Royalty (RiffRaff Records Book 1)

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Royalty (RiffRaff Records Book 1) Page 1

by L. P. Maxa


  From the moment he knew he wanted to be a musician, Mason Maxwell decided he would go it on his own, even if his old man—Hollywood royalty—was famous enough to buy him his own record label. Mace’s career has taken off, and at twenty-two, with the backing of RiffRaff Records, he’s living the dream. But mid-tour he’s pulled back home, and there’s only one person who can keep the nightmare from swallowing him whole.

  Payton Adkins is everything he’s not—responsible, caring, an adult. He’s beyond grateful for her help, and she’s perfect, and beautiful, and special. But she’s always known love is out of the question for a man like Mace. Which means Payton won’t be his. Unless a spoiled prince who has redefined bad boy learns to become a real good man.


  A RiffRaff Records Romance

  L.P. Maxa

  PUBLISHER’S NOTE: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, business establishments or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. Boroughs Publishing Group does not have any control over and does not assume responsibility for author or third-party websites, blogs or critiques or their content.


  Copyright © 2017 L.P. Maxa

  All rights reserved. Unless specifically noted, no part of this publication may be reproduced, scanned, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of Boroughs Publishing Group. The scanning, uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or by any other means without the permission of Boroughs Publishing Group is illegal and punishable by law. Participation in the piracy of copyrighted materials violates the author’s rights.

  ISBN 978-1-944262-76-1

  E-book formatting by Maureen Cutajar

  To my mom, thank you for encouraging me to write. All those kind words paid off. I have a spinoff series.


  Thank you times a million to my husband for letting me lock myself away for a week straight to hang with Mason. And thank you to my four year old daughter for not making me feel terrible about saying things like “Mommy needs to work tonight.” Thank you to Amy S. for reading this book sixteen hundred times and helping me get it right. I’m so glad that you wanted to be friends with me. And Amy H., thank you for kicking my ass every now and then. I actually enjoy it very much. My Smitten Kittens, you guys are so fun and I’m so lucky to have a reader group filled with such awesome sauce people.

  And I want to say a special thank you to my daddy. While I was trying to finish Mason’s HEA, my father fell down the stairs and fractured his neck as well as his pelvis. I sat on the floor of his ICU room and typed away, trying to get this story complete. Every time I’d get up to help him, or get his nurse, he’d tell me to sit down and finish. You’re amazing, Daddy. I love you.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Chapter Forty-Six


  About the Author

  Also by L.P. Maxa


  “Just remember this, my girl, when you look up in the sky,

  you can see the stars and still not see the light.”

  —“Already Gone” by The Eagles

  Chapter One



  “Hey, bud, you awake?”

  I felt him in my room, but I sure as shit wasn’t ready to open my eyes. I’d had a long-ass night.

  “Hey? Can you hear me? Wake your punk-ass up.”

  Yeah, I could hear him. The music in my headphones had paused itself a few hours ago. Reluctantly, I opened one eye. I knew he wasn’t going anywhere until I acknowledged him.

  “I’m up.”

  “When did you get into town? And why are you sleeping with your Beats on?” He put his hands on his hips. “Are we going through another emo phase? Because I have to tell you, the first one was annoying as fuck.”

  I snorted out a laugh as I sat up in my bed. “No. I’m wearing my Beats because even through the headphones the sound of my incredibly hot stepmother screaming, Don’t stop. Fuck me harder, was giving me a chub.”

  My father made a face and looked down at my crotch. “You didn’t rub it out, did you?”

  I rolled my eyes. “No. I tried for a good ten minutes to remind my traitorous dick that it was my old man fucking her like that. But when that didn’t work I called a friend to come over.” I paused when my dad held out his fist for a bump. I obliged because he was right. I was a boss. “She couldn’t stay the night though, and I was terrified of a round three. Hence the Beats.”

  He nodded. “Which friend? Was she any good?”

  I shrugged. “She was okay. Got the job done. Definitely not the best I’ve ever had.”

  “There was a round three, but it was in the shower.” He winked.

  “Nice.” I put my headphones on my nightstand and stood, stretching my arms over my head. When I said “Nice” I really meant it. My stepmom was gorgeous, inside and out. I gave mad props to my dad for not only landing her, but for being a haus in the sack. If I could still make a girl scream like that twenty years from now, I’d consider myself lucky.

  “I thought you weren’t coming into town until tonight. Isn’t your gig at the pier tomorrow?” He plopped down on the armchair in the corner of my massive suite, and I picked up my old guitar and turned on the amp I’d bought the last time I was at home.

  “Yeah, but I have to leave the morning after. Since I haven’t seen you guys in a while I thought I’d come in early and surprise you.” I sent him an evil smile. “Good thing I didn’t bust into your bedroom and jump on your bed like I used to.”

