Rescuing Mr. Wright (Texas Treasures)

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Rescuing Mr. Wright (Texas Treasures) Page 8

by Kandie Delley

  “Just let me have you,” he finally asked, leaning in to cover her mouth with his.

  They slid to the floor and he threaded her hair through his fingers as she arched her back, lifting her breasts —ripe for his attention. He massaged it through the thin fabric of her shirt, grazing his thumb ever so lightly over the bud forming under his touch.

  Hard breathing, panting, and random coos bounced off the walls as he spread her legs so that he could move between them. After kissing her shoulder, his lips moved to her delicate collarbone and then an earlobe. She writhed against him in ecstasy, begging him for more.

  “Jaden,” she moaned, “make love to me.”

  At her request, he stopped long enough capture his reflection in her dark eyes, and then kissed her lips, before delving his tongue deeper.

  When he pulled up he whispered, “I love the way you taste Sunny,” he whispered. “Be mine.”

  The ring tone of her phone shrilled in the air. She ignored the first call and fell into rhythm with Jaden’s savage kisses. Her phone shrilled again.

  “Not now,” she said, between heated kisses.

  “Don’t answer it,” he said kissing her fervently.

  The ringtone chimed again. Sunny’s head dropped softly onto Jaden’s arm, which he had tucked underneath her to provide cushion against the floor. She rubbed her temples and then reached for her phone, which had skirted a few feet across from her during their passionate embrace.

  “Hello? Ramone…what?” She bolted straight up and fumbled with the phone. When she placed it back on her ear she shrieked, “Get married?”


  DEMI SPAT A mouthful of wine cooler to the floor. She swiped her mouth with the back of her hand and asked, “Are you crazy?”

  “What?” Sunny returned as she stepped over the wet area of Demi’s small, kitchen.

  “Girl, you better take your behind back over to his place and apologize,” Demi instructed as she grabbed the swiffer mop and cleaned up her mess.

  “Apologize for what? I thought you’d be happy about my decision.”

  “Well yeah, but what about Jaden?”

  “What do you mean? This is great news for Jaden. I’m officially over Ramone. i tossed his proposal back in his face.”

  “But Jaden doesn’t know that. All he knows that you left him in the middle of a make out session to be with your Ex who had just proposed.”

  “Eww,” Sunny sunk into the sofa and smacked her palm to her forehead. “I totally forgot. I was so angry at Ramone for his newfound jealousy, that I had to confront him and close that chapter of my life.”

  “And in that whole forty-minute drive to Ramone’s you didn’t think to call Jaden to explain anything?”

  “No,” Sunny replied. “What’s wrong with me?”

  “Nothing,” Demi said threading her fingers into her sister’s thick mane. “You’re just scared of getting hurt again.”

  “I didn’t think that I could love anyone as much as I loved Ramone.”

  “And you won’t if you keep running from love.”

  “You’re right,” Sunny replied, lifting her head. “How did you get so smart?”

  “Listening and learning from my big sister’s mistakes.”

  “Oh shut up,” Sunny giggled as she followed Demi into Demi’s bedroom.

  “I can’t believe you left that fine, piece of mocha light chocolate just to meet Ramone’s two-timing behind,” Demi said as she placed a sundress in front of her, and then sashayed with it in front of a full-length mirror.

  “I don’t need a lecture. I feel awful.”

  “I would give you some advice but you’re doing a pretty good job of jacking up your own life. Which dress?”

  “Please tell me you’re not going to Puerto Rico with that guy,” Sunny exploded next to her younger sister Demi. “You barely know him.”

  “If you really think about it, I know him better than you know Jaden, and he still hasn’t stepped up to first base. Unlike somebody, I know.”

  “I know. What was I thinking?”

  “That you were hot and horny, and needed a tune up.”

  “Don’t be crude.” Sunny tossed a bright canary sarong to her sister.

  “So what’s about Jaden?”

  “I guess I’ll have to go back and talk to him.”

