War of the Innocents

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War of the Innocents Page 5

by Michelle Breon

“When is your, ah, that is . . .” Nik stuttered to a halt, unable to voice the future.

  “Grandma hasn’t decided yet. She wants to wait as long as possible, to prepare me in secret.”

  “Prepare you for what?”

  “She thinks she knows what is coming.” Angel sighed. “She hasn’t told me much yet.”

  Nik kept silent about what little Tashi had told him. He was not ready for Angel to know that he had changed Guilds.

  She looked away to the horizon, seeing only the future her dreams had shown her. “I don’t mind waiting. What I’ve seen so far scares me.” After a few seconds, she smiled and turned to him. “Tell me some more about the class prank.”

  “Aiy,” and Nik launched into a second telling of the joke several students had played on the teachers at school. He soon had her laughing again.

  Nik walked her home early, knowing that she needed her rest. He left her at her door with a whispered thank you and a smile from Angel.

  The following day, Angel pleaded with her mother to be allowed to go to the graduation ceremony with her friends. Eventually, Mary spoke to Gillian and convinced her that Angel needed a night out to be just a teenager. Gillian finally relented and Angel stole a few minutes to vidphone Nik and let him know.

  The graduation ceremony was planned for Friday evening, in the celebration area below the pergola. The lunch tables were arranged as they were for the larger ceremonies and the raised dais was turned into a stage for the graduates to walk across. They would cross in groups to join their Guilds on the other side and be welcomed into their trial period before they came of age at 21. Angel looked forward to the ceremony and a chance to be with her friends.

  Two nights before the ceremony, as Gillian and Mischka began to shut down the lights in the main area in preparation for going to bed, a shaking Angel appeared again.

  “Mema, I had the dream again.” Angel shuddered. “Only this time twas much worse.”

  “Then tis time to face the lake.”

  “They said tis too late.”

  Gillian smiled at her. “Tis never too late. They only mean to encourage you to come sooner.”

  “Then can we go now? I don’t want to go to sleep again if tis what I get to dream all night.”

  “Tell me about the dream.”

  Angel shook her head and Gillian pulled her in for a hug. “Angelina, twill be alright. But you must tell me in case tis something I need to know.”

  Angel sighed, then began to relay the dream, stumbling through the blackest parts. “I was in the boat and the whorl formed. But after I went down, I went into space. There were stars all around. Then there were ships and they were exploding all around me.” She shuddered again. “And there were people . . . dead . . . everywhere . . . floating past me in space. Then suddenly I was on the ground somewhere in a large building. Uncle Jason was there, wandering among the bodies of people. He had an injector and he would touch it to a person and they would moan. The . . . the whole room moaned as if in pain. The nearest person started to reach for me and as I reached out to them, I saw . . . blood on my hands. And when I looked down, my clothes were covered in blood. And,” she took a ragged breath, “that’s when I woke up. I don’t want to go back to sleep.”

  Gillian held her granddaughter, wondering what she could say to ease her through the next few nights. “I’m so sorry, but we can’t rush this now.”

  “Why not? Why can’t I go tomorrow?”

  “Because the graduation is the day after tomorrow and if you become the Cerato, you will not be able to attend,” Gillian said gently. “And I cannot make the necessary arrangements any sooner.”

  “How soon then?”

  “Twill be the day after graduation. On that I promise.” Gillian paused, then squeezed her hand. “Angel, in my dream, I was fighting to save your grandfather. Who are you fighting to save?”

  “No one specifically.” She paused, thinking. “More like everyone. Like if I fail everyone here and maybe other planets will die.”

  Gillian hugged her again, looking over her head at Mischka. “I was afraid of that. Fret not, the Gods would not choose you if they thought you would fail.”

  Angel nodded. “May I vidphone someone?”

  Gillian hesitated. “Angel tis very late.”

  Mischka spoke from his favorite chair. “Who do you wish to call?”

  “Nik Landis,” Angel said.

  Gillian started to object, but Mischka interrupted. “Go ahead.”

