Hell To Pay

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Hell To Pay Page 4

by Marc Cabot

  He shook his head. Nothing but mathematician’s answers out of a demon. “Can you take those clothes off, or do they just disappear when you want to be naked”

  She giggled. “Yes.”

  Simon laughed in spite of himself. “Lily, I know you’re not human. But a year isn’t that long for you, is it?”


  “Well, it’s all I’ve got. You could probably use the whole thing up just playing logic games, but it would please me if you would answer my questions reasonably. I’ll be polite to you if you’ll be polite to me.”

  She dimpled at him. “Since you ask so nicely... I can take them off. If I get more than a few feet from them, they’ll vanish.”

  A thought struck him through the red haze of arousal that was clouding his mind. “Could you summon up, say, gold and gems?”

  The dimples faded. “That’s boring. I could, but I won’t. If you ask me for something that might tip other people off that I’m a demon, especially money that will vanish when I leave the room, it would violate the no-exposing-myself-as-a-supernatural-being rule. Would you really rather have money than me?”

  He shook his head violently. “Not a chance. It was just a question. I have all the money I need. And I’m very glad to hear that. Please take off your clothes. Slowly.”

  Lily froze like a statue, and then one hand began to move toward her body at a glacial pace. When he opened his mouth to speak she quickly said, “Just teasing,” and smiled again. At a much more normal, if leisurely, speed, she reached around and undid the strings of her corset.

  Simon had been around enough corsets to know a magic one when he saw it. When she pulled the knot loose, the strings immediately relaxed and opened evenly. She took a deep breath and they loosed even more, causing her breasts to nearly escape to freedom. The top held, and she pulled open the front of the corset, looking at him sweetly the whole time.

  He felt feverish again. So close, so close... I can have her at last. He unconsciously shifted as his dick was painfully constricted by his pants. She noticed and her smile got a little wider. The corset fell to the floor and she stretched. This time her breasts did crest the wall: the tight top slipped down under them.

  “Oops,” she said, looking down with an innocent face that would have fooled almost anyone. Simon struggled to breathe. They were perfect. High and proud, round and firm, but with just enough softness to seem like natural wonders rather than something artificial. The nipples were a dark pink, almost red. They were hard as stones, crinkled and round. His mouth dropped open and his tongue worked inside it.

  Lily shrugged and Simon’s brain almost locked up. “Accidents will happen.” She put her hands on her chest and slid them over her breasts, making a little sound of pleasure as the swayed. Then she slipped them around and hooked her thumbs under the top, pushing it down to reveal a perfect dimpled belly. It swelled just a tiny bit, right at the center. Simon ached to feel it under his hands.

  What he had thought was a top turned out to be the whole dress. She kept pushing, and it resisted as she tried to slide it over her hips. Lily gave him a “what-are-you-going-to-do?” look and pushed harder. The taut fabric gave and the whole thing was suddenly at the bottom of her thighs. She was bent at the waist, face turned up to him, and her breasts were swinging gently.

  She paused and said, “You like what you see, master?” The innocent look was gone now.

  It was difficult to speak and his jaw moved a few times before he said, “Yes. Very much.” There was a light dusting of bright red hair above her pussy, but her slit itself was bare, so far as he could see. When she pushed her dress down, he thought he could smell her. Until that moment she hadn’t smelled of anything, perfume or otherwise. But suddenly there was a hint of arousal in the air.

  There was a faint laugh and she pushed the dress past her knees. It dropped to the floor and she stepped gracefully out of it, feet spread just this side of obscenely. Yes, her pussy was bare. In the light from the lamp by the bed it glistened slightly. She’s dripping wet. The scent of arousal was getting stronger.

  “Now what, master?” she asked brightly. He gripped the edge of the bed so hard his knuckles went white then let go with an effort. He stood and concentrated on not swaying.

  “Come over here and undress me.”

  “Yes master!” She moved to stand before him, and then reached out and started unbuttoning his shirt. As she lazily undid them, another thought struck him.

  “Lily, why do you call me ‘master?’”