  “Be honest,” Demi asked. “Was there a moment when you considered Ramone’s proposal?”

  “Yeah,” Sunny sat at the edge of Demi’s bed. “He handed me a blank check, and told me to pick whatever ring I wanted.”

  “But wouldn’t you want to go ring shopping with the man you plan to marry?”

  “It really wouldn’t have mattered to me as long as I had the ring and he walked down the aisle.”

  “That doesn’t sound like you Sunny,” Demi folded the dress over her arm and turned to her sister. “You’re a romantic. You would have wanted to go ring shopping with your ‘Mr. Right’.”

  Sunny smiled and said, “Enough about me. Tell me more about this internet guy.”

  “We met online a few months ago, had great conversation, exchanged a few photos…and finally met in a neutral area for coffee,” Demi placed another dress in front of her and continued, “I’m diggin’ him Sun. And did I mention that he’s paying for my all-inclusive trip?”

  “So?” Sunny scoffed.

  “So, I’m not turning down a free trip just because you have anxiety issues.”

  “Demi, this isn’t smart. It’s irresponsible.” Sunny began unpacking Demi’s suitcase.

  Demi grabbed each item and repacked them, “Save the sermon for Sunday. I’m going.” She elbowed past her sister to a far corner of her bedroom closet. “This isn’t me asking my big sis for permission. This is me telling you the details in case something happens.”

  “That’s exactly my point. It’s not safe.”

  “I could walk to my mailbox and get sideswiped by a car. I can’t keep waiting on the sidelines because it’s safe?”

  Sunny shrugged. It was useless to change Demi’s mind. In fact, the harder a person tried to convince her younger sister to do something, the more she resisted.

  “Well at least you’re taking some precautions,” Sunny replied. “Text me his photo, basic contact information, and the hotel you’re going to be at…”

  “I know, I know.”

  “I’m serious. Be careful,”

  “How about this. I’ll become a little careful if you throw a little caution to the wind.”


  “Go back to Jaden’s. Explain what happened and try to pick up where you left off…if you know what I mean.”

  “I couldn’t possibly do that,” Sunny said wringing her hands as she paced the floor. “That would be like, pre-meditated sex.”

  “Bingo,” Demi responded.

  “I couldn’t.”

  “Good grief!” Demi dropped her hands, and the red cocktail dress she’d stolen from Sunny’s closet earlier. “Getting you to get your freak on, is like trying to guide a mule across the Sahara to a waterfall oasis.”

  “I am not stubborn.”

  “You’re stubborn, pragmatic…girl don’t get me started,” Demi advised. “’Cause Lord knows, you don’t have a single adventurous bone in your body.”

  “I do too,” Sunny scoffed.

  “Prove it.’

  Demi stuck her tongue at Sunny and then scooped a pile of clothes from her closet. She carried them into bedroom, flopping onto her sister’s designer luggage, that she’d also grabbed from an earlier visit.

  “Wait a minute…that’s my luggage,” Sunny squealed.

  “Yepper,” Demi replied, unzipping it.

  “It’s a wonder you didn’t take any of my shoes too.”

  “Girl, I grabbed those chocolate boots, and tan stilettos yesterday.”

  “Of course,” Sunny smirked. She hugged her sister and said, “I love you Demi,”


  “That’s it,” Sunny
snatched her shoe from her sister’s grasps. “If you say, ‘Ditto’ to me again, I’m confiscating that Ghost DVD.”

  “Aw man,” Demi pouted and reached for the shoe.

  Sunny dangled it in the air as her sister leapt for it, then darted out of the room with Demi following—and screaming—close behind.


  NORMALLY A NIGHT drive would be the perfect remedy for Sunny’s unsettled nerves. She had already circled the city twice, slowly building the courage to go back to Jaden’s house. She stuck her hand out the window and let it drift along the wind as song ‘Choosey Lover” by The Isley’s played.

