War of the Innocents

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War of the Innocents Page 40

by Michelle Breon

  Tashi paused, then began to read aloud in the lilting language of Llanelyn.

  “Marriage is a union that binds two people together and should not be entered into lightly. Love is a gift from the Gods and should not be ignored or undervalued. Life is the greatest gift of all.

  “Marriage changes the future Life of these two people for now they know Love. They have someone to care for and someone to take care of them. Through all events to come, both the bad and the good, they can depend upon each other to always be there.

  “So say we, that from this day, we will love, care for, and shelter each other. We will remain true to the love that has brought us here this day. My spouse’s family is now mine own. We will protect each other, our family, and our village from this day forward.”

  Tashi glanced to Lenni and their children and grandchildren as he finished reading. Lenni smiled at him and nodded for him to focus back on Angel and Nik. Tashi turned back to Nik.

  “Nikolatai Landis, do you understand and agree to the banaas?”

  “I do.”

  “Angelina Caylen, do you understand and agree to the banaas?”

  “I do.”

  “Please come forward and sign.” Tashi held the document and pen out to Angel.

  Angel took the paper, noting her original signature at the bottom, added “til death do us part” with a flourish and resigned the document. She passed it back to Tashi.

  Tashi retrieved the document and pen and held them out to Nik.

  As Nik took the document and pen from Tashi he asked, “Can I sign this now?”

  Angel heard and bit her cheek to keep from laughing. Behind her, she heard Mischka chuckle and Gillian smother a giggle.

  Even Tashi almost laughed aloud. “Aiy,” he said very quietly.

  Nik read what Angel had written, then signed his name. He passed the document and pen back to Tashi, then fumbled in his pocket for the rings.

  Angel turned to Nik expecting him to kiss her and found him opening a small bag. She knew he could only be this anxious for one reason.

  Two rings fell from the bag, landing neatly into Nik’s palm. He offered her the rings and she picked up the larger of the pair.

  Remembering the words from one of Gillian’s stories, she spoke aloud, “With this ring, I thee wed.” She slid the ring onto his finger.

  Nik echoed her pledge with his own as he slid the ring onto her finger. A small green gemstone winked from the silver setting of her ring.

  “It’s beautiful,” she whispered as Nik gathered her close.

  Nik kissed her with a thoroughness she had not expected, leaving her breathless when he finally let her go. Her world had reduced to only where he touched her. She never heard the catcalls and shrill whistles started by their friends.

  Tashi chuckled softly beside them. “Say something,” he whispered.

  Angel turned to the crowd. “Let the celebration begin.”

  As their family and friends surged forward to congratulate them, the rest of the crowd settled in for the celebration. Mary was the first to reach the new couple, followed closely by Gillian and Nik’s mother. Hugs and handshakes were given.

  When Joel finally stepped up, Gillian stepped forward. “I’ve been waiting a long time to do this.” She hugged him. “Thank you for everything, then and now.”

  Mischka chuckled at Joel’s surprised look.

  “You’re welcome,” Joel finally stammered, feeling sheepishly like the shy Tech Lt from his first trip to Llanelyn instead of his current commanding General position.

  Finally everyone left the couple to find seats as the chefs began to bring out the first course of salad and bread.

  Nik glanced to Angel and knew what she wanted. They had both attended many celebrations and all were similar. As soon as the first course was served, the musicians would play. Typically, they started with the circle and line dances, saving the couples dances until last in each set. Angel would be on the dance floor as soon as the music started.

  As the first tuning notes started, Nik turned to Angel. “Will you dance every dance with me tonight?”

  Angel smiled up at him. “Aiy.”

  Nik looked into her earnest green eyes and promptly forgot all the dances she had given the others at the nightclubs on Earth. For tonight she was his and his alone. He took her hand and led her to the dance floor.

  The Dance Master noted and quickly changed the tune the musicians were going to play. The lilting strains of a waltz sang out into the night.

  Nik pulled Angel into the dance form and waltzed her around the floor, ignoring the other couples as they joined in the change in routine. He no longer feared showing his love, or his new skills.

  Angel never wanted the dance to end. Nik exuded a confidence on the dance floor that she had never seen in him before tonight. Twirling her. Lifting her. Maneuvering her around the floor with a grace never before displayed. All too soon the waltz changed to a stately pauvan, and then to a fast branle before the set was done. With each dance, Nik whirled her through the more intricate steps of a practiced Dance Guild member.

  As Nik escorted her from the dance floor, Angel stopped by the Dance Master. “Danku,” she said, breathlessly.

  The man bowed to her.

  She turned to Nik. “When did you learn to dance like that?”

  “Twas some of the footwork that Tashi and Ethan taught me. I merely put it to a different use tonight.”

  Tashi overheard Nik’s comment. “I do not recall some of those steps.”

  “I can teach you and the others,” Nik offered, then continued with a glance to Angel, “next week.”

  The cooks served the soup as the musicians took a short break. More dancing followed each course of the meal. Nik kept Angel on the dance floor, thoroughly enjoying every minute of the night.

  Angel relaxed and just let the magic of the evening flow around her. The excellent food and bantering conversation of her family, combined with Nik’s undivided attention on the dance floor made this a night she would always remember. Only one blemish spotted the night, the speech that she was expected to give to the people. The remote villages were on the vidphones. In the few brief moments that she had to think, she had not come up with anything to say. As she tried to come up with something clever, she heard Sayenne’s melodious voice in her mind. “Speak from your heart.”

