War of the Innocents

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War of the Innocents Page 27

by Michelle Breon


  “You have heard the back room male talk of her new friends as well as I and know how innocent Angel is in the ways of men, how trusting.” At Nik’s nod of agreement, Ian continued. “I will teach her not to be so trusting, though I fear she may hate me afterwards. If you interfere, she will not learn.”

  “Twould be easier if I left the room.” At least easier for him.

  “I will not go that far, nor will I hurt her. On that you have my promise.” Ian extended his hand.

  Nik shook Ian’s hand to seal the promise and Ian returned to where he had been. Both waited for Angel’s return.

  Angel came into the room. “Ian, please make yourself comfortable.” She sat down on the end of the sofa and handed him a small box.

  Ian sat down, set the box aside, and rested back against the back of the sofa. “So, Angel, this is your last lesson, since my classes start next week. Anything in particular that you want to cover?”

  “I thought this was the last lesson because you had nothing left to teach me.”

  “True, you are as ready for the political struggles that you now face as I can make you. But I do have one last thing to discuss with you,” he said, indicating the stack of datapads. With a quick glance to Nik, Ian slid closer to Angel. “But first, do you trust me?”

  “Aiy. We’ve been friends for several months now.”

  Ian closed the distance and before Angel could react, he pulled her close and kissed her, his hand groping her breast.

  Startled, Angel did not react for a few seconds, then she pushed Ian roughly away. “What are you doing?”

  “I thought you trusted me,” Ian said, reaching for her again.

  Angel held both hands up in front of her. “No,” she said flatly.

  Ian retreated to his side of the sofa. “Good. Trust no one.”

  Confused Angel merely looked at him.

  Ian picked up a datapad and handed it to her. “Do you trust your new friends?” He indicated for her to read the datapad.

  Angel read the headline of the news article on the datapad, “Two Shot at The Zanzi”. “Do you think Cecelia or any of her group did this?”

  Ian did not answer and handed her another datapad, then another, until all but one of the stack lay beside Angel.

  Angel read the headline on each datapad as he handed it to her. All were about murders, rapes, kidnappings, and other crime in or around the three nightclubs Angel had been to. “But Cecelia would not hurt anyone.”

  “No, she would not. But the guys in her group would. Nik and I have both heard the comments. They want more than just a kiss. And those crowded nightclubs and dance floors make it very easy for them. Nik won’t be able to reach you in time to stop anything. And definitely never flirt with anyone here.”

  Angel glanced at Nik, who nodded once in agreement. “But I’m a nobody here. No one knows me.”

  Ian shook his head, handing her the last datapad, glad that he had anticipated this line of defense from her. “Your robes, while a sign of your position at home, make you stand out here. The young men in Cecelia’s group all wonder what you look like out of the robes. Simply put, they want the forbidden fruit, the challenge that you, your robes, and your law represent. I suspect it will not be long before one tries more than I just did.”

  Angel looked at the datapad. The headline spoke about the Peace Conference and had pictures of her and the Chancellor, both close up and at a distance. Anyone who saw that news story would recognize her.

  As Angel remained silent, Ian continued. “If you really want to blend here, dress in clothes from here. Your Aunt can help you there, since she likes to take you shopping. Just don’t reveal too much skin or those men will lust after you even more.”

  Angel glanced at the crime headlines. If what Ian was saying was true, then, as the leader of Llanelyn, she would be a target for that crime. And if the men in Cecelia’s group would attempt to seduce a friend, what would others do to someone they did not call a friend? Angel shivered slightly at the thought.

  Ian noticed when the color drained from Angel’s face. She finally grasped some of the reality. “You trust too easy and are vulnerable. The places that Cecelia is taking you to are not safe, especially not for you. Barristers Libations is probably the safest. But Nik cannot always be with you, so you need to be on guard also. Especially on the dance floor. Nik cannot get through the crowd in time to prevent you from being kissed, groped, or worse, kidnapped.” Ian reached over to touch her hand to get her to look up at him. “Do you trust me?” When she nodded, he continued. “Thank you, though I don’t deserve that after what I did a few minutes ago. I don’t want to see a headline one day that you were hurt. You need to think logically about these places. Research the nightclub and the area before you go. Dress accordingly and most of all, trust no one. Stay close to Nik and be on your guard at all times.”

