I pray the good Lord will show us another way, but meanwhile we got us a wedding to plan.”

  “What about Buddy?”

  “I’d wager he feels the same about my girl as she does for him, but he ain’t here to ask. By the time he comes around again, it won’t make no difference. She’ll be married to someone else.”

  So Charity was in love with Buddy Pierce. It answered the first part of Emmy’s question. A twister spun into her chest. If Charity loved Mr. Pierce, exactly whom did she plan to marry?

  “It makes me see red, though,” Aunt Bert continued. “That other one ain’t nothing but a cheating scoundrel. I’d sooner see him dead than married to Charity. Daniel Clark don’t deserve my little girl.”

  Emmy reeled from the door, hoping they hadn’t heard her gasp. She reached for the table to steady herself and fell into the nearest chair. Lowering her head, she clutched her face so tightly her fingernails bit into her flesh.

  Daniel was going to marry Charity. After all they’d meant to each other, after what she’d sacrificed. She could no longer tell herself he hadn’t meant what he’d said that day on the trail. He meant it, all right. She didn’t matter to him and never had. He loved Charity instead, and she would be his bride.

  “Emily Bertha Dane, how much did you hear?”

  She shot upright, wiping her eyes on her sleeves. Mama and Aunt Bert loomed over her, their faces tight with rage.

  “Why, she heard it all, Magda. You can tell that by looking at her.”

  Her mama took her by the wrist and jerked her to her feet, causing the chair to tip over and hit the wall with a bang. Strong hands dragged her away from the table, and her anklebone took a sharp rap against the carved wooden leg. She howled in pain to no avail. Mama hauled her into the parlor and forced her to sit on the divan, then stood over her with Aunt Bertha.

  Emmy stared up at them, more afraid than she’d ever been in her life. She didn’t recognize the squint-eyed women crouched above her like bobcats on a rabbit.

  “Emily, I asked you a question. How much did you hear?”

  She drew back, desperate to put distance between herself and Mama’s red face. “I didn’t hear anything. Honest!”

  “Don’t you dare lie!”

  “Why?” Emmy shrieked. “Why does it matter so much what I heard?”

  Aunt Bertha beat Mama to the answer. “Oh, it matters all right, little gal. It matters a heap.”

  Emmy’s wide eyes shifted to her mama. “Won’t somebody please tell me what’s going on?”

  “Emmy, I’ll sit on you for three days if I have to, to make sure you don’t ruin this for Aunt Bert and Charity. You’ve dealt them enough pain as it is. Come to think of it, you’re the cause of all this trouble.”

  The weight of the words struck them dumb as the truth hung heavy in the room. Then Emmy started to cry. Deep, wracking sobs rolled up and out from her middle, breaking the painful silence.

  Her mama eased down beside her and pulled her close. “There, there, now. I didn’t mean to hurt you, baby. I just can’t understand why you insist on doing what you know is wrong. Listening behind doors, for instance. How many times have I warned you about it? I told you it would catch up to you someday.”

  Still rigid with emotion, Aunt Bert sat down on the other side. “This here’s that day. Emmy, I need you to tell me what you heard us talking about. It’s important.”

  “And no more lies,” Mama added.

  Emmy wiped her eyes and sat up. Whatever was going on, she’d never seen the two of them act so strangely. She took courage from Mama’s arms around her and decided to try the truth for a change.

  “I heard you say Charity’s in love with Buddy Pierce, but she’s fixing to marry Daniel.”

  Mama and Aunt Bert shared a grim expression.

  “And I heard something about Shamus Pike taking your land.”

  Aunt Bert leaned forward and slapped her legs with both hands. “Well, that’s it, then. Our goose is cooked.”

  Mama released Emmy and scooted around to glare at her with one raised brow. “No, it ain’t, because she won’t tell. Will you, Emmy?”

  “Tell what? Land sakes, you two are talking in riddles.”

  The older women sat in tense silence, obviously deciding whether to enlighten her or not.

