Lancelot 'Capability' Brown, 1716-1783

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Lancelot 'Capability' Brown, 1716-1783 Page 48

by Jane Brown

  Brown, Lancelot (Thomas-Susan’s son), 301

  Brown, Margaret (LB’s daughter; ‘Peggy’) see Rust, Margaret

  Brown, Mary (LB’s sister) see Hudson, Mary

  Brown, Richard John (John-Jane’s son): birth, 4, 25; security, 95; legacy from LB, 199; and father’s death, 212; inherits fortune, 212; in Kirkharle, 218, 254; move to Newcastle and marriage, 218

  Brown, Susan (or Susannah; née Dickins), 300–1

  Brown, Susan (Thomas-Susan’s daughter), 301

  Brown, Rev. Thomas (LB’s youngest son): settles in Huntingdonshire, 6; birth, 155; education, 156, 199; claims father a frind of Banks, 244; in LB’s will, 299; career, 300–1, 303; marriage to Susan and children, 300

  Brown, Thomas (‘Old Thomas’ of Heatherwick), 8

  Brown, Thomas (Old Thomas’s son), 9

  Brown, Rev. Thomas, the younger, 301

  Brown, Ursula (née Hall; LB’s mother): marriage, 9; children, 10–11; obscure later life and death, 14, 24, 50

  Brown, William (LB’s father): and LB’s birth, 7; marriage, 9; in Redesdale, 9; settles in Kirkharle, 10, 12; and Jacobite rising (1715), 11; death, 13

  Brown, William (LB’s son): birth and death, 60, 63

  Brown, William (of Throckley), 211

  Browne, Sir Charles, 34–5

  Browne, Mary (née Pitt), 35

  Bruce, Susanna, Lady (née Hoare), 181

  Bruce, Thomas, 2nd Baron (later 7th Earl of Elgin), 181–3, 185

  Bruff, Luke, 73–4

  Brummell, William, 158

  Buchan, Alice, 98

  Buchan, John, 122

  Buckingham House (now Palace), London (The Queen’s House), 140–2, 153, 154, 221, 304, 311

  Buckingham, John Sheffield, 1st Duke of, 134, 141

  Buckinghamshire: LB in, 34; see also Stowe

  Builder’s Dictionary, The, 48

  Bumstead, William, 64

  Bunker Hill, battle of (1775), 263

  Burghley House, near Stamford: LB’s portrait in, 4; Miller assists LB at, 84, 102; LB’s alterations and work at, 99–102, 163, 208–11, 230, 279, 282; water and lake, 100, 103–4, 120, 209–11, 282; Lord Exeter’s devotion to, 101; plan, 210; costs of alterations, 282

  Burgoyne, General John (‘Gentleman Johnny’), 267

  Burlington House, Piccadilly, 122

  Burlington, Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of, 20, 179, 181, 204

  Burrell, Peter, 201

  Burroughs, Rev. Benjamin, 129

  Burroughs, Rev. William, 129

  Burton Constable, East Yorkshire, 227–32, 241, 271, 308

  Burton Dassett, 66

  Burton, Francis, 145

  Burton Pynsent, Somerset: tower (Burton Steeple), 17n, 184–5, 197; bequeathed to Chatham, 177–8, 194, 252; Lady Chatham sells land, 196; Chatham’s life at, 233

  Bush, John: nursery, 80–1

  Bute, John Stuart, 3rd Earl of: and Medmenham ‘friars’, 72; Bartram’s boxes sent to, 80; and improvement to St James’s Park, 130; influence on George III, 139; trustee for Queen’s House purchase, 141; LB hopes for commission from, 143; in LB’s account book, 159–60; and William Ireland, 165; advanced agricultural methods, 166; as Ranger of Richmond Park, 167; fall from grace, 243–4; LB visits, 243, 249; death, 243; seeks office with Chatham, 268