  “Thanks Grandpa.” Angel hurried from the room.

  Gillian turned to him and noticed his mischievous smile. “Mischka, tis very late.”

  Mischka stood and pulled her into his arms. “Aiy, boshquitona, tis. Come, to bed with you.” As Gillian started to argue, he smiled at her. “I’ll explain all behind our door.”

  And several minutes later, Gillian smiled as Mischka told her everything he knew about Nik Landis.

  When the vidphone beeped in the living area, Nik’s mother answered it. “Angel, Nik is already in bed.”

  “Please may I talk to him? Tis important.”

  Hesitantly, she nodded and went to wake Nik. Nik waited until she left the room before he turned to Angel. “Angel, what’s wrong?”

  “Can you take a walk now?”

  “Tis late. Mi madret will object.”

  “Please Nik. I’m going to walk with or without you.”

  “Aiy. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Wait for me.” He turned the vidphone off.

  Without a word to his parents, he went to his room and dressed. Finally back in the living area, he told them it was Apaugalla business and that he would be back as soon as he could, leaving before they could object.

  Angel headed out a different way from her house that night, to a nearby copse of trees. They had barely entered the protective darkness under the trees before Angel launched herself into Nik’s arms. Startled, all Nik could do was hold her as her tears soaked the shoulder of his tunic. Several minutes later, her tears subsided and she pushed away.

  “Danku,” she whispered brokenly.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked for the second time that night.

  Without hesitation, Angel related her dream again. “Twas more horrible than the first time.” She shivered again. “I don’t want to go back to sleep.”

  “Did you tell your grandmother?”

  “Aiy. But she says she can’t arrange the ceremony until the day after graduation. And that means two more nights of this dream.” Or worse.

  They sat on the hilltop for a long time, until Angel started yawning frequently. Nik calmed her down, even as he hid his fear. Rumors were rampant at school that a new Cerato had been chosen and everyone talked about the myths, legends, facts, and stories behind the Cerato dream. His own dreams mirrored Angel’s and the legends indicated that the dreams were possible futures for the Cerato. If Angel had to live through what she described, he wanted to be there with her.

  The following day, Gillian sent an emergency appeal to the Elders and Apaugallas to either be at or vidphone in for a meeting at one that afternoon. The distant villages chose to vidphone in. Once most had checked in, she quickly explained that the Gods had chosen a new Cerato and the time of ascension was near. When asked why the delay, she smiled and said, “Because the graduation ceremony tis tomorrow night and I would not take that from the graduates. They have worked too hard. And I do not think that everyone tis ready today.”

  Most agreed although all wanted to know who. But Gillian refused to tell. “In case the calling tis false, I do not want to alarm the people just yet. Let the person visit Islet Llanelyn and see if the Gods acknowledge the visit. But if tis true, we must be prepared.”

  After some arguments and complaints, most agreed and the meeting ended.

  The following morning, Nik reported to the Apaugalla training center as was customary on the day of graduation. The Guild lists would be checked to be sure that everyone had a Guild, without having more than one. Nik
changed into the training suit and was on the floor as the other students arrived, practicing maneuvers with a knife. They looked strangely at him and he knew they were wondering why he was there. Tashi greeted them and escorted them to the changing room.

  By the time the other students emerged from the changing room, Tashi and Nik were already engrossed in a self-defense lesson. Several other Apaugallas met the students and began the orientation. Other Apaugallas arrived and began other sparring circles.

  Mischka arrived just before ten and called everyone to a meeting. “Are all of the new members here?” he asked looking to Tashi.


  “Goesh. Unfortunately, we have not the time for normal pleasantries and introductions. For that, I apologize. I’m sure that you have heard by now that the Gods have chosen a new Cerato and that the ascension ceremony is tomorrow.” He paused to watch heads nod.

  “We must be ready to support the new Cerato. There will be a meeting tomorrow between the current Cerato and the Elders and we are expected to be there. Except for Aemil and Tourk. I want you in Analisse.” He turned to indicate three others. “I need you in your home villages. You will be the eyes and ears among the people, traveling to the other villages as necessary to follow the new Cerato’s movements during the customary two week trip.”