  “Nik never leaves me.”

  Ian grinned wryly. “But Nik does not accompany you into the ladies room.” He indicated one of the headlines.

  Angel glanced through the kidnapping story and discovered that the woman had been abducted from the women’s restroom.

  “I suggest you get your grandfather or uncle Tashi to teach you some self-defense. If they refuse, then get Nik to. But most of all, think about what could happen and be aware of your surroundings.”

  Ian took her hand in his and stood up. “I hope you forgive me someday. Good day, Angel.” With that, he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, then let go and picked up the box from Gillian before heading for the door. As he passed Nik, he saw the anger in the younger man’s eyes.

  Nik nodded at Ian, knowing that she needed to learn to fear the others, but hating the fact that Ian had been the one to teach her.

  Ian nodded back, then left the room.

  Angel rose and turned pleading eyes to Nik. “You can’t believe all that he said. No man would treat a woman that way.”

  “Aiy, Angel they would. Especially someone as naïve and trusting as you.”

  Angel hurled a cushion at him. “I am not naïve. Sirvana has been teaching me . . . .”

  Nik crossed to her and, ignoring the law, clasped her trembling shoulders. “Sirvana’s teachings will get you in trouble if you don’t stop using them on the men here.” Tenderly, he brushed his hand up her cheek. “Angel, the men here will not think twice about using you, even those Cecelia calls friends. I have heard them talk. Ian is right.” Whether she shook from fear or anger, Nik could only guess.

  Angel searched his eyes for a sign that he lied and found none. “Why would they treat the women so?” Tears rose unbidden to her eyes.

  “Only the women that they do not love.” He brushed her tears away. “When a man loves a woman, he cherishes her and protects her from all others.”

  Angel looked at Nik again and saw a wealth of emotion in his eyes. He spoke of love and she saw the truth of that feeling reflected in the way he looked at her. Nik loved her. The realization swept over her, relaxing her in a way that nothing else could have at that moment.

  “Nik, tell me truthfully. Would the men here really . . . .” Her voice trailed off as he placed a finger gently to her lips.

  “Shush now. Yes, they will, given a chance.” He caressed her cheek again. “Just don’t give them that chance. I would never do or say anything to hurt you nor would most of the people back home. Tis a different world here.” Her expression showed her shattered innocence and Nik knew he would never forget this day. He needed some time away from her, to uncloud his own thoughts. He forced a smile for her. “But come, tis almost time for your meeting. I will wait for you outside. When you are ready, let me know.” He kissed her gently on the forehead, then turned and left the room before he gave in to more.

  Angel watched him go, unsure how to react to such overwhelming, restrained love.

  Nik closed the door softly behind him and found Ian sitting in the hallway, his head in his hands.

  At the sound
of the door, Ian jumped up. “Where’s Angel?”


  Ian shook his head sadly. “Why didn’t someone tell her before now?”

  “Who? Her grandmother has lost touch with the brutality of this younger generation and her mother is as innocent as she is.”

  “What about you Nik? You know, so why didn’t you tell her?”

  Nik hung his head. “I could not do what needed to be done. I cannot hurt her.”

  As Nik met his gaze, realization swept through Ian. “Damn it Nik, why didn’t you tell me? I would have let you leave the room.”

  Nik simply shook his head.

  “I’m sorry. You hide it well.” He sighed as he stood up, guilt of shattering her innocence weighing heavily on him. “If she ever forgives me . . . well, you know.”

  Nik smiled grimly. “Tis Angel. She will forgive you. Twill just take a day or so.”

  Ian said good bye and left, wondering what Grandmother Gillian would say if she knew what had just happened.