  As the cooks whisked away the last of the plates, Angel rose and crossed to the podium. “Goesh nicht. The rumors are true. The challenge that I was to see us through is over and done. By the Gods, it did not affect many here, but everyone here will feel the effect of that challenge for many years.

  “My challenge was to assist with a war, to avoid it if possible, to win it if fighting was necessary. Simply put, we won.

  “The war was to save a planet much like ours from the bullying of their neighbor, who had built a weapon to induce the Sleeping Sickness. Aiy, that same malady that plagued our people years ago had been forced upon another people. That weapon was destroyed. I watched as it was dismantled and all data on it was destroyed.” She paused for a smattering of clapping and cheering. An idea sprang into her mind and she smiled.

  “Shall I tell you a story?” And with all the eloquence and dramatic flair of President Liacomo, she described the final battle, from Joel’s eager bridge crew sitting idle to the final unconditional surrender.

  No one stirred during her story telling.

  As she finished, Joel rose and crossed to the podium. “Cerato, if I may repay a favor once bestowed on me by your grandmother?” At her nod, he turned to face the people. “There was one single person to whom the credit of the victory should go to, for it was that person’s courage, puzzle solving, and ultimately brilliant offensive plan that secured the quick end to the war.” Joel ignored Angel’s quiet pleas not to continue. “Those who fought the previous Sleeping Sickness may remember me as Tech Lt Joel Peterson. I stand before you now as a representative of the Earth Alliance and friend to everyone h
ere. That single mastermind that won the battle and the heartfelt thanks of not only the Earth Alliance but all our allies and a sister planet much like your own,” he paused for effect, “is your Cerato. It was her strategy to attack the enemy first in a daring frontal assault, then in a bluff that injured no one but secured the surrender. She is solely the one responsible for the final victory.” With that Joel stepped back and led the thunderous applause as everyone stood to better cheer.

  Several minutes later the crowd quieted and Angel tried to speak. After a couple of moments, she finally managed. “I had help in everything that I did. Let us never forget to thank the Gods, for it was their wisdom that chose me and guided me during that harrowing battle. Danku all.”

  Another round of thunderous applause followed her words.

  Mischka met her before Gillian or Nik could move. “Tis true?” At her confirming nod, Mischka pulled her close. “You did not tell us that part, rosso coch.”

  “I did not want the credit.”

  From behind her, Joel said quietly. “Your own people have a right to know that a true hero leads them. Someone who put the welfare of others ahead of her own safety.”

  Angel blushed as Gillian hugged her. “Tis why the Gods picked you,” she whispered.

  “Aiy, I know.”

  The cooks brought out the cake, a three-tiered masterpiece of icing depicting the lake on one tier, the shield ship on the second tier, and the decorated pergola complete with bride and groom on the topmost tier. Nik escorted Angel down to cut the cake, serving up two pieces before returning to their seats.

  “You are supposed to feed each other a bite,” Gillian said.

  Angel grinned mischievously, but cautiously fed Nik the first bite. Nik was not as careful, pushing icing onto her upper lip as he deliberately missed her mouth. Her family laughed at her surprised expression.

  As Angel moved to wipe it off, Nik caught her hand. “Allow me,” he said, licking her lips with his tongue before kissing her again.

  The whistles and the catcalls started again, only this time Angel heard them and blushed more.

  The Dance Master called for the next dance and Nik led Angel to the dance floor. “Joel tis right. Our people deserve to know what you did.”

  Angel said nothing. How should she respond to such overwhelming praise when she was only doing what she felt was right? She could only hope that the people would quickly forget Joel’s words. “Amourité, Nik,” she whispered for his ears alone. “How long do you want to stay and dance tonight?”

  “I will leave when you are ready.” His voice dropped low with meaning.

  “I’ve been ready for ages,” she responded.

  Nik looked into her emerald eyes, eyes full of hope and promise. “Then let’s call this our last dance tonight.” With that, Nik whirled her around the dance floor, finding the darkest spot to whisk her off to before the last notes finished. Nik pulled her deeper into the darkness. Once they were outside the celebration area, he scooped her into his arms. As he started to walk away, he realized he did not know where to go. Were they expected to stay at her family’s house or his?

  Angel nestled into his neck, loving the feel of his strong arms carrying her. She felt safe and loved with Nik. With him by her side, she could face anything that might come, for he would always be there to comfort her, advise her, and give her the courage to make the hard decisions.

  Torvuld approached out of the darkness. “Follow me and I will take you home.” Brok, Tork, and Sirvana approached as well. The quartet escorted the newlyweds to a small house on the edge of town. “Goesh nicht,” Torvuld said as Nik carried Angel inside. He closed the door behind them and positioned himself as sentry. The others set relief schedules with him, then headed back to the celebration area.

  Nik did not look around the house, but followed the lighted sconces to the master bedroom, setting Angel down gently once they were inside. He released her long enough to close the door behind them. Then, with a singular purpose in mind, he began to kiss, touch, taste, tease, and undress Angel until they united as one.

  Hours later, he lay watching her while she slept, her head pillowed on his shoulder, her body half on top of his. He wanted to protect her, but he wanted to love her more. Images of Angel in the fields, laughing, loving, flitted through his drowsy mind. Maybe in a few weeks, he could figure out how to separate loving her from protecting her. Or perhaps he could return to the Agricultural Guild and leave the protection up to their friends. His last thought as he fell asleep was that perhaps, given time, he could have all three.




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