War of the Innocents

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War of the Innocents Page 37

by Michelle Breon

  “You knew something would happen tonight, didn’t you?”


  “Tis why you were pacing and unable to rest.”

  Nik said nothing. He was not sure he could meditate with her so near, but he refused to let her go. “Angel,” he whispered. “Sleep here tonight.”

  She rose up to look at him. “Why, Nik? The truth.”

  Nik opened his eyes. Worry lines creased her brow and she did not smile. “Because I need to know that you are safe.” His whole body felt as if it burned, but not from fire.

  Angel knew that was not the whole truth, but she realized that she would not get anything more, as Nik rarely admitted a weakness. She kissed him on the cheek, then rolled away and slid back under the covers. She pillowed her head on his shoulder, throwing an arm possessively across his chest. “I’ll not leave you,” she whispered. “Ever.”

  Satisfied, Nik ordered the lights off from the computer and began to meditate.

  Phil Casey checked his email before heading for bed. Noting the signature on one specific email, he quickly accessed and decoded it. “Target secured. Lovebirds safe.” Smiling, he deleted the message.

  As soon as Nik was strong enough to handle the transporter, Angel and the team returned home. After assuring Angel he was fine, he escorted her home, then dismissed the rest of the team. Nik went to the hospital to see what Dr. Trakus could find of the poison and the anti-agent.

  Dr. Trakus did not find any trace, but ran a full battery of tests to see if it had harmed any of Nik’s recovery from the previous shooting. Several hours later, Nik finally arrived home. Skipping dinner, he went to bed and immediately fell into a deep, restorative sleep.

  Jason called the following day to say that the Drotz and their allies had attacked several remote Earth outposts. In response, the President was expected to declare war.

  Two days later, Nik’s vidphone screening configuration relayed a call into Angel’s office. Nik happened to be there and stayed beside her, in case his screening had not worked properly. Both relaxed when General Joel Peterson appeared on the vidphone, dressed in his full dress uniform.

  “Good morning, Cerato. The President requests your presence at an important meeting that is to happen soon.”

  Angel sighed. All the meetings were important to the President, even those that did not affect Llanelyn. “I’ll be there. Where and when?”

  Joel looked past her to Nik. “Can you set up a secure channel?”

  “Aiy.” Nik stepped forward and pushed a few buttons. The screen blanked for a few seconds then Joel reappeared.

  “And disable any recording of this call.”

  “Already did,” Nik stated.

  “Good. Angel, here is the whole story. The War Council has decided to take action and attack the Drotz. All diplomats are being requested to attend.”


  “We have discovered that there is a leak in the diplomatic staff. Whichever diplomats do not attend will be suspected of being the leak.”

  “And why tell me?”

  “Because of all people, you are the only one I trust not to be the leak.”


  “Because you want peace without death and each leak causes much death. The last leak nearly cost Nik his life.”

  Angel nodded. “So what is the War Council going to do?”

  “We have decided to attack the Drotz home planet and hope to end this war swiftly. We’re tired of the enemy attacking outposts and other small planets. We’re tired of their diplomatic stalling.”

  “You mean you are declaring war.”

  Joel nodded grimly. “All diplomats will be on board my command ship during the attack. Any leak and they risk themselves.”

  “But won’t all the diplomats being in one place provide a high profile target?”

  “We’re aware of that and are taking extra security precautions. You will be given a specific time and transporter coordinates to join my ship. No weapons or transmission devices will be allowed.”

  Nik made a mental note to contact Ethan.

  “I assume that you are looking into using the shield ships.”

  Joel smiled at her. “Of course. We knew about them before you accepted their services.”

  Angel nodded. “I figured you did. Who can come?”

  “You can bring anyone you want, your whole team if you wish.”

  “It’ll be just Nik and myself.”

  “Do you have any other questions?”

  “Not at the moment. Can I call you later if I do?”

  “Only on a secure channel.”

