Spirit Journey: Historical Western Cowboy Romance Novel (Dawson Chronicles Book 3)

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Spirit Journey: Historical Western Cowboy Romance Novel (Dawson Chronicles Book 3) Page 14

by Linda Bridey

  As they moved out, Joey fell in beside Skip and Dash. He was excited about being along on the rest of the adventure with his friends.


  Dear Ma and Pa,

  I hope this letter finds you all well. I’m doing just fine. Fantastic, in fact. I hope you’re sitting down because what I have to tell you next is going to be shocking. We rescued two sisters who had been pushed into a deep ravine and trapped there. Dash heard them and told us they were down there.

  Their names are Jaylyn and Peanut Lennox, and Peanut has a baby named Annie. It’s a long story and Mr. Dwyer will fill you in more, but Peanut and I fell in love. I love Annie, too. I proposed to Peanut and she accepted. She came back with Mr. Dwyer and company and I’d like her to stay with you until we get back.

  Please be the kind, good people who raised me and make them welcome. Peanut is really scared that you’ll hate her, so please show her that she doesn’t have anything to be worried about. I have something else to say that will be shocking. Peanut is expecting. Close your mouth, guys. I thought about this a lot, so I didn’t jump into this blind, and Peanut didn’t coerce me at all, so don’t think that’s the case.

  I’m begging you to reserve judgment until I get back. Get to know Peanut and Annie and you’ll see why I fell in love with them. I love you all and miss you so much! xoxoxo


  Joe sat in one of the chairs in the Keller’s parlor, watching them read Skip’s short letter. They’d arrived back in Dawson late that night and Peanut and Annie had been settled in down at the camp. Skip had set it up that way so that Joe could break the news to Switch and Hope in private. That way, Peanut wouldn’t be suddenly sprang on them, which would give his family time to get used to the idea that Skip was engaged to a pregnant woman who already had one baby.

  The Kellers finished reading it at the same time and stared at Joe.

  “Is this a joke?” Hope asked. “Is he pulling our leg?”

  Joe shook his head. “Nope. It’s no joke. I’m real proud of your boy.”

  “You are?” Switch asked. “I don’t understand.”

  “That’s why I’m here,” Joe said, launching into the story. He finished, saying, “I was just as surprised as you at first, but I gotta tell you, after watching them together, I’m convinced that it’s the real thing. You’ll see for yourselves when they get back.”

  Hope said, “So she’s not desperate for a husband and just latched onto Skip for security? I know that sounds awful, but you can understand why we would think that.”

  Joe grinned. “I know. I wondered that myself until I heard them arguing about her finding a job. Peanut keeps insisting that she’s gonna find work of some sort and Skip doesn’t want her to. They almost got into an argument about it this morning, but then agreed to talk about it once Skip got home. She’s not after his money. She and Jaylyn are good women who were dealt some severe blows, but they’re independent women who wanna stand on their own two feet.”

  Switch shook his head. “I can’t believe it. I mean, I believe you, but I can’t believe it. Skip fell in love and asked a girl to marry him. When they left, he could hardly talk to girls. Is she pretty?”

  “Oh, yeah,” Joe said. “Big blue eyes, beautiful red hair, about the color of Edie’s, I guess. About five-three or thereabouts. Your boy picked a real looker. And it’s no wonder he fell in love with that baby. Annie’s as cute as a speckled pup. Skip’s the only man she’ll let hold her. She won’t even go to Black Fox. She likes other fellas well enough if they talk to her and play with her while one of the women or Skip is holding her, but she screamed if one of us other fellas tried to hold her.”

  Hope and Switch’s eyebrows rose. They’d never heard of a baby refusing to let Black Fox hold them.

  “Goodness,” Hope said. “It certainly sounds like he has a way with Annie. Well, if this is what Justin wants, then we’ll do it and get to know this young woman. We’ll give her the benefit of the doubt.”

  Joe said, “Good. You won’t be sorry. I’ll bring them over in the morning.”

  He bid Hope and Switch goodnight and went home to greet his family and get some rest.