  She pulled into Jaden’s driveway, and then turned down the volume of her stereo. After she killed the engine, she checked her make up in the rearview mirror and fluffed her dark wavy hair. When she opened her car door, raindrops fell from the sky. She held her pocketbook over her head and jogged to the front door.

  She rang the doorbell and within moments, the porch light came on. The door opened, and a succulent aroma from the kitchen curled around her delicate nose.

  Jaden held the door open with hand, which opened his shirt wider revealing his taut caramel shoulder. The other hand was stuffed into a jean pocket. His bold and direct stare sent shivers down her spine. His lips were tight, and his broad cheekbones were now set in a stony face. He had changed into a white cotton shirt with the buttons unfastened, revealing cotton ribbed white tank top and loose fit blue jeans.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t owe me any apologies.”

  “You’re being kind,” Sunny said softly. Then in a louder voice she said, “I wanted to explain what happened earlier.”

  “You don’t owe me any explanations.”

  “Don’t do this Jaden,” she whispered.

  “Sunny, since the day we met, I have tried to get on your bright side, but you pushing me away.”

  “I know, it’s just…”

  “I opened a chapter of my life, that I haven’t shared with anyone, not even my own family, and the minute your Ex calls, you run to him.”

  “It’s not like that.”

  “I thought that you were the one woman that I could build something with.”

  “I am,” she shouted. “If you’d let me talk you’d learn that I left her to confront him. To tell him that the answer was ‘No’.”

  “You could have told him that here,” he replied. “Instead, you couldn’t get out of here fast enough.”

  “It wasn’t like that Jaden.”

  “Sunny, you raced out here like you were the reincarnation of Flo Jo at the Olympic Trials.”

  “Now who’s being overdramatic,” Sunny giggled.

  A beat later, Jaden chuckled, realizing what he’d said. When their eyes met, Sunny stepped closer and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “You know how Ramone is. He doesn’t take ‘No’ for an answer. At least not by phone. I had to tell him face to face.”

  “And it’s over between you and him?”

  “It’s been over. I was just too heartbroken to start over again. But I’m ready to try…with you.”

  “Is that a fact,” he said, smiling.

  “Yes. So are you going to let me in, so we can pick up where we left off or…”

  “Jaden, hun, I need a towel to dry off please,” a woman’s voice yelled from the back of the house.

  Sunny pulled back, her heart racing a little faster, “Who…was…that?” She said, catching her breath and blinking away tears.

  “It’s not what you think,” Jaden said closing the door behind him. “I gave you a chance to explain. Give me a chance.”

  “You know what? Just forget it. Like you said, we don’t owe each other explanations.”

  “Sunny!” Jaden yelled. He caught up to her at her car and wrapped his arms around her. She fought against him.


  “Listen to me Sunny,” he whirled her to face him. He blinked as a sheer curtain of rain clouded his vision.

  “Let me go,” she struggled against him.

  “Sunny, calm down,” he hissed. “It’s not what you think.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” snapped as she wrenched her wrist from his grasp. He stepped back with his hands up in surrender. “Clearly I’m not ready to deal with it.” She wiped the wetness from her face and swung her car door open.

  She glanced at his retreating image in the rearview for just a moment and then followed the street until he was out of sight.


  14 days later

  SUNNY AND DEMI greeted a cluster of guests as they wheeled their luggage to the elevator. Sunny pressed the down button and cringed as the first floor bell sounded, signaling the end of another weekend getaway.

  When they arrived at the front desk the clerk said, “Good morning Ms. Carlisle and…”

  “I’m a Carlisle too,” Demi said.

  “I hope that you enjoyed your visit.”

  “It was just what we needed.”

  “Glad to hear it,” the clerk responded and began Sunny’s check out procedure. Moments later, she paused. “Actually Ms. Carlisle, your visit has been comped.”

  “I don’t understand,” Sunny replied.

  “Just a moment, I’ll get my manager.”

  “Maybe I need to become a travel writer with all these perks.”

  “But I didn’t check in as a travel writer. I was more than willing to pay.”

  “Girl shut your mouth. Never look a gift horse in the mouth,” Demi said.