  Angel smiled. “You know, this will be my first battleship voyage.” She wished him well and disconnected the call.

  As the connection was severed, Jason started laughing from his position off screen.

  “What’s so funny?” Joel asked.

  “If Angel is anything like her grandmother, Gillian, you won’t be able to keep her off the bridge.”

  Joel and Ryan both laughed.

  “Ryan, while you are filming the battle, make sure you capture something of Angel, even if it doesn’t make the final cut,” Jason asked. “Gillian will enjoy anything you can give her.”

  Angel turned from the vidphone. “The Gods said this would happen. I need to tell the others.”

  Nik pulled her close. “They can wait a few minutes.”

  Angel laid her head on his comforting shoulder, ignoring the law. The only bright spot she could think of was that this would all be over soon. Provided that they won the war. She had to trust the Gods foresight that the war would not come to Llanelyn.

  “Curious though, why just me?”

  From his shoulder she said low, “This is war. I’ll not risk my friends or family. But I won’t go anywhere without you.”

  Several minutes later she pushed away. “Let’s get this over with.”

  They headed out of Angel’s office in the Meeting House and walked quietly to the Apaugalla Training Center. They found Gillian in conference with Mischka and Tashi on the upcoming produce shipment to Krandul. In a voice devoid of emotion, Angel relayed the news.

  Mischka looked to Gillian. “We can go with you.”

  “No. I told Joel it would be just Nik and I. We are to transport directly to the ship, so we should be as safe as possible. If the worst happens, you need to be here to lead our people.”

  “But …” Mischka began only to be interrupted by Angel.

  “No Papa. I will not risk you or Mema. Or the Team. I’ll be safe with Nik.”

  Gillian placed a hand on Mischka’s arm. “As you wish Angel. But I don’t think your safety was his concern. We would be there for support, if you needed it.”

  “I’ve been expecting this … no dreading this … for weeks. I’ll manage.”

  “I’ll go tell the team,” Nik volunteered.

  Angel nodded in agreement. “I’ll go tell Mama. I’m not going back to my office today.”

  Late that night while everyone else slept, Nik contacted Ethan using the vidphone at the Apaugalla Training Center and an encrypted channel.

  “You’ve heard by now?”

  “Rumor here is that a large battle is brewing.” Ethan passed on what he knew and Nik passed back what he could. They exchanged security and intelligence reports for several minutes.

  “I’m not surprised. Is your client going?” Ethan watched Nik closely.

  Involuntarily, Nik winced at the reminder that Angel would be in the battle. “Aiy. No team though, just me.” He explained the travel restrictions. “Should I leave the gear at home?”

  “No, take it with you. Just be sure to keep the lapel pin on you at all times. You know our salute.”


  Nik said good night and disconnected. He reconfigured the vidphone.

  Not knowing when they would transport left Nik uneasy. He needed more time to recover and train, but he had no time. He looked across the dark village in the direction of Angel’s ho
use and sighed. While Angel believed they would return from this, Nik knew that assurance only surrounded her and not him. Time was against him. If he wanted at least some time with her, he would have to take it. Now.

  The following morning, Nik hunted through the village for Mischka. He finally found him in Angel’s office with Tashi, Gillian and Angel, discussing the needed computer components that Rhodri had located.

  Nik strode purposefully into the room and closed the door. He stood proud and resolute.

  Angel held her breath, anticipating what Nik wanted.

  “Aiy, Nik?” Mischka inquired. Nik reminded him of himself so many years ago and he tried not to smile. Now was simply the wrong time.

  “Sir, as the male head of the household, I respectfully request Angel’s hand in marriage and permission to sign the banaas.”

  Gillian smiled. “It’s about time.”

  Mischka looked to his granddaughter. “Angel, what say you?”

  Angel merely smiled, crossed to her desk, removed a piece of paper, and wrote something on the bottom. She held it up for all to see. “That is what I say.”