  He chuckled. “I would have laughed my ass off. Katie would have had a heart attack.”

  Understatement coming: my dad and I have an interesting relationship. He’s a hella famous movie star, has been doing big-budget films since he was seventeen. That’s when he met my mom, and they boned in his trailer on a movie set, producing me. They were never together, not

  I grew up spending all of my time with my dad. We’re tight. Me and my mom? Not so much. She’s pretty self-absorbed and annoying as fuck. She doesn’t really want anything to do with me, unless it’s to talk to the press about how instrumental she was to my success as a musician. Which she wasn’t. At all.

  “Speaking of M Kat, where is she?” That was what I called my stepmom, M Kat. For Momma Kate.

  “Getting dressed.”

  M Kat was the light of both our lives. She and I had clicked instantly, which was not what I had expected when my dad told me he met someone. It had been just him and me for nearly fifteen years.

  At first I was afraid some gold-digging whore had gotten her claws into him. But I couldn’t have been more wrong. M Kat was an ER nurse who’d worked on my dad after he broke his leg doing one of his own stunts. She’s six years younger than him, and only eleven years older than me. She was the voice of reason around this place, and loved my dad so fully it made me blush sometimes.


  He winked at me, in a watch this kind of way. “I’m in Mason’s room, baby. Come say hi.”

  I could imagine the wheels spinning in her head as she made her way across the house. “Mason? He’s home already? When, uh, when did he get in?”

  I couldn’t help but chuckle. She was going to turn three shades of red.

  “I came in last night.”

  She appeared in the doorway, came across the room, then threw her arms around my neck, hugging me tight. She put her hands on my shoulders and pushed me back so she could look at me. “Last night, huh?”

  I grinned. My dad cleared his throat. “Yeah, he heard you.”

  There it was. Red as a beet. “Oh, uh, Mace…I didn’t, we didn’t—”

  I held up my hands. “No worries.”

  “He had a friend come over and take care of the little problem your screams caused in his pants.” My dad loved to give M Kat a hard time. And the fact that she had a stepson who could be her younger brother? Gave us lots of ammo.

  “Little problem?” I shook my finger in his face. “No way, old man. It was a large and—”

  “You two are impossible.” M Kat let out a borderline irritated sigh. “Mason, I’m sorry for what you heard, we had no idea you were coming home last night. I’m sorry.” Turning on my dad, she scrunched her nose as she warned-asked, “And instead of fist bumping your twenty-year-old son, like I know you did, how about you being a parent and asking if he was careful? Used protection? Made her sign a nondisclosure agreement?”

  My dad and I started laughing. “Babe, you are so funny sometimes. The parenting ship sailed years ago with me and Mace.”

  I played a few chords on my guitar. “He’s right. That’s what we have you for.”

  She was a mom through and through. Even though she didn’t have any kids of her own, she was the only actual adult in this house. She and my dad had been married for four years now, but they’d been together for five.

  M Kat was the one who made sure I did my homework, and was who I called to let them know where I was and if I made it safely. She actually cooked for us and made us sit down at the table to eat together.

  She did all the things that neither of my bio parents ever bothered to try. Which was why I adored her. And missed her like crazy now that I was living up in New York.

  “And speaking of being careful. Are you two? Three rounds in one night? Am I going to end up being a big brother? Twenty years older than my little bro?” They looked at each other and smiled. That sappy ridiculous smile that made you want to vomit. “What? Wait. Are you—?”

  “I’m pregnant.” M Kat was beaming, her smile rivaling the sun. My dad stood and put his arms around her, letting his hands rest on her stomach.

  “Are you serious?” I stuttered.

  He nodded. “Twelve weeks today.”

  I started to smile, and was sure I looked as goofy as they did. “Oh my God, congrats, guys.” I put my arms around both of them. I was going to be a big brother. I was only kidding before. Never in a million years had I thought they wanted a baby. I knew it sounded stupid, but I was so damn happy. “Why didn’t you tell me? How are you feeling? Is it a boy?” I released them then sat back down on my bed.

  My dad went back to his chair and pulled M Kat down onto his lap as he said, “We wanted to wait until you were home so we could tell you in person.”

  She nodded. “Your dad wanted to call you right away, but I wanted you to be here, to be home. And it’s a girl, we just got the results in from our blood test yesterday.”

  My smile grew. “It’s a girl.” I was going to have a tiny little baby sister. My heart swelled, which was entirely unexpected. “I’m going to spend the rest of my life helping you protect her from assholes like me.”

  And an asshole I was. I wasn’t really what you could call a one-woman kind of man. I’d had starlets throwing themselves at me since I was thirteen.

  And let me tell you, I partook.

  A lot.