  Angel retrieved the sofa cushion, contemplating Nik’s love. Obviously he had not wanted her to know, but why? Did her dancing with the other men at the nightclubs upset him? Probably. Is this all why he changed Guilds? She could ask him again, but she doubted that he would answer truthfully. More questions without answers flooded her mind, distracting her from the passage of time. She jumped when someone knocked on the door.

  “Angel, tis time to go. Are you ready?”

  “Aiy. I’ll be out in a minute.” She quickly washed her face and hands, hoping the cool water would reduce the redness in her eyes.

  When she met Nik in the hallway, she looked for a sign of his love in his eyes, but found none. His bland expression hid his feelings as it always had and Angel wondered if she had been mistaken. “I’m ready.”

  Nik turned smartly and escorted her down the hallway. Angel sighed and followed, hoping the identity record meeting would either not be boring or that she would be ignored. She had so much on her mind that she needed to think through. A boring political meeting followed by an equally boring press conference might just give her that time.

  Chapter 15

  Win Some, Lose Some

  Day one of the third four-day Peace Conference started with a discussion of the interplanetary identity records, picking up where the meeting the previous day had left off. Many delegates had provided the data fields they needed, along with other fields they wanted. While the meeting had sorted through many of the requests, the Conference discussion focused on the extra fields.

  Angel tuned out much of the conversation, listening to the discussions on the tech and not the specific political explanations. The recordings would provide Mischka all of the detailed information that he would need on the field changes, while she could work with the Tuttenrock Advisor and Joel on the required tech components. She detested the political word games and instead of listening to the political mongering, she daydreamed of a future with Nik.

  The afternoon started the peace talks again. The President led the discussion, forcefully requesting that the Drotz provide answers to her questions regarding Parrhesia. The Voutii Ambassador offered refugee space for anyone on Parrhesia that wanted to leave, while also condemning the recent attacks on their outposts and border colonies. The JRU representative reminded the assemblage of the debilitating effects of the Sleeping Sickness. Angel sensed the growing animosity and anger around the room, mostly directed by the President at the Drotz. Someday she would be able to sway people with just her words.

  Ethan was true to his word and met Nik in the hotel lobby just after Angel left with Joel. He led Nik to the training facility and continued to train him in hand-to-hand combat, extending into footwork drills for proper form. As the time for the conference to end neared, Ethan pulled Nik into his office.

  “Smart move on the part of your client to use the shield ships,” Ethan remarked offhandedly.

  “Aiy. The owner seemed trustworthy enough and the ships have been successful in preventing further loss of cargo.”

  “Tomorrow we will start your weapons training.”

  “I’m not allowed to kill.”

  “We will go for wounding then. But think on this, would you kill to protect your client?”

  Nik remained silent, a silence that told Ethan more than Nik intended.

  Ethan relayed some information on the reaction of several other planets to the news that both Llanelyn and Parrhesia were originally Earth based colonies and now independent Earth allies. While some seemed to take the news without question, the Horband seemed furious.

  Nik relayed the debates and rumors from behind the scenes, both from what Angel told him of the Conference and what Mischka’s informant Roth and Angel’s friend Cecelia had provided. Cautiously, Nik did not divulge the source of his information.

  Wisely, Ethan did not ask.

  That evening, Angel chose to stay at the hotel and refused to discuss the talks. Instead she talked about the future she had dreamed of having before the Cerato dream. She carefully watched Nik for any sign that he wanted to be part of that future, but his expression never changed.

  Nik listened to her describe her future and while he wanted the same as she did, he felt that she deserved better. She deserved someone who would not lead a life of danger, that same danger that had taken her father when she was too little to remember him. She would find someone else to sign the banaas with her. That thought left Nik cold, but he refused to show any emotion.

  Finally as bedtime approached, Angel gave up and said good night. Maybe he had just been concerned yesterday. Or maybe she had imagined the look in his eyes. Angel slept restlessly, her dreams filled with images of the darker headlines and news stories of rapes and murders all over Earth.