  “Because you haven’t told me your name, and I have to call you something.”

  “You can’t read it in me?”

  She was halfway down his chest now. “No. I can’t read your mind or tell anything about you you don’t want me to know. The summoning ritual’s protections still hold that far.”

  “Would it be bad for me if you knew my name?”

  She paused on the last button. “I can’t do anything with it, but if I knew it, I could tell other people what it was. Magicians don’t like that.”

  Simon laughed at this. “In this day and age, finding out somebody’s name is very easy. I think I’ll chance it. My name is Simon Marshall.”

  “Good name for a magician.” She pulled the tails of his shirt out of his pants, then put her hands on his belt buckle and started pulling at it gently.

  He almost blushed. “But... I like it when you call me master. When we’re alone, call me that. In public, call me Simon.”

  “Yes, master.” The word dripped with promises of unspeakable pleasures. The belt slipped from its loops and she deposited it delicately on the floor. Then she reached for the fastening of his pants and worried at it teasingly. “I haven’t undressed a man for a long time. Interesting things you’ve done with clothing.” She raised her eyes and winked at him. “But clothing never stopped a succubus.” The fastener slid open and he took a deep breath. Her hand was on the zipper.

  She pulled it down and his cock pressed forward. It was so hard that it actually pulled the elastic of his boxers away from his waist. She looked down again. “My, my. What have we here? It’s like a jack-in-the-box.” She pulled his pants down. Her hands just happened to brush his cock through his underwear and it twitched, making her smile. She looked back up at him. “I didn’t... hurt you, did I master?”

  Simon took a few deep breaths. When he was sure he wasn’t going to come (or faint,) he said, “No, not at all. Carry on.”

  Lily dropped to her knees and pulled the pants to his ankles, leaving the boxers straining above. Her hands made quick work of the knots on his shoes and he lifted one foot, then the other so she could slip them off. Then the socks. Then the pants were pulled over his feet. Each was deposited neatly on a growing pile by the bed. She stood gracefully.

  “Last, but not least...” She pulled the boxers down slowly and carefully. Not once had her skin touched his during the whole affair, and she didn’t let it now as she worked them around the head of his dick. He was so hard that it barely came down to horizontal. It bounced as she repeated the process of pulling them over his feet.

  This time, she didn’t rise, she looked up at him with bright green eyes and said, “All done.” Then she just smiled.

  Simon was having trouble breathing evenly. He could see her face, looking up inches beneath his throbbing cock. So many images flew through his head it was hard to focus on one. So he just said, “Suck me, Lily. Please.”

  The smile grew wider as her lips parted to reveal perfect teeth. She put her fingers around the base of his cock and pulled it down slightly. Her skin was almost but not quite uncomfortably hot. She formed an “o” with her mouth and slid it over the head of his cock. He groaned and his knees tried to fold.

  It was so good.

  Her mouth was hot and wet and she was sucking firmly but gently. Her tongue was working the underside of his cock. After a second she started to move her head back and forth. With each stroke she took a tiny bit more of him in. She didn
’t move her hands, but the pressure of her fingers was indescribably pleasurable.

  When she was no more than halfway down, Simon cried out. He couldn’t take it any more. His balls tightened and come erupted from his cock.

  The second it did, Lily slid her mouth down the rest of the way in one smooth motion and started sucking hard. The sudden wave of heat made Simon moan and his knees did give. He fell backward onto the bed. She never lost a beat, somehow folding her body to follow him, mouth pulling and pulling.

  His hips were jerking, pressing his cock up into her face. She only sucked harder. He grabbed her hair and pulled her head onto him as one last surge of come jetted out of him. The tip of his cock was being squeezed by her throat and he cried out again in unbearable pleasure, then pulled her head completely off. She tried to get his dick back in her mouth and he said, “Stop!”

  Lily immediately stopped resisting and he let go of her hair. “Didn’t you like that, master?” Her voice was flowing honey.

  “It was...” He didn’t have enough air to go on and he gasped a few times before he could speak again. “It was incredible. But I couldn’t take any more.” He lifted his head weakly. “I’m sorry I pulled your hair. That doesn’t hurt you, does it?”