  Within minutes, a man strode across the lobby. His expensive suit almost hid his protruding belly, and his impeccable grooming and bright smile, overshadowed his short height.

  “Ms. Carlisle, I’m Melvin Riojas, the manager of New Gables Inn. I had only arrived a few hours ago and noticed that you were a guest this weekend.”

  “Yes, just a short getaway from the city,” Sunny replied.

  “And how was your visit?”

  “The staff provided stellar service. The food, the view…incredible.”

  “Good!” he replied. “I hope that you time to hike or even partake in the wine tasting.”

  “Yes I did.”

  “Marvelous,” he replied as he stepped closer. “I was hoping that we could come to a small, unexpected business arrangement.”

  “Okay,” Sunny’s reply was laced with trepidation. “I’m listening.”

  “I’m a subscriber for Texas Treasures Travel magazine, and I noticed your name in several articles of past issues.”

  “And…you were hoping that I could do a write up about the resort?”


  “Right now, I’m writing exclusively with the Dallas Urban Journal, however, I’d love to feature a piece on New Gables.”

  “That’s great news!” His smile brightened and Sunny was sure the sun had followed him into the lobby. He turned to the front desk clerk and said, “Mara, please continue as advised. And Ms. Carlisle if there’s anything else that I can do for you please let me know.”

  “Thanks Mr. Riojas, Have a great day.”

  Sunny inched her purse up her shoulder and then shook his hand. When he disappeared around the corner, she stepped to the front desk and completed their check out.

  The valet arrived, and then packed their luggage into her sporty ride. After he opened doors for Sunny and Demi, Sunny tipped him and then swooped jean-clad legs onto the driver’s seat. Once Demi was settled, Sunny turned the stereo on and waited for the music to bellow in the air. Then she adjusted the seat, glanced over her shoulder, and pulled away from the curb, starting their journey back home.

  Normally she’d roll down the windows and blast her music as she passed large patches of dry Texas prairie. Today she wanted to feel the breeze and hear the sounds of nature. An hour into their drive, she pulled onto the dusty shoulder.

  “Now what?”

  “I want to get some pics of the area and a video clip over by that historical marke

  “Come on Sunny, we have a long drive back.”

  “If you hurry and help me, we can get out of here within the hour.”

  “Aw man!” Demi pouted.

  “Hey, you’re the one who’s considering becoming a travel writer.”

  “Uh…not anymore.”

  “You said that you’d help Demi,” Sunny advised.

  “Fine” Demi huffed.

  She grabbed the camera and tripod from the back of Sunny’s car and then walked beside her sister. As they crossed the dry Texas plains Sunny thought about the last handful of months since that night at Jaden’s. She had completed her rewrite of the script by correspondence, and ended their arrangement.

  She had also returned to the newspaper and her travel column, better than ever. She still hadn’t found a publisher for her book, and finally self-published it as an eBook. Her book’s sales were validation that she had a story to tell, and an audience who wanted to read it.

  In all, her life had returned to normal, except in one area. She was no longer afraid to love again.

  “We can pack it up now,” Sunny said half an hour later. “We’re losing light.”

  “Thank God,” Demi murmured and turned the camera off.

  “Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy being outdoors, capturing moments of nature, and a piece of Texas History?”

  “By the time we get back, I’m going to miss the Spartacus marathon.”

  “Sometimes you can be such a guy Demi,” Sunny laughed.

  “Speaking of guys, did you hear about Genny and Jack?”

  “Yes. I was at her house last week because she’s designing my new website and she told me.”

  “After all these years they finally got wise and are getting married.”

  “That came out of nowhere didn’t it?”

  “Not really,” Demi answered. “They’ve been friends for a long time. They shared everything together.”

  “Obviously,” Sunny said.

  “It must be nice to have someone special like that.”

  “Yeah it is. I mean, if you are lucky enough to meet someone who makes you a better person, and can spend the rest of your life with them, it’s a beautiful thing.”


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