  My dad’s face turned serious. “She’s not allowed out of this house until she’s thirty.”

  “You two are going to be ridiculous. My poor daughter isn’t going to find a guy alive that you would approve of.” M Kat got to her feet. “Who’s hungry?”

  “Me.” My dad stood up and guided her out of my room with his hand on her ass. Horndog. “I’ll help.”

  I followed them out. “Since when does Dad help in the kitchen?” This I had to see.

  M Kat laughed. “He hinders more than he helps, but he’s learning.”

  I spent the rest of the day hanging out with my dad and M Kat. We ate brunch and then lay out by the pool.

  I missed the Texas heat. I knew that sounded insane, but I really did. New York had four seasons, which were beautiful, but I was used to two. Hot as hell and cold as fuck.

  Why Texas when my dad was a totally top A-lister? He wanted to raise me away from Hollywood, which was about the only parenting skill he got right. I grew up near South Padre Island on a badass, fully functioning ranch.

  Dad traveled a lot for work, and when he was on location somewhere cool, he’d bring me with. After seeing the biz from the inside, I never wanted to follow in his footsteps. Although I’d had plenty of offers to give it a shot, not to mention more than one modeling request.

  But that just wasn’t who I was. I picked up a guitar on the set of some rock and roll biopic when I was six, and I hadn’t put it down since.

  I used a made-up last name and threw myself into my music. I wanted to get to the top on my own, not for who my parents were. And after thirteen years of playing, I finally got my big break. I’d signed with RiffRaff Records, and they were the cream of the crop.

  It was just me, my guitar, and my amp. That’s how I played live. I worked with different lyricists, but all the tunes came from my brain.

  I was damn proud of where I was and of how I got there. I was a sexy twenty-year-old musician with money coming in and a trust fund the size of the thousand-acre ranch I grew up on.

  Life was good.

  Chapter Two



  “You guys are still planning on coming to my show right?” I was dressed and about to head out the door. I’d been touring this year, mostly smaller venues. But this was the first time I was playing in my hometown as a headlining artist. I’d been to more concerts on the pier than I could count. And now I was the main attraction. Not to sound too sentimental, but it was surreal.

  “Of course we are. We wouldn’t miss it for the world.” M Kat was wearing short shorts and a tank top that showed lots of skin, with a pair of expensive-looking cowboy boots. She looked hot.

  “You’re going to get hit on all night, you know that right?” I pointed at her legs that were on full display.

  She lifted her tank. “You see this?” She rubbed her hand on her slightly protruding stomach. “This is your baby sister and she’s only going to get bigger. I’m going to
wear what I want while I still can.”

  “I like this new little accessory of yours. I can’t wait until you’re huge, waddling and ready to pop.” My dad walked into the room and covered her hand with his, kissing her neck sweetly.

  I shook my head. “By huge, I’m sure he means beautifully pregnant with his child.”

  “Of course that’s what I meant. Is that not how it came out?” He winced and looked between the two of us.

  “I love having you home, Mace. You keep your father out of so much trouble.” M Kat stepped away from him and grabbed her purse off the entryway table. “Can we ride with you? I rather be backstage than in the crowd tonight.”

  They’d been to dozens upon dozens of my shows—before my big break and after. They were supportive as hell. My dad always had been, but until he met M Kat he was pretty much a workaholic and was gone a lot on location, so until he settled down his support was kind of long distance.

  “Of course, let’s rock and roll.” Playing in my hometown with both my parents watching side-stage. I couldn’t really think of a better way to spend my evening.


  The pier was packed and the crowd was singing along with every word. Nothing felt better than that. It was a high. Something I’d loved and craved for as long as I could remember. I looked over at my dad and M Kat and couldn’t help but laugh. My dad had his hands on her ass and his mouth at her ear. See? Horndog all the way. No wonder I was the way I was. Speaking of… I looked out into the crowd, searching for a girl to take home tonight. That was how I worked, every show, every time. I’d scan the crowd and someone would inevitably catch my eye. I’d then send someone to get her backstage and by the end of the night I’d take her home with me. Of course I’d send her packing with a smack on the ass in the morning. But for one night, it was just me and her. It was fun. And I’d never had any complaints because I was honest from the get-go, they knew the score before the clothes came off. No long term, no commitments, and no whining in the morning.

  “I have a favor to ask of you guys tonight.” I spoke into the microphone and the crowd got even rowdier. “My dad is here.” I waited for all the females in the audience to cream themselves before I continued. “With his beautiful wife.” I winked when some of them let out dramatically sad sighs. “He made me learn to play this next song the second he realized I’d far surpassed him in artistic talent. I was seven by the way.” I smiled a devilish grin that the girls always seemed to like. “So I’m going to play it for him right quick. It’s an old one, so don’t feel bad if you don’t know the words.”


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