  “Yes. But I like it.” Her face was radiant. “Well, I don’t know whether you would really call it pain. It feels good to me. But it’s different than being caressed. Men like being dominant like that, so I think of it as hurting.”

  “I never lost control like that before. I didn’t mean to choke you.”

  As he feebly pushed around and got himself leaned up against the head of the bed, she laughed. “I don’t need to breathe, master. And I like being violated. It’s what I was made for.”

  She made no motion to get up from her knees, so Simon said, “You can come up in the bed with me. But be gentle. I’ve never felt anything like that before in my life.”

  Lily elegantly moved into the bed and stopped with her head next to his cock. She blew on it and it twitched. He hadn’t softened at all and it was throbbing as his heart pounded. “That gentle enough?”

  The cool air flowing over his skin was almost painful. “Barely.”

  She moved her hand up his thigh and very lightly caressed his balls. They were still tight and he squirmed. That made her giggle.

  “I’ve seen my share, master, and this is a very nice set of equipment.” Another giggle. “Not the biggest ever, but well formed.” She licked the side of his shaft. “Tasty, too.”

  “You liked me coming in your mouth, did you?” Simon had met a few girls who claimed to like it, but most of them treated it as a bit of a chore.

  “Oh, master, I love the taste of semen. It’s basically pure lust. The only thing better is the flavor of the soul itself.”

  He shuddered. After that I think I’d still make the same decision. But the price of this is a soul. It better be worth it.

  Lily noticed his sudden withdrawal. “I didn’t mean to make you unhappy, master. I did agree to please you. I won’t mention that again.” Her hand came up and held his shaft loosely. The heat of her skin warmed away the dread.

  “It is what it is, Lily. I said I wanted honesty, and that includes the price. But maybe not while we’re making love.”

  “All right.” Her fingers tightened a bit and she jacked her hand up and down slightly. “How’s that? Better?”

  “Much better.” He forced himself to relax, at least to let the tension out of his shoulders. She gripped a little harder, stroked a little more. He groaned.

  “There we go. Between you mortals deciding we don’t exist and those busybodies in Rome, I don’t get out much anymore. I’m going to enjoy this.” She rose like a snake uncoiling, still slowly stroking him. Then she straddled him with long slender legs and floated above him, stroking the lips of her pussy with the tip of his cock. He could feel heat flowing out of her. The end of his cock grew very slippery.

  “You look pretty pleased, master. I take it this is all right?”

  Simon nodded. Finally... finally she’s mine. “I want you, Lily.”

  There was no more teasing. She just lowered herself and he was enveloped in liquid heat. It washed down his cock and then seemed to run over his body, making him go limp. The only tension in him was in his throbbing cock.

  “Oooooh, master. That’s very nice.” Lily’s face was practically glowing. Her eyes were fixed on him and her hips began to lift and fall. Her tight cunt was massaging his shaft and with every stroke she almost slipped off. The lips of her pussy squeezed the tip, and then she lowered herself again. “It’s been so long...”

  As she fucked him she bent forward until her breasts were brushing his face. “You like these, master?” Simon opened his mouth and let one nipple slip between his lips. It was as hot as the rest of her, hard and tight. He licked it and his eyes closed in rapture. She tasted better than any woman he’d ever had, just as alive but somehow spicy and sweet. His mouth closed and he sucked.

  “Mmmmm,” moaned the succubus, and fucked him harder. Somehow he found the strength to lift his hands and grip her ass, pulling her into him. She ground her hips down and he could feel her clit against his skin. It was huge.

  Makes sense, I guess... some faraway part of his mind thought. She was made for sex... He sucked harder, biting at her heated flesh, and she screamed. Her rhythm never faltered but he could feel her body quaking. His back tightened and he pushed up into her as hard as he could. Her juices were running down his thighs and his mouth was full of honey and cloves. He swallowed and something burned pleasantly on its way down.