  The second day of the conference brought little change. More ambassadors demanded peace or war or whatever it would take to end these talks. Tension mounted, as did the volume inside the chamber. Lunch provided little relief as the ambassadors broke into smaller groups to discuss the situation further.

  After lunch, the Drotz orator strode to the podium and immediately launched into the same rhetoric that he had been saying since the first conference, while still not answering the President’s questions. Most of the delegates immediately tuned him out and returned to other conversations.

  Joel carefully watched the Bengali Ambassador. From the Ambassador’s tense posture, Joel knew it would not be long before he took action.

  Barely five minutes into the orator’s speech, he again mentioned the Chantis Accord. Joel almost grinned when the Bengali Ambassador stood up, along with the Cresch and Jallock ambassadors. He quickly put on his headset, motioning for Angel and the Chancellor to do the same.

  The Bengali Ambassador stalked to the podium to address the orator directly, his voice carrying across the entire room, silencing all other conversations. The headsets carried the translation of his native language.

  “You lie. You have dishonored your race consorting with the Drotz. All they have ever been are liars, cheats, usurpers, murderers, and warmongers. They care nothing for others.” His voice shook with fury though his demeanor was calm. The translated voice remained steady.

  “I know. I know about the improved trillium processing plants on Drotz and their colonies. I know about the search for new trillium sources. I know who the buyer is. You are nothing but a breath of wind meant to hide the truth from those assembled here. You want this war. You want to profit off the warheads you sell to kill others. You deliberately test our patience with empty words so that we will declare war first. We will have no part of this war.” With that pronouncement, the Bengali Ambassador turned on his heel and strode from the chamber. As he passed Joel, he gave Joel a single nod of acknowledgement. The other two ambassadors followed him out of the chamber.

  The remaining delegates looked at each other, then cleared the room rapidly. The Drotz orator scurried back to his table, collected his datapad and also left the chamber.<
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  Prince Tokra of Krandul came over to Joel and offered his hand. “Well played, master of strategy.”

  “Thanks.” Joel shook his hand, curious but unwilling to ask how he knew. Miranda had looked his way and he could not delay answering her silent summons.

  The Prince smiled even broader and turned to Angel. “How fair the shield ships and your shipments?”

  Joel excused himself quietly, content to leave Angel with her ally while he talked to Miranda and Phil.

  “Your gamble paid off well,” Miranda said quietly.

  “Low risk,” Joel said. “Now you need to take advantage of this.”

  “I have already rescheduled the press conference to tomorrow lunchtime. I am sure the press is already waiting outside with rumors of what happened, compliments of the other diplomats.”

  “Most likely. Shall I accompany you and keep them at bay?”

  “No. I have a security detail for that. In the meantime, I need to contact all the diplomats to see if they will stand with me. I will start with our new members.” Miranda nodded to the trio that Joel had left. “Later you and Phil and I have a speech to craft.”

  Joel nodded. “I’ll return as quickly as I can.”

  The President headed for Angel and the Chancellor. “We finally get to chat again.”

  “Your pardon Madame President, but what just happened?” Confused, the Chancellor looked around at everyone.

  “I am sure General Peterson will explain everything,” Miranda replied smoothly. “I have rescheduled the press conference to tomorrow, since it appears that this peace conference is over. Can I count on the three of you being there?”

  “Unfortunately, I need to return home,” the Prince replied. “My father has need of me.”

  “I will be there,” Angel said as the Chancellor nodded in agreement.

  “Good. I am also scheduling a meeting of the allies for the following day, to discuss our next step with the Drotz. They will probably want to try economic sanctions. Would you also be able to attend that meeting?” When both agreed, Miranda continued. “Thank you. I appreciate your support. The rest of the allies will see a united front and that will mean much in the coming weeks.” She smiled at them. “While I would like to stay and chat longer, I need to call the other delegates. If you will excuse me.” Miranda walked away with her entourage of personnel.


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