  As she rode over to the Keller residence with Joe the next morning, queasiness gripped Peanut. It wasn’t morning sickness since she was past that point in her pregnancy. She kept trying to take comfort in Skip and everyone else’s assurances that Hope and Switch would accept her and Annie. It wouldn’t have been so bad if she only had herself to worry about, but Annie was her first responsibility. If Skip’s parents didn’t want her, she could always go back down to the camp, but she hoped that didn’t happen.

  The pulled up to the Kellers’ home and Joe cut the engine.

  “Peanut, it’s gonna be all right,” Joe said. “I’ve known these people for a long time, so trust me when I tell you that you have nothin’ to worry about.”

  She tried to smile. “Ok.”

  Joe got out and came around to open her door. He grabbed her bags from the back seat and then walked up the walkway to the nice, white, two-story house. Peanut held and kissed Annie as Joe knocked on the door. It was more to comfort herself than the baby.

  It was answered by a lovely blonde woman with blue eyes.

  “Hello, Joe. Please come in,” Hope said.

  Joe motioned Peanut inside before him and made the introductions.

  Hope said, “My goodness, but you’re both so pretty. No wonder Justin fell in love with you.”

  Peanut blushed. “Thanks. I just want you to know that I truly love him and that I think he’s the sweetest, kindest man. I can tell that he was raised well and I’ll be a good wife to him.”

  Switch’s heart went out to her when he saw the sheen of tears in her eyes. “We believe you, Peanut. Don’t worry. Everything is ok.”

  Peanut’s lower lip trembled and she tried not to cry. “I’ve been so scared that you’d think I was some sort of gold digger or something, but I’m not. I’ll get a job and pay you rent. I’m not a freeloader.”

  Hope put an arm around her. “Peanut, there’s no need for that. You’ve been through so much and you need to rest and get your bearings. Switch is right—there’s no need for you to worry.”

  “Ok,” Peanut said.

  Annie had been watching Switch because he resembled Skip so much. She smiled at him and he returned it.

  “Can I hold her?” he asked.

  Peanut said, “Sure, if she’ll go to you.”

  “I’ll give it a whirl,” Switch said, holding out his hands to Annie.

  She smiled and babbled before reaching for him. Switch took her and held her close.

  Joe said, “Well, look at that. You look so much like Skip that she feels comfortable with you.”

  Switch bounced Annie a little. “Boy, you sure are a pretty girl,” he told her. “You’re gonna break some hearts when you get older.”

  Peanut smiled. “Skip really does look like you. If I saw you at a distance, I’d have a hard time telling you apart.”

  Switch said, “Yeah. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

  Hope said, “Let’s get you settled in and then have a snack. Do you drink coffee, Peanut?”

  Peanut nodded. “Yes. I’ll warn you: I’m past the morning sickness phase and I’m hungry all the time.”

  Hope chuckled. “I remember what that was like. We always have plenty to eat. Come with me.”

  Joe said his goodbyes and Switch gave Annie back to Peanut so he could carry her bags upstairs.

  Leading Peanut into one of the bedrooms, Hope said, “This was our daughter, Renee’s, room. We set up a crib for you.”

  Peanut said, “It’s a really pretty room. Thanks for everything.”

  Switch sat her things on the bed. “You’re welcome. We’re looking forward to getting to know you and Annie.”

  They left her so she could unpack and Hope put on coffee.

  “She certainly is a pretty girl,” Hope said.r />
  Switch nodded as he cut them all a piece of cherry pie. “Yeah. And she seems really nice, too. Annie is so cute.”

  Hope said, “Yes, she is, and she certainly likes you.”

  Grinning, Switch said, “That’s a good thing; when Peanut is busy with something I can watch her.”

  Hope poked his side. “You’re going to be a good grandpa.”

  Switch stopped what he was doing. “Grandpa? Good Lord. We’re gonna be grandparents, Hope. I suddenly feel old.”

  “We’re not old, Switch. We’re young, fun grandparents,” Hope protested.

  “You’re right. We’re young, vital, and we’re gonna be great grandparents.”

  Since she didn’t have many possessions, it didn’t take Peanut long to unpack. She came downstairs and they sat down to their refreshments. Switch had gotten a highchair from the attic and Peanut put Annie in it. She pounded the tray and babbled.