  As he paused, Lyndi spoke from the back of the room. “You know who the new Cerato is.”

  “Aiy,” Mischka replied calmly. Amid the whispers and shocked looks, many asked who. “You will find out tomorrow with the Elders.”

  Mischka’s youngest son, Andrei, spoke above the whispers. “Do you know what the struggle tis that we are to face?”

  “We think we do, but I do not want to alarm the people until the new Cerato has spoken to the Gods and we are sure.”

  “We who?” Andrei asked.

  “Outside myself, the current Cerato, and the new Cerato, only four others know who and what. No one else needs to know until tomorrow.” He paused, staring down any who would object. “During the welcoming ceremony, I will call for the Apaugallas who are willing to escort during the two week tour to step forward.” He indicated several people, including Andrei. “I want you to step forward. The new Cerato will choose one of you. Everyone else I need in their normal sectors, with eyes and ears open for any hint of trouble. The new members will remain here with Tashi for training until they are ready.”

  He paused. “Tis an important time for all of us. Until the struggle tis fully known and identified, we must be prepared for anything. And above all else, the new Cerato must be protected. Any questions?” When no one stirred, Mischka dismissed everyone, motioning to his son and Nik to stay.

  Mischka spoke quietly to his son. “Be prepared for the two week tour.”

  “You are that sure the new Cerato will choose me?”

  “Aiy, given the choices.” He grinned. “And tomorrow, when your mother calls for volunteers to escort the potential Cerato to the lake, I want you to volunteer.”


  “I want someone I can trust. When you arrive at the lake, you must leave the new Cerato there and come back. Do not get in the boat and do not wait.” Mischka looked into the distance remembering another time. His voice barely above a whisper, “I thought it harsh when Elder Cetai had me do the same. But twas best. He left poor Gillian there with little idea and even less help. He said ‘As it has always been, so shall it now be. This you must do alone.’ I realized later that he already knew the outcome.” He turned back to his son. “Tis your task tomorrow, for I cannot be there.”

  Andrei nodded and left. Mischka turned to Nik. As Nik started to speak, he held up a finger. “Tis a special task that you must do.” Nik nodded. Mischka muttered under his breath. “I must get used to this.” To Nik he said, “Elder Gillian has requested that I go on a mission to where we believe the struggle will come from. I want you to go with me. No one must know of our destination, especially not the new Cerato.”

  “To where are we going?”

  Mischka spoke softly. “To Earth, Gillian’s former home. We will assess the situation there and I will show you around the areas that I know. For tis her belief that the new Cerato will spend much time there.” Nik nodded again. “We leave immediately after the new Cerato leaves for the two week tour, so you must be ready. But tell no one where we are headed.”

  Nik nodded in agreement, even though he would rather have gone with Angel. At least she would be with family and he would be preparing to help her more. His special assignment could only mean that Mischka intended for him to escort Angel when she had to go off planet. Though why she would have to go was not clear yet.

  “Goesh. You may return to your training.”

  Mischka watched Nik return to Tashi. He waited until Tashi looked in his direction to nod once, indicating that they had reached an agreement. Tashi nodded back and picked up two knives, confirming their earlier discussion. Both knew how unsafe Earth had become in the last few years. Nik would need to know more than how to use a knife to survive, but they had little time for more.

  Hours later, Tashi was satisfied that Nik could at least defend himself and Angel in most hand-to-hand attack situations. Wearily, they left the training area and headed for the changing room in time to make the graduation ceremony.

  Without preamble, Tashi spoke. “Tomorrow, Angel will visit the Gods to gather whatever information they can provide on the coming strife. Andrei will escort her to Islet Llanelyn for her journey. You will report here for more training.” At Nik’s nod, he continued. “Mischka and Gillian will watch her via the cameras she installed near the boat. If she comes to you tonight to talk, tell her nothing of this.” He paused, then continued more to himself than to Nik. “Gillian said her journey made no sense. She rowed for hours until darkness fell, remembered going down the whorl of swirling water Yet when she returned, she was dry, had no blisters on her hands, and the boat was intact. She hopes to solve this mystery tomorrow.”