  Emmy gathered her nerve and dared to ask the only question she wanted answered. “Why is Charity marrying Daniel if she’s in love with Buddy Pierce?” She looked back and forth between them, waiting for one of them to speak.

  Aunt Bert fixed her with a piercing stare. “Emmy, do you love your Aunt Bertha?”

  “Yes. Of course I do.”

  “Do you have any feelings left for Charity?”

  “You know I do!”

  “Then sit up and listen good, because I’m about to trust you with our very lives. What I’m going to tell you ain’t ever to leave this room.”

  Aunt Bert gave her a look so intense the force of it pressed Emmy against the couch. “I won’t tell a soul, Auntie Bertha. I promise.”


  Buddy stepped out of the stable, tired but elated after leaving his horse strapped to a feed bag in the liveryman’s care. Hungry himself, he intended to belly up to breakfast just as quick as the dining hall of the Lone Star opened for business.

  He stood on the already bustling boardwalk in the cold gray dawn and tried to work the miles out of his backside. It had been a long, tough pull, but he made the ride from Port Arthur in record time. And no town ever looked so good to a man as Humble looked to Buddy that morning.

  He shifted the weight of the saddlebag on his shoulder and patted its bulging pockets. Bertha Bloom would be mighty happy to see the contents, but not nearly as glad as he would be to see her beautiful daughter.

  Thoughts of Charity pushed aside the empty gnawing in his stomach and replaced it with the now familiar ache he got whenever she came to mind. The only remedy was to have her near—medicine he planned to swallow in large doses as soon as the sun rose a bit higher.

  He smiled, imagining the look on her face when she saw him back ahead of schedule. To accomplish it, he’d left it up to Lee and Jerry to return with the wagons and bought himself a horse. An irresponsible move, no doubt, but he couldn’t wait another week to see Charity.

  If things went according to plan, if she accepted the ring in his vest pocket, no matter where his work took him next, they wouldn’t be split up again. She could go alo
ng wherever he went, at least until they started a family. Then he’d find a way to spend as much time as possible at home. He imagined Charity in the family way, her round belly ripe with his child, and his face glowed with pleasure at the bold thought.

  Mind still fixed on the future, Buddy drew in deep of the clear morning air and stepped off the boardwalk into the path of a big black horse pulling a loaded wagon. The wild-eyed creature reared, and the driver cursed, jerking the reins to the side. Buddy scrambled out of the way just before the front wheel ran him over.

  The rig lumbered to a stop, and the man leaped down. Buddy saw right away it was Daniel Clark. Daniel, who didn’t seem to recognize him, closed the distance between them in quick, angry strides. A scowl as black as a thunderhead darkened his face. “By golly, I almost hit you, mister. Didn’t you hear me coming? What in tarnation were you thinking?”

  Buddy took off his hat and offered his hand. “Accept my apologies, sir. My mind is elsewhere this morning.”

  Daniel wiped his palm on his trouser leg before taking Buddy’s in a firm grip. “Whatever has your mind, I hope it’s worth your life. It almost got you killed.” He leaned in for a closer look. “Well, if it ain’t Mr. Pierce. I didn’t recognize you under all that dirt and facial hair. Can’t tell if you’ve had a hard ride or been rode hard.”

  Giddy with fatigue and pure joy, Buddy ignored the sarcasm. “If you said both, you wouldn’t miss it by much. Truth is, I’m at the easy side of a long, hard ride, but it was worth every mile considering what’s waiting for me on this end.”

  Daniel raised one brow. “Do tell? Sounds like a woman to me. Got a little gal waiting for you?”

  Buddy felt reckless. “Not just any gal. The prettiest in Texas.” He knew he sounded cocky, but he wasn’t in a mood to consider Daniel’s feelings. After all, the foolish man had trifled with Charity’s heart.

  Unaffected, Daniel returned his smile. “Well, I don’t see how that could be, partner, since I’m about to marry the prettiest girl in Texas.”

  Daniel getting married? Buddy felt like scratching his head. Could he mean Emily Dane? Charity claimed he was done with her. One thing was for sure—the man’s swagger got more annoying by the second.


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