  Lily could have gone on forever, but Simon was only human. After a few minutes, he groaned around her nipple as an orgasm washed over him. Her cunt heated even more as he swelled inside her and she screamed again. It went on and on until he couldn’t take the friction. He clasped her down against his body and said, “Hold still!” She relaxed into him at once.

  “Oooooh,” she murmured in his ear. “That was good. I think I’m going to like it here.”

  With a weak chuckle he replied, “Good? That was incredible.” Her body was practically steaming and he was fighting sleep. “You feel amazing. You even taste amazing.” Simon stroked her back and she pressed into him like a cat.

  “You say the sweetest things, master. Men have killed for a taste of succubus milk, and you can have all you want. It won’t steal your mind like it does theirs.” She laughed quietly. “At least, not if you don’t want it to. You rest now. I’ll be here when you wake up.” Somehow despite the warm fragrant weight of her he could breathe quite easily. A few more caresses and he was asleep. His dreams were filled with her, as they had been for months, but finally they were triumphant.

  It probably didn’t hurt any that as soon as he was asleep, she slipped off him and licked him quite clean, eyes closed and savoring every drop. The smell and taste of lust filled her like food to a starving man. It had been many a year since she had fed so well. His soul can wait. For now, this will do...


  And so began a cycle that would have made Peter North cry like a baby. Lily didn’t get bored as long as she was getting attention regularly: she would patiently wait for him to sleep before slipping his cock into her mouth and waking it up. When his body begged fuel, she rubbed his shoulders while he ate, or watched quietly, looking at him with more hunger than he felt. The first time, she had taken up a particularly tempting kneeling position a few feet away from the kitchen table while he got the food ready. He asked her if she wanted any.

  “I don’t need to eat, and I don’t get hungry. Not for food.” She looked pointedly at his cock and licked her lips. It was an odd habit she had, but Simon wouldn’t have dreamed of telling her to stop. Not once he managed to stop associating it with her eating his soul. It was that hot.

  He sat down and started in himself. “Can you eat?”

  “Oh, sure. But I swallow and it’s gone. Whatever it is.” Another wicked look. She had an en
dless supply.

  “So you don’t...”

  “No, I don’t. But if you ask... you’ll never know the difference. I don’t need to drink water, either, and I haven’t heard any complaints about being too dry.”

  Simon shook his head. “No, no, that’s fine. Maybe the Romans liked it, but I’m okay.”

  Lily laughed. “Some of them did, but not that many. Given how long they were around I got summoned by a lot of Romans, Western and Eastern. Even more after Constantine introduced them to Upstairs. Mostly Europeans and Middle-Easterners in general, really. Especially after the Bethlehem thing. Other cultures have demons, and if they got close enough to what it takes to open the way they could call one of us, but it’s not quite the same.”

  This intrigued Simon greatly. “Are their demons real too?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know what ‘real’ is when it comes to a demon. They could be creations of magic, they could be things that get summoned with magic. Have I seen beings that weren’t angels and weren’t from Down Below? Yes. They didn’t bother me, I didn’t bother them. The one time somebody tried to use something like that to get out of the deal, it didn’t work.”

  “What happened?” Simon tried to keep his voice casual: he’d never even thought of that.

  “I ate it. It was awful. It was the only thing I ever put in my mouth that bothered me. I’m the only demon I know who understands the word disgusting: I’m pretty sure that how that thing tasted is what you mean. And the bits squirmed all the way down my throat. But every time I ripped it up, it just sort of oozed back together again, and it was in my way. I get what I bargain for.” She gave him a meaningful look. He said nothing and she continued.

  “If you want to try it, be my guest. I’ll eat another one if I have to. But while your soul is mine, and not His...” Lily referred to the Adversary as Him, but wouldn’t refer to God as a distinct entity in any way. It was always Upstairs or The Other Side. “... keep in mind if humans found a way to get out of bargains with us, He’d put a stop to it. If He really thought it could be done, He wouldn’t let us make deals with you in the first place. Remember, He’d rather rule Below than serve Above. And He’d rather not play than even take a chance on losing.”


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