  Byng, Admiral John, 117

  Byng, Hon. John (diarist), 250

  Byram, West Yorkshire, 213, 268, 291

  Cadland House, Hampshire, 248, 265–6, 282

  Cadogan, Charles, 2nd Baron, 165

  Cadogan, Charles Sloane Cadogan, 3rd Baron and 1st Earl, 165

  Cadogan, Elizabeth, Lady (née Sloane), 165, 264

  Call, Thomas, 215–16

  Cam (or Granta), River (Cambridgeshire), 168–9, 172

  Cambo, Northumberland, 14, 20, 24

  Cambridge: Botanic Gardens, 274; St John’s College, 275; development, 294–7

  Cambridge, Richard Owen, 201, 206, 208

  Camden, William: Britannia, 25

  Campbell, Colin: Vitruvius Britannicus, 148

  Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal), 113, 215

  canals (waterways), 186–90

  Capability Brown and the Northern Landscape (exhibition, Newcastle, 1983), 3

  Capheaton Hall, Northumberland, 23

  Cardiff Castle, 244

  Carlton House Terrace, London, 318

  Caroline, Queen of George II, 133, 140, 221

  Carpenter, Stephen, 252

  Carr, John, 176, 273, 283

  Carton, Co. Kildare, 5

  Cartwright, Elizabeth (née Dormer), 144

  Cartwright, Thomas, 145

  Cartwright, William, 144–5

  Castle Ashby, Northamptonshire, 161, 194–5, 197, 230

  Castle Howard, Yorkshire, 28, 36, 319

  Catherine II (the Great), Empress of Russia, 215n, 311

  Cavendish, Sir William, 123

  Caversham Park, Reading, 165

  Cecil, Emma (née Vernon), 282

  cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani): as LB’s signature tree, 79–80; at Warwick Castle, 91; at Sherborne Castle, 257

  Centurion, HMS, 98

  Chambers, Sir William: in Society for Encouragement of Arts, 142–3; as architect for Office of Works, 221; enmity towards LB, 223; lays out Richmond Park and Kew Gardens, 224; works on Clive’s London house, 238; Swedish knighthood, 244; Lord Milton quarrels with, 252, 254; supplies plan for Milton Abbas, 254; Harewood plans rejected, 283; influence on Le Rouge, 311; A Dissertation on Oriental Gardening, 244–6

  Charlecote, Warwickshire, 67–8, 70, 120, 129–32, 317

  Charles II, King, 158, 245

  Charlotte Sophia, Queen of George III, 139–41, 154–5, 220

  Charlton, Barbara: Recollections of a Northumbrian Lady 1815–66, 24n

  Charlton, William, 23

  Chatham, Hester, Countess of (née Grenville), 107, 134, 143, 194–7, 233, 267, 268, 295

  Chatham, William Pitt, 1st Earl of: and Burton Pynsent Tower, 17n; forms government (1766), 19; family, 35, 54; LB meets at Stowe, 54; ramblings, 54, 106–7; and Seven Years War (1756–63), 57n, 117, 119, 143; indifference to money, 105; political career, 105; buys and improves Hayes Place, 107–8, 295; marriage and children, 107–8; LB’s political allegiance to, 109; joint ministry with Devonshire (1756–7), 117, 122; petitions for royal appointment and pension for LB, 117; celebrity, 121; commissions LB to improve St James’s Park, 140; in government with Bute, 143; resigns and accepts earldom (1761), 143; on effect of Eton, 155; inherits Pynsent estate, 177–8, 184, 252; health, 194–7, 233, 268–9; seeks house, 195–6; resigns (1767), 197; recommends LB to Lady Stanhope, 262; opposes war in America, 263–4, 266–9; death and funeral, 269, 279

  Chatsworth House, Derbyshire: LB’s work at, 120, 122, 125–7; painted, 122, 125; development, 123–5; drainage and water features, 125–6; later development, 128n; Thomas Gray on, 128; 4th Duke wishes no lake at, 133; Paxton at, 316