  Switch made a face at her and she laughed. That was all it took for Switch and Hope to fall in love with her. Peanut was relieved to see that Skip had been right and she was hopeful about what the future held from then on.

  Chapter Seventeen

  After visiting their other destinations, Raven’s group hightailed it for home, arriving the third week of August. Joey had to get ready to leave for college the next week and they were all trail weary by this point.

  They were enthusiastically greeted by everyone when they rode into camp. People swarmed them. Zoe ran through the crowd, found Runner, and threw her arms around him.

  “You’re finally home!” she exclaimed, holding him tight. “I’m furious with you, but I’m so happy you’re home. Don’t you ever leave like that again.”

  “I’m sorry, Ma,” he said, embracing her while she cried. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m home for good. I wouldn’t have gone if it hadn’t been important. I missed you so much.”

  Zoe squeezed him harder for a few moments and then looked up at him. “I can’t believe how big you got. I missed so much of your life.”

  Runner felt bad about hurting his family. “I know, but I’m here now and we’ll make up for lost time. I’ll let you make all of the apple dumplings for me that you want.”

  Zoe laughed. “You’ll let me make them, hmm? You haven’t changed.”

  He hugged her again, thrilled to finally be back home with his family. She led him inside so he could put his things in his room. As he looked around the familiar space, he took a deep breath and raised up a silent prayer of thanksgiving to Wakan Tanka for delivering all of them safely home.


  As Skip unloaded Dash’s paniers, he had no idea that several people watched him intently.

  Kiya Wild, daughter of Moose and Katie, couldn’t take her eyes off him. “That’s really Skip?”

  Her younger sister, Jo, said, “He sure filled out. I think that trip definitely agreed with him. I can’t believe he’s engaged.”

  “Me, neither. I’m gonna go say hello,” Kiya said.

  As she drew nearer to Skip, she smiled over his wild hair. “Hi, Skip.”

  Skip looked at the girl he used to have a huge crush on and smiled. He still thought she was beautiful, but now he felt nothing more for her than friendship.

  “Hi, Kiya. It’s good to see you again. How was your summer?” he asked.

  She was shocked that he could talk to her without stammering the way he’d always used to. “It was good, thanks. Look at you all tanned, and I think you grew.”

  Skip grinned. “Everyone keeps telling me that, so I guess it’s true.”

  He finished unloading the paniers and unfastened them from Dash.

  Kiya said, “Congratulations on your engagement. Peanut is a nice girl.”

  A thrill ran through Skip at the mention of his fiancée.

  “Thanks. I don’t mean to cut you short, but I’m gonna get these to the barn and head home. I can’t wait to see everyone. I’m glad you had a good summer,” he said.

  “Of course. I just wanted to say hello,” Kiya said.

  He smiled at her. “I’m glad you did. See ya.”

  “Goodbye,” Kiya said, rejoining her sister over at their cabin.

  Jo giggled. “You should have snapped him up when you had the chance.”

  “Shut up,” Kiya snapped, but, as her eyes followed Skip, she silently agreed with Jo.


  Skip tamped down his impatience to get home. He wanted to gallop on Dash, but the mule was tired, so he kept Dash at a trot. It was a nice evening, so he’d tie Dash in back of the house. He kept feed there and he would give Dash some carrots as a treat for having done such a great job on their trip.

  After what felt like an eternity, he arrived at his house and rode Dash around back. He exchanged Dash’s hackamore for his halter and then secured him to the hitching post, making sure the rope was long enough for Dash to lie down if he wanted to. Then he put feed in the small trough and went in the back door.

  “Guess who’s home?” he called out as he entered the kitchen.

  He heard Hope let out a cry and he was met in the foyer by his family. Hope grabbed him and held on.

  “Oh, Justin! We’ve missed you so much!” she said, kissing his cheek. “Your hair is so long and so curly!”

  He laughed. “Yeah. I kind of like it. I’m not in a hurry to cut it.”

  Switch hugged him next, clapping his back. “You look good, son. It’s so good to have you home. We’ve heard that it was quite the trip.”

  “I have a lot to tell you,” Skip said, releasing his father.