  Nik recognized the paper as a banaas and started to walk over to get it, but Mischka snatched it out of her hand.


  “But, sir . . .”

  Mischka continued, ignoring the interruption. “You two have a huge task before you with this battle. You need clear heads. This,” he said as he shook the paper, “twill only provide a distraction. And a distraction tis the last thing either of you need right now.” He paused for emphasis. “I want her returned in the same condition as she stands here right now. Do you both understand?”

  Angel blushed at the innuendo. “Aiy, grandpadret.”

  Nik knew the older man was right. Time was against him. “Aiy, sir. You will guard that for me?”

  Mischka smiled. “I will guard it as you will guard her.” He extended his hand to seal the agreement.

  They shook hands.

  Nik looked at the others. “This is not to leave this room.”

  “Why not?” Gillian asked.

  “Because then I will be as much of a target as she is. Get me and they get her as well.”

  Everyone nodded in understanding.

  “Goesh.” Nik refused to look at Angel. He knew she would see through his calm demeanor. “If you need me for anything, I will be in the main computer room.” Nik turned on his heel and strode quickly from the room.

  Angel turned to Mischka, but he silenced her. “You know I’m right. You need to concentrate on the task at hand or we all suffer. Once the battle tis over, we can sit down and discuss this. I’ve known how you two felt about each other since before your ascension.”

  Angel nodded. She had to remain focused on the war right now.

  Anger lending speed to his steps, Nik strode to the data center. He accessed the vidphone and setup the encrypted channel.

  “Nik, long time no see. Wondered when you would be calling in again.”

  “Needed to check on any new rumors.”

  “Rumor here is that the battle is in two days.”

  Nik nodded thoughtfully. “Ethan, one question. I know someone who tis getting involved with his client.”

  Ethan almost smiled at Nik’s less than honest plea for advice. “Tell him not to. It just leads to trouble. Tell him to run the other way or find a new client.”

  “You don’t think it’s possible to blend work and pleasure?”

  “Usually ends in disaster. Either you become like your client or you get fired. Either way, your judgment is clouded. It’s hard to do your job when you have to think about your client on another level.”

  “Danku. I’ll pass on the info.”

  “Glad to help. Keep me posted if you hear any new rumors.”

  “I will.”

  They said good bye. Nik undid the vidphone settings and erased the logs. Could he and Angel prove both Ethan and Mischka wrong? Miracles did happen. Nik sighed and headed back to Angel’s office. Time always moved slowly between trips, but this was one trip that Nik dreaded. He wished time could stop altogether.

  Joel called late the following day with the transport coordinates. “I trust you not to spread that around.” When Angel just acknowledged him, Joel continued. “Don’t worry. You’ll be on my command ship. You’ll be safe there.”

  “Tis not only me I’m worried about. Tis everyone.”

  Several days later as Angel helped with the supper dishes, Nik knocked on the door. Mischka answered it as Angel dried her hands.

  “Tis time to go,” Nik said.

  Mary paled but hugged Angel. “Stay safe.”

  “I will Mama.”

  Angel released her mother to turn and collect hugs from both Gillian and Mischka.

  “Trust in your instincts,” Gillian said. “Know that the Gods are watching over you.”

  Angel nodded.

  Mischka turned to Nik. “Guard her well.”

  Nik simply nodded and shouldered her already packed bag.

  Angel walked out into the gathering dusk, not looking back. She knew, as did they all, that she might not come back from this trip. Anything could happen on the battlefront, but if she could prevent the war from coming to Llanelyn by being in the battle, she would be at the battlefront.

  They walked in silence to the transporter where they found Tashi waiting on them. Nik provide the coordinates and then stepped onto the transport pad. He disappeared and Angel stepped up.

  “Goesh suerte,” Tashi said as he flipped the switches on the control panel for the transporter.