  Cheam School, Berkshire, 287

  Chelsea Physic Garden, 79

  Chevening, Kent, 107–8

  Chillington, Staffordshire, 190–1, 294

  Chippendale, Thomas, 97

  Chiswick House, Middlesex, 20, 95, 122

  Churchill, Charles, 72

  Chute, John, 84

  Cibber, Colley, 203

  Cipriani, Giovanni Battista, 97

  Clandon, Surrey, 235

  Clanricarde, John de Burgh, 11th Earl of, 235

  Claremont, Esher, Surrey, 133, 142, 234, 236–41, 247

  Clarke, James, 232

  Claude Lorrain, 56, 193, 260, 315

  Clifford of Chudleigh, Hugh, 4th Baron, 176–7

  Clifton-Taylor, Alec, 65

  Clive, Edward (later 1st Earl of Powis), 236

  Clive, George, 142

  Clive, Margaret, Lady (née Maskelyne), 236, 241

  Clive, Richard, 142

  Clive, Robert, Baron: Chatham and, 117; Plassey victory (1757), 117; and Pigot, 191; elected to Society for Enc
ouragement of Arts, 192; at Oakly, near Ludlow, 233, 241, 247; ownership of Claremont, 236, 238–41; wealth, 236; death, 241; and John Mainwaring, 275

  Coade, Eleanor, 209

  Cobb (carpenter), 292

  Cobham, Anne, Viscountess (née Halsey): as heir to Stoke Park, 43; marriage, 43; childlessness, 44; deference to, 51–2; and husband’s monument, 58; moves to Stoke Park in widowhood, 59–60, 62; LB visits at Stoke Park, 60, 92; and Thomas Gray., 61; death, 144

  Cobham, Richard Temple, Viscount: appoints LB head gardener at Stowe, 38; agnosticism, 41; background and military career, 43; and Roberts’ suicide, 47; grants Stowe pavilion for LB’s home, 51; Cubs (followers), 53–4; relations with LB, 53; and construction of Grecian Valley, 55–6; monument, 57–9; death and burial, 59; lends LB to friends and relations, 62

  Codrington, Sir William, 160

  Colebrooke, Sir George, 160

  Collins (Warwick stone-carver), 69

  Collinson, Peter, 80

  Collison, William, 145

  Columbine, Captain Ventris, 43

  Colvin, Brenda: Land and Landscape, 1–2

  Company of Gardeners, 15

  Compton, Henry, Bishop of London, 81

  Compton Verney, Warwickshire, 67, 268

  Condover Hall, Shropshire, 236

  Congreve, William: ‘Of Improving the Present Time’, 39, 41

  Constable, William, 227–32

  Constable, Winifred, 229

  Cook, Captain James, 221

  Cook, Thomas, 72

  Cooke, Philippa, 157, 199

  Coombe Abbey, Coventry, 249–51

  Coram, Captain Thomas (Foundling Hospital), 97

  Cornewall, Catherine, Lady, 288

  Cornewall, Sir George, 288–9

  Cornwallis, General Charles, 1st Marquess, 279

  Corsham Court, Wiltshire, 137–9

  Cosway, Richard, 235, 237

  Cotton, Charles see Walton, Izaak and Charles Cotton

  Cotton, Sir John Hynde, 110–11, 192, 225

  Coventry, Anne, Dowager Countess of (née Somerset), 68–9, 129–30

  Coventry, Barbara, Countess of (née St John), 292

  Coventry, George William, 6th Earl of: and LB’s death and funeral, 3–4, 6; at Croome, 67, 70–1, 82–5, 87, 232, 292–3; reconciliation with Dowager Countess, 68, 130; succeeds to earldom, 75; marriage to Maria Gunning, 88; death of wife, 89; payments to LB, 97, 160; signs petition for royal appointment and pension for LB, 118; and Eva Maria Veigel, 203; second marriage, 292