  He turned back to Nik. “Mischka has already told you about the trip to Earth while Angel visits the villages.” Nik nodded. “She will be guarded by Andrei, so have no fear there. Your primary task is to be prepared to guard her off-planet. Though I do not know why, Gillian believes Angel will spend much time on Earth. Learn everything you can. Continue to exercise and ask Mischka to teach you what he can as well.” He chuckled. “Though he cannot best me in hand-to-hand combat, he is much better than I am in other areas.”

  Nik stood slowly, aching in muscles he had overworked today. Tashi chuckled again. “The soreness will pass. Keep exercising and it will help.”

  Nik grinned ruefully. “And mi padret said that the hardest work tis done in the field.”

  Tashi clapped him gently on the shoulder. “The other guilds know not what we do. Nor would they understand it. You must hide your soreness from your family and from her.”

  Nik nodded. “Tis much to hide from her and difficult. She sees through me most of the time.”

  Tashi grinned. “What woman doesn’t. Practice will help.”

  They left the facility, heading home to prepare for the graduation ceremony.

  That evening, the graduating students gathered on the dance floor of the celebration area. Tables ringed the floor and the dais held the podium and chairs for the leaders of the Teaching Guild. Nik watched the crowd and finally noticed Angel arrive just before the Elders signaled everyone to be quiet. She made her way through the crowd to join their group of friends. Welcomes were whispered as the Elder of the Teaching Guild approached the podium.

  Elder Trielo gave a short speech, then introduced the teachers who would be assisting him tonight. He finally started the procession of students. “As I call your name, come forward and join your Guild.”

  The Elder of each Guild came forward and a representative handed him the list of names. After greeting the Elder, each student crossed to greet their Guild leader, then left the dais to find a seat at the tables. As usual, most of the s
tudents gathered at tables with their friends instead of with their families.

  One by one Angel’s friends were called. Petra went first to the Dance Guild. Then Lurana to the Physicians Guild. Torvuld and Brok to the Data Center Guild. Sirvana and Gunther to the Agricultural Guild. Kira to the Hospitality Guild.

  Angel avoided questions from her friends by feigning avid interest in the proceedings. She had always wanted to join the Data Center Guild and work on the computers, but she could no longer do that.

  Mischka and Tashi stepped forward for the Apaugallas. Tashi handed over the list of names, then stepped back. Elder Trielo began reading off the names, stumbling on Angel. Nervous, Angel stepped forward and climbed the steps to the dais. Mischka smiled encouragingly, but she barely noticed as Elder Trielo greeted her and wished her well, then released her. She crossed to Mischka and he shook her hand as well. “Twill be over soon,” he whispered to her. She nodded and continued on to Tashi before joining her friends at the table Nik had reserved for them.

  Elder Trielo called several more names before stumbling again. “Nikolatai Landis,” he said with some concern.

  Nik came forward amid several curious looks from his friends.

  “Tis a mistake?” the Elder asked quietly.

  “Tis no mistake,” Nik said calmly, before continuing on.

  Mischka greeted him. “You did not tell Angel, did you?”

  “No sir.”

  Tashi laughed. “You should see her surprise.”

  “I’m sure I have questions to answer,” Nik grinned back.

  He turned to join their friends and saw what Tashi had been laughing at. Angel sat open mouthed, stunned at his change in Guilds. He tried to avoid her questions by watching the remaining students join the last few Guilds. Their friend Hichaam was the last at their table to cross, joining the Fauna Guild.

  Once all students had crossed and the applause subsided, the Dance Master took the floor, calling for the first exhibition dance. The students joining the Dance Guild left their tables and joined the groups on the floor. The others watched Petra twirl around the floor happily. The Dance Guild was still as hard to join as ever.


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