  Angel appeared before Nik. Behind him she could see a line of dignitaries and their bodyguards and staff waiting to be allowed onto the battleship. She stood quietly beside Nik, looking for anyone she might know. Slowly the line moved forward.

  Angel had no idea how long they stood patiently waiting. More joined the line as time crawled by. As they finally neared the front of the line, the diplomat of the party in front of her became irate when the Tech Lt asked him to step forward and be scanned.

  “Sir, this is required of all persons on board this ship, our General included. The President wishes for the diplomats to be safe.”

  “I will not allow this scan. This violates all diplomatic conventions.” His sparse gray hair stood out in all directions from the prominent bones of his skull. His small nostrils flared with anger as he towered over the Tech Lt in an attempt to subdue the younger man.

  The Tech Lt did not move or show any outward sign that the diplomats blustering affected him. “Sir, I kindly ask that you allow this scan of your person and all your household that traveled here with you today.”

  General Joel Peterson strode forward at the ruckus, the broad expanse of honors gleaming on his shoulder of his crisply pressed dress uniform. “Lt Pearson, what is the trouble?”

  The diplomat turned to Joel and agitatedly again refused the scan. “We are honorable and mean no one on board harm. This goes against all rules of diplomacy.”

  Tired of waiting, Angel stepped forward. “Excuse me, but I couldn’t help but overhear. If I may say something, I don’t object to the scan. I have nothing to hide and would prefer to know that everyone on this ship is safe.” She stepped up to the young lieutenant and held her arms out.

  The young officer scanned her. “You’re clean.”

  “Thank you.” Angel smiled and nodded to Nik.

  Nik stepped forward, hoping that the scanner would not detect Ethan’s gear.

  The young lieutenant scanned Nik, then paused the scanner at lapel level, indicating the small insignia that Nik wore over Ethan’s pin. To Nik he raised one eyebrow. “Rank insignia,” Nik said touching the insignia with two fingers on his left hand. “You may go.” He punched a button to clear the screen before anyone else could see all of Nik’s equipment.

  The other diplomat assessed her shrewdly. “If the Cerato of Llanelyn can endure such an intrusion despite the attacks to her personage, then I sha
ll as well.” He stepped forward and waited for the officer to scan him. Once he was cleared, he indicated for his several bodyguards and house staff to step forward. One by one they were scanned and several contraband items were removed from the bodyguards. “You may have these back when the voyage is over,” the officer told him.

  The man turned to his staff and began lecturing them. Smiling, Angel turned to the Joel. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning, Cerato. Thank you for your help.”

  “Twas my pleasure. Should I stay here and help more?”

  “No need. My young lieutenant can handle it from here. Where would you like to go? I can find someone to give you a tour of the ship or just escort you to the banquet area where the others are.”

  Angel grimaced. “With all due respect, I’d like to see the bridge. My grandmother has told me much about her few times aboard Captain Rhodri’s spaceship. The only ship I have been in so far is the shield ship.”

  Joel laughed. “Jason warned me. As you wish. I’m headed there myself, if you and Nik would like to join me.” Angel nodded and they headed out. He started asking questions about Gillian and Mischka, and news from Llanelyn. Angel answered as they strolled towards the bridge.

  Chapter 21

  Battlefields Above and Below

  “General, everyone is onboard,” the young voice called through the communicator.

  “Thank you Lt.” Joel turned to the bridge crew. “Alright everyone. Showtime. Lt Breck, notify the fleet that we leave in two minutes.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The fleet headed out, with Joel’s flagship at the head. Angel watched through the open viewport spanning the wall in front of the navigation console. Stars flew past the viewport during the hours of quiet travel from the rendezvous point to the Drotz homeworld. The bridge crew showed Angel and Nik the many stations as time wore on, from communications to navigation to systems monitoring. Recalling her love of tech, Joel explained the battle map console and played a recording of a previous battle so that she could see the three dimensional display in action. The lighted blips indicating the various sizes and types of ships fascinated Angel.


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