  Coventry, John (15th century), 83

  Coventry, John Bulkeley, 160

  Coventry, Maria, Countess of (née Gunning), 88, 187, 292–3

  Coventry, Thomas, 83

  Coventry, William, 5th Earl and Elizabeth, Countess of (née Allen), 70

  Cowling, Mary Anne, 301

  Cowling, Mary Elizabeth (LB’s natural daughter), 300–2

  Cowling, Peter, jr, 301–2

  Cowling, Rev. Peter Lancelot (Peter-Mary Elizabeth’s son), 301

  Cowper, William: The Task, 1, 279, 313–14

  Craven, Elizabeth, Countess of (later Margravine of Anspach), 235; Memoirs, 251

  Craven, William, 6th Earl of, 235, 237, 250–1, 294

  Croome, Worcestershire: memorial casket to LB, 4; Coventry at, 67, 82; LB visits, 70–1, 292; improvements, 71, 74, 84–9; LB’s proposed development, 75–6; drainage, 83, 85, 126, 132, 232; lake and water features, 83, 104, 293; costs, 84, 160; working methods, 84–5; plan, 86–7; Chinese bridge, 102n; Palmyra-style ceiling, 102; painted by Richard Wilson, 122; Adam at, 292–3; as sporting estate, 292–3; grotto, 293; Temple Greenhouse, 293; Young on, 316

  Crosby, Robert, 23

  Crowe, Dame Sylvia, 307, 320–1

  Cuffnells, Lyndhurst, Hampshire, 265

  Cumberland, Duke of see William Augustus

  Cunliffe, Sir Ellis, 179

  D’Abitot (D’Abetot), Urso, 83

  Dacre, Thomas Barret Lennard, 17th Baron (of Belhus), 76, 92, 99, 102, 104, 133–4, 242

  Damer, Anne Seymour (née Conway), 252

  Damer, John, 252

  Damer, Joseph, 174

  Dance, Nathaniel, 4, 208, 245

  Dashwood, Sir Francis (later Baron le Despencer), 72

  Dashwood, Sir James, 71–2, 92

  Davis, John Lambe, 288

  Davis, William and George, 157, 199

  Deerhurst, Thomas Henry Coventry, Viscount, 70–1, 74

  Defoe, Daniel, 50, 77–8, 93, 122–3

  Delany, Mary (née Granville), 135–6, 243

  Denbigh, William Feilding, 5th Earl and Isabella, Countess of, 62, 92

  Derby, Edward Stanley, 11th Earl of, 233

  Derwent, River (Derbyshire), 123–4

  Derwentwater, James Radcliffe, 3rd Earl of, 11–12

  Devonshire, Charlotte, Duchess of (née Boyle), 122

  Devonshire, Deborah, Duchess of (née Mitford), 125–6

  Devonshire, Georgiana, Duchess of (née Spencer), 128n

  Devonshire, William Cavendish, 1st Duke of, 124

  Devonshire, William Cavendish, 3rd Duke of, 24

  Devonshire, William Cavendish, 4th Duke of (earlier Marquess of Hartington), 117, 122, 124–6, 133, 204