  Then he spotted Peanut and Annie.

  “There are my girls!” he said.

  He enveloped them in his arms, kissing Peanut soundly, not worried about his parents seeing.

  “I missed you so much,” he said, looking in Peanut’s eyes.

  Peanut blinked back tears of happiness. “We missed you terribly.”

  “I’m here now,” he said. “Everything is ok.”

  Annie squealed and reached for him. Skip took her and made bullfrog croaks, which made her laugh.

  “You got so big,” he said, kissing her soft little cheek. “It feels so good to hold you again.”

  Peanut’s pregnancy was more noticeable now. Skip put his free hand on her belly and grinned. “I see that our boy is growing, too.”

  Peanut leaned against him. “Yeah. I’ve been eating your poor parents out of house and home.”

  Hope and Switch were enjoying the sweet way that Skip and Peanut interacted with each other. Their bond was evident and they now understood why so many people had told them that they thought the young couple made a good match. They were pleasantly surprised by the way that Skip treated Annie and spoke about Peanut’s unborn child.

  Hope said, “Don’t you worry about that. She’s been cleaning the house and cooking so much that we’ve hardly had to lift a finger here at home.”

  Peanut said, “I wanted to earn my keep.”

  Switch said, “Well, earn it you have, but we’ve just enjoyed having you here. The place was too empty with all of the kids gone. Besides, you brought us this little lady.”

  He tickled Annie under her chin and the baby laughed and hid her face against Skip’s chest.

  “Did you let Peanut do the floors?” Skip asked him.

  “Absolutely not! No woman will get down on her knees to scrub floors in this house as long as I live,” Switch proclaimed. “She tried once and I caught her. I scolded her but good.”

  Peanut laughed. “He did and then he made me a snack because he thought he’d been mean to me. You two really are a lot alike.”

  Father and son grinned at each other.

  “Maybe just a little bit,” Skip said. “It’s so good to be home. You have no idea.”

  Hope said, “I’m sure you’re hungry. I’ll fix you a plate. We had ham and scalloped potatoes that Peanut made. They’re delicious. Your fiancée is a good cook.”

  Skip said, “I know. Squirrel taught
her how to cook like they do and she’s also handy with a frying pan.”

  Peanut grinned. “Thanks. But I can’t make frog legs like you.”

  “Are you still having cravings for them?” Skip asked. “She couldn’t get enough of them when we were out on the trail.”

  Peanut said, “Now it’s milk.”

  Skip laughed. “Maybe we should buy a cow.”

  “Stop it,” Peanut said.

  Skip kissed her temple and said, “I’ll just stick my stuff upstairs and then we can all catch up.”


  While the Kellers were getting reacquainted, Hailey cantered her horse along the trail through the woods from the camp that led to the Benson ranch. Art hadn’t come to camp that night, so he had no idea that she’d arrived home. She pushed her mount as fast as was safe in the growing darkness, her eagerness to see Art growing with every stride.

  Arriving at the ranch, she headed straight for Art’s bunkhouse, relieved to see lamplight pouring out of the doorway. She grinned with anticipation as she stopped her horse and slid off.

  Art had heard the horse thunder up to his bunkhouse and came to the door. When he saw Hailey land lightly on her feet, he broke into a huge grin as they hurried towards each other. He hugged her around the waist and lifted her off the ground while she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. His response was swift and explosive.

  In a matter of seconds, heat ignited between them and Art carried her into his bunkhouse, slamming the door shut with his foot. He set her down and broke the kiss, holding her face in his hands.

  “Let me look at my warrior woman,” he said.

  Her gray eyes shone brightly with happiness and tears. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I missed you, too, soldier,” Art said. “I don’t know how, but you got even more beautiful.”

  “And you got even more handsome,” she said. “It was an incredible experience, but I’m so happy to be home.”

  “I can’t wait to hear all of your stories,” Art said.

  Hailey couldn’t stop looking at him. She ran her hands over his short, kinky hair, loving the slightly abrasive texture against her palms. Everything about the man was beautiful to her: his dark, mesmerizing eyes, sensual mouth, and his powerful muscles that were covered with a rich, nutmeg-hued skin.


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