  Devonshire, William Cavendish, 5th Duke of, 128n

  Devonshire, William Spencer Cavendish, 6th Duke of, 128n, 316

  Dewell, John, 120

  Dickens, Ambrose, 161

  Dickins, Rev. Charles, 300

  Dickinson, Cornelius, 257

  Diderot, Denis, 203

  Digby family, 256, 260

  Digby Edward, 6th Baron, 257

  Digby, Henry, 7th Baron, 257

  Digby, Captain Robert, 257

  Dinefwr (Newton House or Dynevor), Carmarthenshire, 289

  Dingley, Charles, 196

  Ditchingham, Norfolk, 181

  Ditton Park, Buckinghamshire, 235

  Dodington, Gloucestershire, 160

  Dodsley, R. and J., 113

  Doherty, John, 71, 75

  Donaldson, Anna Maria, 206

  Donegall, Arthur Chichester, 5th Earl (later 1st Marquess) of, 233, 235, 251

  Donn, William, 163–4

  Down estate, Blandford St Mary, Dorset, 252

  Downham House, Suffolk, 165n

  Drayton, Michael, 190

  Driver, Samuel, 99n

  Drummond, Andrew, 97, 195, 204, 265

  Drummond, Lady Elizabeth (née Compton), 195

  Drummond, Henry, 194–5, 197

  Drummond, John, 199, 265, 299

  Drummond, Robert, 265–6

  Drummonds Bank, 97, 111, 160, 163, 234

  Drury Lane Theatre, London, 262

  duck decoys, 293–4

  Duck, Stephen, 222

  Duffield, Thomas, 217, 218n

  Duncombe Park, Yorkshire, 287

  Dundas, Sir Lawrence, 213

  Durant, George, 191

  Dyrham, near Enfield, 183

  Eaton Hall, Cheshire, 317

  Edge Hill, Warwickshire, 64–6, 287

  Edison, John, 3, 199, 299

  Egremont, Charles Wyndham, 2nd Earl of, 82, 93, 96–7, 108, 112, 118

  Ellison, Henry, 28

  Elsdon, Northumberland, 8–9

  Eltonhead, William, 85

  Embleton, Richard, 211

  Emes, William, 181, 190, 309

  Encombe, Dorset, 106

  Enfield Chace, Middlesex, 54

  Enville, near Stourbridge, 119

  Errington, Lancelot, 11

  Essex, James, 274, 278

  Eton College, 155–6

  Etruria Hall and Park, Staffordshire, 190

  Euston Hall, Suffolk, 72, 194, 207–8

  Evans, John, 290

  Evelyn, John: on Hampton Court, 158; Sylva, 17–18

  Evenlode, River, 144, 150, 182

  Exeter, Anne, Countess of (née Cheatham), 208

  Exeter, Brownlow Cecil, 9th Earl of, 4, 100, 102, 118, 208–9, 233, 282

  Exeter, He
nry Cecil, 10th Earl (later 1st Marquess) of, 102, 282

  Exeter, John Cecil, 5th Earl of, 101

  Exeter, Laetitia, Countess of (née Townshend), 100, 102

  Exeter, Sally, Countess of (née Hoggins), 283

  Eywood (estate), Titley, 247

  Fairbrother, Nan: New Lives, New Landscapes, 1–2, 122

  Fairfax, Ann, 228

  Fanelli, Francesco: Arethusa (or Diana, statue), 158

  Farington, Joseph, 122

  Farnborough Hall, Warwickshire, 66–7, 139

  Fawsley, Northamptonshire, 145, 249–50

  Fenstanton, Huntingdonshire: LB and Bridget buried at, 5–6, 299; LB acquires, 161, 195, 197–9, 225, 302; tree-planting, 274; memorial tree, 308

  Fenwick, Catherine, 24n

  Fenwick, Sir John, 20, 159

  Fermanagh, Ralph Verney, 2nd Viscount (later 1st Earl Verney), 55

  fermes ornées, 17, 75, 89

  Fiennes, Celia, 42, 173

  Finmere, Buckinghamshire, 59

  Fish, James, 67

  Fisherwick, Staffordshire, 233, 251

  Fitzherbert family, 190

  Fitzmaurice, Thomas, 290

  Flambards (or Flamberts), Harrow-on-the-Hill, 166n

  Fleming, Elizabeth (née Knightley), 249

  Fleming, Jane, Lady see Lascelles, Jane

  Fleming, John, 249, 265

  Flitcroft, Henry, 20, 268

  Floyer, Sir John: A Treatise of the Asthma, 94

  Fonthill, Wiltshire, 290

  Forster, Ralph, 217

  Forster, Thomas, 11

  Foulerton (Castle Ashby agent), 194

  Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire, 285, 287


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